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May 22, 2000 - Department of Solid State Electronics, Vilnius University, Sauletekio 9, III K, 2040 Vilnius, Lithuania. J. Kocka. Institute of Physics, Academy of ...


22 MAY 2000

Extraction Current Transients: New Method of Study of Charge Transport in Microcrystalline Silicon G. Juˇska, K. Arlauskas, and M. Vili¯unas Department of Solid State Electronics, Vilnius University, Sauletekio 9, III K, 2040 Vilnius, Lithuania

J. Koˇcka Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Cukrovarnická 10, 162 53 Prague 6, Czech Republic (Received 3 August 1999) The transport properties of microcrystalline silicon, namely, mobility and conductivity, are investigated by a new method, for which the simple theory as well as numerical modeling is presented. The basic idea of the new method is verified on amorphous hydrogenated silicon by comparison with the widely used time-of-flight method. Contrary to time of flight, the new method can be used even for relatively conductive materials. Preliminary results on microcrystalline silicon clearly indicate the critical role of amorphouslike tissue in transport in microcrystalline silicon. PACS numbers: 72.20.Fr, 71.55.Jv, 72.20.Jv

Time of flight (TOF) is a basic method for evaluation of the charge carrier drift mobility [1,2] in low mobility materials like organic semiconductors and amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si:H). While in a-Si:H the measurement and interpretation of TOF are straightforward, for microcrystalline silicon (mc-Si:H) the TOF measurement encounters many problems related to its heterogeneous structure and mainly relatively high dark conductivity. One TOF limitation (necessary for the prevention of electric field redistribution) is that the material dielectric relaxation time (ts ) should be longer than the delay time between the application of voltage and light pulse (tD ). Relatively high room temperature bulk conductivity (s ⬵ 1025 V 21 cm21 ) and so short ts indicate violation of this TOF limitation. The capacitance higher than the geometrical one even in the MHz range represents the proof of redistribution of the applied electric field and its concentration to the contact regions [3,4] (so that TOF evaluated drift mobility is expected to be overestimated). This is also evident from the increasing charge collection with the decrease of the delay time from usually tD 艐 20 ms to tD 艐 50 ns [3]. There is a second, even more important limitation of TOF, which is also difficult to fulfill for conductive materials—ts should be larger than the small signal transit time (ttr ). If this limitation is not fulfilled the number of equilibrium carriers is sufficient for significant redistribution of electric field within time shorter than ttr . Moreover, the package of drifting charge disappears before its arrival to the opposite electrode. In this Letter, we present the basic idea of the new method, based on equilibrium charge carrier extraction, together with the simple theory for evaluation of the drift mobility and bulk conductivity, applicable also to high conductivity materials. We have used device grade a-Si:H, the transport properties of which are well known for the verification test and present first experimental results on mc-Si:H. These results together with the study of ac conductivity can substantially contribute to the understanding 4946


of mechanism of transport in mc-Si:H, complicated by heterogeneity and even anisotropy [4]. The a-Si:H sample used in this study was 2 mm thick p-i-n junction, based on device-grade a-Si:H prepared at 250 ±C by 13 MHz glow discharge decomposition of pure SiH4 . The 5.6 mm thick mc-Si:H was prepared at 220 ±C by 130 MHz decomposition of 5% SiH4 in a SiH4 1 H2 mixture on ZnO covered glass, with top NiCr contact. The basic idea of the new method is illustrated in Fig. 1. We apply two consecutive pulses of linearly increasing

FIG. 1. Schematic illustration of the CELIV method. U is the form of applied voltage to the sample, j is the corresponding current transient calculated for ts 苷 ttr (see text). Full line (a) corresponds to ideal contact blocking and no recovery; dashed line (b) is calculated for partial equilibrium recovery (up to 13 of normal). The inset illustrates schematically the band diagram of the typical device.

© 2000 The American Physical Society



voltage and follow current transients related to extraction of equilibrium carriers. We call this method “carrier extraction by linearly increasing voltage” (CELIV). Extracted charge is equal to the difference of these two transients for sufficiently small delay 共td 兲. Increase of the delay between the pulses allows the study of the recovery of equilibrium. The second pulse is also important for identification of nonideal conditions (for example, nonperfectly blocking contact). Contrary to TOF we investigate extraction of the equilibrium carriers instead of drift of the photogenerated package of charge (and so many TOF problems are excluded). The measuring setup is extremely simple—just an oscilloscope, the sample, and a function generator. Moreover, for our linearly increasing voltage there is no big initial spike of displacement current (typical for TOF as a result of application of steplike voltage before the light pulse), which usually complicates the measurement of small charge transients in conductive materials. For calculation of extraction current transients we combine the continuity, current, and Poisson equations. To simplify the theory, let us assume that we have a sample of thickness d (see Fig. 1 inset) with a completely blocking electrode at position x 苷 0 and that the equilibrium free carrier density is n. As a result of the application of linearly increasing voltage carriers are at time t extracted up to the “extraction depth” l共t兲, where 0 , l共t兲 , d. Integration of the Poisson equation through interelectrode distance 共x兲 gives us the extracted charge Q共t兲 as Q共t兲 enl共t兲 苷 苷 E共0, t兲 2 E共d, t兲 , (1) ´´0 ´´0 where ´ and ´0 are relative and absolute permittivity, respectively; E共0, t兲 and E共d, t兲 are electric field at position 0 (blocking electrode) and d (back electrode), respectively. By integration of the continuity equation through x we have dQ共t兲 dl共t兲 苷 en 苷 jd 苷 sE共d, t兲 , (2) dt dt where conductivity s 苷 enm (m is the mobility). The electric field linearly decreases in the depletion (carrier extracted) region [0 , x , l共t兲] as enx E共x, t兲 苷 E共0, t兲 2 , (3) ´´0 and it is coordinate independent and equal to E共d, t兲 at l共t兲 , x , d. Then for linearly increasing voltage

22 MAY 2000

U共t兲 苷 At Z d E共x, t兲 dx 苷 At 0

苷 E共d, t兲d 1

E共0, t兲 2 E共d, t兲 l共t兲 . 2 (4)

By combination of Eqs. (1), (2), and (4) we obtain the Riccati equation for l共t兲 in the form s dl共t兲 mAt 1 l 2 共t兲 苷 . dt 2´´0 d d


Then by averaging through x of the general expression for current j共t兲 苷 ´´0

dE共x, t兲 1 s共x, t兲E共x, t兲 , dt


we obtain current transient j共t兲 苷 苷

´´0 A s Z d 1 E共d, t兲 dx d d l共t兲 sE共d, t兲 关d 2 l共t兲兴 ´´0 A 1 . d d


Substitution for E共d, t兲 from Eq. (2) and use of Eq. (5) give us the expression for transient µ ∂µ ∂ ´´0 A s l共t兲 mAt s j共t兲 苷 1 12 2 l 2 共t兲 . d m d d 2´´0 d (8) Current transient calculated following Eqs. (5) and (8) is shown by the full line in Fig. 1. For the nonideal case, when blocking is not perfect or partial recovery of equilibrium appears, the expected transients are illustrated by the dashed line in Fig. 1. From the initial slope of the transient we can evaluate bulk conductivity Ç d关 j共t兲兾j共0兲兴 s 苷 ´´0 . (9) dt t苷0

From the initial step—j共0兲 苷 共´´0 A兲兾d —also permittivity can be evaluated. For low conductivity material, when ts 苷 ´´0 兾s ¿ ttr (where ttr corresponds to the full interelectrode distance transit time of small charge in the case of linearly increasing voltage) the extracted charge negligibly changes the electric field distribution and we can simplify Eq. (8) with the help of Eq. (5) as [5] s ∑ ∂∏ µ 2 A mAt 2 ´´0 1 st 1 2 苷 ttr , for t , d j共t兲 苷 2 d 2d mA (10) A ´´0 苷 j共0兲 j共t兲 苷 for t . ttr . d Thus, the mobility can be evaluated from the maximum current s time 2 ttr tmax 苷 p 苷 d (11) 3mA 3 4947



and Dj 苷 j共tmax 兲 2 j共0兲 is 2 ttr Dj 苷 p , 1. j共0兲 3 3 ts


For high conductivity or slow voltage increase (small A), when ts ø ttr , s s 2 2 3 ts ttr 3 ts d tmax 苷 苷 . (13) 2 mA In this case Dj . j共0兲 and evaluation of m on the basis of Eq. (13) is easy, while by TOF it is impossible. Up to now we have neglected the existence of traps, typical for a-Si:H and mc-Si:H. There is a large number of traps in these materials; fortunately the shallow and deep traps are relatively well separated. As a consequence of inclusion of traps instead of microscopic mobility the m means so called drift mobility and n is the concentration of the carriers thermalized within shallow traps. An important condition for correct TOF measurement is that ttr should be smaller than carrier deep capture time (tC ). For comparison of m evaluated from tmax of our CELIV method we have to use enough high A to fulfill the same condition ttr , tC . In Fig. 2(a) there is the current transient corresponding to the first CELIV pulse, measured on a-Si:H, for which

22 MAY 2000

we have used homogeneous illumination to increase its relatively low conductivity. For mc-Si:H which is enough conductive the CELIV measurements have been done in the dark, without illumination. We have used undoped mc-Si:H (it means lightly n-type) and so electrons dominate transport. Since in a-Si:H the mobility of holes is at least 100 times smaller than mobility of electrons, holes are considered immobile during the extraction of electrons and their charge is included into the calculated redistribution of the electric field. For a-Si:H the CELIV evaluated m 苷 0.7 cm2 兾V s of electrons agree very well with TOF results. Surprisingly when we decreased A [see Fig. 2(b)] the second peak also appeared in addition to the first. For understanding the origin of this peak it is important to emphasize the differences between TOF and our method. In TOF the package of nonequilibrium carriers thermalized in shallow traps is extracted. In our method the first peak is related to the extraction of the equilibrium free (shallow trapped) carriers and with increasing time of experiment the carriers from deeper and deeper states are extracted (as well as in post-transit TOF), and this leads to the second CELIV peak. While for two extreme cases (ts ø ttr and ts ¿ ttr ) a simple analytical solution was found, for the intermediate case and inclusion of traps the numerical modeling is necessary. In Fig. 3 there are the results of modeling without trapping and with single trap level. For high and low A the modeling very well reproduces tmax 共A兲 艐 A20.5 and A20.33 , predicted by Eqs. (11) and (13). When trapping is included then in both limiting cases the same expressions for tmax and Dj like without trapping are obtained if we substitute m by 共mf兲, where f is the trapping factor


∆ j, j(0), tmax

j(0) 101



100 1/f = 100 10-1

no trapping j

10-2 10-3







A FIG. 2. The current transient corresponding to the first pulse of the CELIV method, measured under homogeneous illumination at room temperature on a 2 mm thick a-Si:H sample in case (a) with A 苷 2 V兾300 ns and in case ( b) with A 苷 5 V兾2.5 ms.


FIG. 3. Numerical modeling of Dj, j共0兲, and tmax as a function of A (voltage slope). A 苷 1 corresponds to the case ttr 苷 ts . Bold lines correspond to the case with the included trapping (tC 苷 1, tR 苷 100); full lines represent the case without trapping. Current is normalized to j共0兲 at A 苷 1, and time is normalized to ts .



f 苷 共nshallow 兲兾共nshallow 1 ndeep 兲, or for single trap f 苷 tC 兾共tC 1 tR 兲, where tR is the release time. When trapping is included two maximums appear at ttr 艐 tC (see Fig. 3). In standard TOF charge collection this corresponds to a transition from the linear part of Hecht’s formula to the saturation. In Fig. 4 there are tmax measured for a-Si:H and mc-Si:H, plotted for a wide range of A. The features, predicted by the modeling are clearly expressed. Certain deviations (of the slope, for example) are due to the inclusion of only the single trap level, which cannot precisely account for the influence of a rather complex tail and deep states distribution. In the same Fig. 4 the m共A兲 is plotted for a-Si:H and mc-Si:H. In the high A region for the same mc-Si:H sample m共CELIV兲 ⬵ 0.8 cm2 兾V s is lower than m共TOF兲 ⬵ 2 3 cm2 兾V s [3], overestimated even for tD , 100 ns [3]. In both materials with decreasing A the m共CELIV兲 decreases. This demonstrates that drift mobility is generally time dependent [6] and only in some cases and in a limited time window (for example, in TOF at t , tC ) the m is constant. With the help of our method we can evaluate not only TOF equivalent m but also “quasistatic” drift mobility, influenced by deep trapping factor. An important task for potentially anisotropic mc-Si:H [4] is the evaluation of bulk conductivity perpendicular to the substrate [s共⬜兲], not influenced by contact barriers. For sufficiently high A the initial slope of the current transient [see Eq. (9)] gives us for mc-Si:H the room temperature value s共⬜兲 艐 3 3 1025 V 21 cm21 . This value corresponds well to the high frequency ac conductivity “plateau” value [4] used as an alternative way how to exclude the contact barriers and find s共⬜兲. In conclusion, we have presented a new method, the so called carrier extraction by linearly increasing voltage, for evaluation of bulk transport properties of materials in the sandwich geometry. The basic advantages of the CELIV method are as follows: (i) the possibility to evaluate drift mobility and bulk conductivity (not influenced by contact barriers of sandwich sample) of relatively highly conductive materials, (ii) great simplicity and applicability to a wide class of materials (heterogeneous, organic, etc.), and (iii) the possibility to evaluate from time of current maximum(s) not only TOF equivalent drift mobility but also quasistatic drift mobility, influenced by the trapping factor f共t兲. There is one disadvantage in comparison with TOF—only majority carriers can be studied. We have presented the simple theory as well as results of numerical modeling, which takes in the simplest form into account trapping and very well describe the preliminary results on a-Si:H and mc-Si:H. One important conclusion, evident from Fig. 4, is that transport in mc-Si:H is very similar to a-Si:H and so we can say that a-Si:H-like “tissue,” surrounding c-Si grains controls the transport properties of mc-Si:H.

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FIG. 4. The current maximum time 共tmax 兲 and drift mobility 共m兲 as a function of voltage slope (A) evaluated from the measured current transients by the CELIV method at room temperature on a-Si:H (duration of pulses was changed while Umax was fixed at 1.5 V), and mc-Si:H (duration of pulses was changed while Umax was fixed at 5 V) samples (see text). The dashed lines mark the value of A, at which two maximums of current transient were equal.

Recently we have tested the CELIV method also on crystalline Si, for example, for lightly p-type Si we have obtained mobility of holes 290 cm2 兾V s. This value is close to the expected value (hole mobility around 400 cm2 兾V s). More results and a detailed discussion will be published elsewhere. We thank Professor A. Shah’s group from Neuchatel ˇ University for the mc-Si:H sample, P. Snajdrová for manuscript preparation, and Czech Academic Grant No. A1010809, Lithuanian VMSF Grant No. 375, and NEDO contract for partial financial support.

[1] W. E. Spear, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 59 & 60, 1 (1983). [2] J. Koˇcka, in Proceedings of International School on Condensed Matter Physics Varna ’92, edited by J. M. Marshall, N. Kirov, and A. Vavrek (World Scientific, Singapore, 1992), p. 129. [3] G. Juˇska, K. Arlauskas, K. Geneviˇcius, and J. Koˇcka, Mater. Sci. Forum 297 – 298, 327 (1999). [4] J. Koˇcka, A. Fejfar, B. Rezek, A. Poruba, M. Vanˇecˇ ek, P. Torres, J. Meier, N. Wyrsch, A. Shah, and A. Matsuda, in Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Vienna, 1998 (EC, Ispra, 1998), p. 785. [5] A. Petraviˇcius, G. Juˇska, and R. Baubinas, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 9, 1530 (1976). [6] J. Koˇcka, C. E. Nebel, and C. D. Abel, Philos. Mag. B 63, 221 (1991).