FALL 2013. For general information only. Full syllabus available from instructor.
CHM-110, Introduction to Chemistry, 3 cr. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduces ...
FALL 2013 CHM-110, Introduction to Chemistry, 3 cr COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduces chemistry to those with little or no previous background in chemistry and is preparatory for further course work in chemistry including Intro to Organic & Biochemistry for Nursing students. The course includes a study of chemical structure and bonding, measurements, periodic table, nuclear chemistry weight/volume relationships in chemical reactions, and solution chemistry. INSTRUCTOR: Mary Anne Teague,
[email protected] REQUIRED MATERIALS: Russo, S. & Silver, M., Introductory Chemistry, 4th Edition, 2011 Recommended: Russo, S., Silver, M., & McGuire, S.Y., Student Workbook and Selected Solutions, for Introductory Chemistry, 4th Edition COURSE OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this course is to prepare you for future courses in chemistry and to enable you to recognize how chemistry relates to your life. It is my hope that this course will increase your understanding of the science around you and strengthen your ability to make informed decisions about scientific issues. As the semester progresses I will provide you with more specific learning objectives. These objectives will outline what I expect you to know from each chapter and will be the specific material covered on quizzes & exams. GRADING CRITERIA: Participation: Quizzes: Problem Sets: Exams: Final Exam:
120 pts 180 pts 150 pts 300 pts 250 pts 1000 pts total
(drop lowest 3 of 15) (drop lowest 2 of 8)
Participation: Throughout the course there will be opportunities to earn participation points through posting on discussion boards and reading reflection. More specific information is provided on the course website. Quizzes: For each chapter you are required to complete a short quiz. This is mostly just an opportunity for you to determine how well you understand the major concepts of the chapter before the exam, but they do count for a grade. More information about the quizzes is provided on the course website. Problem Sets: Each week you will have chapter problems to solve together with another student from your assigned team. More details on these assignments can be found on the course website. Exams: There will be three unit exams during the term. Each exam will cover only the material since the last exam. The exams will all be taken on-line through the Angel website. For general information only. Full syllabus available from instructor.
FALL 2013 They are open-book exams, but they are also timed. You will have 90 minutes to complete each exam. Exam dates are posted on the course calendar. There will also be a comprehensive final exam at the end of the semester. COURSE POLICIES: Section meeting times and place: On-line through Angel. You may work at your convenience; however there are weekly deadlines for assignments. You will also be asked to work in groups periodically throughout the semester. A complete schedule of reading and writing assignments can be found on the course website. All assignments should be completed by the deadline specified in the course calendar. Class Attendance Policy: As this is an on-line ATAW course, there are no required times that you must visit campus. However, I strongly recommend that you log-in to the course website daily to stay on top of discussion posts, announcements, and deadlines. There will also be times throughout the semester when you may need to meet with another student online in a course chat room. Make-up Policy: I will not accept late work or provide make-up exams unless you notify me in advance that you will need extra time for a valid reason. Valid reasons include illness, family emergency, etc. If there is truly an emergency and you can’t notify me in advance, I will consider those situations on a case-by-case basis. If you miss a deadline you may contact me to discuss what happened, but you may not submit late work for a grade unless you have made arrangements with me. KIRKWOOD’S PLAGIARISM AND STUDENT POLICIES: http://www.kirkwood.edu/student_policies
For general information only. Full syllabus available from instructor.