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Lake Arbor Elementary School "Where Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things" 10205 Lake Arbor Way, Mitchellville, MD 20721 Phone: 301-808-5940 Fax: 301-808-5960 Tonya Y. Riggins, Principal
LaTanya S. Sothern, Assistant Principal
Instrumental Music Program August 23, 2016 Dear Parents/Guardians, Hello! Your child has expressed an interest in joining the Instrumental Music Program for the 2016-2017 school year! At the tryout today your child was assessed on Wind, String, and Percussion instruments. On Wind instruments students needed to be able to produce a clear sound. For String instruments students needed to be able to hold the instrument in proper playing position. And Percussion students had to demonstrate good mallet technique. Instruments offered next year will include: Oboe, Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Baritone, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Percussion (bells). Your child,
, has selected to
play the Students entering the fourth, and fifth grade this fall have the option to participate in the instrumental music program. This informational sheet is intended to make you aware of the opportunity your child has for the upcoming school year. Joining this program does involve financial responsibilities from you the parent. There are some school instruments available for loan that will be distributed on a needs basis. Students who do not receive an instrument from the school will have to rent an instrument from a local music store. All students must purchase supplies (book, reeds, etc.) in order to learn the instrument successfully. This instructional program is a pullout program, meaning that the students leave an academic class for instrument class. In order to prevent the students from missing out on important classroom information Instrumental Music Class times will change daily. Students are responsible for making up their missed work! Students are expected to attend instrumental music class with ALL supplies and to turn in monthly practice journals. Students will receive a grade on their report card based on class participation, practice journals, playing tests, concert performances, and other assigned work. Students in the program will participate in two school concerts, The Winter Concert and The Spring Concert.
Lake Arbor Elementary School "Where Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things" 10205 Lake Arbor Way, Mitchellville, MD 20721 Phone: 301-808-5940 Fax: 301-808-5960 Tonya Y. Riggins, Principal
LaTanya S. Sothern, Assistant Principal
Please complete this enrollment form online on Mr. Kessler's website. Please wait to get an instrument until I confirm your child's instrument selection and what supplies they will need from the store. Instrumental music class will begin the around the 3' week of school, there will be plenty of time to rent an instrument and get your supplies. How do you fill out the instrumental enrollment form? 1.Fill out the child's full name and their current grade. 2. Provide the child's classroom teacher followed by the name of parent or guardian. 3. Please provide a home and/or work phone number. 4. If you have an email address, please provide it. 5. Please write down their instrument selection. 6. Most important, please print neatly. 7. You may also complete this enrollment form online on Mr. Kessler's website. Students will be asked to select a back up instrument choice. In order to have a balanced music program, students who return their sheets quickly will have a higher chance of playing their first choice instrument. Also, students need to keep in mind that choosing an instrument because their friends have picked that instrument does not mean they will be playing together in the same class. Students should pick the instrument that interests then, because students will be placed into mixed instrumental groups later in the school year. If at any time you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at school; however, I may not be in at the time you call as I teach at three elementary schools. Please remember to return all enrollment forms by Friday, September 9, 2016. Playing an instrument is an investment that can be very rewarding and exciting. I hope that your child will decide to join the Instrumental Music Program! Musically Yours,
Mr. Michael Kessler Instrumental Music Teacher Columbia Park Elementary School Lake Arbor Elementary School William Paca Elementary School michael.kesslera,pgcps. org Mr. Kessler's Website-