Dec 3, 2013 ... It has been the tradition at Bethel that first communion instruction occurs when
the ... The second is Sons of Encouragement by Francine Rivers.
Bethel Pastors: Julé Ballinger Jim Gustafson
Beacon BE.THE.Light
Volume 53 Issue 2
Bethel Lutheran Mission Statement Bethel Lutheran Church is a community of believers called by God to invite all people into a living relationship with Jesus Christ, build them up in the faith, and send them out to be witnesses in word and deed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Zero. Yup. Zero. In fact, below zero. Nothing, nil, zip, zilch, zero. I am getting tired of the weather forecasters, forecasting zero degrees and even below! As I write this, we have another blizzard outside. It can get overwhelming and depressing, feeling like winter is never going to be gone. Zero. Nothing. Yuk! The question then becomes, is there hope when the world seems to be dormant, stark, and cold. Let’s turn to the scriptures. Matthew 14:14-17 When he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them and cured their sick. When it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is now late; send the crowds away so that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves.” Jesus said to them, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” They replied, “We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish.” The disciples looked at Jesus like he was crazy! They said, “We have nothing!” Nothing. Zero. Nil. Zip. Zilch. There were so many people to feed. It felt overwhelming and depressing. Listen to what pastor and author Nadia Bolz-Weber reminds us of in her book Pastrix: “The disciples’ mistake: They forgot that they have a God who created the universe out of ‘nothing,’ that can put flesh on dry bones ‘nothing,’ that can put life in a dusty womb ‘nothing.’ I mean, let’s face it, ‘nothing’ is God’s favorite material to work with. Perhaps God looks upon that which we dismiss as nothing, insignificant, and worthless, and says ‘Ha! Now that I can do something with.’” Zero. Nothing. Maybe, just maybe God is working amidst us even with the nothingness that surrounds us this winter. Maybe, just maybe, if we open our eyes to truly see the good around us, we will be warm by the grace God provides daily. When we open ourselves to the power of God we can’t help but follow our baptismal promises, “Let your light so shine before other that they may see your Father in heaven.” Bethel Lutheran Church, I know that winter can seem very long. Instead of focusing upon the zero – let’s take a look at what God is making out of this nothing. Let’s be a part of God’s creation and share the love of God with others! On Rally Sunday, many of you participated in the BE.THE.Love campaign where we gave money as well as time and talents to “Pay it forward.” As the winter drags on, think of ways that you can do that again, and do it. I believe you may help make someone else’s nothing this winter, turn in to something! BE.THE.Love, Pastor Julé
Tour the Eastern ND Synod…without leaving your house! We’ve heard many people talk about their churches. We’ve also heard many of you express a desire to know more about other spaces in our synod. However, for a variety of reasons seeing these spaces first hand isn’t possible. So over the next year, we will be “touring” the churches in the Eastern ND Synod.
We need your help! If you have a favorite spot in your church, and we know you do, please submit a photo of the space and a paragraph or two telling us why this space is important to you. This space could be a Sunday School room, where your children first experience church, the fellowship hall, where you grew in your faith alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ, or, of course, the sanctuary, (Sample Entry) where you’ve participated in baptisms, confirmations, funerals, and weddings. There are no rules...the sky is the limit.
Please send you submissions to Maren at
[email protected]. We will do our best to include all the submissions we receive. The more the merrier. The spaces will be featured in our quarterly newsletter and monthly eQuip newsletter. (If you’re not signed up for eQuip –sign up today!) Elim Lutheran Church, Fargo, ND
Bethel Members: Rev Paul Bortnem, age 71 died Monday, January 13, 2014. Rev. Bortnem’s call to serve began in parish ministry as an intern at Bethel.
Dollars for Jesus
Financial Update as of December 31, 2013 Year to date Income Year to date Expenses Surplus
$432,182.84 $418,961.51 $ 13,221.33
In January, 2014 $170.00 was given in vouchers from the “Dollars for Jesus” fund.
INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER? If you or someone you know desire membership please contact: Pastor Julé at
[email protected] or Pastor Jim at
[email protected] or call the church office at 642-4472. CONTACT INFO: Phone 642-4472 fax 642-2477 Pastor Julé: Pastor Jim: Ivy Schulz: Laura Stone: Alveda Wurl: Jana Olson: Missy Klose Clare Byron:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Building Hours 7am-5pm Monday-Friday 9am-1pm Saturdays 7am-1pm Sundays or
First Communion Instruction “As you share the bread and wine, give thanks for the family of Jesus which surrounds you, and give thanks for the promise of Jesus: ‘You are a precious child of God. I will always love you. I will be with you, loving you and forgiving you all the days of your life.’” ~ Daniel Erlander Holy Communion is a gift from God! As with any gift that God bestows, it is given with no strings attached- there is nothing that you can do that makes us more or less worthy to receive the gift. When you or your child receives a gift, it is natural to want to know all about what it is, how it works, and what to do with it. That is what the First Communion Preparation classes are designed to teach your child. It has been the tradition at Bethel that first communion instruction occurs when the parents and the child feel the time is right. There are two different classes required: Wednesday, April 9 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm (classroom instruction in Centennial Room) Wednesday, April 16 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm (baking of bread, stomping grapes, practice) Please RSVP to the church office if your child will be attending. Parents are strongly encouraged to participate with their child. Special recognition of the children receiving their first communion will occur on Maundy Thursday, April 17 during worship at 6:45 pm. Please contact Pastor Julé, Pastor Jim, or Laura Stone if you have any questions.
2014 Visioning! Once again it is time for our congregation to make plans and vision for our future! In 2015 we will be celebrating the 125th Anniversary of Bethel Lutheran Church. We have so much to celebrate! It also reminds us that we need to continue to pray about and ask God to guide us into the next 125 years. The last time we came together as a congregation to vision was in 2008. It has been 6 years. Much has changed at Bethel but much has stayed the same. Where is God leading us into the future? Where does God desire us to minister? How can the Gospel best be spoken, shared, and spread to the people of Bethel and especially beyond our walls? That is what we get to work on. On February 9th the leadership of this congregation will be having a retreat to begin this process. The leadership will gather the information from that evening and then ask for your input as well. Everyone’s input is needed and welcomed! Ultimately this is God’s church, but you are Bethel as well. Your input is invaluable! Please look for further announcements, blue sheets, Facebook updates, and Beacons for more information!
Stewardship “Now there are different kinds of gifts, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all. There are different kinds of services in the church, but it is the same Lord we are serving. There are different ways God works in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work through all of us. Gifts are given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church.” 1 Corinthians 12: 4-7 God has given each person many gifts, which make each of us unique in the Lord’s eyes. Through the sacrament of baptism, God calls us to ministry. We carry forth God’s plan for us by using the gifts God so generously bestows. All of these gifts make us who we are: individual and gifted. When we come forward together as individuals, each of us brings our own gifts as an offering. Each is vital to God’s plan. Blended together we create a ministry on earth. A big thank you to Luther Sannes who has faithfully and generously provided his time and talent on the Stewardship Committee for many years. Your Bethel Stewardship Committee
HOCKEY ANYONE?? Fargo Force Hockey Game game date — Friday, Feb 21 time 7 pm Ticket price is $11.95 Group rate of $9.95 for 12 or more attending Carpooling will be available. Any one interested in attending a Fargo Force Hockey game, please call the church office at 642-4472.
There are two books missing from the library that have been checked out, but no name was put on the card. These items have been checked out since last summer. Would whoever borrowed them, please return them? The first is Dewey the Library Cat by Vicki Myron. The second is Sons of Encouragement by Francine Rivers. Both of these books were recent acquisitions when they were checked out. We would like to get them back so that others can enjoy them. The Bethel Library has recently acquired some different books by Max Lucado. This is such good reading. In February they will be featured on the bookcase on the north wall along with other materials by Lucado. Stop in and check one out. Below are the new acquisitions. 232.9 LU
God Came Near travels back in time and relives Christ the Son of God becoming a man.
FL 232.9 LU
He Chose the Nails examines the cross, contemplates its purpose, and celebrates its significance.
FL 232.9 LU
Six Hours One Friday delves into the meaning Jesus' last hours on the cross.
Bethel’s Daytime Book Club January 14, 2014, six of us members met at Antoinette’s On the River to discuss the book “Room” by Emma Donaghue. This was the liveliest discussion we have had since our origination. We felt it is a “must read” but keep in mind that the content is disturbing and won’t be liked by all. We have selected the following books for February – April: February 11 The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom March 11 Sycamore Row by John Grisham April 8 Someone by Alice McDermott Our regular meeting time is 10:30 a.m. on the second Tuesday of every month in the church library. Help the winter doldrums and join us then!
Evening Book Club For January, the Evening Book Club read author John Grisham's A Time to Kill. It is the story of a father's actions to avenge the crime against his ten-year-old daughter. Although this novel never drew much attention until Grisham gained fame for The Firm and The Pelican Brief, it has become one of his best known. We gave this story of retribution and justice in the south a four star rating. If you are interested in being a part of our group, please join us on February 18th in the Gisvold Lounge at 7:00 pm for a discussion of An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresmiowski.
Have you checked out the new Bethel Website? You can find all Wednesday School info there along with so much more about Bethel happenings! I have exciting news! The Children’s Library is now open! It is located upstairs at the top of the stairs. Come see how it has been renovated and see all the books we have for you to borrow. Watch for new books, DVD’s, CD’s and games coming soon. Special “Thank you” to the following for their donations: Christian Ed. Committee: for all their help in planning, painting and sorting of books. Deb Tobias; for use of steamer and guidance LeMars Deyle (Joyce Johnson’s brother) for carpet Clint Gilbertson & second year welding students: making book shelves Bergers Auto Body: for painting of the book shelves We are busy in Wednesday School. We will be finishing up our “Souper Challenge” on February 5th .Please donate cans of soup to the food pantry, the congregation will place their cans of soup in the food pantry cart and students will bring them to their classrooms; the class with the most will get a special treat on February 12 during class. On February 5th the 5th grade class will take all cans collected to the food pantry and learn about how it serves the community.
5 5 5 12 19 26
Christian Education: Preschool-2nd grades sing 6:45 Worship Souper Wednesday- Bring cans of soup for the Food Pantry 5th Grade to take donations to the food pantry Christian Education: Salt and Light Christian Education: Jesus Teaches about Anger Christian Education: Love Your Enemies Wednesday Worship Assistants (usher, communion, read) Feb. 19 6th Grade Feb. 26 5th Grade
Keep all our Wednesday School students in your prayers.
Laura Stone Christian Education Coordinator Bethel Lutheran Church 607 6th St. N, Wahpeton, ND 58075 642-4472 Home 642-1616 Cell 899-2539 email:
[email protected]
9th grade Confirmation Retreat Sunday, February 16 into Monday, February 17. We are returning to Bear Creek Lodge in Verona, ND. We are excited and ready to go!
Senior High Team will resume on Wednesday, February 12th!
National Youth Gathering 2015 We are busy meeting and planning and fundraising for the trip to Detroit in July 2015. February Fundraisers will be serving concessions at basketball tournaments on February 15 and 22. If you would like to participate, please feel free to join us anytime! We will meet again on February 12th at 7:30 pm. Youth in grades 7-11 this year are eligible to be a part of this event. *Parents and adults - you are welcome to join us at any and all meetings. We will be handing out applications to be adult leaders for the Detroit National Youth Gathering at the February meeting. The Board of Education will then review the applications in early March and make the selections so they can be announced as soon as possible.
Bethel Church:
IN MEMORY OF STEVE KROHN given by Harvey & Mary Laabs; Karen Kearns Lutz; Carl & Sylvia Likness; Wes Allen; Gil & Esther Braaten; Bob & Jeri Oscarson; Marty & Carol Schmidt; Randy & Jean Hoerer; Ryan & Miranda Wells IN MEMORY OF ELDON LARSON given by Bev McRoberts IN MEMORY OF JACK OLSON given by Joyce & Deb Tobias IN MEMORY OF EVERETT JOHNSON, father of Linda Johnson, given by Keith & Nadine Torgerson IN MEMORY OF ART MAHLER, husband of Lucy Mahler, given by Melvin & Darlene Manock IN MEMORY OF MARILYN NELSON, given by Melvin & Darlene Manock IN MEMORY OF FRANK THEEDE given by Melvin & Darlene Manock
Building Fund:
IN MEMORY OF GERALD SCHEITERLEIN, brother of Cathy Uhlich, given by Bill & Mary Anne Grosz
Via de Cristo:
IN MEMORY OF STEVE KROHN given by Bob & Ginny Buck IN MEMORY OF HARVEY BRAUSE, father of Laurie Lekang, given by Bob & Ginny Buck
Radio Fund:
IN MEMORY OF STEVE KROHN given by Henry & Mary Ann Loock
Faith Tool Boxes: IN MEMORY OF STEVE KROHN given by Clark & Gail Williams; Donna Marohl; Sonja Christensen IN MEMORY OF PEARL LUND given by Sonja Christensen IN MEMORY OF ART MAHLER given by Donna Marohl Quilting Fund:
IN MEMORY OF ELDON LARSON given by the Eldon Larson family, Ed & Cathy Uhlich; Hal & Diane Fisher; Ardeith Richter
Bethel Choir:
IN MEMORY OF HARVEY BRAUSE given by Duane & Diane Finnie
Endowment Fund:
IN MEMORY OF ART MAHLER given by Madeline Miller IN MEMORY OF STEVE KROHN given by Al & Inez Eckre
Bethel Youth:
IN MEMORY OF STEVE KROHN given by Connie Sletten; Esther Krause; Duane & Diane Finnie IN MEMORY OF JENNY KAUTZMAN, grandmother of Sandee Moderow, given by Burton & Kristie Berg
Library Fund:
IN MEMORY OF STEVE KROHN given by Clare Byron
IN MEMORY OF STEVE KROHN given by Kathy Hammer
IN HONOR OF PHYLLIS FOLSTAD given by her daughter, Melanie Folstad to Bethel Music groups: Senior Choir, Bell Choir & Praise Band
The Memorial Committee’s main objective is to be the resource for any one person or group of people that would like to give a memorial, honorarium, or commemorate an occasion to Bethel Lutheran Church. It is the committee’s responsibility to formulate a catalog of specific items, keep a record of all memorials and to acknowledge those that have given gifts. If you have any questions regarding memorial items or wish to give a memorial item or honorarium please contact one of the committee members: Doug Peterson@642-6776; Corrine Romereim@6426038; Luther Sannes@642-5140; Mark Stone@642-2377 or Bev McRoberts@642-6745. The committee thanks the members of Bethel for their continued support.
Everyone is, at times on a difficult journey and needs a caring companion to listen without judgment and provide support. If you would like a BeFriender to visit you or know of someone with a need, please contact Pastor Jim. BeFrienders are members of our faith community who are trained to be present and to listen.
These are the people known to have birthdays in
If you have
a birthday in and your name is not listed, we do not have your birthday in our church records. Please contact the church office with your birth date so we may have it for our records.
MAY EACH OF YOU HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 2/1 Kari Cvancara Emily DeVries Sara Gerdon Michael Grefsrud Linda Kocher Charlene Oehlke 2/2 Jacob Goltz Pam Hendrickson Jaden Zaun 2/3 Evelyn Erickson Richard Opoien Ivy Schulz 2/4 Thomas Bernotas Jon Doll 2/6 Bjorn Birkelo Roy Hofmann 2/7 Terry Dohman Brady Grefsrud 2/8 Alyssa Amos Kevin Berger Harriet Bjorke Autumn Rossow 2/9 Justin Birkelo Kyler Flack 2/10 Adam Erickson Arline Hudson Bryce Smith 2/11 Alex Johnson 2/12 Dale DeVries Medora Good Colette Leinen Alice Myhra
2/13 Darci Eggen 2/14 Lachelle Bumgarner Doris Holen Kijia Homes Aaron Stone 2/15 Mike Munter 2/16 Alvin Eckre Wyatt Meyer 2/17 Tenley Hills Bailey Long Brian Uhlich 2/18 Michelle Anderson Lisa Bassingthwaite Sonja Christensen Kyla Knudson Karen Pausch Caitlyn Pithey Brittany Scott 2/19 Cindy Hoaby Deborah Loberg Felisa Mastel Donna Sherven 2/20 Bob Asche Jessica Mastel Ryland Pauly 2/22 Mark Long 2/23 Ashlyn Johnson 2/24 Gregory Buboltz Maggie Hendrickson
2/25 Eric Christianson Erick Erickson Michael Kemmet Joncy Mastel Ethan Petersen 2/26 Myron Braun Kelsey Darwin Abigail Tschakert 2/27 Matthew Berger Callie Knudson Hailey Knudson Jay Townsend 2/28 Dan Gerou Jace Johanson Lori Meyer
Worship VOLUNTEERS If you are unable to serve on the assigned date and cannot find a replacement please call: USHERS —Linda Miller -899-3479 COFFEE SERVERS—Carol Sturdevant -642-4355 READERS & COMMUNION ASSIST—Donna Marohl -642-6284 Please notify the church office of the change at 642-4472.
9:00 am Service February 2
February 9
February 16
February 23
Bonnie MacIver
Dee Jensen
Donna Marohl
Karen Nelsen
Wayne Braaten; Steve Hendrickson; Warren & Anne Retzlaff
Floss Johnson; Linda Johnson; Deb Loberg, Carol Manock
Harvey & Gale Link Randy & Jean Hoerer
Corrine Romereim; Charlene Clute; Patrick & Vicki Trappen
Communion Assist
Cyndy Gustafson
Clint Gilbertson; Sonja Christensen
Coffee Servers
Gil & Esther Braaten Phil & Bonnie MacIver
Missy Klose; Jana & Bob Rugenstein
Doug & Judy Peterson Rhonda & Scott Thiel
Barb & Will Uhlich; Sonja Christensen
March 2
March 9
March 16
March 30
Jane Krump
Cyndy Gustafson
Wayne Braaten
Norma Nosek
Jeff & Steph Beyer; Marilyn Anderson; James & Trudy Arlene Bakken; Jacobson Linda Azurfe; Geri Coyne
Jeff & Kathy Olson; Henry & Mary Ann Loock
Jerry & Judy Oren Donna Marohl; Clint Gilbertson
Dee Jensen; Judy Koppang; Dorie Holen; Cyndy Gustafson
Communion Assist
Sandi Gilbertson; Jane Krump
Sonja Christensen; VonDaLee Grandalen
Mary Ann & Henry Loock Inez Lunde
Jody & Gary Friskop
Phyllis & Neal Folstad Liz & Ralph Graalum
Kathy & Bruce Miller Madeline Miller
Coffee Servers Linda & Frank Azure; Holly Close
Brenda Romereim
March 23
If you are unable to serve on the assigned date please try to find a replacement. READERS please call—Donna Marohl at 642-6284 Please notify the church office of the change at 642-4472.
11:00 am Service February 2
February 9
February 16
February 23
Judy McDaniel
Linda Miller
Jessie Tschakert
Elaine Klocke
Bob & Ginny Buck
Jay & Rikki Townsend
Greg & Darcy Meide
Meryl Hansey; Kathy Hammper
Communion Assist
Paul & Char Oehlke
Paul & Sybil Jacklitch
Coffee Servers
Jeff Beyer
Kathy Hammer; Jessie Tschakert
Greg & Darcy Meide
Troy & Darla Thimjon
March 2
March 9
March 16
March 23
March 30
Brian Quamme
Alexis Tschakert
Steph Beyer
Art Grochow
Kathy Hammer
Devry & Elaine Klocke
Daryl & Michelle Eberhardt
Paul & Sybil Jacklitch
Dale Schulz & girls
Denise & Perry Miller
Jay & Rikki Townsend
Linda Miller
Elaine Klocke
Jessie Tschakert
Communion Assist Bob & Ginny Buck N/A Coffee Servers
Marc & Joyce Johnson
Denise Miller
BETHEL LUTHERAN CHURCH PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING January 7, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Kathy Hammer; Pastor Julé Ballinger; Keath Borchert; Pastor Jim; Dee Jensen; Norma Nosek; Ivy Schulz; Sheila Dolan; Matt Anderson; Hal Fisher; Pam Hendrickson MEMBERS ABSENT: Sandy Hoistad; Paula Norby Krueger CALL TO ORDER:
6:30 pm
MISSION STATEMENT SPIRITUAL DIRECTION: Dee APPROVAL December 3, 2013 MINUTES Motion to accept: Keath Second:
(Motion carried)
TREASURER'S REPORT: December Update as of December 31, 2013 Envelope Offering for the month = $44,466.90 December Surplus/Deficit = $17,757.81 Year to Date Surplus/Deficit = $13,261.33 Checking Account Balance = $30,842.70 Savings Account Balance $30,044.55 Building Fund Balance $10,698.07 Capital Improvement $19,572.55 Benevolences were paid Treasurers report discussed, approved as presented and filed for audit. OLD BUSINESS: 1. By-laws committee – Proposed changes have been made from Synod office. Committee will meet on January 25 and will be an ongoing process for the next year. 2. 125th Anniversary 2015 – committee update – committee has set the date for the main celebration 10-4-15. Will be meeting January 15, 2014 to continue the process. Bishop has been asked to preach on October 4th. 3. Visioning and goal setting for 2014, 2015. Harvey Link will help coordinate a strategic planning meeting on February 9th at the leadership retreat 3-7:30 pm. 4. Nominating committee report – committee report was handed out. All boards filled with the exception of 1 more member needed for Board of Christian Ed. 5. Stewardship campaign update – see board report & #7. Year to date 144 pledges, $273,999. $302,688 was pledged last year. 6. Pre-school potential – still researching. 7. Budget – reviewed major highlights such as audit costs, special assessments, increased income, BeTheLove campaign.
NEW BUSINESS: 1. Board Reports: Board of Lay Ministry- Matt Anderson Researching office postage machine costs Christmas services and the new times went very well Live Nativity was very awesome Board of Stewardship – Norma & Sheila Proposed budget for 2014 discussed Excess of approx.$13,000 to leave $6261 in checking. LSS $5000, Ministerial “Feed My Children” $2000. ½ stays local, ½ to Africa will be proposed from Stewardship at the annual meeting. Board of Outreach - Pam Wayne Braaten doing mission trip to Jamaica in January 19 $120 profit from clothing spent at Ruby’s Pantry 550# taken to Food Pantry Pam and family worked at Ruby’s Pantry in December New Members in March Pam to set yearly calendar for her committee at next meeting Board of Christian Education – Ivy Wednesday school kids sang at the 6:45 service prior to Christmas Ski trip to Andes went well Bowling on January 26th 1-3 pm 3 Rivers Gymnastics Fun Day was well attended 30 hour famine March 21 & 22 at Verona Youth night coming up Confirmation going well Caroling was done at Grumpys – adult ed Adult Ed – planning Feb 21st Fargo Force game Board of Property – Keath Borchert Will hopefully payoff special assessments in 2 years Waiting on bids for windows, Atrium and Pastor Jim’s office Landscaping bids in and will be reviewed Overflow capabilities in Centennial room Donation received for flat monitors to be added in several places throughout church building Sanctuary revitalization committee to be formed soon. 2. January/February Schedule- future dates: Annual meeting Jan 26, 2014, Feb. 9 install new committee members and leadership retreat, April 5 Bishop candidates interviews in Fargo, May 10-11 Synod Assembly – Grand Forks 3. Beacon Articles due January 23rd, 2014 4. Annual meeting 1-26-14 5. Other – check out the updated web site 6. Closing with the Lord’s Prayer – Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday February 4, 2014 at 6:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Kathy Hammer, Secretary