Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application. 2. Integeo Pty Ltd .... From
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Map Intelligence Application Guide Fast Food Franchise Application
Integeo Pty Ltd Suite 79, 330 Wattle Street Ultimo NSW 2007 Australia Tel: +61 2 9045 3391 Fax: +61 2 9281 0286 Email:
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COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2017 Integeo Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. TRADEMARKS Map Intelligence and integeo are registered trademarks of Forge Information Technology Pty Ltd and its licensors. All other product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. DOCUMENT INFORMATION Version
17 Jan 2017
Initial version
Michael Nicholls
APPLICATION VERSION INFORMATION Map Intelligence MI Client Excel - v 4.2. MI Server – SP – v 4.4
Fast Food Franchise Application ............................................................................. 4 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................4 About this application ..........................................................................................................................4 How to access the Fast Food Franchise Application ..........................................................................4 Exploring Map Intelligence ....................................................................................................................5 Viewing the Legend .............................................................................................................................5 Thematic Layers ..................................................................................................................................6 Using the Heat Map Visualisation .......................................................................................................9 Zooming in for a closer look ..............................................................................................................11 Thematic Layers ................................................................................................................................14 Location Information and Active Point Links .....................................................................................15 Closing Map Intelligence ...................................................................................................................17
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
FAST FOOD FRANCHISE APPLICATION INTRODUCTION ABOUT THIS APPLICATION This simple Map Intelligence application looks at fictitious data for the Fast Food Industry in Sydney, Australia. This Guide will take you through each step for •
viewing additional in the Location Information panel;
changing themes
using the Heat Map visualization;
zooming into the map; and
using the Active Point links
Click on the FastFoodLaunchFile-4.2_SP_4.4_latest.html launchfile accompanying this document or if accessing from the Integeo website Demonstration section click the Start Fast Food Application button.
A browser will open launching the application.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
EXPLORING MAP INTELLIGENCE The Map Intelligence MI Viewer will open displaying a map of Greater Sydney. The Local Government Areas (LGA) are color-coded according to the most common type of food outlet.
Figure 1. Map showing LGA’s color-coded according to the most common type of food outlet.
VIEWING THE LEGEND To display the Map Intelligence Legend 1.
Click the Show Legend button
Figure 2. Selecting the Show Legend button.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 3. Map and legend .
You can immediately tell that to the west and south there are more chicken outlets, whereas the north has more Burger outlets and the East favors Pizza outlets. Moving the Legend 1.
Click the Legend, the mouse pointer changes from a Pointer to a pan pointer
Move to reposition the Legend and when in the correct position, release the mouse.
THEMATIC LAYERS You can easily change the color-coding or theme to display a different view using the Layer Manager.
Click the Layer Manager button , located at the top right of the MI Viewer. The Layer Manager will open showing the Thematic Layers panel.
From the Thematic Layers panel
, select the Income section.
The theme will change to show the LGA’s color-coded according to the average household income as shown in Figure 4. We can see that LGA’s with lower incomes tend to be to the west and south with the northern and eastern LGA’s having higher incomes.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 4. Map showing LGA’s color-coded according to income.
To close the Layer Manager, click the Layer Manager button
LOCATION INFORMATION Further details about a location can be found by using the Location Information feature. To activate Location Information 1.
Ensure that the Location Information button is active • •
, if not click the button.
Once activated the Location Information button will change to active mode turn Location Information off. By default the Location Information mode is active.
, click again to
Click anywhere in the map, the click point will be highlighted by a Location Information Marker and the Location Information panel will open displaying the features found underneath the cursor, in this example the Location Address and the total average salary within the Hornsby Local Government Area.
Figure 5: Location Information marker
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 6. Location Information panel displaying the Location Address and total average salary within the Hornsby LGA.
By default, each group is expanded, use the
buttons to expand and collapse the query results.
Click the Close button
Click on the Layer Manager button and from the Thematic Layers panel select Most Common Franchise Category, the map will display the initial view.
to close the Location Information panel.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Once again, click on an LGA, this time the information popup will display information relating to the most common type of food franchise in the area (Figure 7).
Figure 7.Location Information panel displaying the most common type of food franchise in the Baulkham Hills LGA.
Click the Close button
to close the Location Information panel.
USING THE HEAT MAP VISUALISATION A Heat map shows you where the highest concentration of points are. Heat maps are particularly useful for looking at patterns rather than individual points and for mapping areas of different sizes. 1.
From the Layer Manager, click on the Visualization layers tab (Figure 9).
. The Visualization panel will open
Click the Heat Map panel.
Figure 8: Opening Heat Map.
The Heat Map configuration panel will appear (Figure 10). 3.
Set the Opacity slider to 90.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 9. Thematic layers panel.
From the first Data Set drop-down list, select Outlets.
From the second Data Set drop-down list, select Category.
Set the Cell size slider to 3.
Set the Search radius slider to 9.
Set the Number of levels slider to 5.
Click on the Start color colored rectangle, then select the color white from the color picker.
10. Ensure the End color is set to the default color red.
Figure 10. Visualization Layer: Configure Heat Map.
11. Click the color picker Close button.
12. Click the Apply button
to save the configuration.
13. Click the Back button to return to the Visualization layers tab. The Hot Spot panel will now be both highlighted and the checkbox selected to indicate Hotspots are visible. The map view will change to show where there are clusters (the red areas) of food outlets as shown in Figure 11. There appears to be two areas with a high density of fast food outlets, the first as we would expect, is around the Sydney CBD area, the second to the west around Parramatta.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 11. Surface density view.
Click the Heat Map checkbox
To reconfigure the Heat Map settings, click the Configure configuration panel will reopen.
To view the Heat Map Legend, open the Legend panel by clicking the Legend button
to turn the Heat Map layer on / off. icon, the Heat Map
ZOOMING IN FOR A CLOSER LOOK Using the Zoom to Marquee navigation tool, we are now going to take a closer look at the high density area around the Parramatta area. 1.
Move the mouse to a start point on the map, press the SHIFT key, click on the map and draw by dragging a rectangular shape around the red area around Parramatta, as seen in Release the mouse and the map will zoom in to show the points where the individual food outlets are located, represented by colored circles Figure 13.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 12. Zoom to Marquee – Shift-Click-Drag-Release.
Touchscreen users stretch to zoom in and pinch to zoom out.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 13. View after zooming in closer.
From the Visualization layers panel, turn off the Heat Map visualization by deselecting the checkbox.
Close the Layer Manager.
The map will shows the food outlets in the Parramatta area at street level. You can clearly see the food outlet points (Figure 14). The points are color coded according to the Food Category of the individual outlet, red circles = burger outlets, blue circles = pizza, yellow circles = chicken, etc. Each point has a label next to showing the name of the food franchise.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 14. Street Level view of the Parramatta area showing food outlet points. The Legend shows the Category theme.
If you have closed the Legend, click the Legend button on the Toolbar.
THEMATIC LAYERS Let’s now change the theme (color-coding) of the food outlet points from food category to the name of the franchise. 1.
Click the Layer Manager button Thematic Layers tab
and select the
As the Map Intelligence Point Layer has multiple themes, in the Outlets point section two radio buttons appear, one for the by Category theme and another for the by Name theme. 2.
Click the by Name radio button, the map and legend will be updated (Figure 15).
Close the Layer Manager.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 15. Points – by Name theme
You can see the points have changed to rectangles, the color of each rectangle representing the franchise - red for Burger House , green for Salad World , etc (Figure 16).
Figure 16. Points – by Name theme
LOCATION INFORMATION AND ACTIVE POINT LINKS The Active Points link allows you to click on a specific point on the map and launch a URL associated with that point. 1.
Ensure that the Location Information button is active
Click on one of the points, the Location Information panel will open . The Location Information panel provides further information about the food outlet, name, type of outlet and street address.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
Figure 17. Clicking on a point open s the Location Information panel.
Click on Link to launch a URL, in this case the franchise website.
Figure 18. Active Point tool. Clicking on a point launches the franchise website.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application
This has been a very simple demonstration, showing only a few of the analytical tools available in Map Intelligence. You can find out more information about Map Intelligence tools by clicking the Help button
on the toolbar.
CLOSING MAP INTELLIGENCE Before we close the MI Viewer, you need to end your Map Intelligence session. 1.
Click the End Session button
to end your current Map Intelligence session.
Long-press means click and hold the mouse for about 1 second before releasing it.
Close your browser.
Map Intelligence – Fast Food Franchise Application