example, âMake 10â facts in addition are comprised of all the possible combinations that ... activities designed to
The Lothrop News 1
February 2012
Lothrop Elementary School 3447 US RTE 7 Pittsford, VT 05763
News from the Math Lab A warm welcome to Mrs. Sanderson who has filled the position of long term substitute for Mrs. Desforges, the Math Specialist, who is staying home with her new baby for the remainder of the school year. Mrs. Sanderson brings extensive math content knowledge and a year and a half of on the job training working in the Math Lab as the program para-educator and working closely with Mrs. Desforges with planning, implementation, assessment and utilizing data. Mrs. Beverly Tredtin has joined the team as the Math Lab Assistant. Mrs. Tredtin has recently worked at Lothrop as a long term substitute and a kindergarten assistant. This fall and winter a new component was added to classroom math instruction for students in grades 1-4 and some students in grade 5, developed and supported by Mrs. Desforges and Mrs. Sanderson in each classroom. Students spend 10-15 minutes daily practicing math facts. During this time students participate in a rotation of quick exercises to help them solve (orally or written) the appropriate group of math facts fluently. Fluency is commonly understood to be within 3 seconds (without counting in head or on fingers). Math facts are grouped by the strategy used to find the answer. For example, “Make 10” facts in addition are comprised of all the possible combinations that add to ten (1 + 9, 2 + 8, 3 + 7, 4 + 6, and 5 + 5). Traditionally, math facts were memorized without meaning, where as this approach marries the conceptual understanding of a strategy with the fluent recall of a solution. The addition/subtraction and multiplication/division strategies used are essentially the same ones introduced by Bridges (the Math Program adopted by our supervisory union several years ago). The biggest differences are that the study of these important facts is spread out over a longer period of time, students progress at their own pace, and students must demonstrate mastery of a concept before moving on to the next strategy. Teachers monitor student progress through observation and 1:1 oral checks with flash cards. The use of timed math fact tests is used only very sparingly as this can lead to anxiety for many students and when random facts are presented in this manner, it is impossible to tell if they are using a mathematical strategy or counting. So far, students are enjoying tracking their success and participating in multiple activities designed to help them master the facts they are working with. Activities include using flash cards alone or with a partner, rolling a ball with a partner, recording equations in their math notebook, and others. We are confident that this program will lead to stronger math students at Lothrop because fact fluency is a key component for mathematical proficiency. Parents can help students by asking them what types of math facts they are working on as well as the strategy that they are using to solve the problem, and accessing mathfactcafe.com for online flash cards (most of our strategies can be found there). If you do not have access to the Internet, please contact the Math Lab or your child’s teacher for a copy of the math facts your child is working with.
PE News All grades are finishing up a skill based basketball unit. At all grade levels we have been working to develop dribbling, passing, catching and shooting. The activities look very different at the 6th grade level compared to Kindergarten! Everyone has been having fun while improving their skills. Some of the games and activities have included: Volcano, Lumberjack, The Woods, Swamp Creatures, Race to the Moon, Man in the Moon, Knockout, Double Dunker and Sideline Basketball. We start out working on individual ball handling skills and work up to offensive and defensive strategies. Middle grades have been playing in a 2 versus 1 situation and will work up to 3 v 3. Upper grades are working on technique for the lay-up shot and will work up to a 5 v 5 game situation. A special thank you goes out to all of the volunteer Recreation Department coaches for giving students the opportunity to further develop their skills and experience traditional game play. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion for the sport. Mrs. Gee
Nifty Thrifty News
The Green Panther Recycling Club
All of Nifty Thrifty's profits go to help Otter Valley graduates with their first year of post high school education expenses. We were delighted to give $9000 to the graduating class of 2011. Our shop had to move out of its old location because of the damaged caused by Tropical Storm Irene. We are now located in the brick Ayrshire Building across the street from Rite Aid on Union Street in Brandon. Volunteers open the shop on Monday Saturday 10:00 - 2:00 and also on Tuesday and Thursday 3ish to 6:00. In February we are planning a Sweetheart Jewelry Sale around Valentines Day and soon after that our annual Ballgown Boutique. We collect donated prom gowns and formalwear of all sorts and sell them at ridiculously reasonable prices.
We are accepting donations of your clean and empty plastic soda bottles and cans. A receptacle will be set up in the front stairwell by the first grade hallway.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program Lothrop has received a grant from the Department of Education through the Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Program. The goal of the program is to increase fresh fruit and vegetable consumption in schools and create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices. Our entire school will be enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. Please continue to send your children snacks from home as well, not all children will enjoy every snack provided. We are excited that our school has been provided with this opportunity!
News from the 6th Grade Mrs. Corliss and Mr. Westcott’s sixth grade science classes have had a great time checking out marine life and researching various life forms found in the ocean. Everyone has a favorite life form and has shared a report on their research. We also built an artificial reef in our classroom, made depth measurements, and charted and graphed them. Mr. Westcott’s class started a historical fiction work based on Old Polynesia. We have visited the exact settings and islands via Google Earth and YouTube. Upcoming science classes will feature both biological and physical aquatic topics and experiments. Mr. Westcott
PTO News and Events Lothrop PTO meets on the second Monday of every month in the school Library at 7:00 pm. We are planning a Super Market Bingo Event, The annual Grandfriends Tea and a Staff Appreciation Breakfast. Please join us at our meetings to share your ideas. Dates to remember: February 13th 6pm- Super Market Bingo committee meeting in the library. The monthly PTO Meeting will follow at 7 pm. April 27th Super Market Bingo. Time to be determined at a later date May 4th Grandfriends’ Tea. Time to be determined at a later date
Stories At Sunset Thursday, March 1st at 6:15 pm
Bring the whole family for a night of fun! Teachers and staff are sharing some of their favorite stories with the community. Wear your favorite PJs, bring a stuffed friend and enjoy a night celebrating the love of reading. There will be gift certificates raffled, a surprise play, milk & cookies and FREE BOOKS! Stories start at 6:30 pm
When Your Child Comes Home Sick When your child is sent home sick from school, we want him/her to rest and get well. They should not return to school until they have: No fever (over 100.oF) for 24 hours No Vomiting or Diarrhea in past 24 hours No Rash which may be communicable No Uncontrolled cough If you are unsure of whether your child should return to school, please call the school nurse at 483-2242 Ext. 14 If your child will not be in school please call 483-2242 and leave a message.
Child Find Notice The Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union is conducting a child find to locate all children birth to 5 years old for the purpose of having accurate information for preschool screening and to plan for future enrollments at our local elementary school. If you know of a child from birth to five years old who resides in Chittenden, Mendon, Florence or Pittsford, please contact the Early Childhood Program or return this form to the address below. Caverly Preschool 802-483-2062
Child’s Name_____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian _________________________________________ 911 Address _______________________________ZIP____________ Mailing Address ___________________________________________ Mailing Town ______________________________ZIP_____________ Telephone Number ________________________________________ Mail to: Rutland Northeast Early Childhood Program Lothrop Elementary School 3447 US Route 7 Pittsford, Vt. 05763