Extractability of Added Phosphorus in Short-Term ... - PubAg - USDA
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Plant Availability of Phosphorus in Swine Slurry and Cattle Feedlot Manure. Bahman Eghball, Brian J. Wienhold,* Bryan L. Woodbury, and Roger A. Eigenberg.
Table 1. Fertilizer application and reference information for simulation period. Fertilizer was ...... www.montana.edu/wwwpb/pubs/mt44494.pdf. Accessed 23.
University of Florida-Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences,. Wimauma, FL. 'School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Kennett. Square. PA.
Amounts of phosphorus (P) in inorganic and organic pools were ... (calcareous soils only): organic P; labile (0.5M Na HCO3), moder- .... Co., MS. Coshocton Forest Corn-wheat-meadow. Co., OH meadow rotation ... OP in each pool, although overall OP che
The Ozark Highlands of the USA have large areas shade, water sources, and mineral supplement feeders of intensive and expanding poultry production. Poultry.
wards, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Dep., 128 Agricul- tural Engineering Building, Univ. of Kentucky. Lexington, KY 40546. Received 29 July 1998.
Soluble P concentrations were extracted from poultry wastes at three pHs: 1) at natural pH ...... (1999) SAS for Windows, version 8.2, SAS Institute: Cary, N.C..
in investigating the effects of irrigation on the changes in soil P fractions. In this work, we ... 3Dept. of High Latitude Agriculture, School of Natural Resources and Ag ricultural ..... soils in this experiment, it is regarded as a primary P sink
Other investigators have found direct correlations be- tween soil P levels and P concentrations in runoff. D.H. Pote, USDA-ARS, Dale Bumpers Small Farms Res.
Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. on Livestock Wastes, Amarillo, TX. Miller. 1995. Reduction of phosphorus in runoff from field-applied. Apr. 1980. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng.
a National Rice and Bean Research Center of EMBRAPA, Goiania-GO, Brazil b ... growth and nutrient uptake by upland rice, wheat, common bean, and corn in an ...... Fageria, N. K., V. C. Baligar, and C. A. Jones. ... John Wiley & Sons, New.
Aug 4, 2011 - ic interactions are involved in determining soil phosphate solubility. .... extract. Stability plots for Al and Ca phosphates were based on data pre-.
Apr 11, 2005 - State Univ., University Park, PA 16802; P.J.A. Kleinman and A.N. commercial ... cial dairy farm in Clearfield County, PA. The swine slurry.
Extractability of Added Phosphorus in Short-Term ... - PubAg - USDA
to cover a wide variation in soil properties and P sorption (Table 1). The sampling was conducted at different sites in the northern, central, and southern Portugal.
Extractability of Added Phosphorus in Short-Term Equilibration Tests of Portuguese Soils R. Indiati,a U. Neri,a A. N. Sharpley,b and M. L. Fernandesc
als tit uto Sperimentale per la Nutrizione del/c Piante, Via della Navicella 2, 00184 Roma, Italy b USDA .AP Pasture Systems and Watershed Research Laboratory, Curtin Road, University Park, PA 16802-3702 clnstituto Superior De Agronomia, Tapada da Ajuda 1399, Lisboa, Portugal
ABSTRACT As soil phosphorus (P) availability changes with soil type and time after fertilizer application, use of a P availability index, "F" (fraction of added P remaining available after a given time), was evaluated for 28 Portuguese soils as a function of soil P extractant (Egner, Fe-oxide strip, Mehlich 3, and Olsen). The F index values, based on a short-term P recovery after 2-h and 24-h soil-P equilibration periods, were related to longer-term F values determined after a 90 day soil-P equilibration of soil and P (r=0.87 to 0.98; P