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ample sized classroom spaces, proximity to Walton School and outdoor green space. Opportunities are limitless. Future Pr
WAKEFIELD SCHOOL COMMITTEE Wakefield, Ma Minutes of School Committee Meeting February 11, 2014 Present: Chairman Danehy, Vice-Chairman Callanan, Ms. Cook, Mr. Kenney, Mr. Liakos, Mr. Markham, Ms. Morgan, Supt. Zrike, Business Admin. Pfifferling and Clerk Majeski. 1. Call to Order – Chairman Danehy called the meeting to order at 7 p.m., and called for a moment of silence to note the passing of Ella Biggio, 6 year old daughter who passed away last week. She touched so many students and staff in the system. 2. Reading of the Mission Statement - It is the mission of the Wakefield Public Schools to educate and inspire every student to live a life of engaged learning, personal responsibility and positive contribution through: 1) safe and healthy learning environments; 2) diverse learning opportunities; 3) high quality teachers and staff; 4) community involvement and partnerships; and 5) 21st Century tools and skills. 3. Public Input/Student Council Members a. Public Input - None b. Student Advisory Council Members – Adam Celikmen and Joseph Hurton updated the committee on recent and upcoming activities at the high school. The “Yellow Dress”, a one women play dealing with dating violence and how it affects student will be held on Feb. 12th. for juniors. Hall of Fame Induction banquet to be held on March 7. Drama Club is doing Glass Menagerie and Les Miserables. This year the senior show is “Charlie & the Chocolate Factory”. Youth Risk Behavior Survey will take place on March 7th. Mr. Celikmen complimented Ms. Kelly, school librarian who is doing a great job creating a study environment.

4. Educational Spotlight – Woodville Principal Marie McPhee introduced the students and teacher who are involved in the Grade 1 Literacy Practice program. The program helps to develop a daily habit of reading and writing. Each of the five students spoke about a component of the program.


6. Superintendent’s Communications/Comments/Reports/Recommendations a, Communications - Condition of Education in Commonwealth– Supt. Zrike briefly


5. Chairman’s Comments/Reports/Recommendations a. METCO Meeting Date - Ms. Danehy advised the committee that their May 13th meeting will take place in Boston, at a METCO location to be determined.

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reviewed the report which provides an evidence-based review of student program and proficiency throughout Massachuetts. b. Early Learning Center – Supt. Zrike invited the team of educators who will present the Early Learning Center recommendation; SPED Director Lynn O’Neil, Coordinator of Early Childhood Ann Mannino and Principal Margo Perriello. They have been working with the community, teachers and administrators and they will be joined later by parents and community members who want to share their thoughts. The team is thrilled about the proposal. Ms. O’Neil did a Powerpoint presentation which addressed: Why Public Early Childhood Programs- Ms. Mannino spoke about the benefits of an Early Childhood Education. It addresses the individual needs of a child, preparation for lifelong learning, play-based on learning opportunities, better higher order thinking and attention skills, better reading, writing and math abilities, better social skills, higher grade promotion and graduation rates, fewer special education placements Why Wakefield, Why Now – Ms. O’Neil commented that it will reunite all the classes under one roof, creates an age appropriate, dynamic learning setting for younger students, builds a sense of community, opportunity to grow program, better preparation and continuity for Wakefield preK-12 system. Why the Doyle Site It is in good condition, accessibility for all students and ADA compliant, ample sized classroom spaces, proximity to Walton School and outdoor green space Opportunities are limitless. Future Preschool Offerings – Looking at offering another ½ day programs, 1 full day integrated program, one 2 day a week ½ day and 1 3 day a week half day. Preschool by the numbers We could service between 130-145 students (over time), a large jump. There has been a 75% increase in inquiries about the preschool enrollment since it was announce two weeks ago. People are anxious to get on the list. M. Periello spoke about Logistics and Details – We are looking at staggered start times, 3-4 to attend and toilet trained. Walton K would be housed at Doyle which is a large advantage. It would free up additional space in other schools. Walton students would be closer to their neighborhoods. The system is getting tight in the Woodville, Walton and Dolbeare schools. Dr. Zrike addressed the Projected Costs – total one-time costs would be between $80,000 -$100,000. The building would need work; technology, security system, painting, toilets, locks and doors and possibly lights. Recurring costs would total between $150,000 - $200,000. Strategic Staffing, we believe office clerical staff could be based out of the school; Ms.Perriello would serve as administrator of the building with a 80/20 split of her time. Given her background, personality and passion she is the perfect fit. Ms. Mannino would be the early childhood leader and would be on site. Excess furniture from Galvin could be used, also for the children from present sites. We have technology from the Galvin. Tuition – we don’t want to raise the tuition this year. We looked at area programs, and may a little lower, but we’re a new program Revenue Projections – (waivers not included) take in $77,000. With increase in numbers we would take in between $230,000- $260,000 over time. Any additional class we open


. Ms. Cook asked about parents not having the ability to pay. How will teachers handle the children that go to the full day program over a student that doesn’t? She was advised that no matter what there will be inequities. By bring more into the system earlier, that we will increase the prep of students. It should raise the bar for kindergarten. More and more will take advantage of this. We can’t force parents to send their child to this program. If they can’t afford it, there are waivers. Ms. Perriello noted that there are many children that come in with no experience in early childhood, some with half and others with full programs. . Mr. Liakos was impressed that the possibility has come this far. He asked about the teaching staff being highly qualified and is there staff that can meet the standards. It was noted that a public pre-school teacher is state certified; in private sector a different type of certification is required. Re. curriculum will it change and will the center foster a strong curriculum. Ms.Mannino spoke about the new curriculum for pre-school, which touches all areas of learning. She is in the process of aligning it to the Common Core.


would pay for itself. Next Steps – Information night for parents on 2/27 at Woodville. . Dialogue with early childhood staff. Establish ECC Advisory Committee. Market and brand to the community. Naming contest. . Kathy Bishop, Wakefield parent and teacher at Melrose Early Childhood Center spoke as a Wakefield parent and teacher at the Franklin Childhood Center in Melrose for ten years. Very excited to hear that Wakefield is moving towards a center. The program in Melrose has grown from 70 to 300. The students would be coming from a program that uses the same curriculum. Continuity is beneficial to all and will allows students to stay in their town for their education. A stand-alone building is wonderful with their own playground space. OT spaces are geared to younger students. Families feel like a sense of belonging and that early childhood education is important. . Chrissy Loftus, parent of current early childhood student spoke about what such a program would do for her as a parent. She has one entering K next year, and one preschool handicapped child at Woodville. She spoke to the needs of her handicapped child and what the pre-school program has done for her. Looking forward to her continuing her success in the Wakefield school system. The Doyle program would allow her daughter to integrate with more students. Therapy can be tailored to her needs. Stepping stone to kindergarten. It will be a benefit to the Wakefield community. . Florence Martin, Wakefield early childhood teacher at Woodville School. Dr. Zrike noted that Ms. Martin is a partner in this work. Because she is a kindergarten teacher she gets it. She has also had the opportunity to work with the Melrose program. I am excited about this program. Doyle is a wonderful piece of land that the Doyle family gave to Wakefield. Agree with everything about the bones of the school; peaceful. Envision wonderful things for that school. Hope resources are put into the school; new, sparkling and inviting to parents.

He asked about the principal splitting her time. Ms. Perriello noted that when two schools came under one principal it was 50/50, this will be 80/20 and she will do supervision, profession development and evaluation piece. It will not jeopardize the work being done at Walton School. There will be professional staff in the building in her absence. The facility is not huge, but bigger than the Yeuell, and Hurd is multi-level. If there is a need for the space, Wakefield has the luxury of space. Other communities have given away all their school buildings. . Mr. Markham felt it’s time is long overdue, and how quickly can we get to the full capacity? Ms. O’Neil noted between year 2-3. The enthusiastic response lends itself to that belief. Once it’s built, they will come. The committee is looking at a 300K investment to get the building open. The quicker we get to a full building, the more we will be able to afford this. He noted he does not want to see a dilution of the principalship at Walton. Wants to make sure the balanced is matched. . Mr. Callanan reminded all that some of the students would be coming from Walton to Doyle so she would be servicing the same students. The Doyle will be a great spot for the pre-school students. There is a lot of room, property there. . Mr. Kenney thanked Dr. Zrike on this undertaking. Responsibility to educate our children and this is an investment. We have to ask how we will see a return for our investment and there will be a great return on our investment. We need to be appealing to young parents. . Ms. Danehy thanked all educators, parents who came to the meeting this evening. Our investment will expand opportunities. Mr. Callanan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham, that the school Committee declare its intent to commence an early childhood center on the premises of the Doyle School effective July 1, 2014, or as soon thereafter as practicable, contingent on the School Department’s receiving sufficient funding from Town Meeting, and that for such reason the Committee notify the tenant of the said premises forthwith that the current lease thereof will not be renewed. Voted Unan. Mr. Callanan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham, that the School Committee accepts the pay structure for Early Childhood Center as follows: $2500 for ½ day and $5000 for full day. Voted Unan.


c. White Paper Final Report – Dr. Zrike reviewed his Final Report of Entry Findings. The findings addressed the following: General Impressions of Wakefield;, Wakefield Educators; Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment; Student Support Services; Budget and Operations; School and Community Relations and Next Step. His report ending by


(Ms. Cook left the meeting.)

stating: “The findings, along with the existing strategic plan, will serve to inform a more explicit theory of action and define a focused set of instructional priorities by the close of the school year. This laser-like and relentless pursuit of exemplary teaching and student learning will guide our work for the next few years.” d. Comments . Parent University – held on March 22nd with keynote speaker Rick Irving. It is open to the public and is free. Free babysitting is available. Registration should be done ahead of time. . Fireside Chats will be held at Library and begin on Feb. 28 . Greenwood AuthorFest. Very impressed. Over a decade old event organized by PTO and congratulations to the teachers and PTO. It enhances the literacy skills of students. . Principal Search – preliminary reviewed resumes and given to School Committee. Selections now being made of Search Committee. There is a pool of 30. There are surrounding communities searching for HS principals. . Freshman Course Requirement – Letter will go out to families re. decision and course of action. Had two sessions with families which was very refreshing..


7. Consent Agenda a. Approval of Payroll Warrants # 27, 29, 31 - Mr. Callanan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham approval of payroll warrants 27, 29 & 31. Voted Unan. b. Approval of January 28, 2014 Minutes – Mr. Callanan moved, seconded by Mr.


7. Business Items – Mike Pfifferling a. Business Reports – Mr. Pfifferling presented the following reports: b. Revolving Accounts – He spoke to each account that is over budgeted; Athletics, Full Day K, Preschool Tuition and Circuit Breaker. c. Personnel Report – Mr. Pfifferling reviewed the Personnel Report. d. State Updates – Mr. Pfifferling reviewed the M.A.S.S. recommendations regarding Chapter 70 funding for FY15. The plan presently calling for $157,000,000 over FY14 (3.5%) is flexible and dependent on the revenue growth of the Commonwealth and is likely to be modified with the release of House 1, the Governor’s FY15 Budget and through the legislative process E. Acceptance of Gift – Mr. Callanan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham accepts with gratitude the following gifts: 1. Donation from Kate’s Voice as the first payment of $550 of an $1100 donation for Music Therapy Program at Dolbeare School. Voted Unan. 2. Donation of $1,390 from John J. Roberto to purchase a new AED for the WHS Athletic Department. Voted Unan.

Markham, approval of the January 28, 2014 regular and executive session minutes. Executive session minutes to be released within one year. Voted Unan. 8. Subcommittee/Liaison Reports a. Policy – Mr. Callanan moved, seconded by Mr. Liakos, that the following policies lay on the table for two weeks: Harassment, Bullying & hazing – ACAD-R Superintendent’s Goals – CB-A Organizational Chart – CC Employee Handbook – GBA Code of Conduct – GBEB-R Non-Represented Job Descriptions – GCAB Technology Plan – IJN-R Creation of EC Activities – JJ Mr. Callanan moved, seconded by Mr. Markham, that the School Committee delete policies SA-050 Home Educated Students in Athletics, and SA-090 Administrative Goals andSA-090 be replaced with CC - Organizational Chart. Voted Unan. b. Labor Relations – Mr. Markham reported that the subcommittee met with the WEA and had a productive meeting, but still there are things that need to be discussed; i.e. EC stipends. With regard to Unit B, still trying to find a date agreeable to both sides. c. Budget – Subcommittee held two meetings, one with Mr. Randall from Wakefield Academy in which he presented a comprehensive view of the program, which was well received. Also met to discuss FY14 update, Food Services, FY15 presentation. Met with administrators. Next meeting Dr. Zrike and Mr. Pfifferling will present next round of administrators’ views of budget. Pertaining to waivers, there is a ground swell of discomfort around the conversation. The full School Committee should have a discussion about the process and suggested it become an agenda item for the next meeting – waiver process and how it works. d. Communications – Ms. Morgan reported that they are scheduling a meeting the end of February. 9. Other


11. School Committee Comments . Mr. Liakos thanked Rep. Brodeur for the opportunity to come to the State House and talk to his colleagues. It was a great opportunity to met the big picture on state education. . Mr. Markham thanked those community members who reached out to School Committee members Gr. 9 curriculum. It was a great opportunity to get input from


10. Future Dates & Agenda Items – Next meeting February 25th.

parents. He noted that it is not a School Committee matter. Congratulated Greenwood School on the AuthorFest which entails a lot of work that the PTO does.



12. Adjournment – On a motion by Mr. Callanan and seconded by Mr. Markham, the committee adjourned their meeting at 9:20 p.m. Voted Unan.