Fall 2012

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Nov 6, 2012 ... sponsors Zion's Harley Davidson and Desert Thunder Cycle Works held their first annual ... open to motorcycle clubs and individual riders, classic car clubs and individual drivers .... (12-1:30 PM). Nov. 27 Craft Class: Rice Bag Warmer (3-4:30 PM) .... Are you receiving a paper newsletter? Do you have an ...
The Red Rock Review



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Red Rock Raising Funds

Red Rock Raises Funds & Awareness

New Staff and Board

Red Rock Center for Independence participated in two fundraising events in the past two months!

Members 

Fall Events


Youth Program



Fundraising Continued


Lots of Donors!


Fall Calendar 4 VOTE! Youth Program


Affordable Housing


New Board Member


The Staff and Board Members were delighted to support a fundraising effort by the performing group, “Don’t Laugh At Me Players”. A grant was proposed to the Christopher Reeve Foundation for the purchase of a sound amplification system earlier this year by Red Rock Center for Independence Executive Director, Barbara Lefler. Barbara said, “Amplifying “The Don’t Laugh At Me Players” is an expensive project. The equipment plus ancillary needs add up to about $17,000. Fortunately, the feedback from the Christopher Reeve Foundation was very positive. Although they were unable to financially support the entire proposal, they encouraged us to raise one-third to one-half of the funding and resubmit the proposal on September 1, 2012.” We should be hearing by the end of December, 2012 if the Reeve Foundation will grant the proposal. Dixie Escalante Foundation, Bloomington Walmart, and the Walmart Distribution Center in Hurricane have provided $4,000 toward the project. A Spaghetti Dinner & Dessert Auction was held on August 17, 2012 at the Grace Episcopal Church. Live auctioneer Travis Brown skillfully auctioned more than 20 desserts donated by local restaurants and bakeries. The Players provided the evenings entertainment and raised nearly $2000 for the system! A second event was held to support the Center’s consumer transportation needs. Red Rock Center for Independence along with sponsors Zion’s Harley Davidson and Desert Thunder Cycle Works held their first annual Ride and Drive for Independence Charity Poker Run. The event was held on Saturday, September 22, 2012 and was open to motorcycle clubs and individual riders, classic car clubs and individual drivers, and the general public. CONTINUED PAGE 2


Meet Your Staff Member Hello everyone. I’m so happy to be here at Red Rock Center for Independence. First off I have to say, I think every single one of you are Alysha Leavitt AMAZING!!! I have never met such an amazing group of people in one place. I feel very blessed to be a part of this organization. I surely hope you guys feel the same about me. Helping people is my passion. Being the oldest of my siblings, and having a difficult family situation, I was the primary caregiver from a young age. I was born to help people and be a positive example in others’ lives. My name is Alysha Leavitt. I grew up in Mesquite Nevada. I moved to Saint George 8 years ago. I love it here and can’t see myself being any other place. I have three wonderfully, beautiful, amazing children. (Of course I’m not just saying that because they are mine.) My favorite color is pink and I love anything in Zebra print. I have a passion for photography, even took a photography class at Dixie State. I spend most my time with my kids and family. My family is the most important thing to me. I love to talk, so if you have any questions or wonders, ask me, I’ll tell!

Fundraising Continued from Page 1: The St. George HOG chapter members were stationed at designated poker card punch stops along the scenic Gunlock Loop. Prizes for the best, second best, and worst poker hands will were awarded following a live and silent auction. Gift cards in the amount of $500, $250, and $100 were awarded respectively. Winning Hand Prizes were donated by Zion Harley Davidson, O’Reilly Auto Parts, and Joey Cote’s Cornwell Tool Truck. Entertainment by The Don’t Laugh At Me Players and the band Closure was provided. A drawing for a brand new Bose Sound System sponsored by Farmers Insurance Company and lunch catered by Brick Oven Pizza was among the happenings at Zion Harley Davidson. Besides many generous donations from local merchants and service providers, the live auction highlighted a Disneyland Package for four. The event raised $2000 and the Center has already had support to repeat the event in 2013.




Thank You For Your Generous Donations and Support: July-October 10, 2012 Aamco Transmissions Albertson's Black Bear Diner Boulevard Home Furnishings Chuck-A-Rama Buffet Crowshaw's Pies Dairy Queen Denny's Dixie Escalante Foundation Farmer's Market Grandma Tobler’s Bakery Harmon's Hungry Howies Pizza O'Reilly Auto Parts Paradise Bakery & Café Smith's Southern Utah University Bookstore Sweet Tooth Fairy Village Inn Walmart #3220 Belle Andrus Michael Bedard, Bedard Fine Art Gallery Kathleen Benson Tina Blanchard Sheri Bott Travis Brown Vince Brown Brian Bullock, Xotics Motorsports Daniel Case Gerri Chasko, Eureka Casino Resort Joey Cote, Cornwell Tools Gail Craig Sherri Dial Kimarie Dockstader, Majestic View Lodge Ivan Draper Mike Earl Ashley Farmer, Sashin Microdermabrasion Selina Gaskell, Ah Bella Bed & Breakfast/Day Spa Connie Goddard, Valderra Golf Club at the Ledges & Fish Rock Grille Beverly Goodrich, Dixie College Bookstore Catherine Gregg, Grace Episcopal Church Michael Haertel, Papa John's Martha Hafen

Fred Hawkes, Rebel Bail Bonds Terry Hawks Nancy Jackson LuWenn Jones Jenny Larsen, Urban Renewal Doug & Barbara Lefler Amy Legg Jeanene Little Rita Longstreet Shirley Marsh, Desert Thunder Cycleworks Brad McCarrel Greg McCoy Candice McDougal, Papa Murphy's Pizza Eva Moody Marcia Moss, Dandylion Wishes Wal-Mart Distribution Center #6029 Julie and Dallen Nielsen Alan and Sandra Nielson Nila Phelps, Desert Rose Floral Brad Pollmann, B.T. Pearson Tire & Service Sandi Probst, Lin's St George Rob Ramsey, Cracker Barrel Bill Randall, Pizza Factory Lester Ruesch and Family Shauna Saarelainen Sonjia Schugk Dennis Smith, Farmers Insurance Group Ceil Stevenson Barbara Stuart Ann Stuart Lance Syrett, Bryce Canyon Grand Hotel Winifred Taylor Don Taylor Steve Vaughan David Vaught Milo Waddoups Michael White, Golden West Credit Union Grady Whitlock, Closure The Band Buzz Williams, Kinedyne Julie Williamson, Morris Murdock Travel Shayne Wittwer, Best Western Abbey Inn Stacy Young, Cafe Rio Mexican Grill



Oct. 25 Meet the Candidates at the St. George Library (2-4 PM) Oct. 30 Halloween Party (3-5 PM) Nov. 9 Youth Pet Day at the Bluff Street Park (4-5:30) (Parents Must Attend) Nov. 19 Youth Etiquette Dinner (4:00-6:00 PM) Nov. 20 Thanksgiving Potluck (12-1:30 PM) Nov. 27 Craft Class: Rice Bag Warmer (3-4:30 PM) Nov. 29 Emergency Preparedness (3:00-4:00 PM) Dec. 4 and 11 Players Christmas Program at the Opera House (6:308:30 PM) Dec. 13 Christmas Gift Making (3:30-5:00) PM Dec. 20 RRCI Christmas Party Open House (3-5 PM) All activities are held at the Red Rock Center for Independence unless otherwise noted.

Let Your Voice Be Heard! November 6, 2012 Every Vote Matters. If you need more information about where or when to vote go to THE

vote.utah.gov RED






Youth Program Gaining Momentum by Martha Hafen

Levi Williams, Verushka Todack, Jasmine Williams & Elizabeth Williams

This past summer marked the start of The Red Rock Youth Program. During a kick off BBQ in June, we asked the youth to contribute ideas for activities that they wanted to participate in. The list included trips to Disneyland and Lagoon, playing football in the park, and a Wii Tournament. We spent the summer doing the activities on that list; although we haven’t made it to Disneyland and Lagoon, just yet. The kids have had a blast!

Once school started, the RRCI staff was busy accompanying parents to different schools in the county to help advocate for their child’s education. Because of the demand of these important advocacy responsibilities and school schedules, instead of having weekly activities, youth and parents decided to hold monthly youth activities during school. The fall will again be full of fun with trips to the Staheli Family Farm, a Halloween party and it has been decided that we should have a “pet day” for everyone to show and talk about their 4-legged friends. Watch our website for more information about date, time and place. Not only are we having a good time, but we are learning so many things!! For example, we have learned how to make Zach Otto & Elizabeth Williams butter by hand, the importance of hygiene and that there is really a National Marshmallow Day that we can celebrate. The youth program is for ages 4-24. A future goal is to identify older youth who are excited about learning leadership skills and would like to participate in a youth leadership council. The council members would represent our area in a state wide youth conference. It has been a great few months. Including the youth in activities at the Red Rock Center has been a wonderful experience that we have all enjoyed and are looking forward to see what they would like to do next! If you are between the ages of 4-24 or have a child who is, please contact Martha ([email protected]) to learn about how GET MORE INFO: Angie Hulett to join the youth program. We would love to have you [email protected] participate.


Affordable Housing by Tim Leslie It seems that affordable housing options are limited; applications with landlords are difficult; and the waiting lists to affordable housing are long. Knowing your rights and your options will improve your chances at finding affordable housing and as quickly as possible. The Fair Housing Act, created by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, has set laws for housing complexes with 4 or more units. A housing complex cannot discriminate against individuals regarding race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or handicap (disability). This includes those who are disabled that require a service animal. A document signed by a doctor stating the need of a service animal is required, but a housing complex cannot deny you a unit based on your service pet, despite a no-pet policy. The Disability Law Center (1-800-662-9080) can help you with your rights if you feel discriminated against. Here are some tips to knowing your affordable housing options which will increase your chances: Obtain a rental book at your local housing authority office. Obtain an apartment guide at a local grocery store. Obtain the Washington County Utah or other counties Affordable Rents guide (available at Red Rock Center for Independence). Review list of apartments that rent to Section 8 housing vouchers (visit www.gosection8.com or call toll free 1-866-466-7328). Check the affordable housing options at the Utah Government website at www.findhousing.utah.gov . Check ksl.com and craigslist for rental options. Get an advocate (family, friend, community agency) to help with the process of paperwork and finding the rental. The Red Rock Center for Independence can THE




help you with the process of finding affordable housing.




Help Red Rock Save Some $$!! Are you receiving a paper newsletter? Do you have an email address where we can send an E-NEWSLETTER? Contact:

[email protected]

Board Members in the News Todd P. Christensen walks into an organization or situation with his experience, skill, innate talents; and within moments has the ability to pinpoint challenges and strengths. He has the keen intellect to put actions into play which serve organizations well; honing systems, developing leaders, and dynamically coaching and training both management and staff. Many say he has a sixth sense for organizational effectiveness, and uses wisdom beyond his years in proposing solutions. Besides his unique organizational skills, Todd brings a passion to the disability community as a whole and specifically for the work that Red Rock Center for Independence provides to Southwestern Utah. As a father of a child with disabilities, Todd’s compassion and vision is a great asset to the work of RRCI’s Board of Directors as its newest member. If you are a person with a disability or have an immediate family member with a disability and are interested in sharing your time and talents to the leadership needs of RRCI, please contact Barb ([email protected]) THE




Heather, Jessica, Todd, & Kiara Christensen

DONATION SLIP Mail to: Red Rock Center for Independence 515 West 300 North, Suite A St. George, UT 84770 Name: ______________________________________________

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Red Rock Center for

City: ________________________________________________

Independence create opportunities for people with disabilities in southwestern Utah to live independently through education, personalized

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Other $________________

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Account Number: ____________________________ Expiration Date: _________

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