D. GOGOLJA (Croatia) Education in minimally invasive surgery. ETHICS - Round
Table. D .GUPTA (India) Ethics & social conditions - allocation of available ...
LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT IN PEDIATRIC SURGERY - Round Table I. FATTORINI (Croatia) Pediatric surgery: problems & opportunities - "Quo vadis?" R. AZIZKHAN (USA) Developing pediatric surgical leaders for the future L. SIPLOVITCH (Israel) Pediatric surgeon children's advocate B. A. KOBRINSKY (Russia) The impact of new technologies in the practice of pediatric surgery NEONATAL SURGERY - State of the Art Lectures T. MIYANO (Japan) Surgery for biliary atresia A. BIANCHI (United Kingdom) Minimally intervention management for gastroschisis P. K. TAM (Hong Kong) Implications of antenatal diagnosis of small-intestinal atresia M. RIVOSECCHI (Italy) Current concept in treatment of congenital airway obstruction CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES IN LIVER TRANSPLANTATION - State of the Art Lectures A. MILLAR (South Africa) Establishing liver transplantation programme P. M. COLOMBANI (USA) PTLD and our current management N. SRSEN (Italy) Complications after pediatric liver transplantation J. B. OTTE (Belgium) Organ availability and options MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY - State of the Art Lectures K. E. GEORGESON (USA) Anorectal atresia S. ROTHENBERG (USA) Thoracoscopic surgery in infants and children K. BAX (Netherlands) Upper abdominal laparoscopy D. GOGOLJA (Croatia) Education in minimally invasive surgery ETHICS - Round Table D .GUPTA (India) Ethics & social conditions - allocation of available resources F. HAZEBROEK (Netherlands) End of life & life protection S. C. CHEN (Taiwan) Religion, tradition & ethics K. E. GEORGESON (USA) Choice of non-blood medical management
RESEARCH - Round Table P. PURI (Ireland) Establishing the basic research programme T. HURME (Finland) Balancing career between clinical practice and laboratory research M. H. DE LAET (Belgium) From bed side to the laboratory and back to the bed side - the triple A syndrome J. TOVAR (Spain) If we do not investigate our problems, no one will solve them ABDOMINAL SURGERY - State of the Art Lectures A. CORAN (USA) Recent advances in the management of Hirschsprung's disease S. BEASLEY (New Zealand) Current approach to continence problem A. PINTÉR (Hungary) Duplications of alimentary tract in infancy and childhood A. HAMZA (Egypt) Oesophageal replacement in children experience over the years ONCOLOGY - PRESENT AND FUTURE - State of the Art Lectures A. DOBROVASKY (Ukraine) Neuroblastoma M. HOELLWARTH (Austria) Wilms tumor M. KANEKO (Japan) Hepatic tumors O. CHAVARRIA (Uruguay) Thyroid cancer UROLOGY - State of the Art Lectures A. JACOBSEN (Singapore) Ensuring success in hypospadias surgery C. BUYUKUNAL (Turkey) Experience with bladder augmentation techniques and continent stomas J. M. GUYS (France) Neurogenic bladder : the place of surgery B. URE (Germany ) MIS vs. traditional approach to diseases of the kidney and renal pelvis
EDUCATION - Round Table L. SPITZ (United Kingdom) Changes in educational system in UK / international exchange programme R. AZIZKHAN (USA) International Cincinnati (USA) medical education programme J. B. PARIGI (Italy) CME in EU - comparison with the rest of the world T. WESTER (Sweden) EUPSA training center - EUPSA License / European experience SURGICAL ASPECTS OF PARASITIC INFECTIONS - Round Table M. ROCHA (Brazil) Filariasis A. MUSTAFAWI (UA Emirates) Complications, presentations and surgical approaches of ascariasis J. CZERNIK (Poland) Echinoccocosis E. AMEH (Nigeria) Amoebiasis THORACIC SURGERY - State of the Art Lectures J. BOIX-OCHOA (Spain) Congenital diaphragmatic hernia R. COHEN (Australia) Extensive tracheal stenosis: an unsolved problem?" D. NUSS (USA) Minimally invasive repair of Pectus excavatum - technique and L-T Results J. STAINES OROZCO (Mexico) Pulmonary empyema PLASTIC SURGERY - State of the Art Lectures H. RODE (South Africa) Recent advances in paediatric burns M. MEULI (Switzerland) The art and science of surface care A. HOLSCHNEIDER (Germany) Modern treatment of haemangioma in childhood R. ARENSMAN (USA) Vascular rings PEDIATRIC TRAUMA - State of the Art Lectures A. INON (Argentina) Caring for injured children of our world: a global perspective R. ECCLES (Canada) Impact of regional pediatric trauma systems B. GILCHRIST (USA) Pediatric trauma programs - experiences & results J. CRANKSON (Saudi Arabia) Motor vehicle accident - related injuries in childhood PUBLISHING - 4 JOURNALS - Round Table J. GROSFELD (USA) / J. TOVAR (Spain) Journal of Pediatric Surgery P. PURI (Ireland) / A. CORAN (USA) Pediatric Surgery International A. HOLSCHNEIDER (Germany) / J. REVILLON (France) European Journal of Pediatric Surgery T. LOBE (USA) / S. ROTHENBERG (USA) Pediatric Endosurgery & Innovative techniques