FBX - Understanding Facebook Ad Exchange - Disrupt Media

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common explanations and ideas for advertising with Facebook ... business. The distribution of this document is limited s
FBX - Understanding Facebook Ad Exchange common explanations and ideas for advertising with Facebook!

This document has been prepared for restricted distribution and contains materials and information that DISRUPT Media considers confidential, proprietary, and significant for the protection of its business. The distribution of this document is limited solely to those either actively involved in evaluation and selection of DISRUPT Media as the firm to conduct this assignment, or those that will be involved with the program described within.


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Why is Facebook Advertising is A Must?
 Changes to the Facebook Edgerank algorithm now require the purchase of Facebook ads 
 to improve organic reach
 ! From Facebook.com:" " "The goal of News Feed is to show people the right content at the right time. To make this happen, we look at who and what people are connected to and how they interact with content — such as how often they click, share, read or comment — to determine what to show. ! ! !As a result, competition for each News Feed story is increasing. Because the content in News Feed is always changing, and we’re seeing more people sharing more content, Pages will likely see changes in distribution. For many Pages, this includes a decline in organic reach. ! ! !As the dynamic nature of News Feed continues to follow people’s patterns of sharing, Page owners should continue using the most effective strategy to reach the right people: a combination of engaging Page posts and advertising to promote your message more broadly. The fans you have matter. In addition to being some of the most loyal customers, fans also make the advertising on Facebook even more effective." " Source:! ! https://www.facebook.com/business/news/What-Increased-Content-Sharing-Meansfor-Businesses! " "

©  2013  DISRUPT  Media.  All  rights  reserved.  Confiden@al  and  proprietary.


Explanation of how advertising works on Facebook



Select your type of ad:

©  2013  DISRUPT  Media.  All  rights  reserved.  Confiden@al  and  proprietary.


Explanation of how advertising works on Facebook


Select the images you want displayed in your ads:

©  2013  DISRUPT  Media.  All  rights  reserved.  Confiden@al  and  proprietary.


Explanation of how advertising works on Facebook


Edit the look and feel of your ad, and see how it will look in the Newsfeed


©  2013  DISRUPT  Media.  All  rights  reserved.  Confiden@al  and  proprietary.


Explanation of how advertising works on Facebook


See how your ad will look in the right column:


©  2013  DISRUPT  Media.  All  rights  reserved.  Confiden@al  and  proprietary.


Explanation of how advertising works on Facebook


Creating an audience. Select by location, age, gender and more:


©  2013  DISRUPT  Media.  All  rights  reserved.  Confiden@al  and  proprietary.


Explanation of how advertising works on Facebook


Chose your campaign budget:


©  2013  DISRUPT  Media.  All  rights  reserved.  Confiden@al  and  proprietary.


Explanation of how advertising works on Facebook


What ads look like and where they appear on mobile


©  2013  DISRUPT  Media.  All  rights  reserved.  Confiden@al  and  proprietary.


Explanation of how advertising works on Facebook


Contrary to a couple answers here, CPC (CLICKS) and CPM (IMPRESSIONS) are not cheaper or more expensive than one another on their own. They are simply two different models for paying for ads. It completely depends on CTR% (click through rate), which is going to be based on the ad creative/copy, targeting, and user interest in what you're advertising. ----

WE suggest...

Dependent of your goals:

-direct response: CPC -brand, relevance, presence: CPM

Average monthly spend:

For information on Facebook Ad Buying and Management please email: [email protected]


©  2013  DISRUPT  Media.  All  rights  reserved.  Confiden@al  and  proprietary.


Click through rate: is the number of times that a user made a click on the specific story divided by how many times the story was shown.