Extended Laguerre Polynomials Associated with Hermite, Bernoulli

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Aug 9, 2012 - To derive inverse formula of 1.2 , let take one p x xn ∈ Pn. Then, by Proposition 2.1, one gets. Ck. 1. Γα k 1. ∫∞. 0. ( dk dxk e. −xxk α. ) xndx.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012, Article ID 957350, 15 pages doi:10.1155/2012/957350

Research Article Extended Laguerre Polynomials Associated with Hermite, Bernoulli, and Euler Numbers and Polynomials Taekyun Kim1 and Dae San Kim2 1 2

Department of Mathematics, Kwangwoon University, Seoul 139-701, Republic of Korea Department of Mathematics, Sogang University, Seoul 121-742, Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Dae San Kim, [email protected] Received 14 June 2012; Accepted 9 August 2012 Academic Editor: Pekka Koskela Copyright q 2012 T. Kim and D. S. Kim. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Let Pn  {px ∈ Rx | deg px ≤ n} be an inner product space with the inner product px, ∞ qx  0 xα e−x pxqxdx, where px, qx ∈ Pn and α ∈ R with α > −1. In this paper we study the properties of the extended Laguerre polynomials which are an orthogonal basis for Pn . From those properties, we derive some interesting relations and identities of the extended Laguerre polynomials associated with Hermite, Bernoulli, and Euler numbers and polynomials.

1. Introduction/Preliminaries For α ∈ R with α > −1, the extended Laguerre polynomials are defined by the generating function as follows: exp−xt/1 − t 1 − tα1


Lαn xtn ,



see 1–6. From 1.1, we can derive the following: Lαn x 

n  −1r  nα n−r  r0

see 1–9.


xr ,



Abstract and Applied Analysis As is well known, Rodrigues’ formula for Lαn x is given by Lαn x

  1 −α x dn −x nα e x ,  x e n! dxn


see 1–6, 8, 9. From 1.3, we note that ∞ 0

xα e−x Lαm xLαn xdx 

1 Γα  n  1δm,n , n!

α > −1,


where δm,n is the Kronecker symbol. From 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, we can derive the following identities: n  1Lαn1 x  x − α − 2n − 1Lαn x  n  αLαn−1 x  0, d α d α Ln x − L x  Lαn−1 x  0, dx dx n−1 x

n ∈ N,

for n ≥ 1,

d α L x  nLαn x − n  αLαn−1 x  0, dx n

n ≥ 1,

1.5 1.6 1.7

and Lαn x is a solution of xy  α  1 − xy  xy  0. The derivatives of general Laguerre polynomials are given by d α L x  −Lα1 n−1 x, dx n d  −x α  e Ln x  −e−x Lα1 n x, dx

d α α x Ln x  n  αxα−1 Lα−1 n x, dx d  α −x α  x e Ln x  n  1xα−1 e−x Lα−1 n1 x. dx


The nth Bernoulli polynomials, Bn x, are defined by the generating function to be


∞  tn t ext  eBxt  Bn x , n! −1 n0


see 10–17, with the usual convention about replacing Bn x by Bn x. In the special case, x  0, Bn 0  Bn are called the nth Bernoulli numbers. It is well known that the nth Euler polynomials are also defined by the generating function to be ∞  tn 2 xt Ext , e  e  E x n n! et  1 n0

see 18–22, with the usual convention about replacing En x by En x.


Abstract and Applied Analysis


The Hermite polynomials are given by

Hn x  H  2xn 

n    n l0


2l xl Hn−l ,


see 23, 24, with the usual convention about replacing H n by Hn . In the special case, x  0, Hn 0  Hn are called the nth Hermite numbers. From 1.11, we note that d Hn x  2nH  2xn−1  2nHn−1 x, dx


see 23, 24, and Hn x is a solution of Hermite differential equation which is given by y − 2xy  ny  0,


see 1–6, 23–32. Throughout this paper we assume that α ∈ R with α > −1. Let Pn  {px ∈ Rx| deg px  ∞ α −x ≤ n}. Then Pn is an inner product space with the inner product px, qx  x e pxqxdx, where px, qx ∈ Pn . By 1.4 the set of the extended Laguerre 0 polynomials {Lα0 x, Lα1 x, . . . , Lαn x} is an orthogonal basis for Pn . In this paper we study the properties of the extended Laguerre polynomials which are an orthogonal basis for Pn . From those properties, we derive some new and interesting relations and identities of the extended Laguerre polynomials associated with Hermite, Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials.

2. On the Extended Laguerre Polynomials Associated with Hermite, Bernoulli, and Euler Polynomials For px ∈ Pn , px is given by



Ck Lαk x,

for uniquely determined real numbers Ck .



From 1.3, 1.4, and 2.1, we note that

px, Lαk x

Ck Lαk x, Lαk x


∞ 0

xα e−x Lαk xLαk xdx  Ck

Γα  k  1 . k!



Abstract and Applied Analysis

Thus, by 2.2, we get

k! px, Lαk x Γα  k  1  1 ∞ dk kα −x k! pxdx  x e Γα  k  1 k! 0 dxk  ∞ k 1 d kα −x  pxdx. x e Γα  k  1 0 dxk



Therefore, by 2.1 and 2.3, we obtain the following proposition. Proposition 2.1. For px ∈ Pn , let px 


Ck Lαk x,

α > −1.



Then one has the following: 1 Ck  Γα  k  1

 ∞ 0

dk kα −x pxdx. x e dxk


To derive inverse formula of 1.2, let take one px  xn ∈ Pn . Then, by Proposition 2.1, one gets dk −x kα xn dx e x k dx 0 ∞ k nn − 1 · · · n − k  1 e−x xαn dx  −1 Γα  k  1 0

1 Ck  Γα  k  1



nn − 1 · · · n − k  1 Γα  n  1 Γα  k  1


−1k n!α  n · · · αΓα α  k · · · αΓαn − k!

  α  n · · · α  k  1 αn k  −1 n! .  −1 n! n−k n − k! k

Therefore, by 2.6, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 2.2 Inverse formula of Lαn x. For n ∈ Z , one has xn  n!

 n   αn k0


−1k Lαk x.


Abstract and Applied Analysis


Let one takes Bernoulli polynomials of degree n with px  Bn x ∈ Pn . Then Bn x can be written as Bn x 


Ck Lαk x,

α ∈ R with α > −1.



From Proposition 2.1, one has 1 Ck  Γα  k  1

 ∞ 0

dk −x kα Bn xdx e x dxk

−1k nn − 1 · · · n − k  1  Γα  k  1


e−x xkα Bn−k xdx


∞  n−k  −1k nn − 1 · · · n − k  1  n−k  e−x xkαl dx Bn−k−l l Γα  k  1 0 l0 


 n−k  −1k nn − 1 · · · n − k  1  n−k Bn−k−l Γα  k  l  1. l Γα  k  1 l0

By the fundamental property of gamma function, one gets  αkl    Γα  k  l  1 α  l  k · · · α  k  1Γα  k  1n − k! n−k l  .  l Γα  k  1n − k! Γα  k  1n − k!n − k − l!l! n − k − l! 2.10 Therefore, by 2.8, 2.9, and 2.10, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.3. For n ∈ Z , α ∈ R with α > −1, one has

Bn x  n!

n−k n   k0 l0


 Bn−k−l αkl Lα x. l n − k − l! k


As is known, relationships between Hermite and Laguerre polynomials are given by

 x2 , H2m x  −1m 22m m!L−1/2 m


 x2 , H2m1 x  −1m 22m1 m!L−1/2 m


see 1–6. In the special case α  −1/2, by 2.12 and 2.13, we obtain the following corollary.


Abstract and Applied Analysis

Corollary 2.4. For n ∈ Z , one has ⎞ ⎛ 1 n−k n 

  H x  k  l − 2k ⎠ Bn−k−l . ⎝ 2 Bn x2  n! 2k n − k − l! l k0 l0 2 k!


By the same method as Theorem 2.3, one gets En x  n!

  En−k−l αkl Lα x, −1 l − k − l! k n l0

n  n−k  k0



where En x are the nth Euler polynomials. In the special case, x  0, En 0  En are called the nth Euler numbers. Let one considers the nth Hermite polynomials with px  Hn x ∈ Pn . Then Hn x can be written as Hn x 


Ck Lαk x,

α ∈ R with α > −1.



From Proposition 2.1, one notes that 1 Ck  Γα  k  1 −2n  Γα  k  1

 ∞ 0

 ∞ 0

dk −x kα Hn xdx e x dxk dk−1 −x kα Hn−1 xdx e x dxk−1


−2n−2n − 1 · · · −2n − k  1 Γα  k  1


e−x xkα Hn−k xdx



∞  n−k   −1k 2k n! n−k l e−x xkαl dx  Hn−k−l 2 l Γα  k  1n − k! l0 0  n−k   −1k 2k n! n−k  Hn−k−l 2l Γα  k  l  1. l Γα  k  1n − k! l0 It is not difficult to show that  n−k 

 αkl  Γα  k  l  1 n − k!α  k  l · · · α  k  1Γα  k  1 l   . Γα  k  1n − k! n − k − l!l!Γα  k  1n − k! n − k − l! l

Therefore, by 2.16, 2.17, and 2.18, we obtain the following theorem.


Abstract and Applied Analysis


Theorem 2.5. For n ∈ Z , α ∈ R with α > −1, one has Hn x  n!

n−k n  

 −1k 2kl

k0 l0

 Hn−k−l αkl Lα x. l n − k − l! k


In the special case, α  −1/2, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 2.6. For n ∈ Z , one has ⎞ ⎛ 1 n−k l−k n 

  2 H2k x ⎝−  k  l⎠ Hn−k−l 2 . Hn x  n! 2 k! n − k − l! l k0 l0


For β ∈ R with β > −1, let one takes β


px  Ln x ∈ Pn . β

Then Ln x is also written as β

Ln x 


Ck Lαk x.



From Proposition 2.1, one can determine the coefficients of 2.22 as follows:  ∞ k d −x kα 1 β Ln xdx e x Ck  Γα  k  1 0 dxk  ∞ k−1 d 1 β1 −x kα Ln−1 xdx e x  Γα  k  1 0 dxk−1  ···  

1 Γα  k  1 1 Γα  k  1

∞ 0

n−k −1 


r0 r



e−x xkα Ln−k xdx

nβ n−k−r


nβ n−k−r

n−k −1  1 Γα  k  1 r0 r!


e−x xkαr dx


Γk  α  r  1.

By the fundamental property of gamma function, one gets Γk  α  r  1 k  α  r · · · α  k  1Γα  k  1   r!Γα  k  1 r!Γα  k  1

 kαr . r

Therefore, by 2.22, 2.23, and 2.24, we obtain the following theorem.



Abstract and Applied Analysis

Theorem 2.7. For β ∈ R with β > −1, and n ∈ Z , one has


Ln x 

n−k n  


k0 r0

 αkr α Lk x. r


  αkr Lαk x  0. r


nβ n−k−r

In the special case, α  β, one has n−1  n−k  k0




nα n−k−r

Thus, by 2.26, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 2.8. For 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, α ∈ R with α > −1, one has n−k 




nα n−k−r

αkr r



Let one assumes that px 


Bl xBn−l x ∈ Pn .



Then px can be rewritten as a linear combination of Lα0 x, Lα1 x, . . . , Lαn x as follows: px 


Bl xBn−l x 



Ck Lαk x.



By Proposition 2.1, one can determine the coefficients of 2.29 as follows: n  1 Ck  Γα  k  1 l0

 ∞ 0

dk −x kα Bl xBn−l xdx. e x dxk


It is known that n  l0

see 25.

Bl xBn−l x 

 n−2  2  n2 Bn−l Bl x  n  1Bn x, l n  2 l0


Abstract and Applied Analysis


From 2.30 and 2.31, one notes that  ∞

 dn −x nα e x Bn xdx dxn 0 ∞ n1 n  1!−1n Γn  α  1  e−x xnα dx  −1n n! Γα  n  1 Γα  n  1 0

n1 Cn  Γα  n  1


 n  1!−1n ,  ∞ n−1 d n1 −x n−1α Bn xdx  e x Γα  n 0 dxn−1 ∞ n1 n−1 e−x xn−1α B1 xdx  −1 n! Γα  n 0   1 n1  −1n−1 n! Γα  n  1 − Γα  n Γα  n 2   1  n  1!−1n−1 n  α − . 2


For 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 2, one has

1 Ck  Γα  k  1

1  Γα  k  1

 ∞ k  n−2  d −x kα 2  n2 Bl xdx e x Bn−l l n  2 l0 dxk 0   ∞ k d −x kα Bn xdx e x n  1 dxk 0

∞  n−2  2  n2 k e−x xkα Bl−k xdx Bn−l −1 ll − 1 · · · l − k  1 l n  2 lk 0  ∞ e−x xkα Bn−k xdx

n  1−1k nn − 1 · · · n − k  1


⎧ ∞   n−2  l−k  ⎨ 2   l! 1 n2 l−k k e−x xkαj dx  Bn−l −1 Bl−k−j l j Γα  k  1 ⎩ n  2 lk l − k! j0 0 n  1−1k

n! n − k!

 n−k   n−k j0


∞ Bn−k−j 0

e−x xkαj dx

⎫ ⎬ ⎭

⎧    n−2  l−k  ⎨ 2    1 l! l−k n2  Bl−k−j Γ α  k  j  1 Bn−l −1k j l Γα  k  1 ⎩ n  2 lk j0 l − k!


Abstract and Applied Analysis ⎫  n−k    ⎬ n! n−k n  1−1k Bn−k−j Γ α  k  j  1 ⎭ j n − k! j0    l−k  n−2  α  k  j · · · α  k  1Bl−k−j 2  n2 k  Bn−l −1 l!   l n  2 lk j0 j! l − k − j !   n−k α  k  j · · ·  α  k  1  n  1−1 n! Bn−k−j   j! n − k −j ! j0 k

   l−k  n−2  Bl−k−j 2  αkj n2 Bn−l −1k l!   j l n  2 lk j0 l−k−j !  n  1−1k n!

 n−k   αkj j0



. n−k−j ! 2.33

Therefore, by 2.29 and 2.32, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.9. For n ∈ Z , α ∈ R with α > −1, one has n  k0

Bk xBn−k x ⎧     n−2 ⎨ n−2   Bl−k−j 2  αkj k n2  l!Bn−l   −1 ⎩ l j n  2 l − k−j ! k0 lk 0≤j≤n−k ⎫   ⎬  B n−k−j α  k  j n  1!   Lαk x −1k j n − k − j !⎭ 0≤j≤n−k


    1 α α L x .  −1 n  1! Ln x − n  α − 2 n−1 n

Let one takes the polynomial px in Pn as follows:  px  Bi1 xBi2 x · · · Bir x ∈ Pn . i1 ···ir n


From the orthogonality of {Lα0 x, . . . , Lαn x}, one notes that px 

 i1 ···ir n

Bi1 xBi2 x · · · Bir x 


Ck Lαk x,



where 1 Ck  Γα  k  1

 ∞ 0

dk −x kα pxdx. e x dxk


Abstract and Applied Analysis


It is known in 25 that  i1 ···ir n

Bi1 x · · · Bir x

⎧    n−2   1 nr−1 ⎨ r  ⎩max{0,kr−n}≤a≤r a i k 2 k0

1 ···ia na−k−r

 i1 ···ir n−k

Bi1 · · · Bir

⎫ ⎬

Ek x 

Bi1 Bi2 · · · Bia


  nr−1 En x. n

From 2.35, 2.37, and 2.38, one notes that

Cn    Cn−1  



 dn −x nα e x En xdx Γα  n  1 0 dxn  nr−1  ∞ n xnα e−x dx −1n n! Γα  n  1 0  nr−1    nr−1 n n −1 n!Γα  n  1  −1n n!, n Γα  n  1  nr−1   ∞ n−1 d n −x nα−1 e x En xdx Γα  n 0 dxn−1  nr−1  ∞ n


Γα  n  nr−1 


e−x xnα−1 E1 xdx

−1n−1 n!


  1 −1n−1 n! Γα  n  1 − Γα  n Γα  n 2     1 nr−1 .  −1n−1 n! n  α − n 2


For 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 2, by 2.37 and 2.38, one gets ⎧ ⎛    n−2  ⎨1   1 nr−1 ⎝ r Ck  l a Γα  k  1 ⎩ 2 l0 i max{0,lr−n}≤a≤r

1 ···ia na−l−r

 i1 ···ir n−l

Bi1 · · · Bir

 ∞ 0

⎫ ⎬

   ∞ k d −x nα nr−1  e x En xdx ⎭ n dxk 0

Bi1 Bi2 · · · Bia

dk −x nα El xdx e x dxk


Abstract and Applied Analysis ⎧ ⎛    n−2  ⎨1   1 nr−1 ⎝ r  l a Γα  k  1 ⎩ 2 lk i max{0,lr−n}≤a≤r

1 ···ia na−l−r



i1 ···ir n−l

Bi1 Bi2 · · · Bia

−1k ll − 1 · · · l − k  1

Bi1 · · · Bir

e−x xkα El−k xdx


⎫ ∞  ⎬ nr−1  e−x xkα En−k xdx −1k nn − 1 · · · n − k  1 ⎭ n 0 

⎧ ⎛  n−2  ⎨1   1 nr−1 ⎝  l Γα  k  1 ⎩ 2 lk max{0,lr−n}≤a≤r  ×


 i1 ···ir n−l

 i1 ···ia na−l−r

Bi1 · · · Bia

 l−k  −1k l!  l−k El−k−j j l − k! j0

Bi1 · · · Bir

e−x xkαj dx


⎫ ∞   k n−k  ⎬ n  r − 1 −1 n!  n−k  e−x xkαj dx En−k−j ⎭ n j n − k! j0 0 

⎛  n−2   1 nr−1 ⎝  l 2 lk max{0,lr−n}≤a≤r × −1k l!

 l−k   αkj j0


 i1 ···ia na−l−r

Bi1 · · · Bia 

 i1 ···ir n−l

Bi1 · · · Bir ⎠


 l−k−j !

  n−k   En−k−j αkj nr−1 k   . −1 n! j n n −k−j ! j0 


Therefore, by 2.36, 2.39, and 2.40, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.10. For n ∈ Z , r ∈ N, and α ∈ R with α > −1, one has  i1 ···ir n

Bi1 xBi2 x · · · Bir x

⎧ ⎛    k ⎨ n−2 n−2    −1 nr−1 ⎝ r  l! ⎩ l a 2 k0 lk i max{0,lr−n}≤a≤r

1 ···ia na−l−r

 i1 ···ir n−l

Bi1 · · · Bir

Bi1 · · · Bia

Abstract and Applied Analysis


 l−k   αkj

  nr−1 ×    −1k n! j n l−k−j ! j0 ⎫    n−k   En−k−j ⎬ α αkj nr−1 ×   Lk x  −1n−1 n! ⎭ j n n − k − j ! j0 El−k−j

    1 α nr−1 Ln−1 x  × nα− −1n n!Lαn x. n 2

2.41 For m, s ∈ Z with m  s  n, let one assumes that px  Lαs xLαm x ∈ Pn . By Proposition 2.1, one sees that px can be written as px  Lαs xLαm x 


α ∈ R with α > −1.

Ck Lαk x,



From the orthogonality of {Lα0 x, Lα1 x, . . . , Lαn x}, one has 1 Ck  Γα  k  1

 ∞ 0

dk −x kα pxdx. e x dxk


By 1.2, 1.3, and 1.8, one gets Lαs xLαm x

  s  −1r1 s  α r1 x s − r1 r1 ! r1 0


  m  −1r2 m  α r2 x m − r2 r2 ! r2 0

    r x r sα n−sα . −1 r s − r α  r − r r! 1 1 1 0

n r   r0



Thus, from 2.44, one has Lαs xLαm x

n r   r0

    r x r sα n−sα . −1 l α  l α  r − l r! l0 r

By 2.44 and 2.45, one gets      n r   1 1 r sα n−sα r Ck  −1 l αl αr−l Γα  k  1 r0 r! l0  ∞ k d −x kα xr dx e x × dxk 0       n r   1 r sα n−sα 1 r  −1 l αl α  r − l r! Γα  k  1 rk l0



Abstract and Applied Analysis × −1k rr − 1 · · · r − k  1


e−x xrα dx


      n r   1 r sα n−sα 1 r  −1 l αl α  r − l r! Γα  k  1 rk l0 −1k r! Γα  r  1 r − k!     n r   r sα n − s  α α  rα  r − 1 · · · α  k  1 rk  −1 l αl αr−l r − k! rk l0 ×




     r  r sα n−sα αr







. 2.46

Therefore, by 2.42 and 2.46, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.11. For s, m ∈ Z with s  m  n, α ∈ R with α > −1, one has

Lαs xLαm x

n n   k0 rk



     r  r sα n−sα αr l0





Lαk x.


Acknowledgments The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to referee for his/her valuable comments and information. This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea NRF funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology 2012R1A1A2003786.

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