FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINE TIMELINE dedicated. winning the Battle of San Jacinto. world - beginning of The Associated Press.
1890 First successful marketing of a gas engine: the FairbanksCharter.
The Fairbanks-Charter branded combustion engine name is changed to Fairbanks Morse.
Wind mill Production
John Charter receives a patent that leads to the first commercially successful gasoline.
Thaddeus Fairbanks sets up a small iron foundry in St. Johnsbury, VT; with brother Erastus, he establishes the E. & T. Fairbanks Company
The Baltimore & Ohio becomes the first Steam railroad to carry passengers and freight.
Samuel F.B. Morse patents the telegraph. The Battle of the Alamo. Texas gains independence from Mexico after winning the Battle of San Jacinto.
Morse moves to Chicago and becomes a partner in Fairbanks, Greenleaf & Co. (Greenleaf shortly dies thereafter.)
Civil war begin
Following the Great Chicago Fire, Morse hangs a new sign on the remains of the office: Fairbanks, Morse & Company.
First transcontinental railroad.
Morse acquires a controlling interest of Eclipse Wind Engine Company.
Diesel engine patented.
Williams Engine Works and Eclipse Wind Engine Works formally become the property of Fairbanks, Morse & Company.
Spanish - American War.
Manufactured Train Master diesel locomotive.
The Quarter Century Club is formed, recognizing that F-M employees commonly spend their entire careers at the company.
W W I en d s.
Penicillin Discovered.
Great Depression Ends. U.S. gets involved in WWII.
Civil war ends. Six daily newspapers band together to operate a telegraphic relay system to receive news from around the world - beginning of The Associated Press.
X-rays discovered. Liberty
Statue of dedicated.
WWI begins. Wright brothers first flight.
Mt. Rushmore monument dedicated.
Great Depression begins.
WWII ends.
Space race begins with launch of Sputnik satellite. Ray Kroc starts McDonalds.
Fairbanks Morse Engine selected to supply 16-cylinder PA6B STC diesel engines for the latest generation of U.S. Navy warships, the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)
Celebrating 70 years of O-P technology
Fairbanks Morse Engine selected to supply FM-MAN B&W model 48/60 engines for the U.S. Navy’s Lewis and Clark Class T-AKE underway replenishment ships.
Acquired FM/ALCO diesel engine product line; Enviro-Design® dual fuel technology is introduced, which dramatically reduces NOx emissions by reducing the volume of pilot diesel fuel required for ignition.
Colt-Pielstick engine line proves capable of nine-second start and load acceptance for nuclear power plant standby applications.
Fairbanks Whitney is composed of Pratt & Whitney machine tools, Chandler Evans precision aircraft control systems, Colt’s Patent Fire Arms, and Sterling Die, in addition to the scale, engine, and electrical divisions of F-M.
First digital computer created.
ASME Class III Section 3 qualification is completed for emergency diesel generator sets in nuclear service.
Fairbanks-Morse merges with Penn-Texas and is renamed Fairbanks-Whitney.
F-M purchases Pomona Pump Company, in Pomona, CA, which produces water-lubricated turbine pumps and Westco peripheral-type pumps.
US History
Successful completion of 200-start nuclear qualification test in accordance with IEEE 387 requirements.
First Opposed Piston engines enter commercial nuclear service to provide standby power at the H.G. Robinson nuclear plant.
Fairbanks renamed Fairbanks-Morse after Charles Morse Jr. gains complete control over the manufacture and distribution of Fairbanks Scales.
Manufactured Colt-Pielstick PC4.2 engines, the largest engine built in the United States.
F-M leases the former Stover Manufacturing Company factory, in Freeport, IL, and produces 5-1/4 horsepower engines for the U.S. Military.
C. H. Morse dies at 88 years of age, on May 5, 1921. He had worked for Fairbanks Morse for 71 years
Henry Ford's Model T car went on sale.
Manufactured first Colt-Pielstick PC2 engine.
By this time, the Fairbanks-Morse company was producing not only scales but diesel engines, electric engines and pumps for industrial use.
L. H. Wheeler & Son is organized in Beloit, WI, producing Eclipse windmills.
Charles Hosmer (C. H.) Morse joins Fairbanks as an apprentice.
Production of the high horsepower Opposed Piston (OP) engine, to power submarines and locomotives, begins.
Dual fuel engines developed.
Charles Hosmer Morse, a Fairbanks distributor acquires controlling interest of Fairbanks Scales.
Morse acquires 50 shares and exclusive sales rights for the Eclipse Wind Engine Company.
Marine diesel engine construction begins.
Eclipse steel mill introduced; meanwhile, Williams Engine Works is founded. Eclipse purchases the former Beloit Wagon Works, which later becomes the nucleus of the Fairbanks Morse Engine Works.
Type Z engines built, and F-M enters the magneto business.
"Hot Bulb," or semi-diesel engine, developed.
Fairbanks Morse (F-M) develops a complete line of pumping equipment for all purposes. During the latter years of the decade, electrical machinery is added, introducing the concept of supplying a complete F-M package to the customer—only one place to look for complete service and repairs!
E. & T. Fairbanks Company produces the first platform scale, for weighing agricultural products.
Fairbanks-Whitney re-brands itself Colt Industries.
A license agreement is forged with the French Company S.E.M.T. to manufacture and sell its Pielstick engines in the U.S.
North American commercial nuclear fleet reaches 97 diesel generator sets after successful installation of an OP engine at the Crystal River nuclear plant.
Colt Industries sells the Weighing Division. Colt Industries sells the F-M Pump Division. Colt Industries sells the electric generator business, which becomes Beloit Power Systems.
The Viking I lands on Mars. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first humans to walk on the moon.
Letter of Intent is announced to supply 16 diesel generator sets to AREVA to support the next generation of nuclear plant construction.
Goodrich spins off its Engineered Industrial Products division (EnPro Industries Inc. (NYSE: NPO), which includes Fairbanks Morse Engine.
Colt Industries sells its firearms division and changes its name to Coltec Industries. BF Goodrich Corporation merges with and acquires Coltec Industries.
Internet (conceived in 1962) takes off.
Berlin Wall is torn down, marking end of cold war.
First commercial three-person spacecraft makes it 100 km above the earth twice in a two-week period.