Expression pattern - PLOS

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FBgn0011771 Arp2/3 regulator ubiquitous,CNS. NT. [9] shavenoid kojak, CG13209. FBgn0003382 actin binding. Ep stripes yes. [2, 10, 11] singed. CG32858.
Expression pattern name


FlyBase ID





CG11380 CG13913 CG14626 CG14643 CG14960 CG15282


FBgn0040359 FBgn0035190 FBgn0040360 FBgn0037225 FBgn0035428 FBgn0028855

unknown actin binding unknown unknown unknown unknown

Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes

no yes no no no no

[1, 2] [2, 3] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2]

CG15335 CG15589 CG16798 CG16885 CG17905 CG2467 CG31559 CG32159 CG3244 CG4115 CG4702 CG7356 CG9460 CG9517 CG9689 dumpy

FBgn0030001 FBgn0037409 38C.41 FBgn0032856 CG18634 FBgn0032538 FBgn0032598 FBgn0030355 CG11461, CG15584 FBgn0051559 CG13034, CG4541 FBgn0052159 FBgn0031629 FBgn0038017 FBgn0037992 FBgn0031975 FBgn0033115 FBgn0030591 BcDNA:GH05731 FBgn0030159 CG33196 FBgn0053196 BcDNA:SD02173 CG10917 FBgn0000658 CG10580 FBgn0011591 CG8182 FBgn0034025 CG5436 FBgn0001230 CG5575 FBgn0011236

ZP unknown ZP-like electron transport chitin binding ZP-like electron transport unknown sugar binding sugar binding unknown acyltransferase activity serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity electron transport unknown ZP

Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes

yes no yes no yes no no no no no yes no no no no no

[1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [2, 4]

Membrane protein acetyl-glucosamine transferase N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase ATP binding, Heat shock protein Transcription factor

Ep Ep Ep Ep Ep

no no no no no

[1, [1, [1, [1, [1,

four-jointed fringe GalNAc-T1 Hsp68 ken


DS07721.3 BG:DS07721.3 BcDNA:RE15191 CG15338

stripes stripes stripes stripes stripes

2] 2] 2] 2] 2]

miniature ogre osiris17 osiris6 pale piopio quail rps8 singed wasp

CG9369 CG3039 CG15598 CG1151 CG10118 CG3541 CG6433 CG7808 CG32858 CG1520

FBgn0002577 FBgn0004646 FBgn0037427 FBgn0027527 FBgn0005626 FBgn0020521 FBgn0003187 FBgn0039713 FBgn0003447 FBgn0024273

ZP Innexin, gap junction unknown unknown tyrosine 3-monooxygenase ZP actin binding protein synthesis actin binding actin binding

Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes Ep stripes

yes no no no no no no no yes yes

[2, 5] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [2, 6] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2] [1, 2]

Denticle phenotype name


Flybase ID





forked fritz

CG5424 CG17657

FBgn0000630 FBgn0020302

Ep stripes ubiquitous

yes NT

[2, 7] [2, 8]

Hem shavenoid singed stubble tricornered

Kette, CG5837 kojak, CG13209 CG32858 CG4316 CG8637

FBgn0011771 FBgn0003382 FBgn0003447 FBgn0003319 FBgn0003744

actin binding establishment of planar polarity; wing hair site selection Arp2/3 regulator actin binding actin binding peptidase DBF2 kinase

ubiquitous,CNS Ep stripes Ep stripes undetectable ubiquitous

NT yes yes no NT

[9] [2, 10, 11] [2, 7] [2, 7] [2, 12]

Putative function name


Flybase ID





FBgn0032859 FBgn0011745 FBgn0000308 FBgn0026598 FBgn0011202 FBgn0000578 FBgn0024238 FBgn0000630 FBgn0010225 FBgn0003447 FBgn0001961 FBgn0011726 FBgn0024273

Arp2/3 complex (ARPC2) actin binding (Arp1) Profilin Wg signalling, cytoskeleton FH domain ENA/VASP actin binding actin binding actin binding actin binding Arp2/3 complex (ARPC1) cofilin, ADF actin binding

ubiquitous ubiquitous ubiquitous ubiquitous weak ubiquitous, gut weak ubiquitous, CNS ubiquitous, CNS Ep stripes weak ubiquitous Ep stripes ubiquitous, muscle ubiquitous Ep stripes

NT NT no NT no no no yes no yes no no yes

[1, 2] [1] [2] [13] [2, 14] [2, 14] [2] [2, 7] [2] [2, 7] [2] [2] [1, 2]

Ep stripes crystal cells neurons crystal cells no epidermis, oenocytes and other Ep stripes ubiquitous crystal cells oenocytes Ep stripes

no no NT no no

[2, 15] [1, 2] [16] [2, 17] [2, 18]

no no no no no

[2, 10, 19] [2] [2, 17] [2, 20] [2, 21, 22]

1) Actin remodelling ArcP34 Arp87C chickadee dAPC2 diaphanous enabled fimbrin forked gelsolin singed sop2 twinstar wasp

CG10954 CG6174 CG9553 CG6193 CG1768 CG15112 CG8649 CG5424 CG1106 CG32858 CG8978 CG4254 CG1520

2) Pigmentation amd Black cells bursicon CG8193 DAT

CG10501 CG5779 CG13419 CG8193 CG3318

FBgn0000075 FBgn0000165 FBgn0038901 FBgn0033367 FBgn0019643

aromatic Laa decarboxylase monophenol oxydase neuropeptide Hormone monophenol oxydase dopamine N-acetyltransferase

ddc Dox-A2 Dox-A3 ebony pale

CG10697 CG10484 CG2952 CG3331 CG10118

FBgn0000422 FBgn0000486 FBgn0000487 FBgn0000527 FBgn0005626

dopa decarboxylase diphenol oxydase, proteasome diphenol oxydase b-alanyl dopamine synthase tyrosine hydroxylase

silver tan punch yellow faintoid faint

CG18503 CG6586 unpigmented, CG9441 CG3757 quicksilver

FBgn0004648 FBgn0028980 FBgn0003162

carboxypeptidase b-alanyl dopamine hydrolase GTP cyclohydrolase, TH regulator

hemocytes, CNS, anal pads wrong annotation! CNS



FBgn0004034 FBgn0003186 FBgn0000631

catecholamine uncloned uncloned

Ep stripes

yes NT NT

[2, 25] [26] [10]

CG12028 CG5058 CG2666

FBgn0000449 FBgn0004586 FBgn0001311

Ecdysone synthesis (22-hydroxylase) TF chitin synthase

ring-gland ubiquitous in epidermis trachea, weak epidermis


[21, 27] [10, 28] [29]

CG6217 CG9535 CG6578 CG5052 CG10130 CG13478 CG14728 Kayak ; CG15509 CG10594 CG5448 CG2368, zeppelin

FBgn0001321 FBgn0027501 FBgn0004959 FBgn0003087 FBgn0010638 FBgn0003388 FBgn0003312 FBgn0001297 FBgn0003486 FBgn0013343 FBgn0004399 FBgn0000712 FBgn0001106 FBgn0001178

dopamine beta-monooxygenase UDP -Nacetylglucosamine diphosphorylase Ecdysone synthesis (25-hydroxylase) separase exocyst Ecdysone synthesis (20-hydroxylase) Ecdysone synthesis (2-hydroxylase) D-Fos Ecdysone synthesis t-SNARE Transcription Factor uncloned uncloned uncloned

trachae, weak epidermis weak epidermis ring-gland brain, not epidermal ubiquitous weak epidermis ring-gland amnioserosa, gut amnioserosa ubiquitous


[29] [10, 30, 31] [32] [10, 33] [34] [21, 35] [21, 36] [21, 37, 38] [21] [39] [29] [10] [21] [21]

[10, 24]

3) General cuticle defects disembodied grainy head krotzkopf verkehrt knickkopf mummy phantom pimples sec-61 beta shade shadow shroud spook syntaxin 1A Pipsqueak filzig ghost haunted

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