Extensive network support

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4G roaming is available only on select networks and devices which support 4G. Varying from place to place, when daily da
Extensive network support Unlimited 4G data*, daily rate as low as HK$12^ Hot deals


Oceania & N.America

1 Japan



13 Canada

2 Taiwan



14 USA

3 Singapore


South Korea

15 Hawaii

4 Malaysia

10 Cambodia

16 US Virgin Islands

5 Indonesia

11 Sri Lanka

17 Australia

6 Macau

12 Bangladesh

18 New Zealand

Europe & Middle East 19 Sweden

32 Spain

45 Switzerland

20 United Kingdom

33 Netherlands

46 Macedonia

21 Serbia

34 Hungary

47 Liechtenstein

22 Norway

35 Greece

48 Slovenia

23 Lithuania

36 Albania

49 Belgium

24 Estonia

37 Ireland

50 Austria

25 Finland

38 Italy

51 Luxembourg

26 Latvia

39 Vatican City

52 U.A.E.

27 Czech Republic

40 Portugal

53 Croatia

28 Germany

41 Romania

54 France

29 Poland

42 Turkey

55 Bulgaria

30 Slovakia

43 Malta

56 Qatar

31 Denmark

44 Belarus

57 Russia

* 4G roaming is available only on select networks and devices which support 4G. Varying from place to place, when daily data usage hits 500MB/300MB, data speeds will be capped at 128kbps, allowing you to continue using data roaming.