Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons among Dutch Children ... The local levels of PAHs in ambient air are ..... concentrations of EPA PAHs in the soil.
Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons among Dutch Children Joop H. van Wiinen,1 Rita Slob,1 Gonnie Jongmans-Liedekerken,2 Rick H.J. van de Weerdt,3 and Fred Woudenberg4 'Municipal Health Service, Department of Environmental Medicine, 1000 HE Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Health Service East-South
Limburg, Department of Environmental Medicine, 6400 AD Heerlen, The Netherlands; 3Health Service Flevoland, Department of Environmental Medicine, 8021 AM Zwolle, The Netherlands; 4Health Service Rotterdam, Department of Environmental Medicine, 3000 LP Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are compounds with two or more benzene rings that have long polluted the ambient environment and food. The dispersion of PAHs into the ambient environment is the result of natural and anthropogenic processes. In the Netherlands, anthropogenic sources such as the combustion of fossil fuels and waste incineration are important. The local levels of PAHs in ambient air are determined by emissions from traffic, open hearths, oil-fired heaters, and sources in other countries (1-5). The present exploratory study examines the exposure to PAHs by biological monitoring of young children living in areas with roughly different levels of PAHs in the ambient environment. The differences in PAH levels in soil and air were based on studies of the environmental levels of PAH in the Netherlands carried out previously (1,2,4,5). A biomarker developed by Jongeneelen et al. (6), the 1-hydroxypyrene (1-HP) concentration in urine, was used. We were interested in personal exposure to PAHs as estimated with the urinary 1-HP levels in children and particularly in the influence of soil contamination with PAHs on these levels. In a considerable number of studies, the utility of 1-HP, a metabolite of pyrene, as a biomarker of occupational
exposure to PAHs has been described (7,8). The exposure to PAHs can be estimated with this biomarker if the proportion of the pyrene content in the mixture of PAH is constant (7). The method was also sufficiently sensitive to detect differences in low-level exposures to PAHs by windsurfers surfing on PAH-contaminated surface water (9). As the method had not yet been used with young children, a subgroup of the study population was sampled twice to obtain information on the reliability of a urinary 1-HP measurement. Since the execution of this study, other results of urinary 1-HP measurements in children have become available and will be considered in the discussion.
Materials and Methods The 1-HP concentration in urine was determined in groups of randomly selected, young, white children, ages 1-6 years, living in five areas with different levels of PAHs in soil and ambient air. The presence of other factors that might influence the exposure to PAH was evaluated using a questionnaire (66 items). Approximately 200 children, evenly distributed over the study areas, were sampled twice with an interval of 3 weeks. At this time, a shortened version of the questionnaire was completed by the parents.
Environmental levels of PAHs in soil and ambient air in the Netherlands has been studied previously (1,2,4,5). Innercity, suburban, and rural areas were included in the present study, as well as two residential areas built on soil contaminated with PAH (10-13). The study areas were 1) city center: districts in the inner cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, which have soils historically contaminated with PAHs and elevated levels of PAHs in ambient air due to the high density of traffic; 2) suburb: one suburban district in each of these two cities, all built on unpolluted soil with lower traffic densities than in the city centers; 3) soil contamination: two neighborhoods (Laura, Eikske) built on the tailings of former coal mines contaminated with PAHs, and levels of PAHs in ambient air possibly influenced by source areas in Germany and Belgium; 4) control: a number of villages in the valley of the Geul (E.S.-Limburg) as control area for 3; and 5) rural: Flevoland, a thinly populated, agricultural polder province, as an unpolluted reference area. The questionnaire, completed by the parents, obtained information on the recent consumption of food articles with a relatively high PAH content, the presence of indoor and outdoor sources of PAHs, hand-to-mouth behavior and play habits of the child, and the education level and profession of the parents. Children age 1-6 years were selected randomly from the population registries of the municipalities concerned. In Amsterdam the registries of the Youth Health Department were used; the completeness of these files, which are continuously updated, is higher than 95%. All children had to reside at least 2 months at their present address. We aimed to study roughly 700 children, about 200 living in the old city centers, about 200 in the reference area Address correspondence to J. H. van Wijnen, Municipal Health Service Amsterdam, Department of Environmental Medicine, PO Box 20244, 1000 HE Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This study was supported with a grant from the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment, Direction Soil. Received 27 September 1995; accepted 22 January 1996.
Volume 104, Number 5, May 1996 * Environmental Health Perspectives
Articles * Exposure to PAHs among Dutch children
(Flevoland), and about 150 living in E.S.Limburg and the suburbs each. The size of the population sample was determined by an assumed response of 40% in Amsterdam and Rotterdam and a response of 50% in the other study areas. The parents of the children were approached by letter from their respective health services. All children participating were sampled June-July 1992 before the start of school vacation. All repeat samples were also obtained before school vacation. Parents of participating children signed an informed consent. During the entire sampling period, weather conditions were conducive for outdoor play (e.g., high temperatures and no precipitation). Urine samples were collected at home by the parents in dedicated containers, usually in the morning and in the early afternoon. The adjustment of the urinary 1HP concentration with the creatinine concentration was not systematically biased by the time of urine collection, as time of collection did not contribute to the explained variance in the multiple regression. For children not yet toilet-trained, a special urine bag (U-Bag, Hollister) was used. The urine samples were refrigerated within 3 hr and frozen at -20°C within 12 hr. Urine samples were analyzed in the Laboratory of the Department of Toxicology at the University of Nijmegen. 1-Hydroxypyrene in urine was determined by HPLC with fluid gradient and fluorescence detection and related to the creatinine level. The analytical method for determination of 1-hydroxypyrene has been described elsewhere (6). The detection limit of the method is 0.09 nmol 1-HP/I urine. Urinary creatinine concentrations were determined by measuring photometrically at 500 nm the concentration of the colored complex that results from the reaction of creatinine with alkaline picrate. The detection limit of this method is 0.2 mmol creatinine/l urine. The precision of the analysis of urinary 1-HP was 13.1% (intraday variation, n = 56 duplicate analyses) and 19.6% (interday variation, n = 53 duplicate analyses); we assessed the accuracy by analyzing one or two composite samples with a 1-HP concentration of 35 nmol/l during each series of analyses. The accuracy was 5.6% (n = 72 analyses). For urinary creatinine, the precision was better than 5%. We assessed the accuracy by analyzing one or two composite urine samples with a creatinine concentration of 15 mmol/l during each series of analyses. The variation was 5.1% (n = 72 analyses), and the between-laboratory variation was 12.4% (n = 10 samples). To facilitate comparisons with urinary 1-HP concentrations published in the litera-
ture, we present our data both adjusted and not adjusted for urinary creatinine content. We used SPSS PC Plus, version 4.01 (SPSS Inc., Chicago), for descriptive statistics, mostly frequency tables. Multiple linear regressions were carried out with the natural log-transformed 1-HP concentrations or the creatinine corrected 1-HP concentrations as dependent variables. The study areas were incorporated in the model as dummy variables with Flevoland as reference. With the results of the repeat measurements, the reliability coefficients were calculated according to Armstrong et al. (14). In this method, the term "reliability" refers to the reproducibility of a measure; that is, how consistently a measurement can be repeated on the same subjects. The closer the value of the reliability coefficient is to one, the higher the predictive value of the measurement.
Results Cooperation with the study was offered by 50.3% of the parents in reply to the 1821 letters sent. This varied from 46.3% in the suburb of Amsterdam to 63.3% in the two neighborhoods built on coal-mine tailings. In all study areas the response was higher than expected and, consequently, not all parents were invited for an appointment. Completed questionnaires were received for 716 children, and from 667 children a urine sample was obtained. Out of this group, 644 children had a creatinine concentration in urine above the detection limit (0.2 mmol/l). The mean age of the children by study area varied from 3.2 to 3.7 years. Repeat samples, with an interval of 3 weeks, were obtained from 203 children evenly distributed over the study areas. For 199 children, the creatinine content in both samples was higher than the detection limit. Within the suburb study area the mean 1-HP concentration of children from the suburb of Amsterdam was lower (p