Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
FACTORS AFFECTING PROFITABILITY ON ANIMAL FEED COMPANIES IN INDONESIA Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Profitabilitas Perusahaaan Pakan Ternak di Indonesia Mercky Haryo, Amzul Rifin, Bunasor Sanim Graduate Program of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University Gedung SB IPB, Jl. Raya Pajajaran Bogor, Indonesia 16151
[email protected] Diterima tanggal : 16 Juni 2017 ; Disetujui tanggal : 15 Desember 2017 ABSTRACT The animal feed industry is essential as it supports livestock industry in meeting the need of protein of a country. Feed contribution reaching at 70 percent of livestock production cost makes feed becomes an pivotal factor which could boost its sales. Unfortunately net income of animal feed companies for the last five years tent to decrease and emerged problems. The aim of this study were to examine internal and external factors affecting profitability represented by ROA and formulate recommendations in improving them. The results showed that internal factors affecting ROA significantly are Sales, COGS, and TATO, while for the external factor is exchange rate. DAR, inflation and international corn prices do not influence ROA significantly. The implications for companies and animal feed industries in improving profitability generally is by increasing sales and TATO value. Also, the company must be able to press COGS especially raw material cost which is more sensitive to profitability when its price is higher. Companies have to conduct risk management in order to anticipate exchange rate volatility followed by government’s action as regulator in maintaining macroeconomic and trade stability. Keywords : animal feed, financial performance, macroeconomic, ROA INTISARI Industri pakan ternak merupakan pendukung industri peternakan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan protein dalam negeri. Kontribusi pakan yang mencapai 70 persen dalam biaya produksi menjadikannya sebagai faktor yang penting dalam budidaya ternak. Hal ini menjadikan penjualan pakan ternak terus meningkat tiap tahunnya namun sebaliknya laba bersih perusahaan pakan ternak cenderung menurun selama lima tahun terakhir yang menjadi masalah krusial bagi perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor dari internal yaitu kinerja keuangan perusahaan dan eksternal perusahaan yaitu makroekonomi yang mempengaruhi profitabilitas (ROA) serta memberikan rekomendasi peningkatannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor internal secara signifikan berpengaruh adalah sales, COGS, TATO dan faktor eksternal adalah kurs. Variabel DAR, inflasi, dan harga jagung internasional tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. Implikasi bagi perusahaan dan industri pakan ternak pada umumnya untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas adalah dengan meningkatkan sales dan TATO dengan menerapkan strategi-strategi seperti bauran pemasaran. Perusahaan juga harus mampu
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
menekan biaya COGS terutama bahan baku dimana peningkatannya bersifat sensitif berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas. Perusahaan juga harus melakukan manajemen risiko untuk mengantisipasi fluktuasi kurs diikuti peran aktif pemerintah selaku regulator dalam menjaga stabilitas makroekonomi dan perdagangan. Kata Kunci : kinerja keuangan, makroekonomi, ROA, perusahaan pakan ternak INTRODUCTION
PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia (CPIN)
The livestock industry has good
of 5.4 million tons and a market share of
prospect in Indonesia to meet the needs of
34 percent, PT Japfa Comfeed (JPFA) of
nations animal protein. Indonesia has large
4.1 million tons and a market share of 24
people population but poultry consumption
percent, PT. Malindo Feedmill (MAIN) of
still among the lowest among ASEAN
1.3 million tons and 8 percent market share,
countries at 7 kg / capita / year, makes
and PT. Sierad Produce (SIPD) of 8 million
Indonesia a potential market for livestock
tons and 5 percent market share (DBS 2014).
industry. Chicken meat was known to
The livestock feed companies
have high protein content and source of
mentioned above are a large-scale companies
important vitamins and minerals that useful
that have large assets and technology that
for various processes in the body so it can
similar or not much different from each other
become of source for the improvement of
to conduct the main business line activities
peoples nutrition. Livestock industrial scale
(Core Business) to produce livestock feed
production continues to increase followed to
and vertical business integration, both from
national livestock population that increased
upstream with animal feed products and
over last five years (OECD, 2015).
Day Old Chick (DOC) to downstream for
Animal feed industry supports
chicken meat and egg products. The market
livestock industry to provide feed, which
share of the four companies was equal to
contributes 70 percent of livestock
71 percent makes the profile of the four
production cost makes feed as an important
companies can be reflection of the livestock
factor in livestock farm (GPMT, 2016).
feed industry in Indonesia, which according
Animal feed demand tend to increase by
to Fitriani (2006) competition of animal feed
8,3 percent annually with 2015 domestic
industry in Indonesia is oligopoly which
consumption by 15.9 million Ton and is
mean is a combination of several leading
predicted to reach nine percent in 2016
companies with a market share of 60 to 100
(GPMT, 2016). There are several animal
percent and the company's strategic policies
feed companies with large production and
often depend on the policies taken by its
market share in Indonesia sequentially are;
closest competitor. These companies have
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
also become public listed companies (Tbk)
Inflation that led to rising prices of production
and listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange
inputs outputs and decrease in people
on the Basic and Chemical Industry Sector
purchasing power. The aims of this study is
with Animal Feed sub-sector.
to determine internal and external factors that
These companies’ ability on market
affect animal feed company's profitability and
products is good where the value of net
its impact, also formulate recommendations
sales increased every year. It shows an
to improved profitability of animal feed
indication of net profit increased, but
actually net profits of companies are
Studies on the animal feed industry
likely to decrease. Decrease in net income
and determinants of profitability had been
of companies was a crucial issue for
done by researchers, but profitability studies
every business performance, including
with main object animal feed companies is
animal feed companies. The company's
still not widely done. Wardjojo et al. (2016)
performance can be seen from the level of
study the effect of working capital liquidity
profitability and measured using financial
on the profitability of poultry companies
ratios Return on Assets (ROA) which
listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period
illustrates the overall effectiveness of
2006-2014 using panel data regression
management in generating profits with its
method. The result showed that receivable
available assets (Gitman, 2009). Animal
turn over significantly influence ROA
feed company profitability ROA decreased
profitability. Fitriani (2006) studied the
along with the decrease in net income
analysis of the structure, behavior and
earned in period 2010-2015.
performance of the chicken feed industry
The company's profitability is
in Lampung and West Java provinces. The
influenced by internal factors and external
results showed there is close correlation
factors, internal factors are the level of
between structure, behavior and performance
Sales that became a source of revenue, Cost
of poultry feed industry where feed prices
of Goods Sold in production of product,
will attract competitors to enter or out of
effectiveness of assets management in
industry and the entry of new competitors
generating sales, and proportion of assets
into the industry pushed the company to
using debt financing (Gitman, 2009). External
reduce the cost of production impact on cost
factors that used on this study are Corn Prices,
efficiency and output price of feed.
as an important raw materials for compotition
Research on the influence of internal
needs on animal feed (Tangendjaja, 2007)
factors on corporate profitability in sectorial
which imported with international prices,
index done by Margaretha and Suparthika
Exchange Rates that have fluctuates also
(2016), examined PEFINDO Index 25
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
year 2007-2012 with result that sales
and research were conducted in December
growth, labor productivity and industry
2016. The definition and hypothesis of
affiliation have positive effect on ROA.
research data presented in Table 1.
Rice (2014) examined the Compass 100 Index with TATO results have a positive
Data Processing Techniques
and significant impact on profitability ROE.
Data processing in this study was quantitative methods using multiple
regression, in which mathematical equation
Types and Sources of Data
allows and is able to predict the values of
The study was conducted in the
a dependent variable using values of one
financial sphere where data used in this
or more independent variables (Nachrowi
research as internal factors from financial
and Usman, 2006). The regression was
statements of four biggest companies in
conducted using panel data method. Panel
animal feed production and market share
data was used to combines cross section
in Indonesia name respectively PT Charoen
sample of four companies and time series of
Pokphand Indonesia (CPIN), PT Japfa
quarter monthly observation during 2010-
Comfeed (JPFA), PT Malindo Feedmill
2015 simultaneously resulting in 96 points
(MAIN) and PT Sierad Produce (SIPD)
of observation (four companies multiply by
published quarterly from first quarter of
four-quarter multiply by six-year), and data
2010 until fourth quarter of 2015. Data
processed by software EViews 9.
used as external factors were exchange
There were three techniques for
and inflation rate from Central Bank of
estimating panel data model, namely:
Indonesia (BI), and international corn
Common Effect Model (OLS), Fixed Effect
prices from Data collection
Model (FEM), and Random Effects Model
Table 1 Definition and hypotheses of data Variable Independent Variable Return on Assets Dependent Variable Internal Factor 1. Sales 2. Debt Asset Ratio 3. Total Asset Turnover 4. Cost of Goods Sold External Factor 1. Kurs 2. Inflation 3. Corn
Definition Net income divided by total assets Total sales on given period Total debt divided by total assets Ratio of sales divided by total assets Costs incurred procurement of product Exchange rate Increase prices on given period International corn price
% IDR % % IDR
(+) (-) (+) (-)
IDR/USD % USD/Bushel
(-) (-) (-)
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017 Table 2 Animal feed companies financial profit statement Companies CPIN Net Sales (Triliun Rp) Net Profit (Triliun Rp) Net Profit per Sales (%) JPFA Net Sales (Triliun Rp) Net Profit (Milyar Rp) Net Profit per Sales (%) MAIN Net Sales (Triliun Rp) Net Profit (Billions Rp) Net Profit per Sales (%) SIPD Net Sales (Triliun Rp) Net Profit (Billions Rp) Net Profit per Sales (%)
Year 2013
15.077 2.219 14.72
17.957 2.362 13.15
21.31 2.68 12.58
25.66 2.531 9.86
29.15 1.745 5.99
30.107 1.832 6.08
13.956 959 6.87
15.633 617 3.95
17.833 992 5.56
21.412 595 2.78
24.459 34 1.39
25.023 468 1.87
2.036 179 8.79
2.634 205 7.78
3.349 302 9.02
4.193 242 5.77
4.502 -84 -1.87
4.775 -62 -1.3
3.643 61 1.67
4.029 22 0.55
4.354 15 0.34
3.854 13 0.34
2.505 3 0.12
2.113 -362 -17.13
Source: Company financial statement (2010-2015) (REM). In determining best panel data
LnCOGS = Cost of Goods Sold
model, several tests were applied, such as
= Debt Asset Ratio
Chow test to determine model of OLS or
= Total Asset Turnover
FEM, Haussmann test to determine model
= IDR / USD rate
FEM or REM and Multiple Langrage
= Inflation rate
to determine model of REM or OLS
= Corn Price
(Nachrowi and Usman, 2006).
= i-th individual
= time period to-t
= error
Model Research The multiple regression model used in the study that had been explained in Data Processing Techniques was:
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Descriptive financial profit data There is a trend that Net Sales of companies were increases with the biggest
(3.1) Where: ROA
= Return on Assets
= Slope
LnSales = Sales
increase is CPIN and holds the largest market share. Followed by JPFA, MAIN and the lowest Net Sales are SIPD. But this increase of Net Sales doesn’t followed by increasing of Net profit but the opposite it comes decline with the
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
lowest Net Profit is SIPD. For the complete
sales value is in the second quarter of 2014
financial profit data showed on Table 2.
CPIN of IDR 7.720 trillion and the lowest sales is in the first quarter of 2010 amounted
Hypothesis test results
to IDR 449 billion by MAIN. The company
Based on the chow test, panel data
with the highest sales is CPIN amounted to
chosen model is FEM where there are more
IDR 5.802 trillion and an average company
significant variable and adjusted R-square is
with the lowest sales is SIPD amounted to
larger than the OLS model. Representation
IDR 854 billion. The regression results in
of FEM model output is presented in Table 3
Table 3 shows sales coefficient is 0,2535
with the regression model as follows:
and 0,0000 probabilities showed significant
ROA = 0.747608 + 0.253521*SALES – 0.259038*COGS + 0.011031*TATO – 0.010401*DAR -0.073489*KURS – 0.0000633*INFLASI– 0.0000196*CORN
Table 3 Equation result of ROA Variable C Sales COGS TATO DAR Kurs Inflasi Corn R-squared F-statistic Durbin-Watson stat
Coeff. Prob. 0.7476 0.0000 ***0.2535 0.0000 ***-0.259 0.0000 *0.0110 0.0611 -0.0104 0.5258 ***-0.0734 0.0000 -0.0001 0.9529 0.0000 0.2202 0.8457 46.5710 0.0000 1.6917
Description: significance level: *p< 0,1 ***p< 0,01 Source: Companies financial statements processed with Eviews 9 (2016)
positive sales effect on ROA at 99 percent confidence level with a sense that if the value of sales increased one percent will increase ROA by 0,2535 percent ceteris paribus. These results are consistent with the hypotheses that spouse their initial positive and significant relationship between variables of sales and ROA (figure 1). The research result is in line with previous studies conducted by Anum (2014), Bhayani (2010) and Sanjay (2010) reflects that companies in this study averagely can perform positive sales. Growth in consumption of meat and eggs increased every year makes growth in the number of livestock animals makes the selling animal feed and DOC rate increased. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Variable of COGS has a rising trend
Variables Analysis
with an average of IDR 2.578 trillion.
COGS highest value in the fourth quarter Sales has increasing trend with an
of 2014 amounted to IDR 6.621 trillion by
average of IDR 3.147 trillion. The highest
CPIN and the lowest value of COGS in the
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
Figure 1 Company’s internal factor and ROA result second quarter of 2010 amounted to IDR
need large amounts and continuity. Most of
367 billion by MAIN. Companies with the
the raw material needs met from domestic
highest COGS is CPIN amounted to IDR
and the rest is imported. Imported raw
4.694 trillion, and the company with the
materials have the risk of exchange rate
lowest average COGS is SIPD amounted
depreciation which will result in an increase
to IDR 749 billion. The regression results
in prices that affect COGS.
in Table 3 shows the coefficient COGS is -0,4534 and 0,0000 probabilities indicate
Total Asset Turn Over (TATO)
COGS significant negative effect on ROA
Average trend of TATO has decreased
at 99 percent confidence level with a sense
71 percent from 1,3 to 0,76 times turnover.
that if COGS increased by one percent would
The average TATO value is 1,03 times
decrease 0,4534 percent ROA ceteris paribus.
means every IDR invested in assets able
These results are consistent with
to generate sales of IDR 1,033 or 1,033
the hypotheses that spouse their initial
times. Animal feed company with the
negative and significant relationship
highest TATO is CPIN by 1,14 times
between the variables COGS and ROA
and the company with the lowest TATO
(Figure 1). Results of research consistent
is SIPD of 0,82 times. CPIN has total
with research by Hidayat (2015), Anum
assets on average 6,5 times more than
(2014), Putu (2014), Akotey (2013), and
MAIN however TATO value of MAIN is
Almajali (2012).
almost equal to the TATO value of CPIN
Nearly 75 percent of animal feed
of 1,12 times exceed JPFA which have
COGS is the cost of raw materials which
assets and sales larger than MAIN, MAIN
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
indicates better effectiveness and efficient
first quarter of 2010 by MAIN with values
management of assets becoming more
of 0,85, and the minimum is in the third
productive in generating sales compared
quarter of 2011 by CPIN with values of
to JPFA and SIPD. The regression results
0,27. Company with lowest DAR is CPIN
in Table 3 shows the coefficient value of
with values of 0,3668 below average DAR
0,011 and 0,061 probability. It implies
value, this shows that CPIN choose to fund
that TATO has significant positive effect
63 percent of its assets using other than
on ROA at 90 percent confidence level
debt financing. Companies with the highest
with TATO sense if the value increases by
DAR is MAIN with values of 0,68 followed
one percent, it ROA will increase by 0,011
by JPFA with values of 0,61 showed more
percent ceteris paribus.
than half of total assets is financed by debt
These results are consistent with
so that the risk of interest rates and finance
the initial hypotheses that spouse their
charges of JAPFA and MAIN is higher than
significant and positive relationship
between the variables TATO and ROA
The regression results in Table
(Figure 1). The research result is in line
3 shows the coefficient of -0,0104
with research conducted by Winarno
and 0,5258 probability shows variable
(2015), Dwiarti (2014), Barus (2013) and
DAR have non-significant negative
Noor (2011). The decreased trends of
effect on ROA at 95 percent level of
TATO illustrates that the rate of increase
confidence with DAR sense increase
of company's assets is higher than the
or decrease has no significant effect on
level of sales generated by these assets,
the ROA. These results are not in line
it indicates the management of assets in
with the initial hypothesis of the study
generating sales are not maximum so that
that spouse negative and significant
assets become less productive.
relationship between the variables DAR and ROA. The research result is in line
Debt Asset Ratio (DAR)
with previous studies conducted by the
Average DAR trend was increased by
Dewi (2015), Ruspandi (2014), Okwo
20 percent from 0,516 becomes 0,619 with
(2012), and Ashvin (2012). Although not
an average of 0,5450 describe that 54,50
significant, the negative effect of DAR
percent of total assets financed by debt
on ROA can be seen on DAR trend that
which on average. The company is able to
increasing in the opposite direction with
pay off all the debt using all its assets and
ROA decline each year (Figure 1).
companies not funding all of its assets only
The increase in debt component
by debt. Maximum DAR value is in the
on animal feed company assets due to
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
company’s needs of funding for operational
exchange rate impact on the animal feed
activities, expansion of business
industry where most raw materials are
development and financial expenses
imported makes its price become more
pay off in short time. Additional funds
expensive which increases the cost of
from the internal hard to obtain because
goods sold and increase the financial costs
of companies condition which loss and
of foreign exchange losses thus reducing
decline earnings and the unavailability
the profitability of companies.
of retained earnings, so companies using external funding sources that allow gained in relatively fast.
Inflation The inflation rate has a rising trend with an average of 5,76 percent. The
Exchange rate
highest inflation rate of 8,4 percent in the
The movement of the rupiah
third quarter of 2013 and the lowest rate
exchange rate fluctuates with the
of inflation of 3,35 percent in the fourth
weakening trend over US dollar. The
quarter of 2015. Results in Table 3 shows
average value of exchange rate is IDR
the regression coefficient -0,0000633 and
10.650 / USD where the highest rate of
0,9529 probability makes inflation rate is
IDR 14.657 / USD in the third quarter
not significant negative on ROA at level of
2015 and the lowest rate of IDR 8.597
confidence 95 percent with a sense increase
in the second quarter of 2011. Results in
or decrease of inflation has no significant
Table 3 shows the regression coefficient
effect on ROA.
of -0,0735 and probability equal to
These results are not consistent with
0,0000 show that the exchange rate
the initial hypothesis that suspect inflation
significant negative effect on ROA at
has significant effect on ROA. The results
99 percent confidence level with a sense
are consistent with research Karmilah
that if the exchange rate increases by one
(2015), Halim (2013), Kalengkongan
percent would reduce ROA amounted to
(2013), and Pervan (2010). Inflation rates
0,07345 percent ceteris paribus.
does not give a direct effect on the animal
These results are consistent with
feed industry, seen from the decline in
the initial hypothesis that suppose to
the inflation rate in 2014 to 2015 were
be significant and negative relationship
not accompanied by an increase in ROA.
between the variable exchange rate
Inflation makes negative second round
and ROA. These results are consistent
effect in animal feed company with a rise
with research from Karmilah (2015)
in operating expenses and a decrease in
and Suardani (2009). Fluctuations of
purchasing power.
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
International Corn Price
Return on Assets (ROA)
International corn prices shows
The animal feed company's profitability
downward trend in prices with an average
during study period had an average positive
price of 517 USD / bushel. The highest
ROA value of 0,0238 means on average it’s
price of 763 USD / bushel in the third
generate a positive return of 2,38 percent in
quarter of 2012 and the lowest price
net profit from every rupiah of total assets
320 USD / bushel in the third quarter of
or every rupiah invested in asset value
2014. Results in Table 3 shows regression
increases IDR 0.0238. It can be said for the
coefficient is -0,0000196 and probability
period year 2010-2015 level of profitability
is 0,2202 means the international corn
of animal feed companies gain positive
price has negative not significantly effect
profitability value. The ROA movement
on ROA at level 95 percent confidence.
of four animal feed companies 2010-2015
That is, if there is an increase or decrease
period had a downward trend (Figure 1) with
in international corn prices does not
highest ROA in the third quarter of 2010 by
significantly influence ROA.
CPIN amounted to 12,19 percent and lowest
Thus insignifant influence was shown
ROA in the third quarter of 2015 by SIPD
on price trend of international corn price
amounted to -6,91 percent. ROA trends began
decreased in 2012 through 2015 was
to improve in the fourth quarter of 2015 with
not accompanied by an increase in ROA
positive values 1,19 percent.
animal feed companies that turns declined.
Animal feed company with the
Insignifcant influence was due to exchange
highest ROA average is CPIN of 5.43
rate factors that have more influence on
percent indicating CPIN efficiency
the price of imported corn and animal feed
advantage in achieving profitability.
companies not using all imported corns for
This efficiency advantage comes from a
raw material needs but still have supplies
vertically integrated corporate structure
from local corn. Insignifcant influence
where all assets owned in the downstream
on international corn price also was due
and medium businesses are supporting
to corn demand as a main raw material
the upstream poultry feed business which
for animal feed industry was provided
is the main line, as seen from the asset
and affect by local corn prices, livestock
productivity (TATO) in generating sales
population and imported soy bean meal
shows the best performance seen from
(SBM prices, the soy bean meal can be
The highest TATO values c ompared
used as substitute products for corn as a raw
to competitors. Large business scale
material for animal feed (Ariyanti, 2008).
(economies of scale) CPINs have an
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
Figure 2 Company’s ROA projection advantage in purchasing large quantities of
The average ROA of MAIN of
raw materials at low prices, as well as in
2,68 percent is the second highest ROA
production processes with high efficiency
among its competitors reflecting the
and low cost so as to depress COGS value
superior efficiency of MAIN in achieving
and increase gross profit.
profitability. MAIN has an advantage in
The average CPIN sales growth of
asset productivity level (TATO) generating
15 percent each year coupled with large
sales of 1,12 times; this is derived from
economies of scale results in sales of large
the vertical and intermediate business
quantities of products, so even if the sales
vertical integration structure and strategy
margin is small but large sales will increase
of supporting the upstream animal business
profits. For corporate funding, CPIN is very
becoming the main business line. This
cautious in using external financing of debt,
asset productivity makes MAIN focus on
reflected by low DAR values that minimize
selling poultry-based livestock products by
interest expense and bank administration
generating an average sales growth of 19
and increase corporate profits. CPIN
percent each year which is the highest sales
chooses internal funding from its operating
growth among competitors thus increasing
profit and share sales investment, as it is
known that good profitability and sales
The level of profitability of JPFA is
performance will make stock prices stable
ranked third among competitors with an
and increasing which attract investors to
average ROA of 1,82 percent. Although
invest in CPIN shares.
known as the 2nd largest integrated livestock
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
feed company, JPFA has a corporate structure
growth of independent variables on average
focusing on several areas of protein: poultry,
into the regression model so as to get the
shrimp and cow and some subsidiaries
value of Y projection. The projected graph
unrelated to the main line making the JPFA
of the company's ROA for 2010-2020 is
structure inefficient and the company's
presented in Figure 2.
strategy cannot focus only On one business
Companies with the highest ROA
line only, this makes the value of asset
projection are CPIN and JPFA. This high
productivity to sales by 1,05 times and sales
profitability is the result of the expansion
growth 13 percent per year lower than CPIN
and business scale of both companies which
and MAIN. Companies with the lowest
are able to meet the increasing demand of
average ROA are SIPD with a value of -0,41
each consumer so as to get the highest
percent. Although the company structure has
profitability. The ROA value of MAIN is
focused on one main line of feed and poultry
still stable above SIPD without negative
products, but the productivity of the assets
earnings during the study period. The value
in generating sales is the lowest among
of SIPD ROA shows improvement after it
its competitors which is -0,42 times. The
slumped in 2014 but still remains below
low productivity of these assets makes the
all three competitors. It indicates that SIPD
average sales growth of -9,0 per cent seen
should prepare a better internal strategy in
from the decline in sales since 2013 making
the future.
SIPD less competitive in the animal feed
The projection of linear regression
industry. While more than 52 percent of total
trend by regressed the dependent variable
assets are funded using debt (DAR), the high
of ROA on time gives the average ROA
operating expenses incurred by SIPD are not
value to four companies decreasing,
proportional to the sales revenue received
similar to the ROA projection trend of
earning the lowest level of profitability
each company as presented in Figure 2.
compared to competitors and experiencing
The average ROA projection (ROAF) has
operating loss.
decreased trend from 2016 to 2020, such
Based on the result of regression
as the average of ROA from 2010 to 2015,
panel data model output with R-squared
this is thought to be due to cyclical factors
value of 84,56 percent close to 100 percent
simultaneously faced by companies such as
value, then the model includes good (fit)
the exchange rate cycles and international
in explaining the effect of independent
corn prices will increase the company's
variable to dependent variable and can be
production costs.
used for future projection. The projection
The average ROA increases in the
is done by entering the assumption of the
first quarter to four years of 2016 such as
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
ROA from 2010 to 2012, then declines
profitability as did spending efficiency and
until the first quarter of 2020. In the second
minimize the financial costs.
quarter of 2020, the trend started to increase again but decreased in the third quarter
Managerial Implications
of 2020. Increased ROA on yield the
projection indicates a shorter ROA increase
Implications for companies and
time of one year with a lower value than
animal feed industries to increase
the increase in ROA from 2010 to 2012
profitability were to give more priority
and a decrease in projected ROA longer
in reduce the cost of goods sold where
during 2017 to 2019 with a lower value
the increasing of the coefficient has more
than the 2012 ROA through 2015. Based
sensitive effect on ROA if paired with sales,
on projections of the upper limit and down
TATO and kurs.
can be a description for the company to
The strategy of suppressing the
set the target value of ROA to reach eight
price of COGS to overcome the purchase
percent but also must be wary of the impact
of imported raw materials with high
of the challenges that will be facing make
exchange rates as a large-scale agribusiness
the decline of ROA to minus four percent.
company with long-term vision in the
Based on future projections,
animal feed industry competition must have
management knows the precise time
facilities and R & D network and product
prediction to determine the strategy
formulation innovation so as to enable
and type of strategy to be undertaken
using import substitute raw materials
thus minimizing the risk of decreasing
without reducing the quality. Also uses
profitability. As the ROA trend projection
technological advancements that continue
improves, it becomes the right moment
to evolve through automation, focusing
for management to implement optimum
on the implementation of international
profitability strategies such as setting high
standardized production management, and
sales targets and developing corporate
cost savings at all operational levels with
revenue sources. As the projected ROA
the goal of cost-efficiency production.
trend declines, it is likely that the feed and
In addition, the company should
livestock feed industry is experiencing
monitor inventory levels which may vary
a challenging period of industry and
according company scale, with referred
macroeconomics. due to the cyclical factors
to production plans and raw material
like exchange rates and international corn
requirements as well as an advance in
prices cycle, so management must do
the purchase of imported raw materials
strategies to control risk of reduction in
and purchase contracts quantity at a low
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
price to obtain the best possible price.
profitability can be done by increasing
The company must also expand local raw
sales followed by increasing the volume
material suppliers throughout Indonesia
(supply). The company can enlarge its its
and also provide intensive assistance to
expansion by establishing a feed mill and
local farmers in order to produce quality
establishing a new distribution network so
products to be utilized as a source of raw
as to penetrate strategic locations and open
materials for production. In addition to
up new market potentials to Indonesia to
efficiency of production process through
bring products closer to consumers and
cost savings at all operational levels and
facilitate consumer access to Distribution
addition of raw material storage facilities.
channels so that consumers do not need to
In relation to the purchase of
look for alternative brands of other animal
imported raw materials and the exchange
feed to build brand awareness.
rate, the company must closely monitor
The company must improve product
the fluctuations of foreign exchange
quality by innovation of high quality animal
rates and routinely hedge transactions
feed formula in accordance with farmer’s
on part of its foreign currency payables
expectations with competitive price so as
and conduct operational hedging for the
to give good brand image. To increase the
payment of raw materials of forage stock
purchase of livestock feed, companies can
Ahead of time by entering into a purchase
undertake a strategy of creating a market
contract at a low price, transferring the
(creating demand), companies expanding
foreign currency denominated loan to the
DOC production, by acquiring or buying
rupiah currency and providing cash in the
other company assets so that more DOCs
form of US dollars. Adjustment of feed
in the market need cattle for cultivation.
product prices should also be made to
In addition to cooperate with each other
reduce the high COGS cost of the impact
mutually beneficial partnership between
of the weakening exchange rate, only that
the company and contract farmers. This
adjustment adjusts the time to follow the
cooperation is aimed at maintaining market
amount of depreciation value.
stability for DOC products and chicken feed
The next implication is that the
produced by the company and maintaining
companies must increase sales one way
continuity of raw material supply for the
by strengthening the marketing mix that
chicken and processed chicken industry.
has been running more focused on the
Company can do promotion by
product, place and promotion. Livestock
building relationship marketing by
feed business is highly influenced by
interacting with marketing channel
supply and demand. Thus, to increase
consisting of agent / distributor and poultry
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
shop, empowering group / farmers society
the company has large asset but not yet
or directly to the consumer of farmer (direct
efficient so that it affects profitability. The
farm) which become moment of facility
company should implement efficiency
Promotion of products and cooperation
strategy and focus on downstream and
programs to attract interest and better
medium business which is the main
relationships with consumers or targeting
supporting business line that is feed and
the main target of breeders both old
poultry seed. While business lines that are
breeders who have become consumers or
not supporting the main line of business can
ranchers of competitor products to seize
be incorporated into a single management
market share.
company or release its subsidiary shares. It
After sales service strategy is also
is one of the efforts to shore up the future
enhanced to build the company's brand
performance so that each business line can
image product with sales formula that is
focus more on increasing TATO.
the ranks of marketing human resources and professional technical service support
capable of handling any sales situation
The government is expected to ensure
that may arise, able to communicate
the availability of local feed raw materials
nimbly with the technique of digging the
such as maize that meet the Indonesian
real needs of consumers so motivate from
National Standard (SNI) at a reasonable
the desire to buy Become a necessity to
price. The role of the government by
buy. Then can overcome the complaints
making corn production centers throughout
of the problems that occur also play
the vast archipelago, then providing
a rancher in assisting management of
assistance to corn farmers for the need
cultivation of good livestock that creates
for superior seeds, cultivation, drying and
more value beyond expectation in the
storage, and eliminating the monopoly
minds of consumers as well as provide
in the supply of maize and cutting the
an opportunity to win the hearts of more
distribution chain from farmers to factories
customers who not only get the product,
Feed. The government is also asked to
but also get a high quality service. With the
consider Government Regulation (PP) no.
brand awareness will form a brand image
77 of 2007 on import tariff of maize by
with the purpose of customer satisfaction
five percent which is the burden of animal
resulting in repeat purchase or purchase
feed producers.
intention to build customers loyalty.
Government support is needed to
The implication productivity of
achieve rupiah exchange rate stability,
asset in generating sales (TATO) is that
maintainable monetary stability and financial
Agro Ekonomi Vol. 28/No. 2, Desember 2017
system stability, maintain high economic
companies have been listed on the BEI,
growth momentum and minimize inflation
namely CPIN, JPFA, MAIN, SIPD and two
rate so that people's purchasing power
companies are included in the LQ45 Index
increases. The government as a regulator is
of CPIN and MAIN which are included
expected to pro-actively maintain a balance
in the stock Issuers with good financial
between supply and demand supply of
condition, promising growth prospects, and
seeds and chicken in the market so that the
high stocks and transaction frequency of
price becomes conducive and profitable
stock transactions. Investors can also invest
for all parties. The government should
in the real sector in the vertical integration
also provide guidance and support to the
value chain of livestock feed companies,
farmers of the people in order to adopt the
such as being a feedstock supplier that is a
latest cultivation technology, as well as the
primary need for livestock feed companies
regulation and supervision of the trading
to do production, work together in cattle
system on the length of the chain of chicken
farming partners, or invest in livestock
distribution which impacts the price from
processed food businesses. In addition
the farmers to the consumers. The role of
Investors can also be a marketing channel
government with animal feed companies in
of animal feed products that are agents /
the supply of animal protein at affordable
distributors and feed stores (poultry shop).
prices is expected to improve nutrition for the community.
Internal factors that significantly
Animal feed industry was able to gain
affect ROA are sales, cost of goods sold
positive profitability despite facing various
(COGS), Total Asset Turnover (TATO)
industry and macroeconomic challenges.
and external factors that significantly affect
With a large population of Indonesia and
profitability is exchange rate. Variables
the consumption rate of chicken meat
Debt Asset Ratio (DAR), inflation rates,
purchased in the traditional market (wet
and international corn prices does not
market) about 80-90 percent is increasing
significantly effect ROA. Performance on
from year to year making a bright future
average profitability (ROA) of large animal
for the animal feed industry.
feed companies in Indonesia during the
Investors who were interested
study period showed a positive result with
investing in the animal feed industry can
the highest profitability are CPIN, MAIN,
invest by buying the company's shares,
JPFA and lowest level of profitability is
where four major integrated livestock feed
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