Fall JH Newsletter 2016.pdf - Google Drive

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It is simple and convenient. Simply type the web-address ps7-cr.treca.org. and enter your student's user name and. passw

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Cardington Junior High School Newsletter Learn to Check Grades Online

What’s Inside? v Learn How to Check Your Grades ONLINE! à v Dates to Mark on Your Calendar v Featured Junior High Clubs and Activities to Join v 8th Grade Washington DC Trip Information v Rachel’s Challenge Assembly v Tutoring Opportunity v Extra Credit Opportunity v Parent-Teacher Conferences Information

Parents and students are able to check their grades online! This is a great tool to use to see your academic progress, learn about missing assignments, track attendance, view test scores, and connect with teachers. If you’re not already using this tool, you’re missing out! It is simple and convenient. Simply type the web-address ps7-cr.treca.org and enter your student’s user name and password. To learn your student’s username and password please contact the guidance office! If you have trouble accessing your student’s account contact the guidance office and they will walk you through the process or schedule an appointment with you. There is a catch! You must pay school fees in order to view your grades online! Currently, accounts are available to everyone (regardless if fees are paid) until the end of Q1. If fees are not paid by the end of Q1 you will not be able to access your account. Learn if you need to pay school fees by calling the front office. Continue reading on page 3.

Save the Date! Two Hour Delay September 14th & October 12th 1st period begins at 9:50a.m. Don’t be late!

Parent-Teacher Conferences (more info on page 5)

October 6th & October th

11 4:30p.m. – 7:00p.m. Cardington Jr./Sr. High

No School October 10th Columbus Day!

Picture ReTakes October 13th

8th Grade TriRivers/OSUM Tour

End of Quarter 1

October 14th 8:50a.m. – 2:00p.m. Tri-River’s Career Center & Ohio State Marion Branch

Grade Cards Sent Home

October 19th

October 26th


FALL 2016

Junior High Clubs and Activities Spirit Club

Science Club Cardington-Lincoln Junior High Science Club was awarded a $4,926 grant by the Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF). The grant provides digital equipment and supplies that will be utilized by students to collect and record data during local stream monitoring. Students will utilize sophisticated instruments to measure pH levels, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and temperatures within the stream environment to synthesize information, make predictions, and evaluate and communicate data using 21st Century Skills. Members meet throughout the school year researching and planning their stream experimentation. Also, students spent an entire school day last April completing their individualized experiments, collecting river specimens and recording data. Students then shared the information and data with each other as a culminating activity. See Mr. Wolford or Mrs. Kill for more information!

Spirit Club gives Junior High students an opportunity to be involved in their school. Spirit Club sponsors school dances, events, and activities to help ignite school spirit. Join spirit club to be a part of Red Ribbon Week, Pennies for Patients, Spirit Week, Farewell Dance, and more! Spirit Club works closely with Student Council on different events and planning. Join Mrs. Holloway for the first Spirit Club meeting on Friday, September 16th. Also, keep an ear out for Red Ribbon week, which includes a spirit themed week. Show your school spirit by participating in different themes throughout the week!

Robotics This year Cardington is offering Robotics as a class for 7th and 8th graders. 7th Grade Robotics focuses on the basics of programming and building so that all students can build a Clawbot. 8th Grade Robotics students are able to create their own design, formulate teams to construct a robot, and program the robot so that it can complete tasks necessary to be successful in robotic competitions. Students will also download their program to a remote control and be able to drive the robots around! “This is a very exciting opportunity for our students and the progress is more than I could have ever anticipated. Last year one of our Junior High Teams made it all the way to the state competition – Sonny Grooms, Andrew Schopperei and Miles Grooms were the members on the team. I am very proud of all my students and this year is looking to be another great one!” says Jodi Adams. This year’s competition is called Starstruck. For more information and videos about the competition visit, vexrobotics.com, or see Mrs. Adams. 2


8th Grade Washington DC Trip Information On May 10th – 13th 8th grade students are invited to travel to Washington DC with Mrs. Kill and Mr. King. In order to attend, students must submit 3 payments totaling $590.00 (based on a minimum of 35 paying people per coach). The first payment of $150.00 is due September 20th; the second payment of $220.00 is due November 18th; and the 3rd payment of $220.00 (depending on number of people attending) is due January 31st. Checks or money orders can be payable to Cardington-Lincoln Local Schools. Students are also encouraged to raise funds for the trip by collecting Box Tops for Education, selling Doughnuts October 7th-21st and Cookie Dough throughout November. There is also a DC Raffle throughout November

FALL 2016 Each year three students are awarded the honor to lay a wreath at The Arlington National Cemetery and The Vietnam Wall. Students must submit an essay; essays are anonymously reviewed and rated by a panel of teachers. Winners are selected by a systematic point system.

and December as the final fundraising event. Throughout the trip, students will explore the Arlington Cemetery; National Archives and Cathedral; Air Force Memorial; Holocaust Museum; US Capitol Tour; Martin Luther King, FDR, and Jefferson Memorial; the Korean, Lincoln, Vietnam, and World War II Memorial... And much more (see the trip literary on our school website)!! For more information on fundraising and payments contact Mrs. Kill [email protected]; for tour supervisions, room, and board contact Troy King [email protected]. If a parent or guardian is interested in attending the trip please contact Mrs. Kill and you will be contacted on September 23rd with more information. CHECK YOUR STUDENT’S GRADES ONLINE CONTINUED… Ms. Denzer encourages you to ask your student if they already know how to log on to see their grades online (they should say, YES!). Earlier this year, Ms. Denzer led classroom guidance lessons to all 7th and 8th grade students to teach students how to access their online account. All students were given step-by-step directions about how to access their account, as well as their individual username and password. Ask your student today or check the front of their agenda!! 3


FALL 2016

Rachel’s Challenge Cardington’s Junior High students were invited to join Highland Junior High for a Rachel’s Challenge assembly. Student’s learned the inspiring story of Rachel Scott whose example of kindness and acceptance was brought to light when she became the first victim of the Columbine High School tragedy. Conveyed through stories from Rachel’s life and writings, the Challenge Presentation shows the profound positive impact we can have on those around us. It demonstrates the power of deliberately reaching out in word and action to others to start what Rachel called a ‘chain reaction’ of kindness and compassion. During the assembly, students were motivated to consider where they are personally; and reflect on their relationship with, and impact on, people around them. The presentation also renewed hope in students that their life has a purpose through service of others; and gives them permission to start their own chain reaction of kindness and compassion, which positively affects their school climate. Students were also challenged with 5 impacting tasks: (1) Look for the best in others, (2) Dream big, (3) Choose positive influences, (4) Speak with kindness, and (5) Start your own chain reaction. After the assembly, students were asked to reflect on their experience and consider what their ‘chain reaction’ would include and how to begin. Students were asked to write their plan on a slip of paper and create a linked chain with their classmates. The linked chain is present throughout the school building to remind students of their commitment and plan to make Cardington Junior High a positive and accepting school environment. Thank you to Matt Bradley and Bill Dodds of Highland Local Schools for including Cardington-Lincoln Junior High in this amazing opportunity! Interesting Statistic: Student surveys showed a 123% increase in number of students that would intervene in a bullying situation after seeing the Challenge Presentation. 4

FALL 2016

Tutoring Opportunity Cardington Church of the Nazarene, 328 Water Street, will provide free tutoring to CardingtonLincoln students Tuesday and Thursday from 67:30 pm starting in September. Volunteers will be available in the church fellowship hall to help with all subjects. For more details contact the church office (419)-864-6801 and leave a message with your contact number, or e-mail Todd Jolliff at the school, [email protected].

Extra Credit Opportunity Assignment: Spend 5 minutes or more with a family member and talk about their favorite childhood memory. After your discussion, write the following… (1) Your name and date. (2) The person you interviewed. (3) Describe their favorite childhood memory. (4) Have the person that you interview sign and date the paper at the bottom. v You may turn this extra credit into 1 teacher. Points for extra credit may vary depending on the teacher.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Please make an appointment with Mrs. Levering in the front office (419)-864-7696 if you wish to discuss your student’s academic achievement. Meetings are scheduled in a ‘team’ format, where all teachers are available at once for discussion. The school may contact parents or guardians if a teacher believes that it would benefit a parent to attend parent-teacher conferences. Below are the junior high teacher emails if you wish to contact a teacher at your convenience. Lets keep in communication the entire school year – not just during parent-teacher conferences! If you would like to be part of a parent email list-serve for important information and dates, please email Ms. Denzer to be added to the list. Angela Adams (Health, Reading in the Content): [email protected]

Troy King (7th Grade Social Studies, 7th Grade Physical Education): [email protected]

Jodi Adams (Robotics, GTT, CTT): [email protected]

Lisa Levering (Head Secretary): [email protected]

Shannon Byerly (Algebra I): [email protected]

Emily Marconi (7th and 8th Grade Math, 7th Grade Math Accelerated): [email protected]

Eric Staley (8th Grade English Intervention Specialist): [email protected]

Diana McClure (8th Grade Social Studies):

Ann Marie Thomas (8th Grade English, CTT B): [email protected]

Caroline Denzer (7th, 8th, 9th Grade School Counselor): [email protected] Pamela Frysinger (Intervention Specialist): [email protected]

[email protected] Joseph Mills (Jr./Sr. High Principal):

Ginger Holloway (7th Grade English, CTT A): [email protected] [email protected] John Moneyhon (MH/Intervention Donna Kill (7th Grade Science, Life Skills): Specialist): [email protected] [email protected]

Carol Mosher (Guidance Secretary): [email protected] Eric Poorman (7th and 8th Grade Math Review): [email protected]

Jerry Williams (Dean of Students): [email protected]

Beau Wolford (8th Grade Science, 8th Grade Accelerated Science): [email protected]