Greenberg. August 2015. PB: 978-1-84872-485-3: $49.95 $39.96. HB: 978-1-84872-484-6: $155 $124. For more information, please visit: ...
20% Discount with this flyer Order online using discount code IRK71* Family-Based Prevention Programs for Children and Adolescents Theory, Research, and Large-Scale Dissemination
Edited by Mark J. Van Ryzin, Karol L. Kumpfer, Gregory M. Fosco, Mark T. Greenberg Family-Based Prevention Programs for Children and Adolescents highlights the distinctive contributions of a set of exemplary programs in terms of their foundational theory, design, delivery mechanisms, performance, and unique opportunities for future research. Each chapter is written by a preeminent program developer, including: Gene H. Brody Richard F. Catalano Patricia Chamberlain Thomas J. Dishion Mark E. Feinberg Marion S. Forgatch
Kevin P. Haggerty Patricia Lester Cleve Redmond Matthew R. Sanders Richard L. Spoth Carolyn Webster-Stratton
As an important signpost signifying the noteworthy achievements of the field to date, as well as an arrow pointing the field toward significant growth in the future, this book is a must-have primary resource for graduate students in developmental or clinical psychology, counseling, family sciences, social work, or health policy, and an essential guide for practitioners and policymakers in the field of family-based prevention, family service delivery, or public health.
August 2015 PB: 978-1-84872-485-3: $49.95 $39.96 HB: 978-1-84872-484-6: $155 $124 For more information, please visit:
CONTENTS 1. Family-Based Approaches to Prevention: The State of the Field 2. Family Foundations 3. The Incredible Years Series: A Developmental Approach 4. Strengthening Families for Middle/Late Childhood 5. The Family Check-Up Model as Prevention and Treatment of Adolescent Drug (ab)Use: The Intervention Strategy, Outcomes, and Implementation Model 6. Early Results from Implementing PMTO: Full Transfer on a Grand Scale 7. The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program: A Community-Wide Approach to Parenting and Family Support 8. The Partnership-Based PROSPER Delivery System and Implementation of the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 9. Scaling-Up Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care: A Randomized Trial of Two Implementation Strategies 10. Staying Connected With Your Teen and the Promise of Self-Directed Prevention Programs 11. Families OverComing Under Stress (FOCUS): A Family Centered Preventive Intervention for Families Facing Trauma, Stress, and Adversity— Implementation with Military Families 12. Cultural and Gender Adaptations of Evidence-based Family Interventions 13. Family-Centered Prevention for Rural African Americans: The Strong African American Families Program (SAAF), The Strong African American Families–Teen Program (SAAF–T), and The Adults in the Making Program (AIM) 14. Thinking Systematically for Enduring Family Change *This 20% discount is only available to individuals purchasing through our website, until 31st December 2015, and cannot be combined with any other offer or discount.