Fatty Acid Copper(II) Carboxylates with Nicotinamide ...

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Several new compounds of the composition [Cu2(OOCCnH2n+1)4. (nia)2] (nia = nicotinamide; n = 6 to 11) were synthesized, charac- terized and tested for ...

ISSN-0011-1643 CCA-2587

CCACAA 72 (2–3) 427¿441 (1999)

Original Scientific Paper

Fatty Acid Copper(II) Carboxylates with Nicotinamide – Characterization and Fungicidal Activity. Crystal Structures of Two Heptanoate Forms and Nonanoate* Bojan Kozlev~ar,a,** Nina Lah,a Ivan Leban,a Iztok Turel,a Primo` [egedin,a Marko Petri~,b Franc Pohleven,b Andrew J. P. White,c David J. Williams,c and Gerald Giesterd a



Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, P.O. Box 537, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Department of Wood Science and Technology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ro`na dolina, C. VIII/34, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, South Kensington, London SW7 2AY, United Kingdom d

Geozentrum, Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie, Universität Wien, Althanstraße 14, A–1090 Wien, Austria Received November 23, 1998; accepted February 22, 1999

Several new compounds of the composition [Cu2(OOCCnH2n+1)4 (nia)2] (nia = nicotinamide; n = 6 to 11) were synthesized, characterized and tested for fungicidal activity. Crystal structure determinations revealed dinuclear structures of the copper(II) acetate hydrate type for compounds [Cu2(OOCC6H13)4(nia)2]-A (1A), [Cu2(OOCC6H13)4(nia)2]-B (1B) and [Cu2(OOCC8H17)4(nia)2] (3). Other applied characterization methods indicate dimeric structures for all synthesized compounds [meff (298 K) = 1.43–1.50 BM; characteristic band in UV-Vis spectra in the region l = 350–400 nm]. The same conclusion may also be deduced from the IR (D = nasym(COO–)–nsym(COO–) = 183–189 cm–1) and EPR spectra, though some differences were observed for heptanoate modification 1A, probably due to a different hydrogen bonding scheme. Screen* Dedicated to Professor Boris Kamenar on the occasion of his 70th birthday. ** Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.



ing for fungicidal activity against the wood-rotting fungus Trametes versicolor (L. ex Fr.) Pilat shows that the compounds dissolved in DMSO completely stop mycelium growth at a concentration of 1.0 ´ 10–3 mol L–1. Some of them (n = 8, 9, 10) show strong activity also in more diluted solutions (1.0 ´ 10–4 mol L–1). Key words: copper(II) carboxylates, fatty acids, nicotinamide, crystal structure, EPR, fungicidal activity.

INTRODUCTION The fungicidal activity of copper(II) carboxylates have already been studied.1–3 It was noticed that not only the nature of the ligands around the metal ion but also their mode of coordination plays an important role in the complex activity. During the investigations, it was found that dimeric complexes involving bridging fatty acids are especially interesting.4,5 The influence of dimers in biological systems may also vary with the different apically positioned ligand that is already bioactive, e.g. nicotinamide in this study. In general, copper(II) carboxylates exhibit the dinuclear paddle-wheel cage type structure. Although more than 250 X-ray crystal structures containing the [Cu2(OOCR)4] core can be found in the Cambridge Structural Database6 and over a hundred of the type [Cu2(OOCR)4L2] (L is an apical ligand with an oxygen or a nitrogen donor atom), only a few of the former are with higher carboxylic acids,7–10 of which only one is of the type [Cu2(OOCR)4L2].10 In this paper, the synthesis and characterization of the fatty acid copper(II) carboxylates with nicotinamide [Cu2(OOCCnH2n+1)4(nia)2] (n = 6 for 1A, 1B; 7 for 2; 8 for 3; 9 for 4; 10 for 5; 11 for 6) are presented, and for 1A, 1B and 3, their crystal structures are reported. The results of preliminary studies concerning compounds 2 and 3 have already been reported.4

EXPERIMENTAL Syntheses Nicotinamide (nia) and all solvents were purchased from commercial sources and used without further purification. The other starting substances [Cu2(OOCCnH2n+1)4] (n = 6 to 11) were synthesized according to the precipitation method described in the literature.11 Copper carboxylate was added to acetonitrile acidified by the appropriate carboxylic acid, under stirring. After the addition, the temperature was raised to boiling point and the solution was kept at that temperature for 15 minutes while stirring was continued. Obtained transparent solution was added to the solution of



nicotinamide (2 mol per 1 mol of copper carboxylate) dissolved in a minimal volume of acetonitrile. After cooling to room temperature, the green tabular or needle-like crystals precipitated. They were filtered off in a few days and dried in a desiccator over KOH for several hours. Average yield is over 80% for all compounds except for 1B (45%). Because of lower solubility of starting copper carboxylates for 4, 5 and 6, the absolute ethanol was mixed with acetonitrile at the beginning of the synthesis. In order to prevent precipitation of turquoise coloured starting carboxylates, instead of the desired green compounds with nicotinamide, a higher amount of nicotinamide was used. An excess of nicotinamide was used also for 1A to avoid appearance of the 1B modification. Single crystals of X-ray quality for 1A and 1B were obtained by the above methods. For 3, the crystals were grown on copper metal sheets in the acetonitrile solution of sodium nonanoate and nicotinamide after ten months. Metal analyses were carried out electrogravimetrically with Pt electrodes. C, H, N analyses were performed at the Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The results of elemental analyses are available from the authors upon request.

Physical Measurements Interplanar spacings (d-values) were obtained using a Guinier-de-Wolf camera (Enraf Nonius) and Cu-Ka radiation. Infrared spectra were measured on mineral oil mulls between CsI plates using a Perkin-Elmer FT-IR 1720X spectrometer in the range 4000–400 cm–1. Electronic spectra were recorded as Nujol mulls (200–860 nm) with a Perkin-Elmer UV/VIS/NIR Spectrometer Lambda 19. Magnetic susceptibility of the substances was determined at room temperature by the Evans method using powdered samples and a Sherwood Scientific MSB-1 balance with Hg[Co(NCS)4] as a calibrant. Diamagnetic corrections were estimated from Pascal's constants and the effective magnetic moments were calculated using the equation: meff = 2.828(cMT)1/2. EPR spectra of the powdered samples were recorded at 150 K and at room temperature on a Bruker ESP-300 X band spectrometer at the Department of Solid State Physics-EPR Center, "Jo`ef Stefan" Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Parameters g^ , gII , D and J were calculated directly with the field positions H^ , Hz1 and Hz2 from the spectra, as described in the literature.12,13 Compounds were tested for fungicidal activity as described earlier.14

X-ray Crystallography of Tetrakis(m-heptanoato-O,O')-bis(nicotinamide) dicopper(II)-A (1A), Tetrakis(m-heptanoato-O,O')bis(nicotinamide)dicopper(II)-B (1B) and Tetrakis(m-nonanoato-O,O')-bis(nicotinamide)dicopper(II) (3) Room temperature data for 1A were collected on a Siemens P4/PC diffractometer with Cu-Ka radiation and for 1B and 3 on a Nonius KappaCCD CAD-4 diffractometer with Mo-Ka radiation, using graphite monochromator in both cases. Common data corrections for variations in reference reflections and Lorentz-polarization effects were applied. An empirical absorption correction for 1A was performed,15 but absorption for 1B and 3 was done by scaling (the internal consistency factors were low). The crystallographic data are summarized in Table I. All three structures were solved by direct methods using SHELXS8616 and all non-hydrogen atoms were re-



Crystal data, data collection and structure refinement parameters for 1A, 1B and 3


Compound 1A Cu2(OOCC6H13)4(nia)2 888.0 dark green monoclinic (no. 14) P21/c 9.358(3) 18.878(4) 27.348(7) 98.83(3) 4774(2) 1.236 4 1.54178 w 59.97 7585 7090 2661 1.016 0.1191 0.3276 0.2791 0.5452 0.0005(2) 0.54, –0.77 0.001, –0.065 15.3

The complex has crystallographic Ci symmetry.

Compound 1B Cu2(OOCC6H13)4(nia)2 888.0 dark green monoclinic (no. 15) C2/c 23.193(5) 9.886(2) 20.942(4) 99.68(3) 4733.3(2) 1.246 4a 0.71073 – CCD detector was used 26.38 9176 4769 3186 0.954 0.0440 0.1260 0.0687 0.1378 0.0028(6) 0.40, –0.27 0.001, –0.024 9.5

Compound 3 Cu2(OOCC8H17)4(nia)2 1000.3 dark green monoclinic (no. 15) C2/c 50.77(1) 9.955(2) 21.894(4) 92.84(3) 11051(4) 1.202 8 0.71073 – 26.31 20110 10520 4058 0.848 0.0508 0.1350 0.1361 0.1214 0.0006(1) 0.27, –0.32 0.032, 0.208 8.2


Molecular formula Molecular weight Crystal color Crystal system Space group a /Å b /Å c /Å ß /° V /Å3 Density (calcd.) /g cm–3 Z l /Å Scan mode Max Q /° Data measured Unique data Observed data |Fo| > 4s|Fo| Goodness of fit on F2 Final R1 indices |Fo| > 4s|Fo| wR2 indices |Fo| > 4s|Fo| R1 indices (all data) wR2 indices (all data) Extinction coefficient Max., min. residue / e Å–3 Mean, max. shift / error Absorption coefficient / cm–1



fined anisotropically. Carbon atoms at the ends of the alkyl chains showed significant thermal motion, resulting in low accuracy in carbon–carbon interatomic distances. There is a considerable disorder in three of the four alkyl chains in the structure of 1A, leading to rather high final residuals (R1 = 0.119, wR2 = 0.328 for the observed reflections). Obtained geometrical parameters are not of high quality, but the chemical structure is reliable. Refinements were performed by full-matrix least squares based on F2 using SHELX97.15 In 1B, the amino hydrogen atoms were located from DF map and refined isotropically. Positions of the remaining hydrogen atoms were calculated and refined as riding atoms with isotropic displacement parameters taken from those of the attached heavy atoms and multiplied by 1.5 (options AFIX 93, 43, 23 and 33 of SHELX97). All of the N–H distances of amino groups for 1A, 1B and 3 have been normalized to 0.90 Å.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Several new compounds of the composition [Cu2(OOCCnH2n+1)4(nia)2] (nia = nicotinamide; n = 6 to 11) were synthesized. In the cases of heptanoates – 1A, 1B and nonanoate – 3 crystals suitable for X-ray structural analysis were obtained. Structures of the two polymorphic modifications of heptanoates, 1A and 1B, and the structure of nonanoate 3 were determined. Crystal structures and the results of other characterization methods of the compounds are compared and discussed. Also, observations concerning their fungicidal activity are reported and described herein. Crystal Structures The results of the crystal structure determination show that in three synthesized compounds [Cu2(OOCCnH2n+1)4(nia)2], [n = 6 for 1A (Figure 1), 1B (Figure 2); 8 for 3 (Figure 3)] copper ions are bridged by four carboxylate groups, forming usual dinuclear complexes of the acetate hydrate type17 with nicotinamide ligands (nia) instead of water molecules in the axial positions, coordinated through pyridine nitrogen atoms. Despite the number of crystal structures with [Cu2(OOCR)4L2] core, the search through the Cambridge Structural Database6 revealed only one other example with fatty acid carboxylate.10 Small differences in the Cu–Cu separation were observed in the three related structures (see figure captions). The copper atoms are displaced from the basal O4 planes by between 0.193(6) to 0.208(6) Å values, considered normal for this type of compound.18 The amide groups are rotated by ca. 23° out of the plane of pyridine rings in heptanoates, while the twist angles between amide groups and their associated pyridine rings in nonanoate are ca. 20° and 16°, respectively. Coordination geometries about the copper



C27 N2'


C7' C4' C3' C2' C5' C6' N1'


C25 C24

C23 C22


C21 O12




O32 C31






O42 C41











C34 C6 N1 C5 O41 C2 C4 C3

C35 C36


C16 O1




Figure 1. The molecular structure of 1A. The Cu–Cu separation is 2.604(3) Å. Only one of the alternate orientations of the disordered alkyl chains is illustrated.

C17 C16 C15 C14 C13

C27 C24 C26



O22 C23 C22

C12 C11



O21 Cu C6





C3 O1



Figure 2. The molecular structure of 1B. The Cu–Cu separation is 2.612(7) Å.








C46 C44

C16 C3


C4 C5

C14 C13

C6 O11



C21 C22


C35 C33


C32 O32 C6' C5' N1'


C4' C3'

C23 C24

O42 O31 C31

C47 C37 C36



C11 Cu1 Cu2 O12 O21





C39 C49 C38

C7' O1'


C25 C26 C27 C29


Figure 3. The molecular structure of 3. The Cu–Cu separation is 2.618(7) Å.

centers are typical for this type of compounds. Selected bond lengths and angles are presented in Table II. Structures of Heptanoates – 1A and 1B The main difference between the two polymorphic forms of heptanoates is the existence of Ci symmetry for 1B complex in the space group C2/c, whereas this is not the case of 1A complex, which crystallizes in the space group P21/c. Furthermore, the existence of the two polymorphic modifications was confirmed by different powder diffraction patterns. The two forms have considerably different hydrogen bonding schemes (Figure 4). In 1A, only amide-amide hydrogen bonds are observed, being linked head-to-head and tail-to-tail via pairs of N–HLO hydrogen bonds. These chains crisscross to form a honeycomb-like network (Figure 5), the pores being populated by the bulky alkyl chains. Adjacent crossing chains are hydrogen-bonded via additional N–H L O hydrogen bonds, utilizing the N–H hydrogen atoms not involved in chain formation. There are also some differences in the orientation of nicotinamide groups with respect to the carboxylic parts. The pyridine rings adopt an almost bisecting geometry between the planes of




Selected bond lengths /Å and angles /° with estimated standard deviations in parentheses

Cu1–O11 Cu1–O21 Cu1–O31 Cu1–O41 Cu1–N1 N2...O1i N2...O1'ii N2'...O1'iii N2'...O1iv

1.91(1) 1.93(1) 1.95(1) 1.97(1) 2.14(1)



–x, 2 + y, 2 – z;


1 – x, 1 – y, 1 – z;


175 144 164 136

1 – x, 2 + y, 2 – z.

1.964(2) 1.983(2)

Structural parameters suggesting hydrogen bonding 3.107(3) H31...O1i 2.09 N2–H31...O1i ii ... 3.215(4) H32 O22 2.37 N2–H32...O22ii

Symmetry code:

N2...O12i N2...O1'i N2'...O41ii N2'...O1ii

–x, –y, –z;

Compound 1B 1.957(2) Cu–O21 1.961(2) Cu–O22a 2.172(2)

Cu–O11 Cu–O12a Cu–N1

Cu1–O11 Cu1–O21 Cu1–O31 Cu1–O41 Cu1–N1

1.97(1) 1.98(1) 1.97(1) 1.98(1) 2.16(1)

Structural parameters suggesting hydrogen bonding 2.965(12) H5...O1i 2.11 N2–H5...O1i ii 2.796(15) H6...O1' 2.06 N2–H6...O1'ii 2.989(12) H11...O1'iii 2.15 N2'–H11...O1'iii iv ... 2.868(15) H12 O1 2.19 N2'–H12...O1iv

Symmetry code:

N2...O1i N2...O22ii

Compound 1A Cu2–O12 Cu2–O22 Cu2–O32 Cu2–O42 Cu2–N1'

157 177

2 – x, 2 + y, 3 2 - z; ii x, 1 – y, –2 + z; a ½ – x, ½ – y, 2 – z. i

1.983(3) 1.956(3) 1.969(3) 1.954(3) 2.188(3)

Compound 3 Cu2–O12 Cu2–O22 Cu2–O32 Cu2–O42 Cu2–N1'

1.987(3) 1.959(3) 1.956(3) 1.957(3) 2.173(3)

Structural parameters suggesting hydrogen bonding 3.161(4) H5...O12i 2.31 N2–H5...O12i i 2.992(4) H6...O1' 2.15 N2–H6...O1'i 3.161(4) H11...O41ii 2.39 N2'–H11...O41ii ii ... 2.978(4) H12 O1 2.15 N2'–H12...O1ii

Symmetry code: ix, 2 – y, –2 + z; iix, 2 – y, 2 + z.

170 168 149 162





Figure 4. Hydrogen-bonding schemes in the two polymorphic forms of heptanoates: (a) for 1A and (b) for 1B. The void-filling alkyl chains have been omitted for clarity.



Figure 5. The honeycomb-like pattern of cross-linking chains present in the crystals of 1A. The void-filling alkyl chains have been omitted for clarity.

two carboxylate groups in 1A, whereas in 1B they are almost coincident with the planes (13°). A detailed analysis of the pattern of bonding for 1A is not realistic due to the disorder that is present in three of the four aliphatic chains, which limits the precision of the structure. In 1B, the dimers pack via pairs of N–HLO hydrogen bonds from the amide nitrogen to the amide and carboxylate oxygen atoms of adjacent dimers to form an extended sheet, as illustrated in Figure 4b. Structure of Nonanoate – 3 Structures of compounds 1B and 3 are more closely related than the two heptanoate forms. Both complexes 1B and 3 crystallize in the space group C2/c with the nearly double unit-cell dimension of 50.77(1) Å in 3, compared to 23.193(5) Å in 1B (Table I). The hydrogen-bonding scheme observed for 3 is almost identical to that of 1B. Spectroscopic Data Ambient EPR spectra of all nicotinamide complexes exhibit broad features characteristic of a triplet state, at –2J above the singlet level (the figure is available from the authors upon request). A typical binuclear copper




Room temperature EPR parameters for the studied copper(II) carboxylates with nicotinamide Compound 1A 1B 2 3 4 5 6

gII (±0.01)

g^ (±0.005)

2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.34 2.35

2.090 2.090 2.090 2.090 2.090 2.090 2.080

D (±0.004) /cm 0.347 0.347 0.347 0.347 0.347 0.345 0.345


|2J| (±20) /cm 300 330 / 300 / / /


Where the Cu–Cu distance (r) was known, singlet–triplet energy gap was calculated from the following expression:13 D = – J/8 [1/4(gII – 2)2 – (g^ – 2)2] – [gII2 + 1/2(g^2)] b2/r3.

compound with a triplet state EPR spectrum is copper(II) acetate hydrate.11,19,20 Besides this classic example, EPR spectroscopic data of numerous binuclear copper complexes can be found in the literature.11,13,21,22 A comparison of these data with our measurements shows that the values of g^, g||, zero-field splitting parameter D and the singlet–triplet energy gap |2J|, calculated for the studied carboxylates containing nicotinamide ligand (Table III), lie within the expected range. Besides three triplet state transitions, EPR spectra of the complexes, with the exception of copper(II) octanoate adduct, contain additional resonance lines at 320 mT. These lines arise from the so-called mononuclear impurities, which can be found in similar systems.12,23 Values of parameter g for the observed mononuclear impurities, from 2.065 to 2.090, correspond to the perpendicular part of axial Cu(II) EPR spectrum, resulting from a spin doublet state.24 Mononuclear gII could not be resolved. In some cases, intensities of mononuclear resonance lines were rather high but recrystallization resulted in their significant decrease (Figure 6). The exception was 1A: several attempts to lower the content of "mononuclear" impurities by recrystallization and therefore intensity of the corresponding EPR signal were not successful because the compound converts to 1B. We managed to synthesize compound 1A repeatedly only by following the already described procedure. We can also see (the figure is available from the authors upon request) that the lineshape of the spectrum is different from the other spectra in the part where "mononuclear" signals are expected. Interestingly, also the hydrogen-bonding scheme for compound 1A differs significantly from that in 1B and 3. Spectrum of 1A powder was recorded also at 150 K (the figure is available from the authors upon request). The only difference from the ambient temperature spectrum










B / mT Figure 6. Room temperature EPR spectra of 5 before (a) and after (b) recrystallization.

is in the triplet feature Bz1 at about 25 mT. Splitting into a septet, due to interaction of the unpaired electrons with two equivalent copper nuclei within the dimer unit, was observed. In the IR spectra, several bands in two regions are characteristic of carboxylate stretching vibrations. The difference between the strongest symmetric and asymmetric bands (D = nasym – nnsym)25 in these regions is in the range between 183 and 189 cm–1. Some differences for heptanoate 1A (198 cm–1) were observed. Significant deviations in the region between 3100 and 3400 cm–1, characteristic of N–H bonds, were noticed. Two bands are present in the spectrum of 1A, however for the others at least four bands that are relatively weaker compared to those of 1A appeared. As mentioned above, a significant difference in hydrogen bonding scheme for this compound was observed. Only amide-amide intermolecular hydrogen bonds are present in 1A, whereas for 1B and 3 that have almost the same hydrogen-bonding scheme, linkages between amide and carboxylate groups are also present. Different surroundings of the coordinated ligands may therefore lead also to deviations in the EPR spectrum. In the UV-Vis spectra recorded as Nujol mull, the band between 350 and 400 nm, characteristic of dimeric structure, was observed.26 The values for room temperature magnetic moments lie in the range between 1.43 and 1.50 BM. The results of X-ray analyses reveal dinuclear copper(II) acetate hydrate type structures for both heptanoates (1A and 1B) and nonanoate (3). From the results of the applied spectroscopic methods and magnetic measure-



ments described above, we suggest a similar nature also for the other investigated compounds of the composition [Cu2(OOCCnH2n+1)4(nia)2] (nia = nicotinamide; n = 6 to 11).25,26,27 Different IR and EPR spectra of complex 1A, compared to the spectra of the other compounds, are in the agreement with the results of the X-ray structure analysis. Fungicidal Activity Dissolved in DMSO, the synthesized compounds show strong fungicidal activity against the wood-rotting fungus Trametes versicolor (L. ex Fr.) Pilat. The mycelium growth is completely stopped at a concentration of 1.0 ´ 10–3 mol L–1 for all investigated complexes. Some of them (4, 5, 6) show strong activity also in more diluted solutions (1.0 ´ 10–4 mol L–1). The weaker influence noticed for heptanoate complexes in concentrated solution is probably due to the shorter chain of the fatty acid.4,5,28 The length of the chain influences also the solubility of the substances, as it was observed for undecanoate and especially dodecanoate complex. Partial recrystallization in the cooled culture medium leads to lower concentration and therefore weaker activity of the solution of dodecanoate complex. Acknowledgements. – The Ministry of Science and Technology, Republic of Slovenia, supported the work, through grant J1-7313-103. EPR spectra were recorded in the EPR center at "Jo`ef Stefan" Institute in Ljubljana, and discussed with Dr. M. [entjurc. We appreciate her useful and fruitful comments. For technical assistance we thank also M. Gruden. A travel grant by the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Vienna, for a research stay of I. L. in Vienna is gratefully acknowledged.

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SA@ETAK Mje{oviti kompleksi bakra(II) s karboksilnim kiselinama i nikotinamidom – opis svojstava i fungicidna djelotvornost. Kristalne strukture dvaju polimorfa heptanoatnog i jednog nonanoatnog kompleksa Bojan Kozlev~ar, Nina Lah, Ivan Leban, Iztok Turel, Primo` [egedin, Marko Petri~, Franc Pohleven, Andrew J. P. White, David J. Williams i Gerald Giester Opisani su priprava, fizikalna i kemijska svojstva, stereokemija i ispitivanje fungicidne djelotvornosti nekoliko novih kompleksnih spojeva bakra(II) op}e formule [Cu2(OOCCnH2n+1)4(nia)2] (nia = nikotinamid; n = 6 do 11). Odre|ivanjem kristalne strukture ustanovljeno je da spojevi [Cu2(OOCC6H13)4(nia)2]-A (1A), [Cu2(OOCC6H13)4(nia)2]-B (1B) i [Cu2(OOCC8H17)4(nia)2] (3) po gra|i odgovaraju tipu strukture dinuklearnog akvakompleksa bakrova(II) acetata. Druge primijenjene metode istra`ivanja fizikalnih i kemijskih zna~ajki ukazuju da svi prire|eni spojevi imaju dimernu gra|u [meff (298 K) iznosi 1,43 do 1,50 BM; svojstvena vrpca u UV-Vis spektru nalazi



se u podru~ju 350 do 400 nm]. Do istih se zaklju~aka mo`e do}i ra{~lambom spektara IR (D = nasym(COO–) – nsym(COO–) = 183 – 189 cm–1) i EPR, premda su opa`ene neke razlike za modifikaciju heptanoatnog kompleksa 1A koje su najvjerojatnije prouzro~ene razli~itom shemom vodikovih veza. Ispitivanjem fungicidne djelotvornosti prema gljivicama truljenja drveta Trametes versicolor (L. ex Fr.) Pilat pokazalo je da spojevi otopljeni u DMSO pri koncentraciji 1,0 ´ 10–3 mol L–1 u potpunosti zaustavljaju rast micelija. Neki od spojeva (n = 8, 9 i 10) pokazuju jo{ izrazitiju fungicidnu djelotvornost ~ak i u razrje|enijim otopinama (1,0 ´ 10–4 mol L–1).