We used Liquid Nitrogen (176 !) to. test our designs. Mars Habitat design. Our most complex task was to design a habitat
UCTC newsletter February 2016
Uckfield Community Technology College, Downsview Crescent, Uckfield TN22 3DJ
NASA Space University
01825 764844 www.uctc.org.uk
UCTC at NASA Space University Staff and students go on a once in a lifetime trip to Houston, Texas
SpaceCenterU is a week long immersive, rich learning experience that teaches not only about space exploration, but about travelling to and sustaining life upon a distant planet. Where better to train like an astronaut than in the very heart of where it all began?
On the 17th of January we left a snow covered UCTC at 5 am to catch our 9.30 am flight from Heathrow. One week later, we returned, exhausted, academically challenged but very happy. This is a report about what we did in between. 32 of our most talented Science and Engineering students travelled to Houston Texas to take part in Space University, NASA’s Science and Engineering Masterclasses.
Working with experienced NASA Engineers and Scientists; Dave, Jeff, Russ and Derek. All our challenges were based around NASA’s current brief which is to take man to Mars. Nasa are already working on a new launch system and
Students learn about rocket science, have direct interaction with real NASA experts and even brunch with an astronaut. They also the actual facilities where today’s astronauts and scientists work.
completion. Much of the work Tim Peake is currently doing on the ISS is research into the physiological effects of long term space travel. The education department at Space Center Houston is a leading science-education resource. The educational programmes focus on science, technology, engineering and maths to help adults and children think critically, learn about the past, present and future of space exploration and build a greater understanding of the world. The Next Giant Leap programme aligns with NASA’s journey to Mars.
UCTC NASA Visit (…continued)
Students worked in 4 person teams and were each given a $600 million budget for the week and a range of competitive space related tasks. Challenges: Thermal shield design using a variety of materials to protect an egg from a propane blow torch for 2 minutes. Thermal shields are used to protect spacecraft from burning up in the atmosphere on re-entry. Cryogenic Capsule design. Our task was to use a range of materials to protect an Astronaut (A marshmallow!) from the extremely low temperatures found in Space. We used Liquid Nitrogen (176 !) to test our designs. Mars Habitat design. Our most complex task was to design a habitat suitable for 10-20 Astronauts, we had to take account of a huge list of criteria including protecting them from Solar Radiation, providing a breathable atmosphere, food and accommodation, recreation laboratory space and waste disposal and
sanitation. The winning design is currently on display in the Starship Gallery. (Louise and Frances were interviewed by German TV!) Mars Rover. Essential to any self respecting Mars trip is the need to collect rock samples and ours was no different. Our Mars Rover Robots had to collect 6 rock samples and return them to base. EVA (Spacewalk!) challenge aka scuba diving. All Astronauts are trained to make EVAs (extra vehicular activities) in the huge Neutral Bouyancy Lab. We visited and watched Astronauts training, and then retired to the William Pool, a more modest sized pool where after a thorough introduction to SCUBA diving the students completed their own EVA activity. 2 stage rocket. Design and build a 2 stage rocket, launch it, watch it separate, fire stage 2, separate, deploy its parachute and bring the Capsule floating gently back to earth… simply
Our teams comprised: Curiosity: Henry Clayson; Ben Ricketts; Joseph Dix; Connor Price Odyssey: Oli Stockwell; Dan Edwards; Greg Ledward; Jon Stevens Orion: Darius Abadi; Guy Bowley; Tom Croft; Sam Rogers Pathfinder: Archie Faulkner; Ronnie Aston; Tom Baxter; Jack Ball Phoenix: Tim Bramly, David Webb, Isaac Flower, Josh Mankelow, Spirit: Bernie White, Georgie Tuxford, Megan Edwards, Fran Oliver Surveyor: Louise Davey, Frances O’Connor, Lily Joyce, Georgia Allison Viking: Charlie Reed, Matthew Avis,William Dawson-Holgate, Ander Harris Challenge winners: Heat shield Challenge Winners: Team Odyssey Thermal Challenge Winners: Team Surveyor Habitat Challenge Winners: Team Surveyor Mars Rover Challenge Winners: Team Viking Rocket Challenge Winners: Team Chaps (It’s not rocket science…...oh wait a minute, yes it is!) Homework Challenge Winners: Team Phoenix
Our evenings were filled with American sized meals, (HUGE), homework, and a selection of other entertainments, such as bowling, laserquest, cinema….. swimming in January in an unheated outdoor pool was only for the very brave! On our final morning, we met an astronaut, Colonel Ken Cameron, a veteran of 3 space missions and commander of Atlantis. He was a truly inspirational speaker and the students were hanging on his every word. He made the students feel comfortable and they asked a range of questions, which he happily expanded on. He clearly enjoyed sharing his experiences and relished the opportunity to promote NASA engineering as a career. Graduation in the Starship Gallery - Our week was filled with achievements and we celebrated on our final day in true American style. There were moving speeches from both teachers and students in a very public section of the visitor centre. We had had such a fantastic week and the students had all worked so well together that it was quite an emotional moment - our amazing trip was coming to an end. Our exuberant behaviour was in contrast to our first morning when we failed to whoop and cheer, but remained very British and very quiet. I think our American hosts were quite pleased with our transformation. Each student was presented with a Space University Graduation certificate and each was individually applauded; photographs were taken to remind us of this memorable occasion. The UCTC teachers were (not so secretly) delighted to also be awarded their graduation certificates. Throughout the whole week our students were fantastic in every way, a credit to the College and to the UK. True ambassadors!
UCTC NASA Visit - trip images
Southern Book Awards The 2016 Southern Schools Book Award presentation evening was held on Friday the 15th Jan at Roedean School, it was an amazing
Children’s Laureate and other authors were present.
evening and UCTC was fortunate to be part of it.
After his opening speech Chris Riddell kept us entertained all evening with his brilliant drawings while the other authors talked about their books and read a short piece from them, then it was time
We were very lucky to meet Chris Riddell, the children's laureate, who signed his latest Goth Girl book for us, as well as the other authors Alan Gibbons, Keren David, Juno Dawson, Sara Crowe and
for the winner to be announced ...
The winner for this year's award was Bali Rai author of the rather dark and scary novel Web of Darkness, with Say Her Name by Juno Dawson as highly commended.
If you would like to join us next year pop into the Reading Room and ask Mrs Izzard
Sophie Mackenzie who was the host for the evening.
Panto Pics 2015
World Book Day and Week 2016 See Mrs Izzard in the Reading Room for more information
Some of our recent/forthcoming activities
District Masterchef Success Earlier this term Carys Roberts in Year 12 competed in the district Masterchef competition in Maidstone against 7 other chefs from Sussex and Surrey.
Slightly under the weather, she cooked for 2 hours to create an amazing 3 course spread which was complemented by all the judges. Her starter of two tone pepper soup was beautifully presented. The main dish of chicken ballotine with creamy mash and beetroot puree was excellent and a wonderful light and creamy basil infused panna cotta with raspberry coulis for dessert.
Carys came in second place, 1 point from a tied top spot and will go on to represent UCTC at the regional finals on Saturday 5th March. Well done Carys.
Sport News ● Year 8 Rugby Team: The Year 8's beat Sackville last Monday and are now through to the semi-finals of the Sussex County Cup. The opposition’s teacher complimented the team on their outstanding defence. They are due to play last year’s champions in the semi's (date to be confirmed). The team are also in the last 8 of the State Schools County Cup too. Their quarter final for the state schools cup is against Chichester High School, but again, the date is still to be confirmed.
● Primary Swimming Gala: 18 UCTC sports leaders from Year 8 to Year 14 ran the Primary Schools Swimming Gala last Wednesday. Ten local primary schools entered the competition, with Little Horsted being crowned the 2016 champions. We'd like to say a huge thank you to all of the leaders involved in the successful event.
● Dan Hewett (Year 11) was part of the Sussex Schools FA U16 team that defeated Somerset at the weekend. The team now go on to face Humberside in the National Cup semi-final. Well done Dan and the team!
● The UCTC Equestrian Team had a great day running our first NSEA show on Saturday 30th Jan at Golden Cross EC. The UCTC Equestrian Team did them-selves proud.
The show was an amazing success, with every class being sponsored by local companies, including Equine Agents based in Hadlow Down, The Huntsman in Eridge and Cliffe Equine vets. There were 75 entries for the show, from a host of different schools, which is a good amount.
The team are very fortunate to have really keen members who have very supportive parents and the show ran perfectly, mainly thanks to all our helpers. We've had fabulous feedback from other schools too, complimenting us for such a great show with a lovely atmosphere and super prizes.
We were in the ribbons too with the following results:
Class 1 - Amy Dennis came 4th as an individual and her team with Rosie Strevens, Megan Verhagen and Millie Easton came 2nd Class 2 - Was won by Livvy Logan and Amy Dennis, with Chloe Macdonald and Olivia Greenwood coming 2nd Class 3 - the team of Lauren Vane, Chloe Macdonald and Livvy Logan came 2nd Class 4 - was won by Francesca Oliver Class 5 - Francesca Oliver was placed 4th
It was a brilliant day for the whole team, and a special mention must go to Kitty Ridler, an ex-student, who volunteered her time to help set up and arrange the show. We are always looking for new members of our Equestrian Team, and if you interested please contact Miss Shipley for information.
Sport News (…continued)
● Congratulations to Sam Owen in 10F who has been selected
Trampolining News - On Sunday 31st
to play rugby for Sussex County U15 to play the first game
against Middlesex on Sunday. He was selected out of 200
Gillingham, Kent to represent UCTC in the
boys around Sussex and got down to the final 30.
National Schools Zonal Championships. Over 300 boys and girls from the south of England
Intermediate and Elite Classes and a further 11 completed in Novice and Elite Disability Classes. All our girls did UCTC proud, putting in excellent performances
● Congratulations to Sophie Ivanec in 8L who has been selected for the Sussex U13 JAC Hockey Championship Squad.
To achieve this, she went through the JDC Trials last
against very tough opposition. In the U14
summer, which then takes 50
Intermediate Class Tabitha Coddington
girls through to the JAC
took Bronze in the individual competition
and the team (Tabitha Coddington , Sasky
process. JAC training has
Partridge and Flick Wheatley) took the
involved 6 full days through
Gold. In the U14 Elite Class the team of
December and January, when
she has worked very hard and has now been selected for the Squad. Squad training begins next week.
Lego League
(Jasmine Etherington , Kristy Scholler and Luca Major-Owens) also took team Gold This means they will be travelling to Wigan in early March to represent the school in the Grand Final. Tabitha will also be completing in the individual competition. In the U19 Elite class Maisie Ward put in an excellent performance and finished a fantastic 4th. Unfortunately this means she missed out on qualification.
On Wednesday 13th January we took 8 students to Gatwick Airport to take part in the First Lego League Competition. Despite a rocky start to the day our team did really well. Group leaders Will and Oli lead the team well, completing a core beliefs task to a high level, followed by Lewis and Jake creating an informative and engaging presentation on the groups research project, recycling VHS Cassettes. The team were great advocates for the College discussing their research and design with representatives from The Lego League, Brighton University and The Gatwick Team. Finally we came to the highlight of the day, the robot games. We put up a good fight against some great competition, finishing in 6th place for this aspect of the day. In the final award presentation the boys were awarded a trophy for Best Presentation and Research Project. If you see them please congratulate them on a challenging and successful day. Our Team were: William Dawson-Holgate, Oliver Stockwell, Lewis Westwood Flood, Jake Fisher-Dunford, Matthew Avis, Calvin MacDiarmid, George Sippetts, Oliver Peirce
Charlton Chase Challenge
Some of the UCTC participants receiving their awards for the Challenge.
Charlton Chase Challenge This West Sussex County night navigation exercise has run annually since 1981, challenging teams of young people to complete a course of 25+ Km over the South Downs testing their navigation, initiative and teamwork. Charlton Chase is an extreme physical and mental challenge. The good new is that all three UCTC teams finished the challenge, and out of the 68 teams that started the Standard Division Purple Pigeons finished 38th, Team Alfa 7th and the Parma Violets finshed 3rd. Nine of the twelve young people from DofE at UCTC that did the Challenge went to Chichester on Thursday 4th February for the awards presentation. Three of the Parma Violets received certificates for coming 3rd.
NEWS SNIPPETS … The Year 9 Options Evening is just after the half term holiday, on Thursday 25th February.
Please note that unclaimed lost property will be disposed of on Wednesday 24th February. If your child has lost something, please check lost property before then.
The Eco Club have baby Guinea pigs for sale. Contact Mrs Isley (
[email protected]) for more details.
URGENT MEDICAL NOTIFICATION - Apologies - not all Year 10 students were able to be vaccinated recently. All remaining students will be vaccinated on a catch up date - Friday 15th July 2016.
UCTC Term/INSET Dates - January 2016 to July 2017 TERM
Term 3
Tuesday 5 January 2016
Friday 12 February 2016
February holiday
Monday 15 February 2016
Friday 19 February 2016
Term 4
Monday 22 February 2016
Thursday 24 March 2016
Spring holiday
Friday 25 March 2016
Friday 8 April 2016
Term 5
Monday 11 April 2016
Friday 27 May 2016
29 April 2016
May holiday
Monday 30 May 2016
Friday 3 June 2016
School Term 6
Monday 6 June 2016
Friday 22 July 2016
Summer Holiday
Monday 25 July 2016
Friday 2 September 2016
Monday 5 September 2016
Term 1
Tuesday 6 September 2016
Friday 21 October 2016
Autumn holiday
Monday 24 October 2016
Friday 28 October 2016
Term 2
Monday 31 October 2016
Wednesday 21 December 2016
Christmas holiday
Thursday 22 December 2016
Monday 2 January 2017
Term 3
Tuesday 3 January 2017
Friday 10 February 2017
February holiday
Monday 13 February 2017
Friday 17 February 2017
Term 4
Monday 20 February 2017
Friday 31 March 2017
Spring holiday
Monday 3 April 2017
Mon 17 April 2017
Term 5
Tuesday 18 April 2017
Friday 26 May 2017
May holiday
Monday 29 May 2017
Friday 2 June 2017
Term 6
Monday 5 June 2017
Friday 21 July 2017
January 2016 to July 2017 INSET days: Friday 29th April 2016 subsequent INSET days - dates to be confirmed
Edited and produced by Geoff Evans, Deputy Principal and Roger Ward, Communications Officer, UCTC
Uckfield Community Technology College, Downsview Crescent, Uckfield TN22 3DJ
01825 764844 www.uctc.org.uk