Fall 2017 Newsletter - Capital City Dance Studio

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inclement weather conditions cause class closings: * OFFICE MESSAGE: The “greeting message” on our office voicemail
CAPITAL CITY DANCE STUDIO WEBSITE: www.capitalcitydancestudio.com

L a u ri e M ey er Ow n e r / D i r ec t o r


LABOR DAY: No classes on Monday (Sept 4th). MAKE-UP lesson for this date will be Monday (Nov 20th)

THANKSGIVING: Studios closed Tuesday (Nov 21st through Saturday (Nov 25th)

PARENT VISIT DAY: Parents are invited to attend a class observance day for your child’s last lesson before the Christmas holiday break (Dec 18th-23rd) to be held at the regular class time and location

CHRISTMAS: Studios closed on Monday (Dec 25th) with classes scheduled to resume on Monday (Jan 8th, 2018)

SPRING BREAK: Studios will be closed April 2nd-April 7th, 2018 (Studios do not close for 2017 Fall Break)

E-MAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: (502) 226-3399


FALL 2017

WATCH THE STARS COME OUT We are looking forward to another exciting year of dance as we feature our current and former students who started their dance instruction at an early age at Capital City Dance Studio contributing to their achievements as young adults. We are also very excited to welcome new and returning dancers who all exhibit “star” quality that is enhanced by their dance experience. All of our instructors are former Capital City Dance Studio students who devote themselves to teaching our students the elements, style and enjoyment of dance. Join us as we celebrate our 2017-2018 dance season with Capital City Dance Studio logo items including t-shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops, car decals and dance bags. You can order our specialty logo items on our website, or you can pick up an order form in the waiting rooms of each studio location. Congratulations to Catherine Nesselrode who won our Open House drawing, and Lindsey Johnson and Jasper Curtis who won our FCHS and WHHS dance camp drawings for a free month of tuition (up to $65 value).

Because tuition is not pro-rated or refunded for absence, make-up classes are offered if your child misses class. A listing of these classes is available in each studio. Please ask your child’s instructor about this if necessary.

RECITAL AND COSTUME UPDATES Our 2018 recital dates are: During the month of October, our instructors will be taking your child’s measurements for recital costume sizing. Regular class attendance is important, particularly during this time, for timely and accurate costume ordering.

Costume payment is DUE IN FULL by October 31st, 2017. We regret that a costume cannot be ordered unless the full amount (including any outstanding monthly tuition payments) is received by this date.


June 5th


June 6th


June 7th


June 8th


June 9th

You will be informed as to which night your child will perform

WHAT TO DO WHEN BAD WEATHER STRIKES Capital City Dance Studio provides a communication system for those times when inclement weather conditions cause class closings: 


The “greeting message” on our office voicemail will indicate class status


An announcement will be posted at the top of our home page (www.capitalcitydancestudio.com)


An announcement will be posted on our Facebook status page

TWITTER (www.twitter.com/capcitydance):

An announcement will be posted on Twitter

INSTAGRAM (www.instagram.com/capcitydance):


If you have provided us with a current e-mail address, you will receive a message stating that classes are cancelled


WKYT, WLEX 18, and WTVQ are notified for studio closings

An announcement will be posted on Instagram


THANK YOU FOR VOTING US “FRANKFORT’S FAVORITE DANCE STUDIO” ! We are honored to be Frankfort’s Favorite Dance Studio as awarded by the State Journal’s “Frankfort’s Faves” contest! Casey Tillett, an instructor at our studio for 25 years, was also awarded “Frankfort’s Favorite Dance Instructor”! 2019 will be our 50th anniversary, and we are excited to continue providing our standard of dance excellence to the children of Frankfort and surrounding counties!