Extensions of lipschitz maps into Banach spaces - Springer Link

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54, 1986. EXTENSIONS OF LIPSCHITZ MAPS. 131. (a). (b) and. (c). PROOF. ..... J. H. Wells and L. R. Williams, Embeddings and Extensions in Analysis, ...



WILLIAM B. JOHNSON,a'b'* JORAM LINDENSTRAUSS°'''*~ AND GIDEON SCHECHTMANd'"'t "Ohio State University, Columbus, 0H43210, USA; bTexas A & M University, College Station, Texas, USA ; ° The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel; and The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel ABSTRACT It is p r o v e d t h a t if Y C X a r e m e t r i c s p a c e s w i t h Y h a v i n g n > 2 p o i n t s t h e n a n y

map f from Y into a Banach space Z can be extended to a map f from X into Z so that Ilfll,~,,--- c Iogn Ilflh. where c is an absolute constant. A related result is obtained for the ease where X is assumed to be a finite-dimensional normed space and Y is an arbitrary subset of X. C o n s i d e r the following extension p r o b l e m : given three metric spaces X, Y, Z with Y _C X, what is the smallest constant L such that any Lipschitz function f : Y---~ Z admits an extension f ' X

~ Z with

Ilfll,io-- 6(log k / l o g log k) ~/2 in the second (cf. [2]). In this note we c o n c e r n ourselves with a m o r e general situation: Z is a general B a n a c h space and we put no geometrical restrictions on X. W e p r o v e the following two t h e o r e m s : t Supported in part by US-Israel Binational Science Foundation and by NSF MCS-7903042. " Supported in part by NSF MCS-8102714. Received April 18, 1985 129


W . B . J O H N S O N ET AL.

Isr. J. Math.

THEOREM 1. Let T C X be two metric spaces with 2