Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2007. 1. Factors Affecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of. Scientific Research and ...
Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2007
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" Course Atif Yousef Odeh
Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate variables that may have influenced the students’ academic achievement in "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" course. This field study was conducted on 202 students that were taking the course during the second semester of the academic year 20042005 in Zarka Private University. The study revealed that academic achievement in this course have been affected significantly by high school specialization, the average mark at high school, the college of the student, and the university year’s level. Whereas, the university academic achievement has not been affected significantly by these factors: gender, use of references, preparation of reports for the course, library visits, timing of the lecture, and the diversity of instructors. According to these results, the researcher recommends publishing a reference book that covers the whole material of the course. More practical training in the library is also recommended. More recommendations for further research were suggested. Received on: 28/12/2005, Accepted on:2/8/2006. Key words: Scientific, Informatics, Research, Academic.
Introduction Universities provide a rich environment for learning and research. Students learn how to apply scientific methodology to find the truth. They are also supported to acquire the essential skills to be able to find the relevant information resources and how to invest the right information in learning and research. Several authors stressed the importance of information literacy and its relationship with students’ performance. Virkus, for example, examines the developments in information literacy in Europe and provides an overview of the concepts used and discussed by European authors.The importance of students being able to access and evaluate information is also highlighted. (1) Kuh and Gonyea (2) indicate that previous research has suggested that library experiences relate positively
to persistence and student achievement. The results of a study carried out by Maio showed that a large percentage of faculty require undergraduates to use information resources, and comments indicated they believe information skills important, but most faculty prefer that librarians instruct students in the appropriate resources. (3) Universities design courses that provide their students with such skills. Some of these courses are for credit. Based on the idea that both scientific research and library education are interrelated and support each other, the university curriculum planners at Zarka Private Uniersity (ZPU) designed a course entitled of "scientific research and library education" as a compulsory course starting in 1994. Several years later the course turned into an elective one, offered by the
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" Course
Department of Library Science and Informatics (now the Department of Library and Information Science) (4). This change in the title of the course has been affected by the rapidly changing information technology, and to cope with information available through information channels and sources other than the library, like the Internet. The course is designed to help students become aware of the theoretical concepts and issues related to scientific research, library and information science, and information technology. Practical training is essential in the two main topics of this course. Teaching method requires students to visit the library quite often to use catalogues, indexes, reference sources, databases and the Internet. They also have to prepare at least one term paper for the course. This course is usually offered in the three semesters of the academic year. It was noticed that between 200 and 250 students register in this course in the first semester of the year. About the same number of students register in the second semester, and less than 200 students register in this course in the summer semester. This course is usually taught by three to five faculty members each semester. It is a credit course of three hours. The researcher, as a coordinator, for this course and some faculty members felt the need for studies that might support revision of the course material and the teaching methods implemented. The researcher also observed that some categories of students earned higher
marks than others. The plan of the course also needs revision and amendments were necessary from time to time. Results of this study may be taken into consideration in this regard. Statement of the Problem The primary purpose of the study is to identify the factors that affect students’ academic achievement in the course of "basics of scientific research and informatics". When revising the plan of the course, factors having positive effect would be supported, while other factors have to be reconsidered. Research questions The study attempts to answer the following questions: Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to the gender factor? Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to his/her high school specialization? Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to his/her average in the secondary certificate? Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to his/her faculty (university specialization)? Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to the university year’s level?
Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2007
Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to the use of reference(s)? Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to the preparation of term papers for the course? Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to the frequency of visiting the library (for finding information pertinent to the course)? Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to the time of the lecture? Is there a statistical significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to the diversity of faculty members teaching the course?
Limitations of the study Several factors are expected to affect the level of the student’s academic achievement in this course. Some are related to the student himself, some are related to the instructor, others are related to the teaching methods. This study is limited to the factors listed below. Thus, generalization of results is limited to these factors and to students having such a course in similar situations. Research Methodology The study intended to identify the variables that affect academic achievement in such a course Identifying these variables is based on revision of previous studies relating to similar courses. The variables guided the design and application of the research instrument. The methodology chosen for the investigation was the survey.
Significance of the study The study is important for a number of reasons: Scarce research that investigates factors affecting such a course. Identifying factors that affect academic achievement in this course can help revision of the course and amending its objectives. Methods of teaching this course may also be reconsidered. The study attempts to investigate the factors that affect courses related to scientific research, as well as library instruction, hence, the results are expected to support curriculum planners in other colleges and universities when designing such courses.
Population and Sample The target population for this study is comprised of all students who select the course "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" at ZPU. A sample consisted of 202 students who registered in the course in the second semester of the academic year 20042005. Instrumentation The instrument used to gather data for this study was a researcher developed questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed in a way that makes it as short as possible to encourage the students to fill it in three to five minutes.
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" Course
Design of this instrument was based on review of related literature. The choice of independent variables was based on past studies and available data obtained over years of teaching this course. Four referees tested the initial questionnaire. Two of them were instructors in the Department of Library and Information Science. The other two were university instructors in the Faculty of Education. The questionnaire was modified were necessary. The survey has been included in Appendix (B) Past studies have suggested the importance of the following variables: The dependent variable was academic achievement (the final results obtained) in the course. The independent variables were: students gender. high school specialization (type of the secondary certificate). Average in the secondary certificate. Faculty of the student The university year’s level. Use of reference(s). Preparation of term papers for the course. Number of term papers prepared. Frequency of visiting the library (for finding information pertinent to the course). Lecture time. The faculty member (instructor). The questionnaire was handed to each student as soon as he/she left the hall where they were examined for the course. Two faculty members were responsible for handing and collecting the questionnaire.
Previous studies Courses in research methods and library instruction are essential for university students. Davidson (5), for example, concluded that students and faculty consider instruction in library and research skills important. Her study confirmed the need for a variety of instructional methods, including credit courses. Faculty members and course planners conduct studies to find out which factors affect the student’s academic achievement in the courses they teach. Studies investigating the factors affecting academic achievement in such a course are scarce. However the following selected studies shed light on factors that may have an influence on the student’s academic achievement in the course. Rashdan (6) studied the relationship between grade point averages and the high school certificate averages at Jordanian universities. The results indicate that correlation coefficients are, in generally statistical ly significant. There were also significant differences in the (R) values for different universities and different colleges. Matar and Shubeitah (7) studied factors that affect the level of achievement for a student in the principles of accounting course. The factors that were applied in this study were: the students’ gender, the high school field, the average mark in high school, the specialization field, timing of the
Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2007
lectures and the availability of reference material. The study included 110 students of both sexes. The results showed that the level of achievement for a student taking the course is affected by the high school field, and by the average mark at high school.
Rehman and Mohammad (10) investigated the relationships between the level of command of library skills and personal and academic factors of age, gender, type of high school the students had attended, class level, student GPA, and level of English proficiency. It was noted that the surveyed students were generally deficient in library skills. Further, it was found that the variables of age and type of secondary school were significantly related to the levels of their library skills. Conversely, the variables of English proficiency, gender, class level, and GPA did not exhibit any significant relationships.
Kaylani and Hamshari (8) investigated the relationship between library use skills of university students and their academic achievement. Also, it examined the relationship between those variables in relation to certain demographic variables: (1) sex (2) college (3) level of study (4) level of study and college (5) sex and level of study and (6) sex and college. The statistical tests did not reveal significant relationship (at the 0.05 level) between student skills of library use and academic achievement. Also, significant relationship between those variables in relations to sex, college, level of study, level study and college, sex and level of study and sex and college were not found.
Dansby (11) carried out a study on factors that influence the academic achievement of low and high achievers enrolled in a precollege program at a private, fouryear university. Based on an analysis of data from low and high achievers, it was found that academic achievement was influenced by past achievements and courses taken. Carrington (12) investigated the relationship between the time of day that a course is scheduled and students' performance. It was found that students who attended at least some morning classes performed better, and those who attended only morning classes clearly performed better than those who attended only in the evening.
Kaylani and Hamshari (9) cited Hardesty as saying that undergraduate students did not use the library quite often, and their low use of the library did not affect their academic achievement. However, the results of the study showed positive correlation, but not significant, between library use and GPA.
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" Course
summerized in six groups. They are given in appendex (A).
Statistical Analysis SPSS has been used to analyze the data. Frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, Ttest, and oneway ANOVA have been applied were appropriate.
1. The effect of gender on academic achievement in the course: The first question intended to find out if there is a significant difference in the student’s academic achievement in the course due to the gender factor. Of the 202 subjects completed the questionnaire 78 (38.6%) were males, 124 (61.4%) were females. Table 1a presents data related to this question.
Findings and Discussion In this section of the study, the findings are discussed according to the sequence of the research questions listed above. In order to give a general idea about students’ academic achievement, their final scores were
Table 1a: Distribution of respondents according to gender Sex Number % Male 78 38.6 Female 124 61.4 Total 202 100
Means of students’ academic achievement are presented in Table 1b. Data shows that females got
(68.65) a bit higher mean than (68.28) the males.
Table 1b: Means of academic achievement according to gender Sex Mean Standard deviation Male 68.2821 11.0523 Female 68.6532 10.4041 Total 68.5099 10.6333
To test the effect of gender on the students’ academic achievement in the course, a ttest was used to compare the means of the two groups. Table (1c) shows that females got a higher mean (68.65) that the
males (68.28). The results of ttest indicate that there was no significant mean difference in the students’ academic achievement in this course due to the gender factor, (t = 0.24, a = 0.05).
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Table 1c: TTest for comparing means of academic achievement according to gender Gender Number Mean SD t Significance Male 78 68.2821 11.052 0.24 0.810 Female 124 68.6532 10.404
Table (2a). Data shows that nearly two thirds of students (64.9 %) have literary stream certificates .It is possible that such a number is affected for the total number of students with literary stream certificates in the university, since they can be admitted to five colleges out of seven.
Variable 2: The effect of high school specialization (type of the secondary certificate) on academic achievement in the course: Students’ high school specialization was classified into three categories, as indicated in
Table 2a: Distribution of students according to high school specialization High school specialization Number % Scientific stream 58 28.7 Literary stream 131 64.9 Other 13 06.4 Total 202 100
Means of students’ academic achievement according to the type of their secondary certificate are presented in Table 2b. Data shows that students holding scientific stream certificates got (74.36)
higher average than (66.43) with literary stream certificates. Average earned by students with other types of certificates was (63.30) less than the former group.
Table 2b: Means of academic achievement according to high school specialization High school specialization Number Mean Standard deviation Scientific stream 58 74.362 10.376 Literary stream 131 66.435 9.779 Other 13 63.307 10.225 Total 202 68.509 10.633
One way ANOVA was used to analyze data related to this question. Results of the test indicate that there
were significant differences among the three groups at the 0.05 level of significance. (See table 2c).
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" Course
Table 2c: A 0neway Analysis of variance for the effect of high school specialization on academic achievement. Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean of F Significance Variation Freedom Squares Squares Between 2 2902.1159 1451.0580 14.5659 .0000 Groups Within 199 19824.3643 99.6199 Groups Total 201 22.726.4802
Their averages were divided into four categories as indicated in the table. About 60% of students had an average ranging between 60 and less than 70. The majority of private university students usually have such an average, as the majority of students with higher averages join state universities.
Variable 3: The effect of students’ average in the secondary certificate on their academic achievement in the course: Table (3a) includes the number and percentages of the subjects according to their average in the secondary certificate.
Table 3a: Distribution of students according to their average in the secondary certificate Average (Mark) Number % Less than 60 43 21.3 60 – less than 70 120 59.4 70 – less than 80 32 15.8 80 and more 07 03.5 Total 202 100
Table (3b) gives the respondents’ numbers in the four categories, their means’ in academic achievement, and the standard deviations. The data show that there is some type of correlation between
group’s means and the means of academic achievement in the course, i.e. the higher the students’ average in high school certificate, the higher their academic achievement.
Table 3b: Means of academic achievement according to their average in the secondary certificate Average (Mark) Number Mean SD Less than 60 43 67.32 10.4168 60 – less than 70 120 66.52 10.3907 70 – less than 80 32 75.43 8.4163 80 and more 07 78.14 8.2347 Total 202 68.50 10.6333
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A oneway analysis of variance was used to determine the effect of the students’ average in the high school certificate on their academic achievement in the course (as shown in Table: 3c below).
The results showed that the students’ average in their high school did cause a difference in their academic achievement in this course (F= 8.96, a .05) between the means of the groups.
Table 8c: A 0neway Analysis of variance for the effect of their visits to the library On their academic achievement Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean of F Significance Variation Freedom Squares Squares Between 4 329.2918 82.3230 .7241 .5764 Groups Within 197 22397.1884 113.6913 Groups Total 201 22.726.4802
before midday and those who attended lectures in the afternoon. Table 9a shows that 92 (45.5%) attended the morning lectures and 110 (54.5%) attended the afternoon lectures.
9. lecture time To find out if the timing of the lecture affects the students’ academic achievement in this course, they were divided into two groups, those who attended lectures
Table 9a: Distribution of students according to their lecture time Lecture Time Number % Before midday 92 45.5 After midday 110 54.5 Total 202 100
Means of academic achievement according to lecture time are given in Table: 9b. Data show that those who attended the after midday
lecture got a slightly higher average than those who attended before midday lectures, 68.55 and 67.97 respectively.
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Table 9b: Means of academic achievement according to lecture time Lecture Time Number Mean SD Before midday 92 67.9783 10.0132 After midday 110 68.55445 11.1515 Total 202 68.5099 10.6333
A ttest was used to compare the means of both groups. Table: 9c shows that there were no significant
differences between the means of the groups, (t = .66, a = 0.05).
Table 9c: TTest for comparing means of academic achievement according to lecture time Lecture Time Number Mean SD T Significance Before midday 92 67.9783 10.0132 .66 .513 After midday 110 68.55445 11.1515
participated in teaching the course in the second semester. Faculty member (A) had two classes, the others had only one. Table 10a shows the distribution of students in these groups.
The faculty member (instructor) The study intended to find out if teaching this course by different faculty members might cause any difference in the students’ academic achievement. Four faculty members
Table 10a: Distribution of students according to their faculty member (instructor) Faculty Number of students % Faculty member(A) 68 33.7 Faculty member(b) 36 17.8 Faculty member(c) 56 27.7 Faculty member(d) 42 20.8 Total 202 100
Means of academic achievement in the course according to this distribution are given in Table 10b. The data in the table shows that
there is a difference of about 2.4 points between the highest mean (69.38) and the lowest mean (67.07)
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" Course
Table 10b: Means of academic achievement according to the faculty member Faculty Number of Mean SD students Faculty member(A) 68 69.2647 10.7740 Faculty member(b) 36 69.3889 11.2663 Faculty member(c) 56 67.0714 9.192 Faculty member(d) 42 68.4524 11.8532 Total 202 68.5099 10.6333
To test the effect of this variable on academic achievement, One Way ANOVA was used. Despite the difference indicated above, no
statistically significant differences were found at a = 0.05 among the means (see Table 10c) below.
Table 10c: A 0neway Analysis of variance for the effect of the faculty member on their academic achievement Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean of F Significance Variation Freedom Squares Squares Between 3 182.5703 60.8568 .5345 .6592 Groups Within 198 22543.9099 113.8581 Groups Total 201 22.726.4802
Discussion and conclusion The study tested the effect of the variables of gender and the students’ academic achievement in the course of Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics. Slight difference has been noticed in favor of females. However, the data showed no statistically significant differences (at a = 0.05) between academic achievement of both males and females. The study also intended to find out if the high school specialization (type of the secondary certificate) affects the student’s academic achievement in the course. Students with a scientific stream certificate had the highest marks with an average of 74.36, while those with literary stream
certificates got 66.43. Students with certificates of other streams got lower marks, an average of 63.30. The data showed statistically significant differences (at a = 0.05) between the means of academic achievement scores in the course among the three groups. This might be due to the nature of the course in that the material is introduced in a scientific way, and the course intends to use scientific terms. Descriptive and analytical statistics are also applied in the course. The study also investigated the effect of students’ average in the secondary certificate on their academic achievement in the course. Based on the assumption that students who got higher marks
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in their secondary certificate would get higher marks in the course. The results agreed with this assumption, as there had been some type of positive correlation between the means as indicated in table 3b. The data showed statistically significant differences (at a = 0.05) between the means of academic achievement scores in the course among the four groups. The study tested the effect of the student’s college on his/her academic achievement. It was noticed that students from the Faculty of Science and Information Technology got higher marks in the course than did students from other faculties. The scientific nature of the course could have affected this conclusion. The relationship between students’ university year’s level and their academic achievement was also investigated. The results show that the higher the level of the students, the higher their academic achievement in this course. This conclusion comes in agreement with the fact the more we learn, the better we perform. The study also investigated if the use of reference (s) have any effect on academic achievement in the course. Although about fifteen reference books are listed in the plans distributed at the beginning of the course to the students, more than half of them did not use reference books for the course. For this factor, the data showed the existence of differences, although not significant. Student who used reference books performed better than those who did not. About twenty students of those
who answered they did not use reference books were asked why they did not, they said that the material of the course is too long, and the notes they got were enough. The study also intended to find out if the students’ preparation of term papers for the course had any effect on their academic achievement in the course. The results showed that those who prepared materials performed better. Despite the relatively higher means for those who prepared reports, no statistically significant differences were found at a = 0.05 between both groups. The study investigated the relationship between the frequency of student’s visiting the library for finding information pertinent to the course and his/ her academic achievement. The results showed that students who visited the library at least once a day, at least once a week and at least once a month got higher marks than those who visited the library several times during the semester and those who didn’t visit. However, no statistically significant differences were found at a = 0.05 between the groups. The study also investigated the effect of the time of day that a course is scheduled and student’s performance. No statistically significant differences were found at a = 0.05 between both groups. Teaching the material by several instructors had no effect on student achievement in the course, since all of them follow the same plan and use the same book for teaching the material. According to the results of the study, it is possible to conclude that
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" Course
academic achievement in the course has been affected significantly by high school specialization, average in the secondary certificate, faculty of the student, and the university year’s level of the student. Whereas, academic achievement in the course has not been affected significantly by the following variables: gender use of reference(s) preparation of term papers for the course frequency of visiting the library (for finding information pertinent to the course) lecture time, and diversity of faculty members (instructors).
References 1) Virkus, S. (2003) "Information literacy in Europe: a literature review". Information Research, 8(4), paper no. 159 [Available at: 4/paper159.html] 2) Kuh, G. and Gonyea, R. (2003) "The role of the academic library in promoting student engagement in learning." College and Research Libraries, vol. 64, no.4, pp 256282. 3) Maio, Anne K. (1995) "The instruction of undergraduates in print and electronic information resources (Bibliographic instruction)", Ph.D. The University of Connecticut, 1995 .Source: DAI, 56, no. 12A, (1995): 4675. Accession No: AAI9611017 Database: Dissertations 4) Zarka Private University. "Course Plan", Zarka, Zarka Private University, 1997. 5) Davidson, Jeanne R.. (2001) "Faculty and student attitudes toward credit courses for library skills". College and Research Libraries. Vol 62, no 2 . pp 155 163. 6) Rashdan, Mahmoud Ayed (2002) "Correlations between Grade Point Averages (GPA) and the High School Certificates (SG) Averages at Jordanian Universities". Journal of the Association of Arab Universities. No. 40, pp 162204. (In Arabic) 7) Matar, Mohammad and Muath Shubaitah (1997) "Factors that affect the level of academic achievement for a student in the principle of accounting course: field study conducted
Recommendations Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations are suggested: Students should be encouraged by their advisors to take this course in their first year of study. Skills acquired from attending this course are expected to enhance students’ performance in the next three years. It is necessary to revise the course material, and publish a book that suits all students from the various colleges. This reference book is expected to cover the whole material of the course. More practical training in the library is also recommended.
Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2007
Library Review. Vol 34, no1, pp 120. 11) Dansby, Jacqueline O, "Factors influencing academic achievement among precollege program participants at a private, fouryear university" (Ph.D. diss., Texas A&M University,1999) abstract in OCLC Dissertations, AAI9943469, (accessed December 26,2005) 12) Carrington, William Miles (1987) "The relationship of time of day of instruction to student performance in non conventional education programs" ( ED. D., University of Southern California); abstract in OCLC Dissertations, AAG0562298, (accessed December 26,2005)
on students of the Accounting Department in the Applied Science University." Journal of the Association of the Arab Universities. no. 32. Pp 173205. (In Arabic) 8) Kaylani and Hamshari (1990) "Library use skills of university students and their relationship to their academic achievement." Journal of King Saud University: Educational Sciences. Vol.2, pp 355382. (In Arabic) 9) Ibid, p.354. 10) Rehman, S. and Mohammad, Gloria P. (2002) "Relationship of Library Skills with Selected Personal And Academic Variables: A Study of the Undergraduate Students of Kuwait University" .The International Information &
Appendex (A) Distribution of students’ grades (academic achievement) Grades Less than 50 5059 6069 7079 8089 9099 Total
Number 3 36 64 71 24 4 202
% 1.49 17.82 31.68 35.15 11.88 1.98 100
Factors Affecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of Scientific Research and Informatics" Course ﻤﻠﺤﻕ
ﺏ( Appendix (B) )
ﺇﺴﺘﺒﺎﻨﺔ ﺨﺎﺼﺔ ﺒﻤﺎﺩﺓ ﺃﺴﺎﺴﻴﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺒﺤﺙ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻤﻲ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﻌﻠﻭﻤﺎﺘﻴﺔ
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ﺃﻨﺜﻰ )
( ﻏﻴﺭ ﺫﻟﻙ )ﻴﺭﺠﻰ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺩﻴﺩ( …….
(2 ﻓﺭﻉ ﺍﻟﺸﻬﺎﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻨﻭﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻤﺔ :ﻋﻠﻤﻲ )
( ﺃﺩﺒﻲ )
(3 ﺍﻟﻤﻌﺩل ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺸﻬﺎﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻨﻭﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻤﺔ :ﺃﻗل
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ﻤﻥ 70
ﻓﻤﺎ ﻓﻭﻕ
(4 ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻴﺔ /ﺍﻟﺘﺨﺼﺹ.. ………………………………………………………… : (5 ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺘﻭﻯ ﺍﻟﺩﺭﺍﺴﻲ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻤﻌﺔ :ﺴﻨﺔ ﺃﻭﻟﻰ )
( ﺴﻨﺔ ﺜﺎﻨﻴﺔ )
(6 ﻫل ﺍﺴﺘﺨﺩﻤﺕ ﻤﺭﺠﻌﺎ ﻤﺤﺩﺩﺍ ﻟﺩﺭﺍﺴﺔ ﻫﺫﻩ ﺍﻟﻤﺎﺩﺓ؟
ﻨﻌﻡ )
(7 ﻫل ﻗﻤﺕ ﺒﺈﻋﺩﺍﺩ ﺃﻭﺭﺍﻕ ﺒﺤﺜﻴﺔ ﻟﻬﺫﻩ ﺍﻟﻤﺎﺩﺓ؟ ﻻ )
( ﻨﻌﻡ )
( ﺴﻨﺔ ﺜﺎﻟﺜﺔ )
( ﻻ )
( ﺴﻨﺔ ﺭﺍﺒﻌﺔ )
( ﺍﻟﻌﺩﺩ )
(8 ﻜﻡ ﻜﺎﻥ ﻤﻌﺩل ﺘﺭﺩﺩﻙ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻤﻌﺔ ﻟﻠﺤﺼﻭل ﻋﻠﻰ ﻤﻌﻠﻭﻤﺎﺕ ﺘﺘﻌﻠﻕ ﺒﻬﺫﺍ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺎﻕ ﺨﻼل ﻫـﺫﺍ ﺍﻟﻔﺼل ﺍﻟﺩﺭﺍﺴﻲ؟ ﻤﺭﺓ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻴـﻭﻡ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻷﻗـل ﻤﺭﺓ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻷﺴﺒﻭﻉ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻷﻗـل ﻤـﺭﺓ ﻓـﻲ ﺍﻟـﺸﻬﺭ ﻋﻠـﻰ ﺍﻷﻗـل ﺃﻗل ﻤﻥ ﺃﺭﺒﻊ ﻤﺭﺍﺕ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻔﺼل )
ﻟﻡ ﺃﺘﺭﺩﺩ )
(9 ﺍﻟﺭﻗﻡ ﺍﻟﺠﺎﻤﻌﻲ )…………………………( (10 ﻭﻗﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﺎﻀﺭﺓ )………………… (…………………-