The blossoms of Arnica montana are used therapeutically primarily for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic proper- ties. There are more than 150 chemical.
l?t Coraoai.r,i EJpr
n,(oraLsÌud,c on lrxumc.lls
Experimental Studies on the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of a Homeopathic Preparation tl. N,lerelnànn, S. CLirunbÒlÒ', S. Lùsignoli', and 1ì BclLalirc' lmdrure ol lharmacology, Un;,ersLw of \ierÒnà, ltrlv Bìologische Heiìmìrtel Hetl GnbH, Ba.Len Baden, GernàùI 'lnstittrte oI Clìnicil Che!, isrr y and lfic, oscopr: Lrniversi$ of \èiona, lrJ!
he oti-iaflammarory effects of Afltid nontdflq either alone or in combination vidr otter homeopathic substances, have heer obseryed in experimental and clinical studies, Howeyer, its me.hdism of action hd not been elucidàted. This pàper presenrs the ffndings of a stu