family matters award winners - Glimmer Train

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FAMILY MATTERS AWARD WINNERS. We thank all entrants for sending in their work ... His fiction and essays have appeared i
FAMILY MATTERS AWARD WINNERS 1st Place S.P. MacIntyre receives $1,500 for “Pinch.” I consider myself a pretty unflappable guy, but with my heart batting against the inside of my chest like a moth in a killing jar and the cocaine giving everything a furious urgency, I’m surprised that the only thing I could muster was, “What are you doing?” S.P. MacIntyre earned his MFA at the University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign, and his work has appeared in cream city review; Hobart (web); Cease, Cows; The Rattling Wall; and, now, Glimmer Train Stories. He was born in Los Angeles but currently lives with his wife in South Florida, where he edits newsletters and writes books.Twitter: @spmacintyre

2nd Place Christopher Bundy receives $500 for “80,000,000.” Theo tried to let the hurt feelings go and played chase with the satellite channels, finding upcoming biographies on 20th century world leaders: F.D.R., Churchill, Stalin. Christopher Bundy is the author of Baby,You’re a Rich Man. His fiction and essays have appeared in River Teeth, Atlanta Magazine, Glimmer Train, Puerto del Sol, DIAGRAM, and Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, as well as other print and online publications. He is a founding editor of the journal New South, and lives in Atlanta, Georgia, where he teaches writing and literature at Savannah College of Art & Design-Atlanta.

3rd Place D.C. Lambert receives $300 for “That Your Reality Is the Only Reality.” What is it with the apocalypse stuff? Did you notice that every single preview in the movie theater last week was about the apocalypse? D.C. Lambert earned her MFA from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College. Her short stories have appeared in such magazines as Cleaver, ACM: Another Chicago Magazine, Stand, and Columbia. She is currently seeking representation for her novel, Persistently Dangerous, which is based on her experiences as a special needs middle school teacher in the inner city.

We thank all entrants for sending in their work!

September 2015 FM