FE Simulation Framework for the Virtual Testing of ...

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Testing of Hybrid Metal-Composites Clinching. Joints. Aamir Dean. 1. , Raimund Rolfes. 1. 1. Institute of Structural Analysis, Appelstraße 9A, 30167 Hannover, ...
FE Simulation Framework for the Virtual Testing of Hybrid Metal-Composites Clinching Joints 1


Aamir Dean , Raimund Rolfes 1

Institute of Structural Analysis, Appelstraße 9A, 30167 Hannover, Germany [email protected]

Abstract One of the current trends in the automotive industry is the conception of a new generation of automobile construction where hybrid metal-composites components are being gradually employed. For hybrid constructions, the mechanical joining processes based on sheet forming technologies are gaining a significant relevance due to their low cost and ease of automation as compared to traditional joining techniques. In cases where a high production rate is required, clinching technology represents a sustainable joining process, see Figure 1.

Figure 1: Schematic 3D representation of the hybrid metal-composites clinching system (after [1]) Considering that experimental tests are expensive and time-consuming, advanced and robust numerical simulation techniques are needed. In this contribution, a finite element simulation framework is developed for the virtual testing of hybrid metal-composites clinching joints. Herein, the simulation framework is built using the commercial finite element software ABAQUS where the finite strain anisotropic plasticity model developed in [1] was implemented as a user subroutine for the composite sheet. For the metal sheet, isotropic material behavior is expected, therefore, the standard von Mises model was proposed. A 3D numerical simulation is considered to take into account the anisotropy of composites 1

sheets, see [2]. The pairing sheets are considered to be deformable while the clinching tools (punch, die, and holder) are assumed to be rigid bodies. Concerning the contact interaction between the bodies involved, the balanced master-slave general contact algorithm is used for its ease of use, robustness and stability. Furthermore, due to the very large inelastic deformations which the pairing sheets experience and changing boundary conditions, arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) adaptive meshing is used in order to reduce excessive element distortion and to maintain good element aspect ratios, and hence guaranteeing the solution reliability. Realizing that the resolution of the problem is confronted by numerous nonlinear problems (large deformations, contact interactions, and material inelasticity), Abaqus/Explicit solver was used.

References [1] A. Dean, S. Sahraee, J. Reinoso, R. Rolfes. Finite deformation model for short fiber reinforced composites: Application to hybrid metal-composite clinching joints. Compos. Struct., Vol. 151, pp. 162–171, 2016. [2] BA. Behrens, R. Rolfes, M. Vucetic, I. Peshekhodov, J. Reinoso, M. Vogler, N. Grbic. Material characterization for FEA of the clinching process of short fiber reinforced thermoplastics with an aluminum sheet. Adv. Mater. Res., Vol. 10, pp. 557–568, 2014.