ABSTRACT: The tannery industry is one of the major raw material and finished good ... the most important factors for influencing job satisfaction of employees.
International Journal of Business and Management Review Vol.3, No.1, pp. 64-69, January 2015 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
FACTORS INFLUENCING JOB SATISFACTION OF THE EMPLOYEES OF TANNERY INDUSTRY IN BANGLADESH Md. Imrul Jobaid1, Md. Moniruzzaman Khan2*, Md. Mizanur Rahman3, Md. Imran Sarkar4, Rashedul Hasan5 1 Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2,3,4
Graduate Student, Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh 5 Lecturer, School of Business Studies, Southeast University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
ABSTRACT: The tannery industry is one of the major raw material and finished good supplier industries which have a significant impact on economy of Bangladesh. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the factors which are responsible for influencing employees’ job satisfaction. The analysis of this study revealed that salary and incentive are the most important factors for influencing job satisfaction of employees. Salary is most important, but working condition, supervisor supports, appraisal technique, work training, grievance handling, safety provision, and work life balance are crucial factors for determining employees’ job satisfaction. This paper draws relationship among various factors and presents a conclusion with a suggestion for improving employees’ job satisfaction level. KEYWORDS: Job Satisfaction, Tannery, Salary & Incentive, Working Condition, Supervisor Support, Appraisal Technique, Work Training, Work Life Balance, Bangladesh. 1. INTRODUCTION Human resource is most valuable resource of the organization among all of the resources. And other resources of an organization are easy to control than that of human resource. Human resource can be managed successfully if it is satisfied with the job and organization. Tannery industry of Hazaribagh is the largest tannery site in Bangladesh. More than 15000 employees are working there, and it is a very large sector for study of the human resource. There are many organizational phenomena related to job satisfaction such as performance, motivation, leadership, attitude etc. (Gupta & Sharma, 2009). Employee job satisfaction can be influenced by a variety of factors such as degree of fulfillment in their job, quality of working environment, organizational commitment and quality of relationship with their superior etc. (Bajpai & Srivastava, 2004). Many researchers analyzed that to identify the different components of job satisfaction, to measure relative performance of each component of job satisfaction and to study what impacts of these components on the employees’ performance and output (Qasim, Cheema, & Syed, 2012). There are Positive correlation between job satisfaction and employee performance and productivity. Job satisfaction is vital for employee performance because it has positive impacts on employee behavior. If employee high level of job satisfaction motivates to stay in the current job for long time 64 ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review Vol.3, No.1, pp. 64-69, January 2015 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
period, they could be much more dedicated to that Organization. The ultimate result is that industry can be obtained highest level of productivity in their work (Robbins & Cenzo, 2014). The level of job satisfaction depends on friendly relationship between management and employee (Friedlander & Margulies, 1969). Herzberg (Herzberg, 1969) disagrees with the result of Friedlander & Margulies studies and he affirmed that management is the unrelated to the level of job satisfaction. Individual positive attitude about the job that means they expose high level of job satisfaction and negative attitude about job means low levels of job satisfaction. If the degree of expectation met is greater that will ultimately determine the level of job satisfaction (Steyn & Wyk, 1999). A study conducted by (Kathawala, Moore, & Elmuti, 1990) stated, compensation was found to be a major factor in for the motivation and job satisfaction of remunerated employees. The study has shown that increase in salary for performance was ranked as the number of job element for motivation and compensation was ranked as the number of elements for job satisfaction. Organizations have to more concern about the employees’ job satisfaction with a high organizational commitment. Several studies showed that job satisfaction are influenced by remuneration, compensation, job security and promotion, supervisor support and behavior and other work related factors. (Kabir & Parvin, 2011). The primary objective of the study is to analyze the satisfaction level of employee and to identify the factors responsible for the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the employees in tannery industry. The secondary objective of the study is to measure the impact of different variables on job satisfaction.
2. METHODOLOGY Descriptive research method is used for this study. In this study, the various factors influencing employees’ job satisfaction among the employees working in tannery industry in Hazaribagh, Dhaka are analyzed through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Simple random sampling technique has been used for analysis. Sample size of the study consists of 375 respondents. The researchers have used a structured questionnaire to collect primary data from respondents working in tannery industry in Hazaribagh. Pearson correlation and regression analysis are done for the study. 3. FINDINGS Table 1 show that the association among all the factors, the relationship between factors, and actor of job satisfaction of the employee of tannery. It shows that associations between all the factors are positive except working conditions and work trainings; work condition and grievance handling and safety provision. It has found that working condition has relationship with appraisal technique, but it is not significant. It is also found that working condition has relationship with satisfaction with the job, but this relation is not significant.
65 ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review Vol.3, No.1, pp. 64-69, January 2015 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
Table 1: Correlation Factors F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8
F1 1 .367** .259** .122* .166* .169** .500** .271**
F2 1 .153** .006 -.017 -.010 .140** .049
1 .240** .348** .229** .342** .371**
1 .347** .243** .266** .280**
1 .393** .511** .299**
1 .384** .439**
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
1 .482**
(Source: Field Data)
F1=Salary and incentive, F2=Working condition, F3=Supervisor support, F4=Appraisal technique, F5=Work training, F6= Grievance handling and safety provision, F7=Work life balance, F8=Satisfaction with job. Table 2: Correlation between Salary & Incentive and Job Satisfaction Salary & Incentive Job Satisfaction
Mean 3.14 2.92
Std. Deviation .922 .815
Pearson Correlation .367**
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). (Source: Field Data) Table 2 shows that fair salary and incentive has positive and strong correlation with job satisfaction significant at the .01 level Table 3: Correlation between Working Condition and Job Satisfaction Mean
Std. Deviation
Working Condition
Job Satisfaction
Pearson Correlation .049
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). (Source: Field Data) Table 3 shows that working condition has positive and strong correlation with job satisfaction significant at the .01 level. Table 4: Correlation between Supervisor Support and Job Satisfaction Supervisor Support Job Satisfaction
Mean 2.82 2.92
Std. Deviation 1.099 .815
Pearson Correlation .371**
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). (Source: Field Data) Table 4 shows that supervisor support has positive and strong correlation with job satisfaction significant at the .01 level.
66 ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review Vol.3, No.1, pp. 64-69, January 2015 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
Table 5: Correlation between Appraisal Technique and Job Satisfaction Appraisal Technique Job Satisfaction
Mean 3.24 2.92
Std. Deviation .826 .815
Pearson Correlation .280**
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). (Source: Field Data) Table 5 shows that appraisal technique has positive and strong correlation with job satisfaction significant at the .01 level. Table 6: Correlation between Work Training and Job Satisfaction Mean 3.40 2.92
Work Training Job Satisfaction
Std. Deviation 1.201 .815
Pearson Correlation .299**
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). (Source: Field Data) Table 6 shows that work training has positive and strong correlation with job satisfaction significant at the .01 level. Table 7: Correlation between Grievance Handling & Safety Provision and Job Satisfaction Mean
Std. Deviation
Pearson Correlation
2.80 2.92
1.141 .815
. 439**
Grievance Handling & Safety Provision Job Satisfaction
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). (Source: Field Data) Table 7 shows that grievance handling and safety provision has positive and strong correlation with job satisfaction significant at the .01 level. Table 8: Correlation between Work Training and Job Satisfaction Mean
Std. Deviation
Pearson Correlation
3.40 2.92
1.077 .815
. 482**
Work Life Balance Job Satisfaction
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). (Source: Field Data) Table 8 shows that work life balance has positive and strong correlation with job satisfaction significant at the .01 level. Table 9: Correlation of Relationship and Job Satisfaction
Relation with Boss Relation with Subordinate Relation with Colleague Satisfaction with Job
Relation with Boss
Relation with Subordinate
Relation with Colleague
Satisfaction with Job
1 .024 -.061 .013
1 .554** .078
1 .095
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). (Source: Field Data) Table 9 shows that all relationship is associated with each other but not significant except relation with subordinate and relation with colleague. 67 ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review Vol.3, No.1, pp. 64-69, January 2015 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
Table 10: ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 88.91 7 12.699 29.210 .000 1 Residual 159.547 367 .435 Total 248.437 374 a. Predictors: (constant), work life balance, working condition, appraisal technique, supervisor support, grievance handling & safety provision, salary and incentive, work training b. Dependent variable: Satisfaction with job
(Source: Field Data) The above table depicts that at the significant level .05, a higher level of work life balance, working condition, appraisal technique, supervisor support, grievance handling & safety provision, salary and incentive, work training result in higher employee satisfaction. 4. CONCLUSION Based on the analysis of this study job satisfaction of tannery employees, it has been found that majority of the respondents think that their salary and incentive are not enough. To increase their job satisfaction level it is essential to revise the salary structure and incentive in various festivals which will be appreciated by the employee. About 30.1 percent of tannery employees are not satisfied with their working condition. According to them canteen and rest room for them are highly essential. In most of the tannery the supervisors are cordial to their subordinated, and this is a very positive side of this industry. Most of the firm doesn’t have any good appraisal procedure and about 41 percent of employees are not satisfies with their firm appraisal policy and 39.7 percent was neutral about the appraisal system. An effective appraisal system is essential in tannery industry in Bangladesh. About 55.5 percent employees are not satisfied with the training facilities and 48.5 percent employee opinions are taken by the organization for grievance handling and safety provision. Tannery authority should take some action to provide them some training facilities. According to them the work life balance is not good at all and about 52.5 percent have complained about their work life balance system. It is very good sign for the industry that it has 34.4 percent of young employees, and their ages range is 18-25 years. We have also found 14.1 percent female employees. The tannery industry in Hazaribagh is the one of largest industry in Bangladesh. It supplies lather for the lather industry of Bangladesh which is one of the great source of nation’s foreign remittance. So, it is essential to keep employees satisfied to their jobs, and for this reason above discussion and finding should be considered by the concern stakeholders. 5. REFERENCE Bajpai, N., & Srivastava, D. (2004). Sectorial Comparison of Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction in Indian Banking Sector. Singapore Management Review, 26 (2), 89-99. Friedlander, F., & Margulies, N. (1969). Multiple Impacts of Organization Climate and Individual Values System upon Job Satisfaction. Personnel Psychology, 177-183. 68 ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)
International Journal of Business and Management Review Vol.3, No.1, pp. 64-69, January 2015 Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
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69 ISSN: 2052-6393(Print), ISSN: 2052-6407(Online)