Facilitating Stakeholder Input - Google Docs

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Stakeholder Database. Create a stakeholder database: ○ Name. ○ Surname. ○ Position. ○ Type of stakeholder. ○ C
Facilitating Stakeholder Input Climate Change Adaptation Training Program

Stakeholder Engagements Activities

Draft CC Response Plan

Consolidate Inputs into IDP

Stakeholder Input

IDP Integration

Why do we need stakeholder input?

Constitution of RSA Section 152 “The objects of local government are [..] to encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations in the matters of local government.”

Batho Pele principles Principe 1. Consultation “Citizens should be consulted about the level and quality of the public services they receive and, wherever possible, should be given a choice about the services that are offered.”

Why do we need stakeholder input?

Alignment with other processes

New ideas

Broader buy-in

Who are the stakeholders?

Local Government

Other Government

Non Government


Councillors IDP Officials Agriculture Officials Environment Officials Health Officials Housing Officials Transport Water Officials

Local Government Provincial Government National Government SALGA

Agriculture NGOs Environment NGOs Health NGOs Housing NGOs Marine NGOs Water NGOs

Local Companies Community Organisations Active Individuals

Local Government Stakeholders ● ●

Confirm municipal climate change champion/s Confirm the sector manager/s ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Agriculture Biodiversity and Environment Disaster Management Forum Human Settlement Human Health Water

Climate Change Champion

Other Government Stakeholders ●

Provincial Government

National Government

Government Associations

NGOs and other stakeholders/groups ● ●

Identify Non Government Organisations/groups Consider NGOs that are actively involved in: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Agriculture Biodiversity and Environment Disaster Management Forum Human Settlement Human Health Water

Public Stakeholders Interested parties to keep informed: ● ● ●

Private companies operating in the area Community organisations Active individuals

Stakeholder Database Create a stakeholder database: ● ● ● ● ●

Name Surname Position Type of stakeholder Contact Details

Download here

Local Government

Other Government

Non Government


● ●

Sector/ intersectoral forums Sector meeting lists

Sector/ intersectoral forums Sector meeting lists

Meeting Registers ● Non government databases ●

Community meeting registers Print media adverts (social network pages, newspapers)

Public Stakeholders ●

Advertise for people to register on database ○ ○ ○

Wide reaching and inclusive Easy process Web/sms options

How do you communicate with different stakeholders?

Local Government

Presentations at: Council Meetings Sector Meetings Internal Communications

Other Government

Reports to: Existing structure (e.g SALGA) Government Departments

Non Government


Presentations at:

Presentations at: Forums Community meetings

Community meetings Reports to: Key stakeholders

Other Media Newspaper Adverts Competitions Schools

Municipal Climate Change Presentations Summary Climate Change Response Plan Presentation

Full Vulnerability Assessment Presentation

Municipal Climate Change Response Plan

Other Communication and Media

Tools to help with Stakeholder Consultation 1. 2. 3. 4.


Presentations Stakeholder Database Template Municipal Response Plan Template Stakeholder Engagement Plan Template Facebook page

Facilitating Stakeholder Input Climate Change Adaptation Training Program