Feb 6.pdf - Google Drive

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Small Group Reading. 9:15-10:15. Group. Math. 10:15-10:30. Monday Valentine Read,. write, trace, glue. Songs from Heidi

Morning Work 8:00-8:30

Calendar Activities 8:30-9:00

Word Study 9:00-9:15

Small Group Reading 9:15-10:15


Valentine Read, write, trace, glue

Songs from Heidi Songs Shared Reading: Chocolate Cheer

Word Explorer New words: she, will Extension activity: Find me

B1 Heart Breaker Initial Sound Game Text:

Riddle of the day

P1:phoneme isolation and blending: blends Text:

Group Math 10:15-10:30 Saxon Lesson 88

BB1Heart Breaker Initial Sound Game Text:

Valentine Read, write, trace, glue

Songs from Heidi Songs Shared Reading: Chocolate Cheer Stretch the Sounds: th, sh, ch words


Valentine Read, write, trace, glue

Songs from Heidi Songs Shared Reading: Chocolate Cheer Mental Math: Ways to make 6


Valentine Read, write, trace, glue

Songs from Heidi Songs Shared Reading: Chocolate Cheer Riddle of the Day


Valentine Read, write, trace, glue

Songs from Heidi Songs Shared Reading: Chocolate Cheer Stretch the Sounds: th, sh, ch words

Word Explorer New words: she, will Extension activity: Make Words -ill family

B1Heart Breaker Initial Sound Game Text:

Word Explorer New words: she, will Extension activity: Since I can spell: will

A1:phoneme isolation and blending: blends Text:

Word Explorer New words: she, will Extension activity: Make Words -ick family

P2 phoneme isolation and blending: blends Text:

Word Explorer New words: she, will Extension activity: I am thinking of a word…

B1phoneme isolation and blending Text:

P2:phoneme isolation and blending: blends Text:

Saxon Lesson 89

BB1Heart Breaker Initial Sound Game Text:

P1:phoneme isolation and blending: blends Text:

Saxon Lesson 90

BB1phoneme isolation and blending Text:

B1:Fluency practice sounds Text:

Saxon Lesson 91

BB1:Fluency practice-letters Text:

A1:phoneme isolation and blending: blends Text: BB1phoneme isolation and blending Text:

BB=Below Basic, B=Basic, P=Proficient, A=Advanced

Saxon Lesson 92

RECESS 10:30-10-45


Writing 10:45-11:30

Math Station 11:30-11:50

Math Station 12:30-1:00

Specials 1:00-1:50

Some words you don’t have to spell out. Using our word walls to spell these words correctly all the time.

BB: Number fluency and counting

B: Number fluency and counting


Some words you don’t have to spell out. Using our word walls to spell these words correctly all the time.

BB: Number fluency and counting

P: Ways to make 5


How many more or less? DNC1 p 147

Writing equations to label addition and subtraction problems. DNC2 p 29

Grade level meeting

Some words you don’t have to spell out. Using our word walls to spell these words correctly all the time.

BB: Number fluency and counting

Using syllables to write big words.

BB: Number fluency and counting Spin and peek DNC1 p150

Using syllables to write big words.

A: Ways to make 5 Writing equations to label addition and subtraction problems. DNC2 p 29 B: Number fluency and counting Modeling Addition and Subtraction Equations DNC2 p 22

BB: Number fluency and counting

P: Ways to make 5

Spin and peek DNC1 p150

Writing equations to label addition and subtraction problems. DNC2 p 29

DNC1 = Developing Number Concepts Book 1

Plan time

P.E. Plan time

Art Plan time

Music Plan time

Reader’s Workshop 2:20-2:40

Content Area 2:40-3:10

Making inference: What I know + clues = real meaning

There are many types of weather.

Using Mercer Mayer texts Just Me and My Mom

RECESS 2:05-2::20

LUNCH 11:50-12:30

How many more or less? DNC1 p 147

Modeling Addition and Subtraction Equations DNC2 p 22


Pack up and math journals Daily math Journals

How many more or less? DNC1 p 147

Math Journals

Kinds of weather: Students will write/draw about what they do on a warm day and a cold day.

Making inference: What I know + clues = real meaning

There are many types of weather.

Using Mercer Mayer texts Just Me and My Dad

Students write/draw their new understandings.

Making inference: What I know + clues = real meaning

There are many types of weather.

Using Mercer Mayer texts Just Me and My Little Brother

Students write/draw their new understandings.

Making inference: What I know + clues = real meaning

Weather changes

Using Mercer Mayer texts Just Me and Grandma

Students write/draw their new understandings.

Making inference: What I know + clues = real meaning

Weather changes

Using Mercer Mayer texts Just Me and Grandpa

DNC2 = Developing Number Concepts Book 2

Read: Down Comes the Rain

Read: Snow is Falling

Read: Sunshine makes the season

Art project demonstrating the 4 seasons.