factors affecting the quality of general information websites for young ...

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website quality model Webqual 4.0 and some previous research, and ... needed and thereby make the best management practices and solutions to improve site quality. ... information posted on the electronic newspaper, which must get information from press agencies or web host ..... The study was conducted in June 2016.
FACTORS AFFECTING THE QUALITY OF GENERAL INFORMATION WEBSITES FOR YOUNG GENERATION, CASE IN VIETNAM Ngoc Tuan Anh Buia and Thi Hong Nguyenb Faculty of Business Administration, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam Email: [email protected] b Faculty of Business Administration, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam Email: [email protected] a

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to identify and analyze the factors affecting the quality of the general information website for young people, especially in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. The findings help the website administrator to take measures to monitor and adjust the factors influencing the quality of the general information website to improve competitiveness in comparison with competitors as well as to attract readers. Based on the theoretical website quality model Webqual 4.0 and some previous research, and combined with exploratory research in HCM City, the subject came up with theoretical models and scales for the concept study. Research carried out with samples N = 200 who regularly visit general information website to assess the scale and test theoretical models. The results showed that satisfactory scales after some adjustments, appropriate theoretical model assumptions are accepted. The factors affecting the quality of general information websites in the Ho Chi Minh City are: (1) information, (2) revisit a site. Also according to the research results of the study showed that there is no difference in the assessment of the quality of the visitor groups by gender, age, and occupation. Keywords: Customer satisfaction, new website, website quality, new criteria. JEL classification: M15

1.   INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem discussion In the process of globalization, regionalization is taking place quickly, then the exchange of information between countries is becoming more rapid. The electronic newspaper played a large part in the process of exchange of information and contributing to the process of globalization. That's accompanying website also appear to contribute little to make people around the world can receive the news together, talking to each other at the same time and the gap of space between that form of reading newspapers through the website to become a new trend for the convenience and timeliness. In fact, today in Vietnam, the needs of the people using the internet Vietnam increasing in both quantity and quality. According to the survey of the Department of E-Commerce and Information Technology (MOIT), the survey results showed that 32% of survey respondents have Internet access time from 5-7 hours / day and 26 % access time from 3-5 hours / day. In it, the main purpose of the Vietnam Internet access is to read the newspaper, watch the news. That was the opportunity and also a challenge for the established businesses of the website. Perhaps because of competition and because of irresistible trend of electronics, including information released most of the articles from the paper and more information can update separately. Along with the rapid development of technology connections to help accelerate the download speed, the number of websites also bloomed everywhere, transmit information in any form that the traditional supply of newspapers pair. You may recall that the current website is the convergence of the newspaper (text), alarm sound (audio) and the broadcasters (video). Web surfers not only be updated as news writing, but can hear a lot of radio stations and television viewing on the website. Besides, it helps the reader can easily search for themselves the necessary information and also as a bridge between readers and enterprise. However, the current situation is far from the purpose, the website included a lack of information-oriented, quality, inaccurate information, or for the purpose of appropriating the personal information of users on the website there is a higher frequency than other types of media. Therefore, the evaluation of the quality of the site to cater for the transmission of information, management and brand development of business is needed and thereby make the best management practices and solutions to improve site quality.

1.2 Research question What are the factors affecting the quality of general information websites for young people?

1.3 Purpose of this study 1  

The main objective of this study to identify the factors influencing the quality of general information websites for young people. This study also aims to understand young people’s satisfaction of this sites. In addition, the finding of this study might provide helpful basic understanding satisfaction toward general information website of young consumers, it will help the Enterprises having more effective business plan targeting young people based on their need, what they want and what affect their decision using these sites.

1.4 Limitation There are some limitations in this study. First, the sample is taken from particular location (Ho Chi Minh city). Secondly, the sample size might not present for ecological fashion consumption.



2.1 Theoretical background Electronic information site is aggregated news sites in various fields of life. It is not self-produced content and information posted on the electronic newspaper, which must get information from press agencies or web host (under copyright agreements under the cooperation between the two parties). General information sites include 2 types: first, including the pages of the press agency news as Elderly, Vietnamese newspaper, Times, ...; secondly, it is not belong to press agencies news such as 24h, Channel 14, tinmoi, Baomoi, ... [2]. In terms of form, electronic information synthesis has many similarities with the interface electronic media as well as the form of presentation, designing the newsletter. Some synthetic site where the news of the day from major newspapers to readers keep track of breaking news means daily or hourly. "Youth" does not have a specific definition. The majority, "youth" is used to refer to a group of people in the same age group. And the range of this age group are different concepts depending on the region, each researching different context. But in fact, referring to "youth", people usually understand that this is an age group with young people and have the same distinct characteristics based on age groups such as they are young, always love somethings new ... In this study "youth" related to only target group of young people, aged from 15 to 27 years old, who often spend time to access internet to search and collect information. In the theory, quality models are usually based on a set of characteristics, which are subdivided into sub-characteristics. However, ISO/IEC 25010 refers to the quality of a generic software product, and thus should be considered only as a framework to be tailored to the specific class of systems under consideration (Polillo, 2012a, 2012b). In particular, according to Polillo (2012b), Herrera et al. (2010) and Orehovacki et al. (2012), web sites have peculiar characteristics that make them different from other software products, and so that it requires a specific quality model and suitable quality assessment methods. In fact, as highlighted in Polillo (2012a, 2012b), in web sites information architecture and content are more important than data management and algorithmic computation; furthermore, the purpose of web sites is often communication or service, rather then support to routine or complex tasks; finally, web sites are usually continuously evolved, because visitors expect that contents are always up-todate, and services constantly enriched and improved. Website quality is becoming more important than ever. With the fast growing number of Internet users, many scholars have focused their research on website quality in providing news content, increased product choice and information, interaction, personal experience. The community (Barnes & Hinton, 2007). However, in order to evaluate the quality of the website, it depends on the perceived quality of the user's service resulting in satisfaction, the intention to return to the website and become loyal readers of the website. One of the typical models for measuring overall perceived quality on shopping sites is the SITEQUAL model by Yoo and Donthu (2001). This model consists of nine observation variables with four components: Ease of use, (2) Design, (3) Processing speed, and (4) Safety (Security). In particular, quality and design factors related to image quality and color of the website. In addition, processing speed and security are important factors for Internet users. Research applied on six retail sites like Gap, Best Buy, eBay, Amazon and Wal - Mart has shown that two easy to use and secure elements significantly affect the overall quality of the website. Go back and buy. In general, four elements ease of use, design, processing speed and security have a significant correlation to the overall quality of the Website. However, the SITEQUAL model does not measure the quality of information while the website is a news service, so the quality of the information is a very important component, so this scale is not suitable for measuring quality of the website. Meanwhile, Jeong and Lambert (2001) have developed a conceptual framework for the quality of information on web pages by applying three elements of information quality: perceived usefulness, ease of use (Davis, 1989) and feel accessibility (Culnan, 1985). Researchers also apply behavioral theory (Ajzen, 1993) to explain the structure as the overall result of three elements of the quality of information and an indicator of voluntary customer exposure to the site. Web. The results obtained in this study mentioned above three elements of information quality are


combined with the information needs and attitudes that will affect the user's intentions to return to continued use. a website. In another study by Yang et al. (2005), using two conceptual platforms - information quality and quality information system presented on web portals. The six basic elements of quality of information and quality systems are defined as the usefulness of the content, the adequacy of the information, usability, accessibility, security / Interactive. Experimental data analysis revealed that all six factors significantly affected the quality of the overall user experience, in which two factors significantly affected user satisfaction with the portal. The web is interactive and usable, and these two factors have the greatest impact on overall quality of service. Only a few proposals consider, in addition to objectively measurable characteristics, also subjective dimensions, such as user experience (Herrera et al., 2010; Orehovacki et al., 2012), user satisfaction (Sampson and Manouselis, 2004; Olsina et al., 2008; Polites et al., 2012), or site appearance (Liu et al., 2009), which play, however, an important role in the success of a web site. Finally, some models and evaluation methodologies focus on usability only – see for instance Ivory (2003), or just on one specific aspect of web design, such as navigation (Abrahão et al., 2003) The web quality model of Lowry, Vance, Moody, Beckman, and Read (2008) has 6 dimensions: Responsiveness, competence, quality of information, empathy, web assistance and callback systems. The Structural Equation Modeling analysis was adopted to establish the factorial validity of their model. However, some of their 6 dimensions cannot be implemented easily for assessing web quality, for example, competence or empathy. Sun and Lin (2009) proposed 3 quality dimensions and 12 criteria to evaluate the competitive advantages of on-line shopping sites. Then, they employed the fuzzy TOPSIS method to determine the weights of different criteria for the online shopping websites, therefore the results were significantly influenced by the experts who evaluate the websites. The EtailQ model developed by Wolfinbarger & Gilly (2003) consists of 14 observation variables with 4 components: (1) Design (2) Customer Service (3) Reliability and (4) security. This is a reliable scale for evaluating website quality. However, similar to SITEQUAL, EtailQ also does not have information quality measurement elements, so this scale is also inappropriate for measuring the quality of website services. Another quality electronic model is WEBQUAL introduced by Barnes & Vidgen in 2000. WEBQUAL is one of the quality scale website based on the perception of website users. WEBQUAL 1.0 is the first version developed by Barnes & Vidgen at the UK Business School. However, WEBQUAL 1.0 only focuses on measuring the quality of information without paying attention to the quality of interactive website. Therefore, WEBQUAL 2.0 was born to overcome this disadvantage. Therefore, WEBQUAL 3.0 has inherited both advantages of the two versions. Along with the continuous improvement in reliability, WEBQUAL 3.0 has been upgraded to WEBQUAL 3.0 with 22 variables and 5 components: Design, Convenience, Information, Reliability, empathetic. WebQual has undergone several iterations in category preparation and question items. The latest version is WebQual 4.0 which uses three categories (usability, information and service interaction) of measurement with 22 items of questions plus one question to measure overall quality related to IPA method as suggested by Liu et al. (2014) and Chen (2013). Usability category based on user understanding in web, including ease of navigation, suitable design and picture which presented to user. Information category based on a review of information systems in general. This category relates to quality of website content, that is proprietary information for user’s purpose, such as accuracy, format and relevance of information. Service interaction category is related to interaction of user perception when involved deeply with website (Barnes and Vidgen, 2002). Another study was conducted by Madu and Madu (2002). By synthesizing the major factors affecting the quality of the site from the existing literature, Madu & Madu (2002) proposed 15 factors affecting the substance The number of websites for virtual activities including performance, features, structure, aesthetics, reliability, storage, maintenance, security and system responsiveness, products / service, Web hosting policies, reputation, assurance, and empathy. Two researchers Madu & Madu (2002) argue that site features, in which repeated user access performance increases, will affect actual shoppers, which is also true. A major factor affecting the quality of the website.

2.2 The proposed research model From the practical conditions of internet usage and access levels on current web pages, and on the theoretical basis of the relevant research models, the author suggests a model of research. Rescue is a combination of Webqual 4.0 and Madu & Madu (2002). WebQual 4.0 is a method of evaluating the quality of web site, which has been repeatedly developed in the studies of Loiacono, Watson and Goodhue (2002), Kaynama & Black (2000) Different areas, including Internet bookstores and Internet auction sites. The Webqual model has been applied at bookstores: Amazon, BOL, and Internet kiosks. In addition to the five basic components of the Webqual 4.0 model of e-services described above. According to research by Madu & Madu (2002) will affect the quality of the website.


Combining and matching the models and results of previous researchers' work in combination with the expert consultation and the results of the pilot study, the formal research model is as follows:





+H1 The quality of general infomation website

+H2 +H3 +H4 +H5 +H6

Empathetic Revisit a site Figure 2.4. The proposed research model 2.2.1. Convenience Convenience is defined as: "The extent to which people believe that using a particular system is simple and quick" (Davis, 1989). In addition, many studies (Sanchez-Franco & Roldan, 2005; Shang, Chen, and Shen, 2004; Yang et al., 2005) identified other factors Each of the convenience, such as site structure, user interface and easy navigation. The navigation functions mentioned are the easy way for users to find information in the website. For this reason, navigation plays an important role in providing quality website services. The performance of websites that relate to the convenience of use is considered one of the key factors that make customers return to the site (Madu & Madu, 2002). The evaluation criteria of convenience are related to the effectiveness of navigation on a web site as hyperlinks, which are easily accessible from the home page; Clear website structure; And easy search media (Yang et al., 2005). Therefore, we have the following hypothesis: Hypothesis H1: The convenience has a positive effect on the quality of the website for readers, meaning that increasing the level of convenience will increase the quality of the website. 2.2.2. Design Many studies have shown that the design attributes relate to web interface and visual design (Sanchez-Franco & Roldan, 2005; Shang, et al., 2004. Yang et al., 2005). They point out that design attributes are one of the most important elements of the quality of website service. In the study of (Yoo & Donthu, 2001), the design attribute of the SITEQUAL model is to measure the quality of online shopping sites. However, Kaynama & Black (2000) also used a design element to measure the aesthetics of the website's interface. One study found that overall site design was also directly affected by user perception (Spiliopoulou, 2000). Users expect to be using aesthetically pleasing services and they will be more satisfied when the service environment is highly aesthetic, regardless of the physical settings or online settings (Hall & Hanna, 2004; Vilnai - Yavets & Rafaeli, 2006). To assess the aesthetically relevant criteria will be closely related to the types and sizes of fonts, clarity and readability (Madu & Madu, 2002), as well as image quality High resolution, using the layout layout appropriate on a website.


Hypothesis H2: Design has a positive effect on website quality for the reader, meaning that better design will increase the quality of the website.

2.2.3. Information The quality of information has repeatedly been mentioned in research papers, which is one of the important aspects of web site quality (Liu et al.,2014; Chen, 2014, Lowry, Vance, Moody, Beckman, and Read, 2008; Ho & Lee, 2007). Some studies on the quality of information (Polillo ,2012a, 2012b, Yang et al., 2005) emphasize the importance of relevance and usefulness of content, completeness and accuracy of information. Information provided on the site must be formal and sufficient source, originating in order to provide the reader with useful content. Information content directly affects the perception and usefulness evaluation of a website through user (Spiliopoulou, 2000). Researchers point out that providing adequate information will strongly influence the online buying behavior of potential customers. The website needs to provide sufficient information to facilitate the user's understanding of the product / service; it affects purchasing decisions, such as detailed product descriptions, pricing information, transparency As well as additional services including contact company information, and links to relevant websites (Yang et al., 2006). If online consumers feel a useful web site, they will be more satisfied and have a positive attitude towards the site (Jeong & Lambert, 2001). Criteria for assessing the usefulness of information include the full, varied, clear, accurate, timely, and reliable information (Jeong & Lambert, 2001; Madu & Madu, 2002, Yang et al., 2005). Hypothesis H3: Information has a positive effect on the quality of the website for readers, meaning that better quality of information will increase the quality of the website. 2.2.4. Reliability Reliability is defined as a willing user willing to accept persuasion in an online interaction based on their positive expectations with online channels (Kimery & McCard, 2002). When you feel a highly secure web site, readers are more likely to be willing to accept online systems (Ong, Lai, and Wang, 2004). So trust has become more and more important not only in web development, but also as an important ingredient for building relationships with web users. However, both belief and quality are important, in relation to the quality of the website. In this respect, Fogg and Tseng (1999) point out that "Reliability indicates a positive belief in perception, confidence and confidence within a person, object, or process". Furthermore, McKnight et al (2002) asserted that "site quality has the greatest impact on user trust and trust in the use of web sites." Accordingly, research hypothesizes that: Hypothesis H4: Reliability has a positive effect on the quality of the website for the reader, meaning that increasing trust will increase the quality of the website. 2.2.5. Empathetic Empathy has many different definitions that cover a range of emotional states including caring for others and having the desire to help them; Experience emotions that match the emotions of others; Distinguish what others are thinking or feeling from others; And there is a similarity between ourselves and others. In the specialized literature, some documents have proved that the empathy of users with websites positively influences the quality of perception. In the electronic media industry, empathy involves the attention of the individual and is always available for questions or comments from readers on a website (Yang, 2001) and Lowry et al. (2007) have shown that empathy has a positive impact on enhancing the credibility and trust of a website. Flavia'n and Gurrea (2008) also argue that empathy has a huge impact on the access of readers to web pages. Not only that, empathy can save time and even improve communication on the web. Hypothesis H5: Empathy has a positive effect on website quality for readers, meaning that increasing the level of empathy will increase the quality of the website. 2.2.6. Revisit a site According to researchers pointing out that quality of service and user satisfaction are important predictors that affect the intention of visiting a website, it is also an indicator of loyalty. Into the user's site. Many web site quality studies are devoted to developing frameworks that point out that quality of service perceives websites affecting the repetition of users on websites (Ho & Lee, 2007). Wolfinbarger & Gilly, 2003; Yang et al., 2005; Zeithaml et al., 2002). An empirical study using a web-based satisfaction survey derived from site quality was identified as a strong indicator of intentional behavior (Jeong et al., 2003). In an approach to grasp the relationship between customer perceptions of service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions (especially intentions for reuse), Udo, Bagchi, and KIRS (2008) developed the SERVPERF scale based on the SERVQUAL scale approach (Parasuraman et al., 1988). Hypothesis H6: Maintaining the reader has a positive effect on the quality of the website for the reader, meaning that increasing the retention of the reader increases the quality of the website.




The purpose of this step is to measure the factors that affect the quality of the website and thereby validate the proposed theoretical model and associated hypotheses. Verification of scales, models, and hypotheses is performed in the following steps: Preliminary verification using Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient, EFA exploratory factor analysis, and multivariable regression. This study consists of two steps: preliminary research and formal research. Preliminary research was conducted through a qualitative research methodology that was used on a sample of about 10 people who used the site and used in-depth interviews with subjects aged 18-35. Study conducted in June/2016. The formal study was conducted through quantitative research. This research aims to test the scale and model of research. The study was conducted through a formal questionnaire with direct interview techniques for young readers aged 18 to 35 who live in the Ho Chi Minh City area, regularly reading the site. In addition, the survey subjects do not discriminate male / female and occupation. The study was conducted in June 2016. Samples were chosen by random method with the expected sample size of n = 200. In the study of this topic, the scale was constructed on the basis of theories of factors affecting the quality of the website along with their measurements in internationally published research studies. These scales are aggregated from a variety of studies and adapted and adapted to the Vietnamese market visitor based on the results of qualitative research with in-depth interview techniques. Frequent website visit. The conceptual scale will use prior research scales with adaptations to fit the research situation. After eliminating and supplementing the observation variables, the scale of the factors affecting the quality of the website used for the study was 25 observations measuring six components as follows:

Table 3.1: Scales have been added, edited Variables Convenience (Barnes & Vidgen, 2000) Design (Barnes & Vidgen, 2000) Information (Barnes & Vidgen, 2000)

Reliability (Barnes & Vidgen, 2000) Empathetic (Barnes & Vidgen, 2000)

Revisit a site (Madu & Madu, 2002)


The statements measure the concepts I feel the website name is easy to remember My interaction with the website is easy I feel easy to know how to access the website I feel the website is easy to use Website has attractive interface. The design of the website is relevant to the type of news website Website is more distinctive, more prominent than other websites Website made for me interesting experience Website provides accurate, honest and reliable information Information on the X website expresses its own views, independent Website provides timely, timely information Website provides full information related to the event Website provides easy to understand information The informational website always indicates the origin of the citation Information is presented with the appropriate layout Website has good reputation I feel safe to visit Personal information is kept confidential when accessing the website Website offers the service as promised Website support selection of categories that I interest. Website convey the sense of community Website makes it easy to contact the Editor The website gives the visitor the opportunity to freely express their opinions about the postings I have, and will continue to access information on the website. I will introduce the site to many others I will prioritize the use of the site when relevant information is needed


4.1 Descriptive Statistics for demographics


With an expected sample size of n = 200, chosen according to convenient method, initially 200 samples were emitted. Within 30 days of the survey, the result was 150 valid samples, 50 samples were rejected because the respondents had never visited the website and did not complete information and information. exactly. Gender: Among the 150 surveyed respondents, the proportion of males and females varied equally, male 51% and female 49%. Age: Most of the respondents are between 18 and 25 years of age. The proportion of people aged 18-25 is 77%, followed by the group of people aged between 25 and 30, which accounts for 18%, with the remaining 30% to 35%. Occupation: Student occupies the highest rate of 58%; The next is the office staff 33%; Student 4%; Other 5%. Most visited websites: Kenh14.vn is the most visited site among young people with 32.5%; Next up is Zing.vn, which accounts for 21.9% and the third highest hit site is Ngoisao.net 14.6%. In addition, Yan.vn and Yeah1.com also accounted for a significant 12.6% and 10.6% respectively. Left, the number of visitors to Bestie.vn, Saostar and other news sites are very low because these new pages are born, so the number of readers perceived and approaching is not high.

4.2 Factor Analysis and Reliability Test 4.2.1 Reliability Analysis (Cronbach Alpha - α) The Cronbach Alpha coefficient of the empirical factor factor was 0.293