... base knowledge of HVAC, lighting controls, and security alarm system preferred. ... o Clean sink and counter top in
Facilities Manager / Custodian Job Description Job title Reports to Status
Facilities Manager / Custodian Lead Pastor Part-time: 15 hours week (3 hours a day, Monday – Friday)
Job purpose To serve the church’s mission and ministry by supervising and facilitating the care and maintenance of church buildings and grounds. Primary Responsibilities Administrative: • Work with staff and Leadership Board Property Committee in managing church facilities. In particular, keep current and develop prioritized list for church maintenance / repairs. • Work with appropriate government agencies to ensure the building is safe and meets current code requirements. • Schedule substitute church members or outside support to cover custodial needs and communicate such changes with Office Manager when taking vacation or personal leave. • Schedule and coordinate work with outside contractors as necessary. Facilities • Keep track of Facilities Manager Task List (see attached), and ensure all tasks are completed as listed. • Ensure the facilities are prepared for use for all scheduled events. • Ensure that Air Conditioning, Heating, Security, Lighting, and Plumbing Systems are well maintained and in good repair. • Maintain an appropriate inventory of cleaning materials and restroom supplies. • Ensure that the interior building and exterior grounds are clean and well maintained. • Provide emergency “on call” services. • Provide support for special events, such as weddings and funerals (some events will provide additional compensation). Physical Demands • •
Able to lift up to 50lbs. Ability to perform strenuous physical tasks, such as moving and setting up tables, climbing ladders to change light bulbs, shoveling snow, etc.
Qualifications • • •
Ability to work well with others Access to email Knowledge of, or willingness to learn, online skills necessary for accessing Online Community, where Facilities Use information is scheduled.
Education / Experience • •
A broad base knowledge of HVAC, lighting controls, and security alarm system preferred. Experience in minor electrical, carpentry, and plumbing work preferred.
Approved by: Date approved: Reviewed:
Facilities Manager / Custodian Task List Weekly Tasks Monday • Outdoors o Check for trash and damage to exterior of building o Take trash and recycling cans to curb (Sunday after 5pm or Monday before 8am) • Fellowship Hall & Café o Sweep and wet mop floors o Remove all trash and recycling o Wipe down all tables and countertops • Narthex o Sweep and wet mop floor o Remove any trash debris • Sanctuary o Ensure lights, air, and sound system have been turned off • Bathrooms o Deep clean men’s and women’s restrooms on main floor (wet mop floors) o Ensure paper towels and toilet paper are in stock o Clean basement bathroom • Preschool Classrooms o Remove trash in classrooms • Hallways o Sweep / dry mop hallways • Other o Take trash out of sacristy area (Preschool classroom #3) Tuesday • Outdoors o Remove trash from front of building • Narthex o Ensure Narthex is presentably clean; clean as necessary • Sanctuary o Vacuum carpet (including carpeted platform) o Straighten hymnals, Bibles, pens, and giving envelopes in pews o Clean out pews of any additional bulletins, papers, etc. o Empty trashcan and recycling in light closet • Bathrooms o Clean men’s and women’s restrooms on main floor o Ensure paper towels and toilet paper are in stock • Preschool Classrooms o Remove trash in classrooms o Clean classroom bathrooms and sinks • Hallways o Wet mop Preschool hallways • Offices o Remove all trash and recycling o Sweep / dry mop floors
Facilities Manager / Custodian Task List Wednesday • Outdoors o Sweep out (use hose if necessary) gated alley to left of church, between gate and door o Remove trash from front of building • Narthex o Clean glass on windows of doors • Bathrooms o Ensure paper towels and toilet paper are in stock o Check for trash • Preschool o Clean bathrooms and sinks in Preschool classrooms o Sweep rear steps to upstairs classrooms • Hallways o Sweep / dry mop hallways • General o Walk building to check for burnt out light bulbs or other problems Thursday • Outdoors o Check for trash and damage to exterior of building • Narthex o Sweep and mop Narthex, vacuum floor mats • Sanctuary o Dust wood surfaces (including balcony ledge / pews) • Bathrooms o Ensure paper towels and toilet paper are in stock o Check for trash o Clean toilets / sinks as necessary • Preschool o Remove trash from all classrooms • Hallways o Sweep / dry mop hallways • General o Remove trash and recycling Friday • Outdoors o Check for trash and damage to exterior of building o Sweep front steps and sidewalk • Offices o Remove trash and recycling o Dry mop floors • Prepare for Sunday worship o Vacuum elevator, stairs to sanctuary, sanctuary, stairs to balcony, and balcony o Wet mop Narthex, Café, Fellowship Hall • Bathrooms o Deep clean men’s and women’s restrooms on main floor (wet mop floors) o Ensure paper towels and toilet paper are in stock • Hallways o Wet mop all hallways (main floor and upstairs hallway) • Preschool Classrooms o Dry mop classroom floors o Clean classroom bathrooms and sinks • Other o Clean sink and counter top in sacristy area of Preschool Classroom #3
Facilities Manager / Custodian Task List Monthly Tasks Once a Month • Wet mop rear stairs to upstairs Preschool classrooms and entryway • Wet mop stairs going down to Scout Hall • Wet mop Scout Hall (more often if used for Preschool activities) • Dust all surfaces in Narthex (windows, banisters, tabletops, etc.) • Dust hand rails on stairs going to Sanctuary Yearly Tasks Quarterly • Clean filters in all ceiling unit air conditioners (pull hinge down, pull out foam filter, vacuum filter, replace) • Dust and clear cobwebs from stained glass windows in Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary (more often as needed) Ongoing needs • Look over building for needed light bulb replacements, fire exit lights, air filter replacements, etc. • Order custodial supplies as needed, keeping within the custodial supply budget o Work with Lead Pastor to make budget recommendations for custodial supplies (each Fall) • Ensure banister railings on front steps are cleaned and polished • Trim bushes in front of church as necessary • Work with Office Manager and Lead Pastor to accomplish other tasks as needed for mission and ministry events • Assist with table and chair set-up and take-down for special events, classes, etc. • Identify and work with Lead Pastor, Office Manager and Chair of Trustees to resolve building concerns as they arise