Exploration Guide: Relative Humidity Determining ... - ExploreLearning

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In the GizmoTM, notice the two thermometers and the Gizmo clock. First, you will ... (Note: The dry bulb temperature is basically just the temperature of the air.) a.
Exploration Guide: Relative Humidity In this module, you will explore the concept of relative humidity, and how it relates to the dew point. [Gizmo "EL_MSES_RelHumidity.dcr"] How many times have you heard someone on a muggy summer day lament, “It’s not the heat, it’s the HUMIDITY?” They’re right, of course. It is the level of relative humidity – how close the air is to being saturated, or filled to capacity with water vapor – that causes much of the discomfort of a hot, sticky summer day. When you are hot, you sweat, or perspire. As that perspiration evaporates into the air, it cools of the surface of your skin. But for the process to occur, the air around your body has to be able to receive the water vapor. When the humidity is high, more water vapor is present in the air. Therefore, less water can evaporate from your skin. This results in greater discomfort, even without a higher temperature.

Determining Relative Humidity In this activity, you will use a wet bulb and a dry bulb thermometer to determine the current relative humidity. A wet bulb thermometer has a damp cloth wrapped around it that is exposed to a breeze, resulting in cooling due to evaporation. 1. In the GizmoTM, notice the two thermometers and the Gizmo clock. First, you will watch the temperatures shown by the dry bulb and wet bulb thermometers over a simulated 24hour period. (Note: The dry bulb temperature is basically just the temperature of the air.) a. Click Play. Describe the changes in temperature over that period for both the dry bulb and the wet bulb thermometers. b. Continue to observe the two thermometers over another 24-hour period. How does the temperature reported by the wet bulb thermometer compare to the temperature reported by the dry bulb thermometer? How might you explain this? Does the temperature reported by the wet bulb thermometer ever exceed the temperature reported by the dry bulb thermometer? c. During what time of day is the difference between the dry bulb temperature and the wet bulb temperature the largest? During what time of day does this difference appear to be the smallest? 2. Be sure that all the options in the CONTROLS pane are unselected. Then click Pause. a. What is the current dry bulb temperature? What is the wet bulb temperature? Calculate the difference between these two temperatures. The difference is referred to as the wet bulb depression. b. Click TABLE to display what is referred to as a psychrometric table. The column on the left lists dry bulb temperatures. The top row lists wet bulb depressions. Find the row and the column values that most closely match the dry bulb temperature and the wet bulb depression that you just found. (You may need to use the dropdown menu to see different wet bulb depressions.) The number at the intersection of this row and column is the relative humidity. What is the current relative humidity? Click the CONTROLS tab and select Show relative humidity to confirm your answer. (Your value may not be exact, but it should be pretty close.)

2 c. Click the TABLE tab to return to the psychrometric table. Click Play. Let some time pass, and then click Pause. What is the relative humidity under the current conditions? Refer to the CONTROLS pane to check your answer. Check Show air sample in the CONTROLS pane to see a graphic representing the percentage of unsaturated air.

Dew Point There are two ways in which the relative humidity of a sample of air can increase. The first, obviously, is by adding more water vapor to the air. The second is less obvious. As air gets cooler, it is able to hold less water vapor. So, even if the amount of water vapor in the air is constant, as air gets cooler, that vapor amounts to a larger and larger percentage of the maximum possible amount. When the air cools so much that the amount of water vapor the air is holding equals the maximum it can possibly hold, the vapor starts condensing on surfaces. The temperature at which condensation begins to happen is called the dew point. 1. One way to identify the dew point is to gradually reduce the temperature of a surface and watch carefully for condensation to form on the surface. Click New. Then click the CONTROLS tab and select Show water bucket. a. Set the temperature of the water bucket, T, to 50°C. (You can either use the T slider, or you can type 50 in the field next to the slider and press Enter.) Is there condensation on the side of the water bucket at a temperature of 50°C? b. Slowly decrease the temperature of the water bucket by dragging the T slider to the left. At what temperature does condensation first appear on the water bucket? This temperature is the dew point. Check your answer with the Gizmo by selecting Show dew point. c. Continue to decrease the temperature of the water bucket with the T slider, so that the temperature is always lower than the dew point. Does the condensation ever disappear? d. Is the dew point higher or lower than the dry bulb temperature? 2. Select Show relative humidity and Show dew point in the CONTROLS pane. Click Play and watch the dry bulb temperature, the relative humidity, and the dew point over a simulated period of several days. a. When the relative humidity is 100%, how does the dew point compare to the dry bulb temperature? In your own words, explain why this is true. b. When the relative humidity is high (more that 80% but less than 100%), how does the dew point compare to the dry bulb temperature? Explain. c. When the relative humidity is low (less that 20%), how does the dew point compare to the dry bulb temperature? Explain.