3 Nov 2014 - Background: Preconception care is defined as the promotion of the health ... Women at reproductive age planning for pregnancy were surveyed ...
Zhao et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014, 14:360 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/14/360
Open Access
Factors influencing the quality of preconception healthcare in China: applying a preconceptional instrument to assess healthcare needs Xinliang Zhao1,2,9,10,11†, Xiaoqing Jiang3†, Junzhen Zhu4,5, Guozheng Li6, Xiaoyan He7, Fengying Ma8, Qian Meng9, Qinying Cao5, Yucui Meng5, Christopher Howson10, Nanbert Zhong2,9,10,11,12,13* and Yaping Tian1*
Abstract Background: Preconception care is defined as the promotion of the health and well-being of a woman and her partner before pregnancy. Improving preconception health can result in improved reproductive health outcomes. China has issued latest version official guideline for preconception care in 2011. The objective of this cross-sectional study is to determine whether there is a variation in the quality of preconception healthcare services in distinct eastern and northern populations of China, and what factors are associated with such variation. Methods: A cross-sectional survey using our previously developed preconception instrument was conducted. Women at reproductive age planning for pregnancy were surveyed along with their partners at hospitals during their pre-pregnancy health examination. Data collected include general health/life profiles, pregnancy history, alcohol/tobacco/drug exposures, immunizations, micronutrient supplements and the demands in preconception care. After quality assessment, statistical analysis were applied to evaluate the variations in preconception factors between people from Hebei and Jiangsu Provinces. Results: 3202 women of reproductive age in from eastern province, Jiangsu, and in a northern province, Hebei, participated this study. 2806 of them and their partners have completed the questionnaire, at a rate of 87.6%, 1011 were from Jiangsu and 1795 were from Hebei. Statistical significance was obtained for maternal age (P < 0.001), body mass index (u =13.590, P