FAQ: Recording of modules and diagnostic data. Entry-ID: 29801480 ... ia gnos
eda ten. _ erfass en. _. V10_ en.doc. Table of contents: 1. Contents of this
document . .... 4. Double-click the CPU in “HW Config –. SIMATIC 300 (1) Online”.
5. Select the ... are available in chapter 23 of the “Programming with STEP 7”
Contents of this document ............................................................................ 3
2 2.1 2.2
Recording Plant Status and Event Entries ................................................... 4 Display plant status........................................................................................... 4 Reading and saving the event entries of the CPU ............................................ 5 Information on the diagnostic buffer............................................................. 6
3 3.1 3.2 3.3
Recording of Module Data and Diagnostic Data.......................................... 7 Reading the CPU module data ......................................................................... 7 Reading out the DP Slave module data............................................................ 8 Reading out the DP Slave diagnostic messages .............................................. 9
4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4
Display CPU Information with the Internet Browser ................................. 10 Settings on the PC side .................................................................................. 11 Settings on the SIMATIC side......................................................................... 12 Access with the internet browser .................................................................... 13 Browser window with access options to the CPU information data ................ 14
This article is taken from the Internet offer of Siemens AG, IA AS/DT, Service & Support. The following link will take you directly to the download page of this document. http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/29801480
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Recording of Modules and Diagnostic Data
FAQ: Recording of modules and diagnostic data
Entry-ID: 29801480
Contents of this document This document shows you how to gain an overview over the operating mode of the automation system. Additionally, the instruction leads you step by step to the main information.
As an example a CPU-317 was employed as master and an ET 200M as slave in the STEP 7 project. Other used modules can be treated in the same way.
The order and procedure of the subsequent actions is not mandatory, but it is useful for most standard cases.
Save the current content of the diagnostic buffer before performing further actions at the CPU such as RESET or RUN-STOP switchovers. The saved events support you in the analysis and can also contribute towards finding solutions when queried by the Technical Support.
In the SIMATIC Manager you select the desired PC station.
Click “Online” in the toolbar.
Double-click the “Hardware” icon.
Figure 2-1
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In the window of the “HW Config” station you see the slave and its modules with the current status (marked with red boxes). marks those The status icon modules which currently provide diagnostic information.
Recording of Modules and Diagnostic Data
FAQ: Recording of modules and diagnostic data
Entry-ID: 29801480
Reading and saving the event entries of the CPU
Continuing with display and saving of the event entries
Note / Explanation
Double-click the CPU in “HW Config – SIMATIC 300 (1) Online”.
Select the “Diagnostic Buffer” tab.
Click the “Save as…“ button in order to save the event entries of the diagnostic buffer.
The content of the diagnostic buffer is now available to you in a txt-file.
If you have marked a CPU in a offline window, you can use or the menu (PLC, Diagnostic/Setting, Module Information) to enter the Module Information windows without going online first.
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Recording of Modules and Diagnostic Data
FAQ: Recording of modules and diagnostic data
Entry-ID: 29801480
Information on the diagnostic buffer The diagnostic buffer integrated in the CPU saves all occurring events. Due to the listed events, a detailed statement can be made in case of problems or failure. The diagnostic buffer of the CPU works as a ring buffer. The number of messages to be saved is fixed for the S7-300 CPUs. In the in the “Diagnostic Buffer” tab of the “Module Information” window (online) under “Settings..” the number of displayed events can be specified.
Further information for evaluating the diagnostic messages are available in chapter 23 of the “Programming with STEP 7” manual. http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/18652056
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Recording of Modules and Diagnostic Data
FAQ: Recording of modules and diagnostic data
Entry-ID: 29801480
Recording of Module Data and Diagnostic Data The term “module data” comprises entries such as order number, hardware version and firmware version of a module.
Reading the CPU module data
In the SIMATIC Manager you select the desired PC station.
Click “Online” in the toolbar.
Double-click the “Hardware” icon.
Click the module from which you request the module data. Use the shortcut “Strg + D” or select “Module Information...” in the “PLC” -> “Module information” pull-down menu, to start reading out the module status.
In the SIMATIC Manager you select the desired PC station.
Go online by clicking the “Online” button on the toolbar.
Double-click the “Hardware” icon in the right section of the Online window to obtain an overview over the status of the SIMATIC station.
Double-click the DP-Slave to open the “Module Information...“ window.
Figure 3-2
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In the “General” tab of the “Module Information...” window the module data is displayed (marked with the red box). The displayed data are online data which were directly read out from the module.
Continuing with reading out the DP Slave diagnostic messages
Note / Explanation
Now select the “DP-Slave Diagnostics” tab in the “Module Information IM 153-2” window.
Click the “Hex Format” button to have the message displayed in Hex code. This hex-format shows you the diagnostic data record DS0 / DS1.
In the “DP Slave Diagnostics” tab of the “Module Information...“ window the “Standard diagnostics of the slave“ box shows you the pending messages. In the bottom section the messages are represented divided in Slot, Channel number., and the Error message text. The “Diagnostic in Hexadecimal Format“ window shows you the entire diagnostic data record DS0 / DS1 (marked with a red box). The HEX entries in the “Diagnostic in Hexadecimal Format“ window of the DP slave station are dependent of the installed modules in the station.
Figure 3-3
The ET 200M station was selected as an example. In the manual of ET 200M in chapter 9.3 you find the respective information which helps in detail for the analysis of the data records DS0 / DS1. http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/1142798
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Recording of Modules and Diagnostic Data
FAQ: Recording of modules and diagnostic data
Entry-ID: 29801480
Display CPU Information with the Internet Browser In order to gain access to the CPU with the internet browser the following settings are necessary. •
On the PC side the IP address must be given for the internet protocol (TCP/IP) of the network card. The subnet mask is automatically activated after the input of the IP address.
On the SIMATIC side the IP address must be given for the PN/IO interface of the CPU. Here the subnet mask is also automatically activated after the input of the IP address.
The following section describes in detail how to make the required settings. In the following example, the point to point connection between the SIMATIC and the PC network card was made by means of a crossover LAN cable.
The IP addresses of CPU and network card were selected as an example. When using an existing LAN network, you must check the IP addresses of your LAN stations with the network administrator.
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Recording of Modules and Diagnostic Data
FAQ: Recording of modules and diagnostic data
Entry-ID: 29801480
Settings on the PC side
Go to the network connections of your PC.
Select the network connection and call up the “Properties” of the network connection via the right mouse button.
Now you select the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click on the “Properties” button of Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Activate the “Use the following IP address” field and specify the IP address of the PC network card. When exiting the input field “IP address:“ the value for the subnet mask will automatically be entered.
Complete the input via the “OK” button and “Close”.
Selection menu for the CPU information data (marked with a red box).
Start page General module data and status of the CPU
Identification Order number, hardware version, FW-version
Diagnostic Buffer with occurred events
Messages of the I/O via DP-PROFIBUS
PROFINET IP parameters and statistics of the PN/IO interface
Variable status
Variable table Detailed information in this topic is available in the “S7-31xC and CPU 31x, Technical Data” chapter 3.3.2 http://support.automation.siemens.com/WW/view/en/12996906