under Forms to find a list of sewing supplies you .... cdn.
com/files/2012/12/roundup_talent_2013_d ... Fayette County 4-H Whiz Bang.
February 2013
Randall County 4-H Newsletter Scholarships
Extension Office Staff
(For graduating seniors)
TEEA Scholarships Kim Peters CEA—4-H Youth Dev
[email protected] Leesa Wood Calvi CEA—Family & Consumer Science
[email protected] J.D. Ragland CEA—Agriculture
[email protected] Shannon Walsh Urban Program Director
[email protected]
Applications due to Extension by February 15th. State applications postmarked by March 1st TEEA scholarship information can be found at
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Hildebrand Scholarship Applications due: February 11th-Interviews in March If you are a graduating high school senior who will be exhibiting a lamb at this year’s show, go to click on Scholarships and select Apply for Scholarships. Choose Apply Now, select the Hildebrand Scholarship using key code HL2013 to gain access. This is an $18,000 scholarship.
State Fair of Texas Scholarship
Applications deadline is March 1st For more information go to nnouncement.asp?PRelId=69
y Co 5th When y r a ebrua er Wh : 6:30 T uncil M e L hurs eetin ere: lt day, F n Cent day, u K u d g P h s Apri rogr lman A . Tue tensio l 4th am: E x x tens Offic If yo p.m an E m ion C u wo er El : 7 o m l ente n o u c e r h l e l d c o u h t s l k i r i e ons ke to d Of W : K e wor e f E r i r u c x e e n t c e r for nsion A Wh e offi Offic pplicatio an office ALL h t e nF n ,c C i by M DEN OUNTY arch orm and omplete T C th 25th. retur TEN S AND C OUNCI n it to e enD. C L OF OUN Extension programs the ount F C serve people of all ages y Co IL DEL ICERS, Kell unci E C regardless of y Ba l Me GATES LUB PR socioeconomic level, x N m ES t e EED Rach bers r race, color, religion, TO A Ia el Sm r e : disability or national Mac Tith Qua kenz origin. y Ow i e A en Odo bby Brad m McC y Say The Texas A&M System, a S r heri ers t y Laur U.S. Department of dan en M Agriculture, and County Arth Tann o o C o r l e Commissioners Courts of ay B er O u w rkha Texas Cooperating. e B n e n Mc m Crar y s der
Page 2
4-H Stars!
Randall County 4-H Newsletter
Johnson County Horse Judging
4-H Clothing Project Meetings
Randall’s Senior Horse Judging Team 1 placed 1st overall, in performance and in reasons. Team 1 member Lauren Moore placed 5th in reasons, 14th overall and 5th in performance. Sparklynn Rust placed 4th overall, 15th in reasons and 1st in performance. Taylor Williams placed 5th overall, 4th in performance and 2nd in reasons. Team 2 placed 16th overall, 16th in performance and 14 in reasons. Team members were Melissa Harvell, Arianna Cox, and Emily McMichael. Also competing was junior Teah Taylor who placed 10th in reasons.
When: 4-6 p.m. Mondays Feb 4th-making scarves Bring 3-6” strips of fleece that are at least 36” wide and a spool of thread to match the top layer Feb 11-Pin cushions for your sewing machine (supplies provided) Feb 18-(County Holiday, but Leesa will be here) we will work on your sewing project Feb 25-sewing projects Mar 4-Community Service project and complete fashion show paperwork. If you wish to compete in the County Fashion Show, an Entry Notification Form is due to Extension today (form found under Forms at the County Website Mar 11-will sew during Spring Break if requested Mar 25-County Fashion Show Apr 20-Dist Fashion Show at Amarillo Dist Office Beginning sewers can go to our county website under Forms to find a list of sewing supplies you will need before your first class. You may bring your own sewing machine if you want, but the County Extension Office has several sewing machines and sergers for your use.
Randall County Stock Show (We don’t have room to list all the results, but here’s some of the majors)
Colton Shaw Quay Owen Tyler Mogford Francisca Hinojosa Taylor Robinson Bretton Strickland Arinne Cox Brynn Owen Rhett Bain Clay Burkham Madison Huseman
Grand Champion Steer Grand Champion Lamb Grand Champion Goat Grand Champion Rabbit Grand Champion Swine Res Grand Champ Lamb Res Grand Champ Rabbit Res Grand Champ Swine Sr Steer Showmanship Sr Rabbit Showmanship Sr Swine Showmanship
National Western Stock Show in Denver Claire McCormick won the Jr Market Barrow Show
District Swine Skillathon Coleman Curry-2nd High Senior Individual Quay Owen-3rd High Senior Individual
We apologize if we’ve failed to recognize any of your 4-H accomplishments. Contact the Extension Office, and we’ll be glad to mention them in next
Senior entry forms and more information about the Clothing & Textile project are available at
Clothing & Textiles Advisory Board Applications due June 3rd Both 4-H youth and adults are welcome to serve on this board. For more information, go to the Clothing Opportunities section of web page
District 4-H Fashion Storyboard When: Friday, April 19th Where: District Office, Amarillo, TX The theme for this year’s contest is “Be True to Who You Are.” County Competition will be at the County Fashion Show. You must compete there to advance to district. Registration on 4-H Connect for District should be done by 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 9th. District Storyboards are due to the Extension office by 5 p.m. Monday, April 1st. For more information on this contest see the Clothing & Textiles Letter at It is your responsibility to pick up your board at the end of the contest.
County Council Officer Elections Officer elections will he held at the April Council meeting. If you would like to run for County Council Officer, complete the form below and return it to the Extension by the deadline.
2013-2014 Randall County 4-H Council Officer Application Form
March 25th
Page 5
Randall County 4-H Newsletter District 4-H Arts & Crafts Show
Consumer Decision Making When: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Thursdays starting Feb. 21st through April (except March 14th) Where: Extension Office If you would like to compete in this project, contact Tricia Odom, 335-5064, or
[email protected] Contest information is at District is May 2nd
4-H Academic Eligibility You must be enrolled in 4-H and be passing in school before you can compete in any 4-H contest. The reason we ask you to notify us so early that you want to compete in county contests is because we must check with your school to see if you are passing at least two weeks in advance of the contest. Extension sends a letter to your school with the contest name, date and whether competition will require you to miss any school. Don’t forget that it is still your responsibility to let your school know the exact dates you will be absent from school and to get assignments from your teachers before leaving. If you are not academically eligible to compete, the school will notify a county agent who will let one of your parents know that there is a problem with your grades.
2013 Texas 4-H Robotics Contest Kick off workshops for these contests will be held around the state in late January through February. Plan to keep checking the Texas 4-H SET Facebook ( and the Texas 4-H Science web page for details.
When: Saturday, April 20th Where: District Office in Amarillo, TX You must complete an Arts & Crafts Entry Notification form found under forms at and let the county office know what you will be entering by Monday, April 1st, so a County Summary Sheet can be completed. No late entries will be accepted. Entry registration is 8:45 a.m. the day of the contest. It will be your responsibility to see that the entry is registered and removed following the competition. For more information read the Clothing & Textiles Letter 2013 at
Photography Meeting When: 5-6 p.m. Mondays, Feb 11th, Mar 11th, and April 15th Where: Kuhlman Extension Center Theme for the senior photography category is “Holiday Season in Texas”. Be sure to take pictures of the upcoming holidays with a Texas twist. Entries will be accepted between April 1-15 via 4-H Connect. You will find the Rules and Guidelines at If you’re interested in meeting and learning about photography, please email Cathy McCarty at
[email protected].
Attention: Club and Project Leaders If you have something you would like placed in the 4-H newsletter, please e-mail the Extension Office at
[email protected] by the 20th of each month or the following Monday if the 20th is on the weekend.
Texas 4-H Conference Center Winter and Spring Events
2013 Texas 4-H Europe Travel Experience
March 22-24 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Becoming an Outdoors Woman June 29-30 Texas 4-H Outdoor Challenge
Texas 4-H members 15 and older (at the time of the trip) will visit Scotland, and Ireland from July 3rd — July 17th. Tour fee is $3,520 per youth. For more details about the trip contact Dr Chala Bading at
[email protected].
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Randall County 4-H Newsletter State Roundup
When: June 10th-14th Where: College Station, TX For a complete list of Roundup rules and events, go to
Healthy Lifestyles Invitational When: Thursday, June 13th Where: Texas 4-H Roundup This contest is open to both teams and individuals. For more information, go to
4-H Quilt Community Service Project The goal is to donate 254 blankets to charity before 2013 Roundup. For more information go to
4-H Has Talent When: June 11th Where College Station at State Roundup Deadline for submission of your video on YouTube is April 1, 2013. The 5 finalists will compete at State Roundup. For more information about the contest, go to the State 4-H Website ecember_20_2012.jpg
VERY IMPORTANT!! (We can’t stress this enough) Watch Your E-mails We will be emailing the 4-H newsletter and communicating important 4-H information to your family’s e-mail addresses with “Randall 4-H” in the subject line.
Special thanks to District Council members Sheridan Artho and Kellie Baxter for designing this shirt.
4-H Newsletter It’s been decided that we WILL continue to email a copy of each month’s 4-H newsletter to anyone who has been a Randall 4-H member at any time and who has not graduated from high school. The reasoning behind this is to keep everyone aware of what is going on in Randall 4-H. If you want to participate in any 4-H event, you will have to be actively enrolled in 4-H. NOTE: JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE GETTING EMAILS FROM US DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN YOU ARE ENROLLED IN 4-H.
Horse Happenings
Page 5
Panhandle Team Penning Association Sanctioned Ranch Sorting Competition When: Saturday, February 16th Where: Tri State Fair Grounds, Bill Cody Arena Contact Jim Bridwell, 753-7883, or Stacey Horton, 663-1586, for more information.
Horse Judging Starting : 4:30 p.m. each Tuesday Where: Pluhars’ (unless told differently) Call Darwin, 679-3540, for information. District Competition is April 12th at the WTAMU Horse Center.
Shooting Sports Callahan County 4-H Novice Shotgun Shoot
Fayette County 4-H Whiz Bang When: Saturday, March 2nd
When: April 6
Where: LaGrange, TX
Where: Abilene, TX
Contact Kendall Hopkins, 979-242-5705 or
[email protected], for more information.
For more information, contact Kevin Meier, 325665-7810.
Shooting Sports Extravaganza When: April 20th Where: Texas 4-H Conference Center, Brownwood, TX Registration open Feb 18-Mar 17 on 4-H Connect.
4-H Natural Resources Visit the website for detailed project area and event information. Please go to our project area webpages via the “Natural Resource Program Links” box at the upper right of this web page. Connect with us via Facebook Page ces and “Like” us for updates.
2013 Postal League For information on this contest and many others, go to
ARPC Junior Rifle When: 8:30 a.m. Saturdays ending March 16th Where: Indoor rifle range of ARPC (2.2 miles north of Loop 335 on North Western, This is a 10-week class that teaches the basics of rifle marksmanship. It is open to anyone age 10-20 years old of all skill levels. Cost is $20 per shooter which includes ammo, targets and use of the club target .22 rifles. Email Gary Arthur
[email protected] if you have any questions.
Randall County 4-H Newsletter
Page 8
The Livestock Lowdown Many thanks to all of the ambassadors that helped deliver signature cards to the buyers. Specifically, I would like to say a special thank you to ambassadors Macy Thurman, Lainye Meador, Sheridan Artho and Clay Burkham. These particular kids came to help us, left to sell their animals and then came right back to help us for the rest of the evening. We couldn’t have done it without them. Also, many thanks to my co-clerks, Diane Thurman and Angela Burkham. I really appreciate them.
Jaye Hawkins Adult Leaders Association Fundraiser Thanks to those families that took the time to work at the Randall County Livestock Show concession stand. It was a huge success and we will be able to support 4-H members in their current 4-H projects plus maybe introduce some new 4-H projects in the coming months. Proceeds from the concession stand support all 4-H projects not just livestock related. Thanks again!
Angela Burkham
Houston Stock Show Travel Meeting When: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 26th Where: Kuhlman Extension Center At least one family member must attend for all exhibitors planning to attend and exhibit at this show. This is a very important meeting at which livestock travel plans for our county group must be made. MARK YOUR CALENDAR!!
4-H Barn Talk This blog is located at htttp:// Once on the page you can subscribe in the bottom right corner by typing your email in the space provided. Then you will receive notification each time there is a post. You’re also encouraged to like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @4HBarnTalk.
District Meats Judging When: April 17th Where: Oklahoma-Panhandle St Univ If you are interested in coaching or joining a meats judging team, call the Extension Office,
District Livestock Judging When: April 19th Where: WTAMU Nance Ranch
Stock Show Dates Ft Worth Feb 1-9
Houston Mar 7-16
San Antonio Feb 17-23
Star of Tx Mar 17-23
If you’re interested in joining a team. Contact J. D. at 468-5543.
San Angelo Feb 11-16
Clipping & Washing Schedules If you would like to use the “Digger” Howard Livestock Barn to get your livestock project ready for competition, contact the Extension Office to reserve a time. We want everyone to have time to prepare their animals.
Randall County 4-H Newsletter
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Club News Canyon 4-H Club
T Anchor 4-H Club When: 6 p.m., Monday, February 11th-Officers 6:30 p.m.-Club Meeting Where: Kuhlman Extension Center Program: MVP-Horse Health Community Service: We will be making valentine cards for veterans Meal: Mexican Pile On (meat provided by the club) Members bring sides to go with it. Leaders: Sheri Artho, 220-9557, or
Contact Club Leaders for Plans Leaders: Angela Burkham, 341-4884, and Tammy McCrary, 918-691-6483.
Livestock Project Club No January Club Meeting. Next club meeting will be in April. Leader: Contact Larry Roots at 676-4099, 3568729 or
[email protected] for information.
Cowboy 4-H Club
Palo Duro 4-H Club No February Club Meeting Leaders: Laura & Bryan Smith, 655-5420, or
[email protected]
Contact Club Leaders for Plans Where: Lion’s Club in Happy Leaders: Tricia Odom - 764-3560
[email protected] OR Jimmy Stockett - 764-3509
[email protected]
Project & Clover Kid News Rifle Project Leaders: Scott (351-2385) or Kathryn (382-6105) Karcher or
[email protected].
T-Anchor Pony Express Clover Kids See T-Anchor club meeting plans. Leader: Brandi Lorenz, 673-0990
Shotgun Project Leader: Greg Curry, 655-0561, or
[email protected]
Photography Leader: Cathy McCarty, 282-8176, or
[email protected]
Rabbit Project Leaders: Lynne McCright, 282-3627, or
[email protected] & Kathryn Karcher, 382-6105
- Clothing Pro- 26 25
ject Meeting, 4-6 p.m.
Clothing Project Meeting, 4-6 p.m.
Photography Meeting, 5 p.m.
Houston Travel Meeting Horse Judging, 4:30 pm
Horse Judging, 4:30 pm
Horse Judging, 4:30 pm
Adult Leaders, 7 p.m.
Decision Making, 5:30 p.m.
Deadline to contrib- Consumer Deciute news for the 4-H sion Making, newsletter 5:30 p.m.
Judging, 6 5 Horse 4:30pm.;
Clothing Project Meeting, 4-6 p.m.
Clothing Pro-
February 2013
TEEA Scholarships due to Extension
ARPC Junior Rifle
ARPC Junior Rifle
ARPC Junior Rifle
ARPC Junior Rifle
Texas AgriLife Extension Service Randall County 4-H Herbert F & Jeannie Kuhlman Extension Center 200 N Brown Rd Canyon, TX 79015
Return service requested Phone: 806-468-5543 Fax: 806-468-5547 E-mail:
[email protected]
"To Make the Best Better" Check us out on the web!
Happy Valentines Day Leesa Wood Calvi
Leesa Wood Calvi, County Extension AgentFamily & Consumer Science
Kim Peters Kim Peters County Extension Agent4-H Youth Development
J. D. Ragland
J.D. Ragland County Extension AgentAgriculture
Educational programs of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating. Information contained in this letter is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service of the Texas A&M University Systems is implied.