NWSE 303. PSC*112*01. Intro Global Politics ... FALL 2011 UNION COLLEGE
FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE. Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 .... Cohen, B.D.. WLDC 128+.
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 08:30 - 10:30 A.M.
AAH*105*01 BIO*101*02 BIO*225*01 BIO*352*01 CHM*340*01 CSC*055*01 CSC*118*01 ECE*118*01 ECE*225*02 ECO*101*01 EGL*101*02 FRN*102*01 GER*100*01 HST*185*01 LAT*101*01 LAT*101*02 MER*213*01 MER*312*01 MTH*115H*01 PHY*111*01 PHY*123*01 PHY*310*01 PSC*112*01 PSY*200*01 PSY*200*02 PSY*220*01 RUS*100*01 SPN*203*02
Arts of Japan Cells & Organisms w/Lab Molecular Bio of Cell w/Lab Microbiology w/Lab Chemical Instrumentation w/Lab Working with the Web Computer and Logic Design Computer and Logic Design Electric Circuits w/Lab Introduction to Economics Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction Basic French 3 Basic German 1 Modern Southeast Asia Principles of Latin 1 Principles of Latin 1 Material Science w/Lab Dynamics & Kinematics w/Lab Enriched Differential Calc Physics/Life Sciences 2 w/Lab Heat, Light & Astronomy w/Lab Adv Topics in Physics 1 Intro Global Politics Statistical Methods in Psych Statistical Methods in Psych Psy of Memory & Thinking W/Lab Basic Russian 1 Advanced Spanish
Lullo, S. Kirkton, S. Salvo, J.L. Lauzon, R. Carroll, M.K. Fernandes, C. Cotter, S. Cotter, S. Chang, Y. Davis, L.S. Heinegg, P. Dima, V. Ricci Bell, M. Gan, C. Gazzarri, T. Tan, J. K. Cortez, R. Bucinell, R. Zwicker, W. Newman, J. Koopmann, R. Maleki, S. Angrist, M.P. Stanhope, L. Romero, S.G. Burns, D. J. Arndt, C. Mosquera, D.
VART 215+ LIPM 016+ WLDC 225+ OLIN 106+ OLIN 204+ OLIN 107+ NWSE 100 NWSE 100 NWSE 102 LIPM 012+ NWSE 116 HUMN 014+ NWSE 210+ LIPM 200+ HUMN 116 HUMN 117+ NWSE 201+ NWSE 205+ BAIL 207+ NWSE 114+ NWSE 300 NWSE 303 HUMN 115 BAIL 300 HUMN 112+ BAIL 312+ LIPM 010+ LIPM 201+
Belz, B. Mafi, M. Khatami, L. Khatami, L. Hardin, C. Hardin, C. Friedman, P. Lesh, K. Zimmermann, K. Niefield, S. Klein, D.
YULM THR HUMN 117+ HUMN 019+ HUMN 019+ HUMN 115 HUMN 115 BAIL 201+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+ WLDC 010+
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 11:30 - 01:30 P.M.
ATH*122*01 BNG*201*01 MTH*110*01 MTH*110*02 MTH*110*03 MTH*110*04 MTH*110*05 MTH*113*01 MTH*113*02 MTH*113*03 SRS*200*06
Intro to Costume Design Biomechanics I W/Lab Calculus 1 Calculus 1 Calculus 1 Calculus 1 Calculus 1 AP Calculus AP Calculus AP Calculus Sophomore Research Seminar
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 11:30 - 02:30 P.M.
Int Math/Physics 1 w/Lab
Tonnesen‐Friedman, C
NWSE 112+
Christensen, P. Zhang, Z. Tan, J. K. Lewis, B.G. Nelson, E. Ueno, J. Bruno, B. Wilk, R. Lesh, K. Vineyard, M.F. Nicholas, P. Fessel, F. Henseler, C. Martinez, V.
BEUT 104+ HUMN 117+ LIPM 017+ LIPM 012+ SORM 111+ STZH 106+ NWSE 201+ NWSE 205+ WLDC 128+ NWSE 300 LIPM 014+ BAIL 312+ OLIN 106+ LIPM 201+
Davis, L.S. Yaisawarng, S. Yaisawarng, S.
LIPM 012+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+
Ogawa, D. LoGiudice, K. Catravas, P. Ferry, M.M. Rieffel, J. Spinelli, J. Spinelli, J. Ren, Y. Lewis, B.G. Sartiaux, A. Dima, V. Garver, J. I. Nelson, E. Almog, M. Sargent, S. Raucci, S. Barbanel, J. Cervone, D.P. Friedman, P. Zwicker, W.
VART 215+ OLIN 306+ NWSE 100 GOLB 105+ OLIN 107+ NWSE 222+ NWSE 222+ LIPM 012+ HUMN 019+ LIBR 222 LIPM 201+ OLIN 307+ OLIN 211+ BEUT 104+ HUMN 115 HUMN 116 BAIL 104 BAIL 207+ BAIL 201+ BAIL 312+
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 02:30 - 04:30 P.M.
ANT*184*01 CHN*200*01 CLS*146*01 ECO*231*01 GER*200*01 JPN*100*02 MER*331*01 MER*439*01 MTH*336*01 PHY*230*01 PSC*276*01 PSY*300*01 SPN*201*01 SPN*202*01
Contemporary Japanese Society Intermediate Chinese 1 Sex/Gender:Classical Antiquity Urban Redevelopment Intermediate German 1 Basic Japanese 1 Fluid Mechanics 1 W/Lab Thermal/Fluid Sys Design w/Lab Real Variable Theory Int Classical Mechanics w/lab U.S. Drug Policy Research Methods in Psy W/Lab Intermediate Spanish 2 Intermediate Spanish 3
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011 05:30 - 07:30 P.M.
ECO*101*02 ECO*101*03 ECO*101*04
Introduction to Economics Introduction to Economics Introduction to Economics
Friday, Nov. 18, 2011 08:30 - 10:30 A.M.
AAH*101*01 BIO*320*01 BNG*101*01 CHN*400*01 CSC*109*01 CSC*237*01 ECE*337*01 ECO*241*01 ECO*355*01 FRN*100*01 FRN*200*02 GEO*201*01 GER*100*02 HEB*100*01 HST*240*01 LAT*103*01 MTH*117*01 MTH*127*01 MTH*199*01 MTH*219*01
Intro to Art History 1 Ecology w/Lab Graphics & Image Process W/Lab The Changing Face of China Comp Programming for Eng Data Communications & Networks Data Communications & Networks Microeconomic Analysis Monetary Economics Basic French 1 Intermediate French 1 Strat Dep Environ of NY w/Lab Basic German 1 Basic Hebrew 1 The Crusades Latin Reading Calculus 4:Integral Vector Numerical Methods Intro to Logic & Set Theory Topics in Discrete Math
PHY*100*01 PSC*243*01 PSY*240*01 RUS*200*01 SPN*203*01
First Year Seminar Latin American Politics Developmental Psychology Intermediate Russian 1 Advanced Spanish
Koopmann, R. Seri, G. Stanhope, L. Pease, A. Ignizio, G.
NWSE 300 LIPM 014+ BAIL 300 LIPM 010+ HUMN 008+
Cass, A. Motahar, E. Selley, A.R. Peterson, B. Goldner, M.A. Seri, G. Hart, J.J.
NWSE 104 WLDC 225+ HUMN 117+ BAIL 312+ LIPM 016+ LIPM 012+ OLIN 115+
Bovard, R. Bovard, R. Bishop, J. Ferry, M.M. Zhang, Z. Striegnitz, K. Hedrick, J.N. Verheyden, A. Ghaly, A. Lobe, T. Weisse, C. Nydegger, R.V. Grigsby, J.
YULM THR YULM THR BAIL 201+ HUMN 117+ HUMN 117+ OLIN 107+ NWSE 100 OLIN 307+ OLIN 306+ LIPM 017+ BAIL 312+ HUMN 019+ LIPM 016+
Corbin, J. Cohen, B.D. Anderson, J. Lou, K. Webb, N. Chang, Y. Spinelli, J. Heinegg, P. Hollocher, K. Gillikin, D. Ellis, A. Ueno, J. Rapoff, A.J. Ramasubramanian, A. Rosenthal, K. Orzel, C.R.
BAIL 207+ WLDC 128+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 107+ NWSE 102 NWSE 222+ NWSE 116 OLIN 307+ OLIN 211 HUMN 019+ STZH 106+ NWSE 205+ NWSE 201+ BAIL 100 NWSE 112+
Friday, Nov. 18, 2011 11:30 - 01:30 P.M.
CSC*360*01 ECO*242*01 EGL*217*01 HST*201*01 LIM*500*01 PSC*113*01 PSY*100*02
Software Engineering Macro Theory & Policy American Lit: 1900‐1960 Contemporary Africa Introduction to Health Systems Intro to Political Thought Intro to Psychology
Friday, Nov. 18, 2011 02:30 - 04:30 P.M.
ATH*110*01 ATH*226*01 BIO*314*01 CHN*100*01 CHN*100*02 CSC*245*01 ECE*011*01 ENS*100*01 ENS*247*01 PSC*112*02 PSY*242*01 PSY*250*01 SOC*100*01
Stagecraft 1 Stagecraft 2 Ornithology Basic Chinese 1 Basic Chinese 1 Computer Sci of Computer Games Practicum: ECE & CSC Engnring Intro to Environ Studies W/Lab Sustainable Infrastructure Intro Global Politics Death and Dying Abnormal Psychology Intro to Sociology
Monday, Nov. 21, 2011 08:30 - 10:30 A.M.
BIO*324*01 BIO*380*01 CHM*110*01 CHM*110*02 CSC*104*01 ECE*225*01 ECE*351*01 EGL*226*01 GEO*100*01 GEO*305*01 HST*142*01 JPN*300*01 MER*214*01 MER*322*01 MTH*054*01 PHY*120*01
Plant Ecology W/ Lab Biochm:MmbrnsNuclAcids w/Lab Matter: An Accel Intro w/Lab Matter: An Accel Intro w/Lab Robots Rule w/lab Electric Circuits w/Lab Probability & Digital Comm World of the Bible Intro to Phys Geology w/lab Biogeochemistry w/Lab Renaissance Europe Advanced Inter Japanese 1 Strength of Materials w/Lab Dynamics of Systems w/Lab Number Theory Matter in Motion W/Lab
PHY*121*01 PSC*111*01 PSY*211*01 REL*103*01 SRS*200*13
Prin of Electromagntcs w/lab Introduction to U.S. Politics Sensation & Perception W/Lab Intro to Religious Studies Sophomore Research Seminar
Halstead, E. Hays, B. Sutton, T. Solovieva, O. Christensen, P.
NWSE 304 LIPM 016+ BAIL 312+ WLDC 225+ HUMN 112+
Rutkowski, C. Fox, K. Kehlbeck, J.
OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+ HUMN 019+
Cool, L. Fleishman, L. Toher, M. Buma, T. Ghaly, A. Hedrick, J.N. Azizi, S. Wicks, F. Wehe, S. Wicks, F. Elacqua, A. Rodbell, D. Ghaly, A. Walker, M. Wareh, T. Hart, J.J. Donaldson, G. Hart, J.J.
LIPM 016+ BAIL 201+ HUMN 115 NWSE 100 OLIN 306+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 307+ OLIN 306+ HUMN 019+ HUMN 116 BAIL 312+ BAIL 300 BAIL 312+
Garland, E. Sanders, G. Bucinell, R. Rubin, J.
LIPM 016+ NWSE 205+ NWSE 201+ BEUT 104+
Lullo, S. Olsen, T. Garland, E. Wilkin, F.P. Ferry, M.M. Raucci, S. Webb, N. Barr, V. Rieffel, J.
VART 215+ TMC 120+ LIPM 016+ NWSE 114+ LIPM 201+ OLIN 115+ OLIN 306+ OLIN 107+ OLIN 106+
Monday, Nov. 21, 2011 11:30 - 01:30 P.M.
CHM*101*01 CHM*101*02 CHM*231*01
Intro Chemistry I W/Lab Intro Chemistry I W/Lab Organic Chem 1 W/Lab
Monday, Nov. 21, 2011 02:30 - 04:30 P.M.
ANT*110*02 BIO*325*01 CLS*121*01 ECE*363*01 ENS*252*01 ESC*100*01 ESC*100*02 ESC*100*03 ESC*100*04 ESC*100*05 ESC*100*06 GEO*202*01 GEO*252*01 HST*138*01 LAT*338*01 PSY*230*01 PSY*251*01 SOC*203*01
Intro to Cultural Anthropology Animal Behavior History of Greece Desgn of Electronic Circ w/Lab Environmntl Geotechnique W/Lab Exploring Engineering Exploring Engineering Exploring Engineering Exploring Engineering Exploring Engineering Exploring Engineering Origin & Evol Landscapes W/Lab Environmntl Geotechnique W/Lab Big History Lyric & Elegiac Poetry Social Psychology Personality Social Psychology
Monday, Nov. 21, 2011 05:30 - 07:30 P.M.
ANT*260*01 MER*301*01 MER*452*01 SWA*100*01
Tourists & Tourism Engineering Reliability Composite Materials Technology Swahili
Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011 08:30 - 10:30 A.M.
AAH*104*01 AMU*132*01 ANT*110*01 AST*051*01 CHN*300*01 CLS*151*01 CSC*080*01 CSC*103*01 CSC*320*01
Arts of China History of Jazz Intro to Cultural Anthropology Intro to Astronomy w/Lab Advanced Chinese 1 Ancient World in Film & Lit History of Computing Taming Big Data W/Lab Artificial Intelligence
ECO*339*01 JPN*200*01 MER*311*01 MTH*055*01 PSC*332*01 PSC*370*01 PSY*255*01 SOC*100*02 SPN*100*01 SPN*315*01
Public Finance Intermediate Japanese 1 Advanced Mechanics w/Lab Ancient Greek Mathematics Amer Political Thought to WWI Constitutional Law Psychology of Addiction Intro to Sociology Basic Spanish 1 Spanish Film Since 1950
O'Keeffe, M. Lafave, S. Kalista, S. Barbanel, J. Brown, C. Hays, B. Dowling, T. Relyea, L.G. Henseler, C. Ignizio, G.
LIPM 017+ STZH 106+ NWSE 201+ BAIL 201+ LIPM 100+ LIPM 101+ BAIL 312+ HUMN 019+ HUMN 117+ WLDC 225+
Rapoff, A. Taylor, A. Taylor, A. Johnson, B. Johnson, B. Cervone, D.P. Cervone, D.P. Osuna, M. Osuna, M.
OLIN 115+ BAIL 207+ BAIL 207+ BAIL 201+ BAIL 201+ HUMN 019+ HUMN 019+ HUMN 115 HUMN 115
Pytel, B.A. Willing, R. Chu‐LaGraff, Q. Mueller, H. Heinegg, P. Willing, R. Brennan, D.P. Tchako, A. Hodgson, D. Tonnesen‐Friedman, C LaBrake, S.M. DeBono, K. Cotter, D.
LIPM 016+ WLDC 128+ WLDC 225+ HUMN 117+ NWSE 116 WLDC 128+ LIPM 014+ NWSE 205+ NWSE 201+ BAIL 207+ NWSE 114+ BAIL 312+ OLIN 306+
Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011 11:30 - 01:30 P.M.
MER*010*01 MTH*100*01 MTH*100*02 MTH*100*03 MTH*100*04 MTH*115*01 MTH*115*02 SPN*200*01 SPN*200*02
Senior Seminar Calculus with Precalc 1 Calculus with Precalc 1 Calculus with Precalc 1 Calculus with Precalc 1 Calculus 3 Calculus 3 Intermediate Spanish 1 Intermediate Spanish 1
Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011 02:30 - 04:30 P.M.
BIO*101*01 BIO*201*01 BIO*225*02 CLS*132*01 EGL*101*01 ENS*201*01 HST*129*01 MER*201*01 MER*231*01 MTH*330*01 PHY*110*01 PSY*100*01 SOC*300*01
Cells & Organisms w/Lab Food for a Planet Molecular Bio of Cell w/Lab Religion in the Pagan World Intro to Study of Lit: Fiction Food for a Planet Sports in America Particle Mechanics W/Lab Thermodynamics Complex Analysis Physics/Life Sciences 1 w/Lab Intro to Psychology Quantitative Social Research