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Feel free to stop in and purchase a book or two, and meet our new media specialist, Mrs. Ameline. On February 24th Mrs.
Cougar Country News

February 2011

Dear Canyon Creek Families, This year we have been experiencing a very cold and snowy winter. To take our minds off of the cold this month we have some fantastic events scheduled at our school. Canyon Creek School will be having its annual Spelling Bee on February 17th in which the students in grades 4-8 will compete. The student that wins this event will represent Canyon Creek School in the County Spelling Bee. If your child is participating, please feel free to come and watch this fun filled competition. The spelling bee will start at noon in the gym. February is I Love to Read month and Canyon Creek will be celebrating the Birthday of Dr. Seuss. Many fun activities will be taking place in the classroom in February and continuing into March. February 22nd the PTO will be kicking off their annual Book Fair. This event will run from the 22nd through the 25th with a parent night on the 24th. This is a great opportunity for your child to get some exciting books to read. The proceeds from the book fair go to the PTO who donates a good share of the money back to the library. This is a great event and a wonderful cause for the school. Feel free to stop in and purchase a book or two, and meet our new media specialist, Mrs. Ameline. On February 24th Mrs. Tolton will be hosting a science fair. This is an exciting event that will have over 60 science projects on display from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade science students. The students will be presenting to the student body during the day, and parents are invited to attend that evening from 6:00 – 8:00 pm to see the various projects that the students have studied. The science projects will go in front of a panel of judges, and awards will be given in various categories. This will be an exciting event and we are looking forward to the student’s final presentations. We are very excited about the events taking place this month and look forward to the learning experiences our children will have this month. Brent Lipp Superintendent

IMPORTANT NOTICES V-BALL PICTURES—Monday, February 14 during practice SPRING PICTURES-Tuesday, February 15 All students will be photographed, a proof will be sent home for parents to preview before purchasing. MIDTERM—Wednesday, February 16 Print outs go home Friday, February 18 NO SCHOOL—Monday, February 21 8th GRADE TRANSITION MEETING FOR PARENTS— Wednesday, February 23 6:30 pm CCS cafeteria

Cougar Country News

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NEWS & HAPPENINGS~ 8th Grade Transition Meeting with West High - will be at CCS on Wednesday, February 23 at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria to discuss the transition process with parents. They will be covering courses, graduation requirements, registration and general guidelines of what to expect from your child as they go into high school.

The junior high choir will be selling Singing Valentines for $1 each in the cafeteria during lunch on Monday, February 7, through Wednesday, February 9. The Singing Valentines may be purchased for any student or staff member at the school and cannot be purchased anonymously. They will be delivered on Thursday, February 10, and Monday, February 14. If parents would like to purchase a Singing Valentine for their student(s), please stop in at the front office to pay and fill out a form on or before Wednesday, February 9. Please contact Mrs. Murphy at 656-4471 or [email protected] with any questions. The money raised will be deposited into the music account and be used to purchase music and fund special events. Thank you for your support of this fundraiser.

Additional Spring Music Concert Scheduled - for Band and Choir on Tuesday, May 10 at 6:30 pm. The K-5 general music program will be held as scheduled on Thursday, May 12 in the afternoon. NOTE from Mrs. Murphy: The students in Kindergarten through second grade will be performing a musical for the spring concert titled, "How Does Your Garden Groove." Parent volunteers are requested to help create, organize, and gather costume materials. Anyone and everyone who would be willing to help with this is appreciated. Please contact Mrs. Murphy for more information, 656-4471 or e-mail [email protected]

Canyon Creek Science Fair 2011 Come and see what the inquisitive, clever minds of our students have

created! On Thursday, February 24th, please plan to attend the Canyon Creek School Science Fair. To be held at 6:00 p.m. in the gym, the fair will feature exhibits and demonstrations ranging from plant and animal (including human!) studies to electrical, wind and solar energy to structural design. Our junior high science students have been working hard on the planning and preparation of their projects and experiments – using the scientific method to explore, expand, and explain their natural world. We hope you’ll bring your families and friends, enjoy an evening of inquiry and discovery, and support our budding scientists here at CCS. See you on the 24th.

Yearbooks Now on Sale— for only $15.00 you can purchase a full color yearbook.

Please drop your check, made

out to CCS Yearbook, off at Mrs. Linger’s Office.

CCS Spelling Bee Finals to be held—Thursday, February 17 at noon in the gym. Parents will be notified if their child is a finalist so they can come and watch the final round. This round will determine who represents CCS at the County Spelling Bee.

PTO Book Fair Scheduled February 22—25 ~ this is a wonderful event for the CCS community. Books can be purchased any time from 8:00 am—4:00 pm Tuesday through Thursday, and from 8:00 am till 2:00 pm on Friday. There will also be a Family Night on Thursday from 6:00—8:00 pm. Volunteers are needed to help set up on Monday, February 21, sell in shifts, and pack up Friday afternoon. If you can help please contact Kim Harper at 656-7489.

Cougar Country News

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Rocking the Rockies—the CCS 8th grade students are once again fundraising for their annual education trip. This year Rimrock Auto has offered a different kind of sponsorship, use the attached coupon when purchasing a car between now and May 31, 2011and $250.00 will be donated toward the class trip. It’s a win, win situation….you get a car and the children get help with their efforts.

Second Quarter Honor Roll High Honors 3.5—4.0

Jake B.

Morgan H.

Jonathan H.

8th Grade

Jarren B.

Iver H.

Ryley H.

Tyler C.

Kaiden C.

Zach S.

Shay K.

Megan D.

Anna J.

Kassi J.

Kelsey M.

Alesis O.

Sara S.

8th Grade

Tara S.

Tanner S.

Ashlyn A.

6th Grade

Jacob T.

Tryston T.

Nic Totten

Sierra L.

Stevyn T. Honor Roll 3.49-3.0

Marlaina T. 7th Grade

Alex W.

Connor M. 7th Grade

Jackson N. Kevin R.

Victoria A.

6th Grade

Briann B.

Michaela B.

Barron E.

Kameron D.