Dec 7, 2004 - glycan array with demonstrated applicability for profiling the specificity of a ... Recombinant human galectin-4 was prepared as described for.
by mass spectrometry after in-gel deglycosylation of excised protein bands. Mixtures of N-gly- cans were shown by the electrospray MS analysis to be highly complex and heterogeneous. Only a low ... CCA-3036. Original Scientific Paper.
Sep 1, 2015 - cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion and signaling. Arrows ...... sequentially facilitate Merkel cell polyomavirus infectious entry.
glycopeptides results in the deamidation of the asparagine (N) in the NxS/T ... released peptide, this asparagine (N) to aspartic acid (D) conversion is used as a.
Kalt Baron 30. Kalt Mercury. CCPM. Kyosho Nexus. Deluxe. Kyosho Nexus.
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ago, one of the most important issues remains teaching English efficiently. ..... later in a text and you need to look forward to understand. ...... the crossfire. Clevedon, England: .... from 20.06.2014 .
the best performance besides the global optimization is obtained for OCG and GLM. These approaches are also very efficient in terms of execution time (ET).
Oct 5, 1999 - In this way, some non legume plants have already been used (Rao et al.,. 1998). A set of amino acid to define the monosaccharide specificity.
Extensive Determination of Glycan ... -