carboxylated Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes (c-MWCNTs) composite ..... [64] Y. M. Ajima K, "Carbon nanohorns as anticancer drug carriers.," Mol Pharm., vol. ... [65] D. C. Furong T., " Cytotoxicity of single-wall carbon nanotubes on human.
University of Tehran College of Engineering Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Fabrication and evaluation of mechanical properties for Nano fiber composite scaffold by using biodegradable polymer for tissue engineering applications By:
Iman Yousefi Supervisor: Dr. Ghodratollah Hashemi Motlagh
Dr. Ismael Haririan
A thesis submitted to the Graduate Studies Office In partial fulfillment of the requirements for The degree of Master in Chemical Engineering
August 2014
Abstract: Today, the mixture natural, synthetic polymer and nanoparticles have been used to produce biological scaffold due to their outstanding properties and this area of biomedical is of the special interests. In this study, Chitosan (CS)/ Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)/ carboxylated Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes (c-MWCNTs) composite scaffold with CS/PEO constant ratio of 9:1 was prepared by electrospinning method. Effects of material and process parameters on the diameter of electrospun nano fibers were experimentally investigated. Response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken was utilized to design the experiments at the settings of electric field (1.5-2.5 Kv/cm), solution flow rate (0.2-0.8 mL/hr) and carboxylated Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes content (0.25-0.75%). The morphology and microstructure of the electrospun Nano fibers were characterized using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). In order to achieve smooth and fine Nano fibrous mat diameters without beads, the optimum conditions were obtained at the electric field of 2.085kV/cm, flow rate of 0.2mL/hr, cMWCNTs content of 0.47%wt. The experimental average diameter of nanofiber (59.2 nm) was 2.8% greater than the predicted value (57.5 nm) under identical electrospinning settings. The morphology, structure, mechanical properties and antibacterial activity of the formed electrospun fibrous mats were characterized by using scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and mechanical testing, Antimicrobial Testing respectively. The
bioactivity of
scaffolds was
assessed by using mouse fibroblasts cells (L929). The attachment, proliferation and differentiation of the L929 on the composite scaffolds were analyzed by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), fluorescence
images, methylthiazol
tetrazolium (MTT) assay respectively. The characterization of Nano fibrous structure by FESEM imaging showed that the incorporation of c-MWCNTs did not appreciably affect the morphology of the CS/PEO/c-MWCNT Nano fibers. Results showed that mechanical properties and stability of the composite scaffolds were improved with the addition of c-MWNTs. The cytotoxicity results showed that the incorporation of cMWCNTs into the chitosan/poly(ethylene oxide) nano fibers possessed good in vitro biocompatibility. It can be concluded that the prepared electrospun CS/PEO/c-MWCNTs nano fibers is the promising candidate for tissue engineering scaffold application. Keywords: Electrospinning, Nanofiber, Nanocomposite, Scaffold tissue engineering
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