4 days ago ... www.mthsbands.org ... Music Booster Information ... and boys teams are in the
playoffs and so there will be a few more games for the pep band.
Mountlake Terrace Bands Jazz Ensembles
Concert Bands
Pep Band
Percussion Ensemble
Darin Faul, Band Director
[email protected] www.mthsbands.org 425-431-5622
Week of February 10th In This Issue:
Important Information Student Profile - not this week Music Booster Information BB Brackets
Important Information
Chamber Winds is going to the UW Band Festival on Tuesday - We were un-waitlisted! Boys and Girls Basketball Teams are in the Playoffs. Upcoming Concert on February
UW Band Festival 27th - Symphonic Band, Chamber Chamber Winds was moved off the waiting list for Winds, Jazz 1 and Jazz 2 this festival last Friday. I got a bus for us, sent out email about the trip and we are working on collecting the paperwork that we need (Permission slip from every student) It is a really great festival and so I jumped at the chance even though it is last minute. We will perform “Give Us This Day” and then receive an onstage clinic. Because it is a late notice trip we will not be spending the whole day there as we typically do. Please see the emails for all of the details. Savannah Trip Parent Meeting - February 20th We are having a meeting to go over details about this trip. It is at 7:00 in the Band Room. Jazz Ensemble 1 folks need to have one parental representative from the family there, please. Basketball Playoffs Both girls and boys teams are in the playoffs and so there will be a few more games for the pep band to play at. These are always exciting time and if they are successful they will be able to go on to the state competition in Tacoma which happens March 6-8. The tricky thing about playsoff is that we don’t know when they will be playing for sure because it changes based on whether they win or lose. I will do my best to outline it for you and let you know which games we will be playing at. Boys play on Tuesday (we are playing this game). if they win, they play on on Friday at Jackson (we can’t play this game) if they win, they play on the 21st at 8:00 (we WILL play this game) if they lose, they play on the 21st at 6:00 (we WILL play this game) if they lose, they play on Thursday (we can’t play this game) if they lose a second time, they are out... if they win, they play on the 18th (we can’t play this game) if they win, they play on the 21st at 6:00 (we WILL play this game)
Girls play on Wednesday (we WILL play this game). I can’t make it but Mr. Schwab will help the band. if they win, they play on on Saturday at Lynnwood (we can’t play this game) if they win, they play on the 22nd at 8:00 (we WILL play this game) if they lose, they play on the 22nd at 6:00 (we WILL play this game) if they lose, they play on Saturday (we can’t play this game) if they lose a second time, they are out... if they win, they play on the 19th (we can’t play this game) if they win, they play on the 22nd at 6:00 (we WILL play this game) I’m attaching the brackets to this newsletter so you can follow along yourself. Disneyland Trip Payment The next Disney payment is due on Feburary 28th. Free Piano Contact Barb Oakley at
[email protected]. “I have a friend who has a neighbor that is giving away a free piano. This is an 80 year old upright Kimball piano. It is solid oak and has a dark brown stain. It has a good sound and a nice touch. If you or someone you know would like this piano, please get in touch with me asap.” Free Concert at Cornish Cornish Music Series extends an offer of 10 free student tickets per school to: Marty Ehrlich and the Cornish Contemporary Big Band Thursday, February 13 at 8pm PONCHO Concert Hall, 710 E Roy St, Seattle “It would be hard to conceive of a player who sounds less like anyone else and more like he’s speaking directly through his horn than Marty Ehrlich.” - James Hale, DownBeat Stalwart NYC saxophonist and clarinetist Marty Ehrlich leads the Cornish Contemporary Big Band in a concert of his compositions. For tickets and more information: http://www.cornish.edu/musicseries/detail/marty_ehrlich_and_the_ cornish_contemporary_big_band Please contact me to obtain your tickets!
[email protected] We hope to see you there, Megan Calendar Change Because of our Disneyland trip we are not able to do the concert on April 3rd as originally planner. I have moved the concert to April 1st. For real. We will play things that we are taking to California. This will include all concert band students, not just those who are going on the trip - at least that is my plan at this time. If it changes, I will let you know. 2014 College Planning Night – Feb. 13 All District sophomore and junior families are invited to attend the 2014 College Planning Night at Meadowdale High School. It will be Thursday, February 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. starting in the Great Hall.
The keynote speaker will be the Director of Admissions for the University of Oregon, Jim Rawlins. There will then be three breakout sessions on topics ranging from financing a college education, writing an effective college admission essay, technical college opportunities and college athletics. There will also be sessions available in Spanish.
MTHS Student Profile - next week...
Sherrill Leppich, Music Booster President, is helping to interview current students for this newsletter as a way of helping us all get to know each other. Thanks Sherrill!
If you read the newsletter the week, I have a prize for you! For the first student in each of my classes who sees this and sends me an email saying you read the newsletter I have a FREE CD. If I owe you a CD from a previous week please remind me to give it to you! KEEP READING!! There is lots of important information on the following pages!
MTHS MUSIC BOOSTERS NEWS February 10th, 2014
** Please read the entire newsletter from Mr. Faul and the Booster President ** On Saturday, February 8th, our MTHS Jazz 1 and Jazz 2 ensembles attended and competed in the Bellevue Community College Jazz Festival. The festival was attended by 16 high schools throughout the Puget Sound area and was a full day of music, clinics and performances. Our MTHS Jazz bands did a fantastic job and played very well and we are all so very proud of them. Congratulations to Lucy Schermer for receiving an award for Outstanding Soloist on the Flute, at the event. On Tuesday, February 11th, our Concert Band will be attending the UW Band Festival. This is another fantastic annual event that our Chamber Winds students attend and we were able to get into this at the last minute, due to another school cancelling. Please find attached a permission slip that needs to be filled out and returned ASAP. An email went out on Friday with this as well. Please be sure that all Chamber Winds students arrive on Tuesday, 2/11, dressed in concert attire and bring a lunch or lunch money for the trip. MTHS Jazz 1 has been selected to perform at the upcoming Hot Java Cool Jazz that will be happening in April at the Paramount. Please watch the newsletter and your emails for tickets that will be going on sale very soon. This is another fundraiser type event for us, as if we sell all the tickets we are allotted for the concert at the Paramount, Starbucks will give back a check to our band program for a portion of the ticket sales. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to be a part of Hot Java and equally important to try and sell all our tickets for this. We’ve been able to do it in the past, so let’s show the community and Starbucks, we can do it again!! Also, in connections with the Hot Java Cool Jazz, our Rhythm Section has been asked to perform at the local Starbucks in Mountlake Terrace. We are currently scheduled to perform on Wednesday, April 9th. Mark your calendars, come on by for a Starbucks drink and support our MTHS students. This performance at the local Starbucks is to help bring awareness to Hot Java Cool Jazz AND our fabulous band program at MTHS.
On Thursday, February 11th we will be having a meeting with Jazz 1 parents and students for the upcoming trip to Savannah for the Swing Central Competition we will be attending. The meeting is at 7:00 p.m. in the band room This is old news, but bears repeating… One event that the MTHS Music Boosters has put on the last two years is a silent auction that coincides with a band concert. The last two years have been pretty successful and we would love to see it continue, but need volunteers to assist with this. Right now, we need a committee and/or volunteers who would be able to help with getting donations and procurements for the auction. This is another great event that takes more than just a couple of volunteers to make it happen, we will need everyone’s support and help. We are currently looking at possibly holding this auction in September 2014. If you are interested in helping out in any way with the silent auction, now is the time. Whether it’s chairing a position or just helping out where you can, all hands are needed. Please contact Sherrill Leppich at
[email protected] if you are interested. February 11 – Concert band trip to UW / PEP Band in the evening February 13-‐ MTHS Rhythm Section to perform at Home Street Bank in MLT February 20 – Jazz 1 Parent/Student meeting re: Savannah 7:00pm @ MTHS February 26th – 8th Grade Parent Night @ MTHS February 27th – Jazz Night & Band Concert 7:00p.m. “Volunteering can be an exciting, growing, enjoyable experience. It is truly gratifying to serve a cause, practice one's ideals, work with people, solve problems, see benefits, and know one had a hand in them.” -‐-‐Harriet Naylor Sherrill Leppich MTHS Music Boosters President 425-‐478-‐1989
[email protected] OR
[email protected]
WPA Network Bracket Index
2/9/14 8:38 PM
Back to Bracket Index
2014 District 1 3A Boys Basketball Tournament Finals at Jackson High School
Tuesday, February 11 - Friday, February 21
View: Bracket
February 21
February 18
February 13
at Higher Seed
February 11
at Higher Seed
February 14
at Higher Seed
February 21
Team Awards
(Advance to Regionals) 3
#1 Loser #1
#9 Winner #9
Loser #8
Winner #10
Third Place
Feb. 14, 6:00pm
Winner Game 11
Loser to game 10 Feb. 11, 7:00pm
Glacier Peak
Feb. 18, 7:00pm
#3 Loser #3
Loser #4
#4 1
Students w/ ASB $5.00. Children / Seniors $5.00.
Championship Feb. 11, 7:00pm
Winner #3
Mountlake Terrace
#8 4
Jackson HS
Feb. 21, 8:00pm
Winner #8
Feb. 13, 7:00pm
Loser Out
Adults / Students w/o ASB $7.00.
Winner #7
Loser #7
Higher seed is home team. Use result of head to head if equal seeds. Wesco team is home if same seed as Ferndale. Ferndale is seeded by NWC winning percentage.
Loser Game 12
Jackson HS
Winner #2
Winner #6
Loser Out
#7 4
Second Place
Winner #1
Loser Out
Jackson HS
Feb. 21, 6:00pm
Winner 3rd / Loser Out
Loser Out Feb. 18, 7:00pm
Winner Game 12
Feb. 11, 7:00pm
Feb. 13, 7:00pm
Loser #2
Winner #5
Jackson HS
Feb. 14, 8:00pm
Winner #4 Loser to game 9
Feb. 11, 7:00pm
Revised: 1/14/14 11:26 AM by Jim Piccolo Updated Game #6
3ABGBBBulletin_1214.doc Printable Bracket Copyright 2007-2009 WashingtonPrepAthletics.com | Contact
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WPA Network Bracket Index
2/9/14 8:38 PM
Back to Bracket Index
2014 District 1 3A Girls Basketball Tournament Finals at Lynnwood High School
Wednesday, February 12 - Saturday, February 22
View: Bracket
February 22
February 19
February 15
at Higher Seed
February 12
at Higher Seed
February 15
at Higher Seed
February 22
Team Awards
(Advance to Regionals) Shorecrest
#1 Loser #1
#9 Winner #9
Loser Out Feb. 19, 7:00pm
Loser #8
Winner #10
Feb. 12, 7:00pm
Glacier Peak
Loser Out
Adults, Students w/out ASB $7.00. High School Students w/ASB $5.00. Children, Senior Citizens (age 62 and older) $5.00.
Winner #7 Lynnwood HS
Feb. 22, 8:00pm
Winner #8
Championship Feb. 12, 7:00pm
Winner #3
Mountlake Terrace
Feb. 15, 7:00pm
Loser #4
Higher seed is home team. Use result of head to head if equal seeds. Wesco team is home if same seed as Ferndale. Ferndale is seeded by NWC winning percentage.
Loser to game 10
#3 Loser #3
Loser #7
Winner Game 11
Winner #2
Feb. 19, 7:00pm
Loser Out
Third Place
Feb. 15, 6:00pm
Winner #6
Loser Game 12
Lynnwood HS
Loser Out
Lynnwood HS
Feb. 22, 6:00pm
Winner 3rd / Loser Out
#7 4
Second Place
Winner #1
Feb. 15, 7:00pm
Loser #2
Winner #5
Winner Game 12
Feb. 12, 7:00pm
#4 1
Lynnwood HS
Feb. 15, 8:00pm
Winner #4 Loser to game 9
Feb. 12, 7:00pm
Revised: 1/1/14 1:21 PM by Ted House Updated Game #10
3ABGBBBulletin_1214.doc Copyright 2007-2009 WashingtonPrepAthletics.com | Contact
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EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.15 PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMED CONSENT FOR FIELD TRIP Student Name__________________________________ School__MTHS_________ Date__February 11, 2014__ GENERAL INFORMATION
Chamber Winds & Percussion is planning a trip to_UW Festival Purpose of trip _to compete and participate in festival activities Trip Destination : UW - Seattle,
WA Seattle Phone No. (206) 930-2307 Seattle Phone No. (206) 930-2307
Address UW Campus________________________Place of Lodging_N/A_______ We will leave from __MTHS_________________________________________________at __11:15___X AM on (date)
� PM
Tues., Feb 11th, 2014. We will return to the school on (day)_Tuesday_ (date) _ February 3, 2014
at__3:30___ � AM X PM
� Itinerary is attached
Attending: number of students __55_______
� List of items needed attached
minimum number of chaperones ___4_______
TYPE OF TRANSPORTATION Some students may ride in chaperon vehicles �District Vehicle Commercial Transportation X District Bus Other(explain) MEDICAL INFORMATION
The following special health problems should be noted and adequate precautions taken (list such items as unusually severe reaction to bee stings, other severe allergies, hemophilia, diabetes, heart disease, etc.)____________________________________________________________________________________________NONE______ T
he following medications, prescriptions or special diets are needed:_______________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL RELEASE In the event of an accident or illness, I understand that reasonable effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian immediately. However, if I am not available, I authorize the school district to secure emergency medial care as needed. Medical insurance? _ __yes ____no Student accident insurance is available through Excel Serv. It is recommended that all students have medical or student accident insurance. Contact the school office for details. Name of Preferred Doctor_____________________________________________ Phone (____)______________________ Name of Insurance Carrier _ _________________________________________________Policy No._______________ This activity provides a learning experience for the students and allows them an opportunity to apply their classroom learning. If You have any questions or concerns about this activity, please contact _ Darin Faul @ 425-431 5622 Although I understand that the school district will make reasonable effort to provide a safe environment, I am fully aware of the special dangers and risks inherent in participating in the activity, including physical injury and/or death. Being fully aware of the risks, I hereby give consent for (student)________________________________________________to participate in the activity. Parent/Guardian Name _______________________________________________Day Phone (_____)__________________ Home Address____________________________________________________ Evening Phone (_____)_________________ Emergency Contact_______________________________________________ Emergency Phone (____)__________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian____________________________________________ Date______________________________