architectural firm. Mr. Trimberger contacted references for the firms that had extensive high school experience. From th
Facility Committee Meeting December 15, 2015 District Office Present: David Ko, Ruth Klint, Ed Murphy, Brian Novak, Joe Nowik, Eric Trimberger, Hugh Flack, Vickie Beck, Mark Rigby, Therese Murphy, Mike Maloney, Patrick Brosnan, Tom Carrano Absent: Carlton Evans Chairperson Dr. Ko called the meeting to order at 5:34p.m. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 5, 2015 FACILITY COMMITTEE MEETING It was moved by Mr. Novak and seconded by Ms. Klint to approve the minutes. All voted aye. A motion was made by Mr. Novak to move to Closed Session at 5:36 p.m. and seconded by Mr. Nowik. Return to Open Session at 7:10 p.m.-Motion made by Mr. Novak and seconded by Ms. Klint. Architect Selection Process The Administration reviewed the 13 submissions for the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a new architectural firm. Mr. Trimberger contacted references for the firms that had extensive high school experience. From the 13 submitted, the Administration brought 5 to the Facilities Committee asking that 3 be selected to interview. Interviews are anticipated to begin the end of January early February. Once a firm has been selected the Administration will begin contract negotiations and an action item will go to the Board of Education at a regularly scheduled meeting or a special Board meeting will be requested. A motion to adjourn was made at 7:30 p.m. by Mr. Novak and seconded by Ruth Klint, all voted aye.