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David S. Dockery

Editorial Associate General Editor, New American Commentary Consulting Editor, Christianity Today Editorial Board, Renewed Minds Series, Baker Books Books Co-editor with D. A. Black, New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Methods and Issues (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2001); chapter on “History of New Testament Interpretation.” Co-editor with Timothy George, Theologians of the Baptist Tradition (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2001); chapters on “John Broadus,” “A. T. Robertson,” “Herschel Hobbs,” and “Looking Back, Looking Ahead.” Co-editor with G. A. Thornbury, Shaping a Christian Worldview (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2002); chapter on “Shaping a Christian Worldview.” Co-author with George Guthrie, Holman Guide to Interpreting the Bible (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2004). Contributions to Books “Worthy is the Lamb,” in The Battle for Planet Earth: Festschrift for Norman Gulley, edited by R. DuPreez and J. Moskala (Berrien Springs: Andrews University, 2003) “A.H. Strong” in Religion in Geschicte und Gegenwart (Tübingen: Mohr). “Imputation,” “Son of God,” “Scripture,” “Revelation of God,” in Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary, edited by C. Brand, C. Draper, and A. England (Nashville: Holman, 2003). “Baptism,” InterVarsity Press Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by Daniel G. Reid (Downers’ Grove: IVP, 2004). Articles “John’s Use of Alpha and Omega,” Biblical Illustrator 26 (2000) 41-42. “Integrating Faith and Learning: An Unapologetic Case for Christian Higher Education,” Faith and Mission 18 (2000) 44-56. “A Theology of Baptism,” Southwestern Journal of Theology 43 (2001) 4-16. “To Betray Another,” Biblical Illustrator 27 (2001) 25-27. “The Life and Times of the Christian College President,” co-participant, Christianity Today (March 5, 2001) 104-29. “Modern and Christian: How to Think with the Mind of Christ,” Books and Culture (July/August 2002) 36-37. “A Theology for the Church,” Midwestern Journal of Theology 1 (2003) 10-20. “Christian Doctrine for a Post-Everything World,” Southwestern News (Fall 2003). Presentations “A Call to Serious Christian Scholarship,” Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern Baptist Colleges and Schools (Summer 2000). “Integrating Faith and Learning in Higher Education,” Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (Fall 2000). “A Grace-Filled Community,” Convocation Address at Union University (Fall 2000). “Herschel H. Hobbs: Mr. Southern Baptist,” Founder’s Day Lecture, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Spring 2001).

“The Doctrine of Scripture in Southern Baptist Life,” Wheaton Theology Conference, Wheaton College (Spring 2001). “Thinking Christianly in a Postmodern World,” Powell Lectures, The Baptist College of Florida (Spring 2001). “Renewing Minds, Serving Church and Society: The Identity and Mission of Union University,” Convocation Address at Union University (Fall 2001). “Understanding Evangelicalism Biblically,” Plenary Address, Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (Fall 2001). “The Life and Ministry of H. H. Hobbs,” Hobbs Lectures, Oklahoma Baptist University (Fall 2001). “Biblical Authority and the Future of Evangelicalism,” Plenary Address, Carl F.H. Henry Center for Christian Leadership, Union University (Spring, 2002). “The Care of Souls: The High Calling of Christian Ministry,” Commencement Address, Golden Gate Baptist Seminary (Spring 2002). “Becoming Great Commandment Graduates,” Commencement Address, Azusa Pacific University (Summer 2002). “A Theology for the Church,” Convocation Address, Midwestern Baptist Seminary (Fall, 2002). “Christian Worldview: Implications for Higher Education,” Convocation Address, Houston Baptist University (Fall, 2002). “A Common Spirit, A Shared Purpose,” Convocation Address, Union University (Fall, 2002). “The Missional and Educational Task of CGE: Revisiting William Carey with a Focus on the Future,” Keynote Address, Annual Meeting of the Consortium for Global Education (Fall 2002). “Understanding American Evangelicalism,” Azusa Pacific University (Spring, 2003). “From Lone Ranger to Christian Scholar/Teacher in Community,” Annual Faculty Leadership Conference, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (Summer, 2003). “Teaching and Scholarship in a Southern Baptist Seminary,” Golden Gate Baptist Seminary (Fall, 2003). “Union University: Evangelical by Conviction,” Convocation Address, Union University (Fall, 2003). “Anderson College: Renewing Minds and Changing Lives,” Inauguration Address for President Evans Whitaker, Anderson College (Fall, 2003). Boards Hammons Charitable Foundation Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Miller Foundation Advisory Board, Birth Choice Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Board of Reference, Prison Fellowship Fesmire Family Foundation Christianity Today International Thomas Jefferson Awards, Jackson Sun Recognitions Who’s Who in America Who’s Who in Education Southwestern Baptist Seminary, Distinguished Alumnus Bishop Elias Cottrell Award for Educational Excellence National Baptist Racial Reconciliation Award Mayoral Declaration, David S. Dockery Day (Fall 2002)



2000-2003 Scholarship


Presentations: “Leadership Challenges: Fostering Student Development Through Faculty Development,” Council of Independent Colleges’ CAO Conference: Savannah, Georgia, November 2, 2003. “Christian Worldview Development and the Role of the CCCU”, An administrative and faculty development workshop, Louisiana College, Pineville, LA, November 8, 2002. “Models for Instructional & Administrative Technology,” Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Chief Academic Officers Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 4, 2002. “The Personal Life of the Chief Academic Officer,” Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Chief Academic Officers Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 5, 2002. Grants/Awards Received: Distinguished Alumni Award, Baptist Memorial College for the Health Sciences, 2000. Leadership Roles: Commissioner, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (2nd Term). 1999-present.

National Advisory Board, Lilly and Templeton Funded Project. Fostering Student Development Through Faculty Development, 2003. Chair, Association of Southern Baptist Colleges and Schools – Chief Academic Officer Group, 2002. Chair, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities – Chief Academic Officer Group, 2003. Board of Directors, Tennessee Center for Nursing, 1996-present. Board Member, Association of Southern Baptist Colleges and Schools, 2000 – 2003. Advisory Board, Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association. Securing Tennessee’s Future: Nursing Education and the Nursing Workforce. Publications: “The Academic Enterprise,” Shaping a Christian Worldview: The Foundation of Christian Higher Education, ed. David S. Dockery and Gregory A. Thornbury, Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2002. “Ethical and Bioethical Issues in Nursing and Health Care,” Book Chapter in Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, and Management, Mosby, 2nd Edition, 2001.




2000-2003 Scholarship

Jimmy H. Davis 2000-2003 Scholarship Articles and Book Chapters “Union University: Over 175 Years of Christian Education: Part 1,” Tennessee Baptist History, Volume 4, Fall 2002, No. 1, pages 45-56. “Learning and Knowledge,” Shaping a Christian Worldview: The Foundation of Christian Higher Education, eds. David S. Dockery and Gregory Thornbury, Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2002. “Jackson Male Academy,” with P. Dennis, West Tennessee Historical Society Papers, 56 (2002): 111-118. “Union University: Over 175 Years of Christian Education: Part 2,” Tennessee Baptist History, Volume 5, Fall 2003, No. 1, pages 35-51. Books Science and Faith: An Evangelical Dialogue, with Harry L. Poe, (Nashville: Broadman/ Holman, 2000). The Designer Universe, with Harry L. Poe, (Nashville: Broadman/Holman, 2002). Winner of 2003 Christianity Today Award of Merit.

Presentations "Synthesis and Characterization of SevenCoordinate Pentagonal Bipyramidal Cobalt (II), Manganese (II) and Nickel (II) Complexes." with R. Shellabarger, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, 2000. “Public Education and the Demise of West Tennessee College,” with P. Dennis, West Tennessee Historical Society Meeting, Jackson, 2001. “Kinetics of the Preparation of [Co(DAPBH)(H2O)2](ClO4)2,” with I.K.Renberg, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Orlando, 2002. “Kinetics of the Reaction of a Pentadentate Ligand (DAPBH) with Co(II) to Form a SevenCoordinate Pentagonal Bipyramidal Complex, [Co(DAPBH)(H2O)2](ClO4)2,” with I.K.Renberg, 25th Annual SAACS Area Collegiate Chemistry Meeting, University of Tennessee at Martin, 2002. “Using Assessment Results for Improvement,” SACS/COC Annual Meeting, Nashville, 2003 Grants Metanexus Institute (Philadelphia Center for Religion and Science) Local Society Grant (with Hal Poe) –Provided funds to establish a local society for promoting science-faith dialogue, 2002.



Carla D. Sanderson



College of Arts and Sciences Brenda Alexander Phi Alpha Theta Mid-South Regional Conference. Union University. February 22, 2003. Charles Baldwin “A Preliminary Study of Selected Silicon-containing Surfactants in Flexible Polyurethane Foam Production.” 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA. March, 2003. “Determining Reactivity Ratios of a Silicon Acrylate in Various Copolymer Systems.” 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA. March, 2003. “Emulsion and Conductivity Characteristics of Silicon-containing Surfactants.” 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA. March, 2003. “Taking Chemistry to our Community’s Children.” 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA. March, 2003. Betty Bedsole Children’s Choir Clinician for Choristers’ Guild Seminar. William Jewel College. July 8-12. Church Music Week. Windermere (MO) Baptist Assembly. July 15-19. Children’s Choir Workshop. Arkansas Baptist Convention. Aug. 10, 2003. Lee Benson Five sculptures included in “Thresholds” a two-year traveling exhibit touring five southeastern states. Charleston, SC. December 2003. “God’s Dependence Upon Creativity” Somerset Christian College. Zerapath, NJ. November, 2003. “What’s Left” Solo Exhibition. Duke University. January 10-February 8, 2003. “New Works” Solo Exhibition, University of Alabama, Fall, 2002. Steve Beverly “The Influence of American Idol on Pop Culture.” Tennessee Communication Association Convention. September 2002. “Professors in the Newsroom.” Radio-Television News Directors Association Convention. Las Vegas, NV. April 2003. Keynote speaker and panel moderator for “Million Dollar Winners. When the 15 Minutes of Fame are Over.” Second Annual Game Show Congress. Las Vegas, NV. July 2003. Chris Blair “Molded by the Movies: An Examination of Henry James Forman’s Articles Summarizing the Payne Fund Studies.” Tennessee Communication Association. September 2002. “Next Art: Digital Media in Academia.” The University of Central Florida and Ball State University in collaboration with the Florida Film Festival. Orlando, FL. March 2003. Panel Moderator for “Digital Media Studies – Technological Opportunities and Challenges.” CCCU Conference on Technology. May 2003.

Ron Boud Guest Recitalist and Clinician at Mississippi Baptist Church Music Conference, the Texas Baptist Church MusiConference, and the LifeWay Church Music Conference. Glorieta, NM. David Burke “Improvisation,” “Creativity & Imagination,” “Role Playing.” West Tennessee Southern Baptist Drama Conference. April 2003. Randall Bush "Reflections on the 'Son of Man': Implications for a Christian Transforming Worldview." Christian Scholars Colloquium. University of Memphis. Spring 2003. Secular Humanist Debate with Tom Flynn, President of the Center for Free Inquiry. Middle TN State University. Murfreesboro, TN. October 28, 2002. “Christian Intellectual Life in a New Dark Age.” Eighth Annual Christianity in the Academy Conference. University of Memphis. April 2003. Stephen Carls Coordinator of Phi Alpha Theta Mid-South Regional Conference. Union University. February 22, 2003. Bryan Dawson “Highway Relativity.” Joint Mathematics Meeting. San Diego. January 19, 2003. Sean Evans “The Judicial Confirmation Process: Problems and Prospects.” Tennessee Political Science Association. April 2003. “Guardian of Good Ideas: Minority Party Policy Making in Congress.” Southwestern Political Science Association. San Antonio, TX. April 17-19, 2003. Gene Fant Steering Committee of the Literature of the Bible Subgroup of the Evangelical Theological Society, 2004. Chairman of Panel Discussion. Department Chairs’ Workshop of the Council on Independent Colleges. Atlanta, GA. May 28-29, 2003. Brad Green “Intellectus et Crux: The Christian Mind and the Reality of the Cross.” Eighth Annual Christianity in the Academy Conference. University of Memphis. April 2003. Evangelical Theological Society meeting. March 2003. David Gushee "Ethical Method in Christian Bioethics." The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. Deerfield, IL. July, 2003. “God and Mammon: An Inquiry into the Economic Ethics of Jesus.” Conference on Christianity and Economics. Baylor University. Baptist Approaches to Higher Education, 2002 Conference on Faith and History Biennial Meeting. Huntington College. Huntington, IN. Evangelical Theology Seminary. Osijec, Croatia. January 2004. George Guthrie "'Did You Hear That?': Old Testament Christological Echoes in Hebrews." Evangelical Theological Society National Meeting. Atlanta, November 2003.

Patty Hamilton “Earning the Title of an Honest Man: The Place of Business Ethics in Daniel Defoe’s The complete English Tradesman.” 11th Quadrennial Congress of the International Society for EighteenthCentury Studies. UCLA. August 6, 2003. “Restoration Drama and Cultural Discourses.” 29th Annual Conference of the Southeastern American Society for EighteenthCentury Studies. Columbia, SC. “Daniel Defoe: The Complete Small Business Manager” (with R.H. Hamilton). 2002 Academy of Management Convention. Denver, CO. August 2002. Cynthia Jayne “English as a Foreign Language Towards Better Inter-Cultural Communication. English Language Institute at the University of Damascus. May 28-30, 2002. Randy Johnston “Taking Chemistry to our Community’s Children.” 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA. March, 2003. Richard Joiner Choral Workshop for adult choirs from Baptist churches on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. September 2003 and Choral Workshop for the sanctuary choir at Calvary Baptist Church, Tupelo, MS. November 2003. Baritone role in two performances of Hodie by Ralph Vaughan Williams, with the Hinds Community College Choir and the Vicksburg Chamber Choir and orchestra. Hinds Community College, MS. November 22-23, 2002. Tennessee Baptist Youth Choir Project. Jan. 31-Feb. 1. West Jackson Baptist Church and St. Matthew Methodist Church, Plano, TX. April 4-6, 2003. Terry Lindley “The Texas Baptists’ Response to Vietnam.” Texas State Historical Association and the Texas Baptist Historical Society joint session. El Paso, Texas. March 6, 2003. “War on Poverty in the 60’s in Appalachia.” Ohio Valley History Conference. Austin Peay State University. October 2002. Phi Alpha Theta Mid-South Regional Conference. Union University. February 22, 2003. Ann Livingstone University of Damascus and Al-Ba’ath University in Homs. Syrian American Faculty Exchange Program sponsored by the U.S. Embassy and CGE. Matt Lunsford “The Ideas of Evariste Galois: Recovering Motivation in Abstract Algebra” and “Use of Recent History in the Teaching of Mathematics.” Mathfest 2002. Burlington, VT. “The Mathematics of Islam: A Brief Look at the Mathematics of the Arabic Hegemony.” Department of Mathematics and Statistics colloquium series. University of Tennessee-Martin. Kina Mallard “The Soul of Scholarship.” Tennessee Communication Association Conference. Nashville, TN. September 2002.

“Quick-Starting New Faculty: Designing Successful Mentoring Programs.” Professional and Organizational Network Conference. Atlanta, GA. October 2002. “Professionalism in the 21st Century for Women.” Proctor & Gamble. Philadelphia, PA. November 2002. “Diversity.” Tennessee Social Welfare Commission. November 2002. “Deans and Chairs: Merging Interpretations to Share the Vision” (with Barbara McMillin). Academic Chairs Conference. Orlando, FL. February 2003. Invited Faculty Development Featured Speaker or Consultant: Lakeland College, Florida. February 2003 Council of Christian Colleges and Universities National Conference. June 2003 Virginia Master Teacher Workshop. Virginia, July 2003 Trevecca Nazarene. Nashville, TN. November 2002 Montreat College. North Carolina. October 2002 David Malone “This Book Cannot Win”: The Mean/Jaded/Skimming Reader and the Defensive Text in Dave Eggers’s A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.” Midwest Modern Language Association Conference. Minneapolis, MN. November 5, 2002. David McClune Clarinet mouthpiece acoustics and design. University of Minnesota, Florida State University, and Indiana University Schools of Music. Michael McMahan Moderator for Spring Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Sciences. Barbara McMillin “Deans and Chairs: Merging Interpretations to Share the Vision” (with Kina Mallard). Academic Chairs Conference, Orlando, FL. February 2003. “Disseminating Scholarship within the Learning Community.” Council for Christian Colleges and Universities Campus-Based Faculty Development Workshop. Bethel College. Minneapolis, MN. June 2003. Terry McRoberts: “Two Versions of the Etude, Op. 8, No. 12 by Alexander Scriabin: A Comparison of How the Composer Used the Same Musical Materials in Two Different Ways,” and performance (with Keith Koons) of Epigrams for Clarinet and Piano by Joe Alexander. Southern Chapter of the College Music Society meeting. University of South Florida. Tampa, February 2003. Darren Michael “Community and Small Theatre Resources,” Southeastern Theatre Conference. Washington, DC. Spring 2003. “Daniel Boone: The Man and the Legend.” Ft. Harrod Drama Productions. Harrodsburd, KY. Summer 2003. James Patterson “Propaganda or a Legitimate Scholarly Enterprise?: Writing Commemorative History for Christian Institutions.” 2002 Conference on Faith and History Biennial Meeting. Huntington College. Huntington, IN.



Performances/Exhibits/Conference/ Workshop Presentations



Michael Penny Trenton, TN Nitelite Theatre’s productions of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Pirates of Penzance.” September, 2003. Hal Poe “Beyond the God of the Gaps.” Eighth Annual Christianity in the Academy Conference. University of Memphis. April 2003. Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education. Duke University. October 2003. "Constructing an Evangelical Alternative to Process Theology." Evangelical Theological Society National Meeting. Atlanta. November 2003. "C.S. Lewis and Other Religions." Evangelical Theological Society Meeting. Toronto. November, 2002. Gavin Richardson “Sex and Secrecy in Medieval Antifeminist Proverbs.” Thirty-eighth International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University. May, 2003. Troy Riggs “Highway Relativity,” “It’s Not Fair!: A Coin-Testing Project.” Annual Joint Mathematics Meetings. San Diego. January 19, 2003. “Slippery Order.” 14th Biennial Conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences. San Diego. May 2003. Jeannette Russ “First Experiences on the ‘Other Side’ of the Desk: Practical Techniques for New Professors of Engineering.” 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Nashville, TN. June, 2003. “A Survey of State-based initiatives to Encourage K-12 Engineering Education.” 2003 Memphis Area Engineering and Sciences Conference. Memphis, TN. May, 2003. “Learning Across Disciplines: A Case-Study Approach to Teaching Engineering Economics and Business Policy.” (presenting with Bill Nance). American Society for Engineering Education. Salt Lake City, UT. June, 2004. Phillip Ryan “Mainstream Elementary Teachers Working with Elementary Language Leaders.” Third International Conference on Language Teacher Education. May, 2003. Workshop for Thai high school English teachers. Sripatum University. Bangkok, Thailand. Co-hosted by CGE, Sripatum University and the Thai Ministry of Education. July 2003. Tennessee Elementary School Language Teachers workshop. Belmont University, Nashville, TN. August 4, 2003.

Michael Salazar “Innovative Method for Large Scale Simulations of Gas Phase Reactions,” 226th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, New York, September 7-11, 2003. “A Completely General Methodology for the Execution of Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Ab Initio PESs,” Invited Seminar, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, February 4, 2003. “A Completely General Methodology for Fitting Ab Initio Potential Energy Surfaces,” Gordon Research Conference on Atomic and Molecular Interactions, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI, July 7-12, 2002. “Quantum Chemical Calculations and Modeling Reactive Collisions,” Invited Seminar, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, June 16, 2002.

Jean Marie Walls Workshop for Tennessee Elementary School Language Teachers. Belmont University. Nashville. TN. August 4, 2003.

Roger Stanley Short Fiction Session. Annual Meeting of Sigma Tau Delta. Cincinnati, OH.

Michele Atkins “The Efficiency and Flow of Leadership,” (with Ann Singleton) Council of Independent Colleges, San Diego, CA. “The Empathic Leader: A New Dynamic for Leading Academic Programs,” (with Ann Singleton) Annual Academic Chairpersons Conference, Orlando, FL and at the Academic Chairs Conference hosted by The IDEA Center, Kansas State University, February 2003. “Teaching Students who are Gifted,” “Comprehension Strategies,” and “Teaching Students with Disabilities in the Regular Classroom,” (with Ken Newman and Ann Singleton) Shelby County Schools, October 2003.

Pam Sutton “Prepping for Student Teaching: Collecting Your Wits and Wisdom.” 2004. Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Antonio, TX. March, 2004. “Author’s Use of Families in Short Stories: From Dysfunction to Denouement.” 2003 South Central Modern Language Association. Hot Springs, AR. September, 2003. “Crossing Lines: Films as Texts to Overcome Racial Boundaries.” 2002 Conference on Christianity and Literature. Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, CA. March, 2002. Asia Visiting Scholar Program. English Language Institute of China. Qufu Teachers University, Qufu, Shandong Province, Peoples Republic of China, May 27 – May 31, 2002. David Thomas “They Do things Differently There: History in Children’s Literature.” Phi Alpha Theta Mid-South Regional Conference. Union University. February, 2003. Greg Thornbury Lake Mary Conference. Lake Mary, FL. October 6, 2002 and August 15-16, 2003. "The Crisis and the Kairos." Oral Roberts University. August 8-9, 2003. "What Hath Britney to Do With Jerusalem: Pop Culture's Uneasy Relationship With Evangelicalism." Florida Baptist Convention. Lake Yale, FL. October 7-8, 2002. Don Van “Teaching Design for Energy Sustainability.” 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Nashville, TN. June, 2003. “Co-generation –A Feasibility Screening Analysis Using Excel Spreadsheet.” Memphis Area Engineering and Sciences Conference. Memphis, TN. May, 2003. Ray Van Neste “Evidences of Intelligent Design in the Pastoral Epistles.” Southeastern Regional meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. March 2003.

David Ward “The Mathematical Physics of Classical Liquids.” Department of Geography, Geology, and Physics. University of TennesseeMartin. November 2003. Jan Wilms Breakout session on “Current Issues.” Annual CCCU Conference on Technology. Union University. Jackson, TN. May, 2003. School of Education and Human Studies

Antonio Chiareli “Bridging God’s and Man’s Perspectives: Toward a Biblical MetaTheory of Social Reality,” Association of Christians Teaching Sociology (ACTS) annual conference, Dallas, TX, June 2003. Melinda Clarke “Community Partnerships as the Unit of Analysis: Benefits and Challenges,” International Conference on Service-Learning Research. Chaired a conference session entitled: “Models for Studying Service-Learning,” Fall 2002. “Representing a Christian View of Teaching and Learning: Faith, Character, and Service Learning,” forthcoming March 2004 conference at Baylor University, “Christianity and the Soul of the University,” with Ralph Leverett and Tom Rosebrough. Anna Clifford “Using Higher Order Thinking and Problem Solving Through Learning Webs,” (with Dottie Myatt) CCCU Conference on Technology, Union University, Jackson, TN, May 2003. Dottie Myatt “Meeting Standards with Integrated Instructional Design,” (with Tom Rosebrough and Ann Singleton) at the International Education Conference, Birmingham, AL, October 2002. “Teaming Up to Mentor: Two Institutes of Higher of Education and One Local Education Association Join Forces,” (with Sherry Freeman from Lambuth University and Deborah Aylor from the Jackson-Madison County Schools) at the American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education, New Orleans, February 2003. “Using Higher Order Thinking and Problem Solving Through Learning Webs,” (with Anna Clifford) CCCU Conference on Technology, Union University, Jackson, TN, May 2003.

Ken Newman “Teaching Students who are Gifted,” “Comprehension Strategies,” and “Teaching Students with Disabilities in the Regular Classroom,” (with Michele Atkins and Ann Singleton) Shelby County Schools, TN, October 2003. Ralph Leverett “Representing a Christian View of Teaching and Learning: Faith, Character, and Service Learning,” forthcoming March 2004 conference at Baylor University, “Christianity and the Soul of the University,” with Melinda Clarke and Tom Rosebrough. Tom Rosebrough. “Meeting Standards with Integrated Instructional Design,” (with Dottie Myatt and Ann Singleton) at the International Education Conference, Birmingham, AL, October 2002. “Representing a Christian View of Teaching and Learning: Faith, Character, and Service Learning,” forthcoming March 2004 conference at Baylor University, “Christianity and the Soul of the University,” with Melinda Clarke and Ralph Leverett. Ann Singleton “Meeting Standards with Integrated Instructional Design,” (with Dottie Myatt and Tom Rosebrough) at the International Education Conference, Birmingham, AL, October 2002. “The Efficiency and Flow of Leadership,” (with Michele Atkins) Council of Independent Colleges, San Diego, CA. “The Empathic Leader: A New Dynamic for Leading Academic Programs,” (with Ann Singleton) Annual Academic Chairpersons Conference, Orlando, FL and at the Academic Chairs Conference hosted by The IDEA Center, Kansas State University, February 2003. “Teaching Students who are Gifted,” “Comprehension Strategies,” and “Teaching Students with Disabilities in the Regular Classroom,” (with Michele Atkins and Ken Newman) Shelby County Schools, October 2003. Joanne Stephenson “A New Look at Violence by Girls” (with Teresa West) MidSouth/Tri-State School Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN, October 2003. Teresa West “A New Look at Violence by Girls” (with Joanne Stephenson) MidSouth/Tri-State School Psychology Conference, Chattanooga, TN, October 2003. Carrie Whaley “Implementing the Project Approach in In-service and Pre-service Classrooms, National Association for the Education of Young Children, annual conference, New York, May 2003. McAfee School of Business Administration Steve Arendall “Academic Research on Leadership: A review of Paradigm Shifts,” Leadership Germantown, May, 2003. Bill Nance “Learning Across Disciplines: A Case-Study Approach to Teaching Engineering Economics and Business Policy.” (presenting with



“Images of Death, Decline, and Darkness in Modern Evangelical Thought: Francis Schaeffer, Carl Henry and Charles Colson.” Eighth Annual Christianity in the Academy Conference. University of Memphis. April 2003. "The Liberator is Coming: Images of Jesus in the Jesus Movement." Evangelical Theological Society National Meeting. Atlanta. November 2003.



Walton Padelford “Understanding the Arab World,” Conference, Cochabamba, Bolivia, March, 2003. Barbara Perry “Virtual University – A Higher Education Administration Simulation and Learning Tool,” CCCU, Technology Conference, May 2003 and Mid-South Instructional Technology Conference, Murfreesboro, TN, 2003.

Grants College of Arts and Sciences Charles Baldwin 2002-03 Community Interaction Grant. “Operation Household Chemical Safety.”

President. Edgar Allan Poe Foundation and Museum. Richmond, VA. Consultant. Staff of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association at The Cove.

Jean Marie Walls Central States Language Association Leadership Grant.

Greg Thornbury Senior Writer and Member of the Executive Board. Kairos Journal. Emmanuel Foundation. New York, NY. Fellow. Research Institute of the Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. Nashville. Fellow. Wilberforce Forum. Washington, D.C.

Leadership Roles

McAfee School of Business Administration

College of Arts and Sciences

Sam Myatt Vice President of Southern Baptist Adult Education Association Conference, forthcoming April 2004, Gatlinburg, TN.

School of Nursing Ruth Chastain “Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Pilot Project,” CCCU Conference on Technology, Union University, Jackson, TN, May 2003. Gail Coleman “Increasing NCLEX Results,” Thirteenth Annual Nurse Educators Conference, Breckenridge, CO, July 2003. Tharon Kirk “Faculty Development Related to Testing,” American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) Baccalaureate Conference, Orlando, FL, November 2002. Melanie Matthews “Impact of CAVRT Technology on Mobility Impaired Persons in the Home, 16th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society, San Antonia, TX, February 2002. Jill Webb “Impact of CAVRT Technology on Mobility Impaired Persons in the Home,” 16th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society, San Antonia, TX, February 2002. “Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Pilot Project,” CCCU Conference on Technology, Union University, Jackson, TN, May 2003.

Summar Library Steve Baker “Collaboration on the Frontiers of New Media,” Association of Christian Librarians, 47th Annual Conference, Asbury College, June 11, 2003. “Confronting the Challenge of Information Literacy.” CCCU Technology Conference, Union University, May 29, 2003. Pat Morris “Instruction and Technology Literacy,” Northwest Tennessee Association of School Librarians, September 2003. Mary Platt “Preservation of Materials,” Northwest Tennessee Association of School Librarians, September 2003.

Charles Baldwin President. Tennessee Science Teachers Association. January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2003. Chair-Elect. Kentucky Lake Section of the American Chemical Society. Editorial Advisory Board. In Chemistry, the magazine for American Chemical Society Student Affiliates. 2003 – 2004. 3-year term. American Chemical Society’s Committee on Education Task Force for Undergraduate Programming at National Meetings. Lee Benson Curator. “Out of the Earth.” CIVA (Christians in the Visual Arts) Group Exhibition. 2002. Organizer. JUST (Jackson/ Union University Sculpture Tour). 2002-03. Judge. “Student Art Exhibition.” University of Alabama. 2003. Chris Blair Mass Media Chair. Tennessee Communication Association. Membership Committee Chair of the Board of Directors. International Digital Media and Arts Association. Sean Evans Treasurer. Tennessee Political Science Association. Gene Fant Consultant. Prentice-Hall publishers and for the CLEP exam for Educational Testing Services. Faculty Consultant. College Board’s AP English Exam reading in June. George Guthrie Visiting Professor of New Testament. Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary. Cochran, AB, Canada. Spring, 2003.

School of Education and Human Studies

Bryan Dawson “You May Be a Mathematician If….” Math Horizons November, 2002. Mark Dubis “Electronic Access to Religious and Theological Abstracts.” Journal of Religious and Theological Information 5 (2002): 3-6. Gene Fant Forty Days of Prayer and Fasting for the Family. Co-written with Lisa Fant and Beth Madison, August 2003. “Samuel Marshall Gore: Artist for the People.” Mississippi Magazine July/August 2002. “A Life on the Line: George Strother Gaines.” Mississippi History Now August 2002. “Reclaiming My Speech Birthright.” Mississippi Magazine, September/October 2002. “I Was a Boy GA!” Dimension: The WMU/Missions Leader Magazine Summer 2003.

Cliff Pawley National Board Examiner for Athletic Training

David Gushee Kingdom Ethics. Co-written with Glen Stassen. Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2003. Righteous Gentiles of the Holocaust: Genocide and Moral Obligation. 2nd edition. Minneapolis: Paragon House, 1994. “The Struggle to Love.” Christianity Today March 2003. “Where Do We Go From Here?” Christianity Today March 2003 (online).

Carrie Whaley President, Tennessee Association for Childhood Education International.

George Guthrie Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary: Hebrews. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.

Summar Library

Terry Lindley Review. Getting Right with God: Southern Baptists and Desegregation, 1945-1995, by Mark Newman. Fides et Historia Winter/Spring 2003. Review. In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How it Change a Nation, a Language, and a Culture, by Alistair McGrath. Christian Scholar’s Review Fall 2002.

Antonio Chiareli Board of ACTS, as Liaison to Graduate Programs. Dottie Myatt Tennessee Department of Education Board of Examiners

Steve Baker Elected to serve two-year term as Director at Large for Special Projects, Board of Directors, Association of Christian Librarians, June 2003. Leadership Team, CCCU Library Directors Group, 2003. Leadership Team, TICUA Library Directors, 2003.

Publications College of Arts and Sciences Steve Beverly “The Elegant Rube.” Television Week July 2003. “Dealing with Adverse Reactions of Home Viewers during a National Crisis.” Electronic Media.

Kina Mallard “Merging Interpretations to Share the Vision.” Academic Chairpersons Conference Proceedings. 53 (2003): 173-185. Barbara McMillin “Merging Interpretations to Share the Vision.” Academic Chairpersons Conference Proceedings. 53 (2003): 173-185. Kelvin Moore “Adonijah.” Biblical Illustrator Spring, 2003: 14-15.

Kina Mallard Officer and Curriculum and Instruction Chair. Tennessee Communication Association.

Chris Blair “To Protect the Children: An Examination of Arguments for the Content Regulation of Mass Media.” Dissertation. University of Memphis, 2002.

Paul Munson Franz Liszt’s Oratorio St. Stanislaus published 2002. Premiered at the Cincinnati May Festival by the Cincinnati Symphony and May Festival Choir.

Hal Poe Worship Leader. Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education. Duke University. October, 2002.

Ronald Boud Great God of Nations, published and marketed by Lifeway Publications.

Michael Penny “Chamber Operas in Dinner Theater Settings.” National Opera Association Journal. 2002.



Jeanette Russ). American Society for Engineering Education. Salt Lake City, UT. June, 2004.



Gavin Richardson Bibliographic citations for “Germanus Autisiodorensis” (with Prof. E. Gordon Whatley), in Abbo of Fleury, Abbo of Saint-GermainDes-Pres, and Acta Sanctorum (Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Cluture, V. 1). Eds. Frederick M. Biggs, Thomas D. Hill, Paul E. Szarmach, and E. Gordon Whatley. Kalamazoo: Western Michigan University Press, 2002. Bobby Rogers “The Fifth Anniversary is Wood.” Nimrod: International Journal of Poetry and Prose. Forthcoming. “Arkansas Stone.” Clackamas Literary Reviews Spring/Summer 2003. “In Season.” The Literary Review Spring 2003. “Quiet.” The Iron Horse Literary Review Fall 2002. “Gray.” The Greensboro Review Spring 2002. “Jamaica Pond Boston.” Poet Lore Fall/Winter 2003. Jeannette Russ “Three-Dimensional Image Registration of Phantom Vertebrae for Image-Guided Surgery: A Preliminary Study” Computer Aided Surgery 7(6):342-352, 2002. Mike Salazar “Degradation of a Poly(ester urethane) Elastomer. IV. The Absorption and Diffusion of Water in the Components of PBX 9501”, Michael R. Salazar, et al., in progress. “The Degradation of a Poly(ester urethane) Elastomer. III. Kinetic Modeling of Estane 5703 Hydrolysis.” Michael R. Salazar and Russell T. Pack, Journal of Polymer Science, 41, 1136-1151, 2003. “The Potential Energy Surface for Spin-Aligned Li3 (14A’) and the Potential Energy Curve for Spin-Aligned Li2 (a3Su+)” F.D. Colavecchia, J.P. Burke, Jr., W.J. Stevens, M.R. Salazar, G.A. Parker, and R.T Pack, Journal of Chemical Physics, 118, 54845495, 2003. “A Completely General Methodology for Fitting Three Dimensional Ab Initio Potential Energy Surfaces”, Michael R. Salazar, Chemical Physics Letters, 359, 460-465, 2002. “Does Ozone Have a Barrier to Dissociation and Recombination”, R. Hernandez-Lamoneda, Michael R. Salazar, and Russell T Pack, Chemical Physics Letters, 355, 478-482, 2002. “The Degradation of a Poly(ester urethane) Elastomer. II. Kinetic Modeling of PoIy(butylene adipate) Hydrolysis.” Michael R. Salazar and Russell T Pack, Journal of Polymer Science, 40, 192-200, 2002. “The Degradation of a Poly(ester urethane) Elastomer.I. Absorption and Diffusion of Water in Estane 5703 and Related Polymers.” Michael R. Salazar, Shelley L. Thompson, Kenneth E. Laintz, and Russell T. Pack, Journal of Polymer Science, 40, 181-191, 2002. Pam Sutton Textbook review comparing the Meyer (Bedford) Introduction to Literature to Kirszner & Mandell’s Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. 4th ed. New York: Harcourt, 2001. Spring 2002.

Greg Thornbury Shaping a Christian Worldview: The Foundations of Christian Higher Education. Co-edited with David S. Dockery. Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 2002. “Early Evil: The Legalization of Abortion in Soviet Russia (1920).” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 7.2, Summer 2003. 96-97. “Galatians: Charter of Grace.” Life Answers. Nashville: Lifeway Christian Resources, 2003. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Church Reformer.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 6.4, Winter 2002. 100-101. “Did Francis Schaeffer Offer an Accurate Portrayal of St. Thomas’ Epistemology?” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology. Summer, 2002. 76-78. Don Van “Application of the Engineering Method: Key to Successful Energy Project Proposals.” Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment 22 (3) 38-50, 2003. Ray Van Neste “How Should We Respond to Scripture?” Faith and Mission 19 Autumn 2001. “Structure and Cohesion in Titus.” Bible Translator January 2002. School of Education and Human Studies

Benny F. Tucker Teaching Mathematics to All Children, (with Ann Singleton and Terry Weaver) second edition, Prentice-Hall Publishers. Terry Weaver Teaching Mathematics to All Children, (with Ann Singleton and Benny F. Tucker) second edition Prentice-Hall Publishers. McAfee School of Business Administration David Austill Textbook Review, International Business Law, by Willes & Willes. Debbie Newell Personal Financial Management: A Stewardship Perspective, completed. Howard Newell Personal Financial Management: A Stewardship Perspective, completed. Walton Padelford Reviewer, Macroeconomics 8th ed., by Dornsbusch, Fishcher & Startz, November 2002. School of Nursing

Terry Blakley Forthcoming “Integrating Mental Health Services into Primary HIV Care for Women: The Whole Life Project,” Public Health Reports, January-February 2004

Ruth Chastain “Nursing Informatics: Past, Present and Future,” Tennessee Nurse, Spring 2003.

Ralph Leverett “A Special Education Perspective of Catastrophic Injury” and “A Communication Disorders Perspective on Catastrophic Injury: Background of Services in Communication Disorders,” The Catastrophic Injury Handbook

Summar Library

Mary Anne Poe “Good News for the Poor: Christian Influences on Social Welfare,” Christianity and Social Work (2002). “Am I Missing Something?” Social Work and Christianity Journal, 2003

Melissa Moore “If You Build It, Will They Come? Reaching Out to Faculty Through Information Literacy Instruction,” College & Research Library News, July/August 2003.

Tom Rosebrough “Debunk These Myths,” The Teaching Professor, August 2003. “Myths of Teaching and Learning,” Teaching Voices, University of New Brunswick teaching center newsletter, and Teaching Options, University of Ottawa teaching center newsletter, Fall 2003. Ann Singleton Teaching Mathematics to All Children, (with Benny F. Tucker and Terry Weaver) second edition, Prentice-Hall Publishers. Linn Stranak “A Quick Look at Source of Baseball’s Cardinal Sins,” Coach and Athletic Director Journal, January 2002.

Steve Baker “Confronting the Challenge of Information Literacy.” The Christian Librarian 46 2003 95-97.

Recognitions/Awards/Consultations College of Arts and Sciences Charles Baldwin American Chemical Society. “Salute to Excellence Award”. Research. Continued research on silicon chemistry (funded for the 6th consecutive year by Petroferm, Inc. Fernandina Beach, Florida). Richard Joiner 2003-04 Outstanding Music Alumnus, Mississippi College. Kina Mallard Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education Bright Idea Recognition Award for “Department Chairs Collegium: Sharing the Vision of Faculty Development.” Terry McRoberts 2002 Teacher of the Year, Tennessee Music Teachers Association. Bobby Rogers Finalist. The Brittingham & Felix Pollak Awards, Wisconsin University Press, 2003. Semifinalist. Walt Whitman Award, Academy of American Poets, 2003. Pushcart Prize Nomination, 2003. The Greensboro Review Literary Prize in Poetry, 2002. Pushcart Prize Nomination, 2001. Michael Salazar 2003 Petroleum Research Foundation Award 2003 Cotrell College Science Award from Research Corporation. McAfee School of Business Administration Tom Proctor Honored for service as 2001-2002 President, 19th Annual Tennessee Society of Accounting Educator’s Conference, Nashville, TN, September 2003. School of Nursing Rosemary McLaughlin Selected to attend the Web-based Genetics Institute for Nursing Faculty, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, January -May 2003. Charlotte Ward-Larson Selected to attend the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium Training for Graduate Faculty, Pasadena, California, July, 2003.



Hal Poe Athens and Jerusalem: The Collaboration of Biblical Faith and Higher Education. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, Fall 2003.