Apr 17, 2018 - where fronting a road, the requirement for a minimum frontage of 15m for the establishment of an. Auxilia
What is the revised policy position? On 17 April 2018 Logan City Council revised its policy position for Auxiliary units. The revised policy position overrides changes made in October 2017 and comprises six parts, being:
the requirement for a minimum lot size of 450m 2; where fronting a road, the requirement for a minimum frontage of 15m; where fronting a road, the requirement for a minimum of five on-site car parking spaces; where fronting a road, the requirement for driveways to be a minimum 5.5m width for their full extent (from the kerb invert to the garage); the strengthening of siting provisions to minimise siting variations unless where necessitated by existing infrastructure; and the levying of infrastructure charges at a rate of 50% of the maximum adopted charge for a Dual occupancy (2 or less bedrooms).
The minimum lot size requirement is proposed to be made part of the definition of ‘Auxiliary unit’. The minimum frontage, on-site car parking and siting requirements will be made part of the Dual occupancy and Dwelling house code while the minimum driveway width requirement will be made part of Planning Scheme Policy 5—Infrastructure. These changes are limited to Auxiliary Units and do not apply to Secondary Dwellings. Secondary Dwellings are typically occupied by family of the primary dwelling.
When will these changes take effect? With the exception of levying infrastructure charges, each of the above changes requires a major amendment to the Logan Planning Scheme 2015. This type of amendment involves a state interest check followed by public consultation and typically takes approximately 12 months. Until that time, the current provisions of the planning scheme will continue to apply. The levying of infrastructure charges for Auxiliary units commenced on 1 July 2018. Auxiliary units are charged at a rate of 50% of the adopted charge for a Dual occupancy (2 or less bedrooms). Council’s Infrastructure Charges Estimator, available in the Logan PD Hub, can assist in identifying the applicable charge.
How can I have my say? Public consultation for the proposed planning scheme amendment is open until 22 October 2018. For details on how to have your say, visit www.logan.qld.gov.au/haveyoursay.
What happens next? All feedback will be considered and responded to before the amendment is considered by Council and the state government for adoption. The changes will then be incorporated into the Logan Planning Scheme 2015.
Further information For further information:
contact Council using the details provided in the footer of this fact sheet; or visit the Planning, Building and Plumbing counter at 150 Wembley Road Logan Central. Opening hours and directions are available on Council’s website.
Logan City Council PO Box 3226 Logan Central QLD 4114 Document Reference: #11519028
Phone: Email: Web:
3412 5269
[email protected] logan.qld.gov.au