(F41) PEARL MILLET: Pennisetum glaucum [L.] R. Br., 'TifGrain 102' CHINCH BUG CONTROL IN PEARL MILLET FOR GRAIN PRODUCTION, 2006 G. David Buntin Dept. of Entomology University of Georgia – Griffin Campus Griffin, GA 30223 Phone: (770) 412-4713 Email:
[email protected] Xinzhi Ni Crop Genetics and Breeding Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Tifton, GA 31793 E-mail:
[email protected] J. P. Wilson Crop Genetics and Breeding Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Tifton, GA 31793 E-mail:
[email protected] Chinch bug: Blissus leucopterus leucopterus (Say) Foliar insecticide treatments were evaluated for control of chinch bugs on vegetative stage pearl millet grown for grain production. Two trials were conducted at the Southwest Branch Experiment Station near Plains, GA. Soil was a Faceville sandy loam with 71% sand, 13% silt, 16% clay, 1.1% organic matter, and 6.1 pH. Millet seed was planted following wheat harvest in 14-inch rows in both plot areas on May 31, 2006. Plots were 4 rows (5 ft) by 20 ft long. Treatments were arranged in a RCBD with four replications. Treatments were applied in Trial 1 on June 20, 2006 when plants were about 15 inches tall and in Trial 2 on June 28, 2006 when plants were about 12 inches tall. Sprays were applied with a CO2-powered backpack sprayer equipped with three 003 flat-fan nozzles at 40 psi which applied 20 gpa. Chinch bugs were counted from the base of plants from 19.7 in of row and the soil surface half-way to the next row in each plot. Plots were sampled before application (0 d) and three times after application. Results were analyzed with ANOVA, and means were separated with Fischer's protected LSD (α = 0.05). In Trial 1 (Table 1), all rates of Mustang MAX and the Warrior treatment reduced chinch bug numbers at 3 and 8 d after treatment (DAT). By 13 DAT, only the highest rate of Mustang MAX and the Warrior treatment had fewer chinch bugs than the untreated check. In Trial 2 (Table 2), both rates of Mustang MAX and Warrior reduced chinch bug numbers at 3 DAT. At 7 and 11 DAT, both rates of Warrior and the high rate of Mustang MAX had significantly fewer chinch bugs than the untreated check. Azadirachtin (Ecozin 3%EC) did not reduce chinch bugs in either trial. Warrior 1CS is not registered for use on pearl millet.
Table 1 Chinch bugs per ft Treatment Untreated Ecozin 3%EC Mustang MAX Mustang MAX Mustang MAX Warrior 1CS LSD(0.05)
Rate lb (AI)/acre
Pretreatment count
--0.021 0.017 0.02 0.025 0.03
3.27a 2.74a 2.35a 3.13a 2.87a 3.53a NS
8.88a 7.05a 0.91b 0.13b 0b 0.52b 2.10
6.66a 5.09a 1.70b 1.70b 1.08b 0.26b 2.57
3.66a 3.66a 1.96abc 2.35ab 1.18bc 0c 2.22
1.04 0.432
32.34 0.001
8.91 0.004
3.74 0.021
Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Protected LSD, α = 0.05). Table 2 Chinch bugs per ft Treatment Untreated Ecozin 3%EC Mustang MAX Mustang MAX Warrior 1CS Warrior 1CS LSD(0.05) F P
Rate lb (AI)/acre
Pretreatment count
--0.021 0.02 0.025 0.025 0.03
16.20a 12.28a 11.89a 12.93a 9.27a 13.58a NS 0.24 0.938
15.15a 13.20a 11.23a 14.89a 3.26b 14.24a 1.04b 3.52b 1.70b 5.09b 2.09b 6.53b 4.57 6.38 15.40 0.001
5.76 0.004
11-DAT 17.11a 12.67ab 8.75abc 3.78bc 5.36bc 3.40c 9.07 3.31 0.033
Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Protected LSD, α = 0.05).