Feb 24, 2017 - everyday to push our CW. Thinkers ... PTO Meeting: Have your children been talking about BreakOut Boxes i
Friday eNews
We think. We design. We create. We innovate.
We are #cwthinkers
Feb. 24, 2017
Dear CW Families, Over the past two days, all of our CW Thinkers participated in our Relay for Life during PE class! They used technology to track the number of laps/miles run and had fun cheering each other on while they ran! It is wonderful to see students become part of something larger than themselves or our school. Seeing and knowing the positive impact they have through their involvement in Relay for Life is very rewarding! You should be very proud of your child! David
Visible Thinking
CW News • Reproductive Health: Please see the attached letters for both 5th and 6th grade families about information on our upcoming Reproductive Health curriculum. There is an optional curriculum preview meeting on Monday, March 13th at 5:00 p.m.
• PTO Meeting: Have your children been talking about BreakOut Boxes in STEAM class? Interested in learning more? Come to our next PTO meeting at 10:00 am on March 10th to experience a BreakOut box for yourself! Please RSVP to Marlene Thompson at
[email protected] if you are able to come!
• Attention 5th grade Parents: Music information for next year went home in a letter with your child! I have included an electronic copy with the eNews in case you did not receive it. In this letter, you will learn about the fitting process and music selection process for 6th grade!
• 6th Grade Band: Please see that attachment for a Band update from Ms. Benjamin • 5TH GRADE DEMONSTRATION CONCERT TUESDAY, MARCH 7: The 6th grade Band, Orchestra, and Choir will perform in a demonstration concert for 5th grade classes. The performance is at the Central Woodlands Gym from 2:30- 3:30 PM on Tuesday, March 7. Students bring their instruments, music, and stands to school on this day. Cello, Bass, and Baritone students are to bring their home instrument to school on Tuesday, March 7. Please plan to take the instruments home after rehearsal, as well. This concert is not open to the public. It is only for 5th grade students.
Tweets of the Week Central Woodlands @cwthinkers Teachers’ Turn to Learn - Great article on @schoolretool #shadowastudent with Mrs. Klomparens! http://www.schoolnewsnetwork.org/index.php/2016-17/ teachers-turn-learn/ …
Walking around the halls I was reminded about the deeper learning happening in our classrooms through our creation of a culture of thinking. Our students are constantly being asked to go deeper with the learning in order to focus on their thinking. Hopefully, you have seen your child grow this year in their ability to share their thinking! Homework for parents this weekend is to follow up any response from your child this weekend with “What makes you say that?” This simple question is asked by teachers here at CW everyday to push our CW Thinkers towards deeper learning!
CENTRAL WOODLANDS WEEKLY CALENDAR February 27 – March 3, 2017 Monday, Feb. 27 -Bush/Lanning to GR Ford Museum, board bus at 9:00 am and return by 1:30 pm (sack lunch) -Board of EducaGon Mtg, Ada Vista Elementary, 7:00 pm (rescheduled from 2/20) Tuesday, Feb. 28 -Gootjes/Klomparens to GR Ford Museum, board bus @ 9:00 am and return by 1:30 pm (sack lunch) -6th STEAM Club, A-2, 12:40 pm Wednesday, Mar. 1 -Tornado Drill, 2:30 pm Thursday, Mar. 2 -Camp Henry visitors during PE classes Friday, Mar. 3 -Camp Henry visitors during PE classes -5th STEAM Club Lunch, Art Room, 11:45 am
CENTRAL WOODLANDS 5/6 Dr. David Simpson, Principal 400 Alta Dale SE, Ada, MI 49301
Phone: 616.493.8790
Fax: 616.493.8795
February 24, 2017 Dear 5th Grade CW Families: As part of our District’s Health Curriculum, our 5th grade students will be meeting on either March 27 or March 28 to learn about puberty and the changes associated with it. Students will be split up by gender and will be taught in their Physical Education class. Girls will learn about the female system and boys will learn about the male system. Outcomes for the unit are: 1. Learn the emotional and physical changes related to the male or female systems that will affect them during puberty. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the proper terminology for the parts and functions of the male or female body. 3. Learn proper hygiene pertaining to the use of deodorants, hair care and bathing. A video entitled, “Just Around the Corner for Boys/Girls” will be shown. Diagrams of the male or female reproductive systems will be used for instruction. There is an optional meeting for parents/guardians who would like to review the health curriculum materials. This will be held on March 13th at 5:00 p.m. in our Media Center. Our school has your previous decision to have your child participate in or opt out of reproductive health on file. Please call 616-493-8790 if you wish to change your decision. Sincerely,
David Simpson, Ph.D.
Forest Hills Public Schools - Daniel Behm, Superintendent 6590 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546
CENTRAL WOODLANDS 5/6 Dr. David Simpson, Principal 400 Alta Dale SE, Ada, MI 49301
Phone: 616.493.8790
Fax: 616.493.8795
February 24, 2017 Dear 6th Grade CW Families: As part of our District’s Health Curriculum, our 6th grade students will be meeting on either March 27th or March 28th to continue their learning about reproductive health from 5th grade. 6th grade students will meet separately by gender during their Physical Education class with these intended outcomes: 1. Review the emotional and physical changes related to the male and female systems that will affect them during puberty. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the proper terminology for the parts and functions of the male and female reproductive system. 3. Review proper hygiene pertaining to the use of deodorants, hair care and bathing. 4. Understand the relationship of the HIV/AIDS disease to the immune system. A videotape entitled, “Straight Talk About Puberty for Boys/Girls,” will be shown. Diagrams of the male and female reproductive systems will be used for instruction. There is an optional meeting for parents/guardians who would like to review the health curriculum materials. This will be held on March 13th at 5:00 p.m. in our Media Center. Our school has your previous decision to have your child participate in or opt out of reproductive health on file. Please call 493-8790 if you wish to change your decision. Sincerely,
David Simpson, Ph.D.
Forest Hills Public Schools - Daniel Behm, Superintendent 6590 Cascade Rd. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546