February 2014 Newsletter - Miami Shores Village

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We'll take care of the rest. ... The February, 2014 meetings will be held at 7:30 PM on the 4th and 18th of the month at Village Hall. ... Inferno – Dan Brown.
Miami Shores Village 10050 NE 2nd Avenue Miami Shores, FL 33138

Vol. 62 No. 2

MIAMI SHORES VILLAGE Contact Us: Tel: 305-795-2207 Fax: 305-756-8972 www.miamishoresvillage.com VILLAGE COUNCIL Herta Holly, Mayor Jesse Walters, Vice Mayor Hunt Davis Ivonne Ledesma Jim McCoy

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Thomas J. Benton Village Manager Barbara A. Estep Village Clerk Richard Sarafan Village Attorney Directors David Dacquisto Planning & Zoning Scott Davis Public Works Elizabeth Esper Library Jerry Estep Recreation Holly Hugdahl Finance Kevin Lystad Chief of Police Ismael Naranjo Building

The Village Beautiful

Village Hall and Village offices will be closed on February 17th in observance of President’s Day. Regular garbage pick-up schedules will continue.

Want to receive this newsletter by email?

Residents can sign up to receive the monthly newsletter by email. Simply use the “Contact Us” link on the front page of our website. Be sure your email includes your name and mailing address. We’ll take care of the rest.

Ma j o r L i g h t Di s p l a y : Ca r l o s L u z c a n d o C h i l d re n s L i g h t Di s p l a y : Eklund & Jeanne Glenwood Mo s t C re a t i ve Di s p l a y : Pa m Ma rm i n D a y t i m e L i g h t Di s p l a y : Peraza & Silvia Guillermo Sm a l l L i g h t Di s p l a y : Je r r y & Sa l l y Pu m o

COUNCIL UPDATE Florida Drivers License Renewal or Replacement Friday, February 14th 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Vehicle Registration and Disabled Parking Permits The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles’ mini-FLOW (Florida Licensing onWheels) will be coming to the Miami Shores Community Center. Sorry, no written exams or driving tests!

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Miami Shores Village Official Government

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Americans With Disabilities Act

February 2014

Regular Council Meetings

The February, 2014 meetings will be held at 7:30 PM on the 4th and 18th of the month at Village Hall. The meetings will air on Channel 77 at 7:00 PM on the Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday following the Council Meeting. • • •

Recent Council Action Moved to ratify the Federation of Public Employees Contract. Voted to provide live streaming video of Council Meetings on the Village’s website. Reached a consensus to allow for the submission of a grant application to fund a study regarding bike/pedestrian issues.

Working From Home Miami Shores does allow Home Occupations. However, home occupations shall be restricted to a home office and shall be clearly incidental and secondary to its use for residential purposes. Any businesses that disrupt residents and the community are not allowed. This means that car and boat repairs and other activities that are not normally carried on in a residential district are prohibited. All home occupations require a business license tax receipt which can be obtained from the Village Clerk.

Miami Shores Village complies with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act. If you are a disabled person requiring accommodations or assistance in conjunction with Village functions, facilities, or programs, please notify the Village Clerk’s office at 305-795-2207 of such a need at least 72 hours (3 days) in advance. You may also call this number to request printed material in accessible format, sign language interpreter (5 days advance notice required) or information on available access to individuals with disabilities.

Community Bike Ride Feb. 7 Feb. 7 Feb 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 17

Kids Day Off Open Gym Night Lego Night Drivers License Renewal American Girl Pajama Party FAC Dance Performance Kids Day Off

8:00 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 9:30 AM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 AM

Field House Community Center Community Center Community Center Communtiy Center Community Center Field House

“Ride for Your Heart”

Saturday, Feb. 15th at 10:00 AM Please arrive by 9:45 AM Ride will begin and end at the Miami Shores Community Center. Group Ride will have a police escort. Kids are welcome! Please, No training wheels. Helmets are required. For more information contact 305-758-8103.





Children’s Programs

Call Ms. Kelly for more information

Parents Night Out

Kids Day Off At The Field House Friday and Monday, February 7 & 17, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Fee: Resident: $32 day Nonresident: $37 day Register one week prior or $15 late fee. Insurance required *Limited to the first 42 children. Ages 5+.

Story Time Fun Tuesdays, February 4, 11, 18, and 25, 11:00 – 11:45 AM This month’s themes are Winter fun and Valentine’s Day. Puppet Theater Wednesday, February 5, 4:00 PM All are invited to the Brockway Library marionette presentation of “Beauty and the Beast.”

Open Gym Pirates and Princesses Friday, February 7, 6:30 – 10:30 PM Fee: Res./Nonresident: $28 Siblings: $20 (Additional $5 on event day.) Ages 5+. Drop your gymnast off and let them have a great time practicing their latest tricks, with supervision from Expressions of Talent Staff

After School Stories Wednesday February 12, 3:30 – 4:00 PM In honor of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday we will listen to Abe Lincoln, the Boy Who Loved Books by Kay Winters and Nancy Carpenter. Chess On! Fridays, February 14 and 28, 4:00 – 5:00 PM Play, teach or learn chess. American Girls Club Wednesday, February 19, 3:30 – 4:30 PM We will discuss “Cecile Rey and Marie-Grace Gardner, New Orleans, 1853.” Please read one of these books prior to the meeting. A craft project and refreshments will follow the discussion. Kid’s Knitting Wednesday, February 26, 3:30 - 4:30 PM Please bring yarn and knitting needles. All levels welcome.

Open Lego Night Friday, February 14, 6:30 – 10:30 PM Fee: Res./Nonresident: $28 Siblings: $20 (Add $5 on event day.) Ages 5+. Instructor: Delores Ward Kids will have a great time being creative, engineering fun and playing games using LEGO building blocks, Beyblade battles, and WEDO Robotics. American Girl Doll Pajama Party Valentine’s Dance Friday, February 14, 6:30 – 10:30 PM Fee: Res./Nonresident: $28. Siblings: $20 (Additional $5 on event day.) Ages 5+. Instructor: Joanne Mundy Put on your pajamas, pack your American Girl Doll (or any 18 inch doll) and come to this fun-filled night out. Activities include fun crafts, no-sew projects, pizza, and an ice cream social.

What’s Trending…at your Library? The Best Books of the Year!

The results are in! The New York Times and Barnes & Noble have announced their selections for the Best Books of 2013. If you are looking for a good read, these lists are a great starting point! Brockway Library has every one of these titles, many in book format and Audio CD! Some are even available as free eBooks through the Library’s link at miamishoresvillage.com. Take a look, and reserve your copy today! In Fiction: In Nonfiction: And the Mountains Echoed – Khaled Hosseini Five Days at Memorial – Sheri Fink The Ocean at the End of the Lane – Neil Gaiman Days of Fire – Peter Baker The Good Lord Bird – James McBride The Bully Pulpit – Doris Kearns Goodwin The Luminaries – Eleanor Catton David and Goliath –Malcolm Gladwell The Lowland – Jhumpa Lahiri Lean In – Sheryl Sandberg Life After Life – Kate Atkinson Empty Mansions – Bill Dedman The Goldfinch – Donna Tartt The Reason I Jump – Naoki Higashida The Circle – Dave Eggers Guns at Last Light – Rick Atkinson Inferno – Dan Brown Zealot –Reza Aslan -2-

Flood Insurance Rate Maps and the National Flood Insurance Program

Know your Flood Zone Designation As part of its administration of the National Flood Insurance Program, FEMA publishes flood hazard maps, called Flood Insurance Rate Maps. Since FEMA cannot field check all floodplain boundaries, some areas of high ground are shown as floodplain and some low areas are not. Or, FEMA does not know that your building site has been elevated above flood elevation on compacted dirt fill. Removing your property from a flood hazard area may result in lower flood insurance premiums or your mortgage lender may allow you the option to not purchase flood insurance. However your mortgage lender retains the right to require flood insurance as a condition of providing financing, regardless of the location of a structure. More than 25 percent of flood claims are made by property owners located outside the special flood hazard area so flood insurance may still be a wise investment. To find out if your property is located within a special flood hazard area and what the flood hazard designation is, please visit the Miami-Dade County web page, http://gisweb.miamidade.gov/floodzone/. Flood zone in Miami Shores Area Changing your Flood Zone Designation If you believe your property should not be located within a special flood hazard area, you may submit a request to FEMA for what is called a Letter of Map Change (LOMC). If your residence is located on earthen fill raising it to an elevation that would take it above the base flood elevation, you may submit a request to FEMA for what is called a Letter of Map Change. An amendment to the flood map is a process between a property owner and FEMA and does not involve Miami Shores. Applicants can now use the Online LOMC, an internet-based tool, to easily request a Letter of Map Amendment. This new tool is a convenient way for applicants to upload all information and supporting documentation and check the status of their application online. To apply online go to: http://www.fema.gov/online-lomc.

Drainage Construction in Miami Shores Village Construction continues on Drainage Projects in the Shores. The work at 96th and 10th has been completed and the contractor has moved over to 96th and Club Drive. The next area will be at 93rd and 94th Streets at Grand Concourse in the next 30 days. After all of the projects are complete the final resurfacing will be done so the project area will be restored to their original condition. Stormwater drainage problems have increased over the years as swales have been altered from their original intended function. Swales were created to drain stormwater off of the paved surface of the street. The swales were originally designed with a lower portion in the middle so the water had a place to collect before it seeped into the ground. Now, most swales are flat or even raised as trees have grown larger and the root systems cause the level of the ground to be raised. Paved areas and aging drainage systems also are problematic in removing stormwater after we get a heavy rain. The Village is constantly looking for areas that need remediation. In the next few months, as funding becomes available, other areas of the Village will have drainage work completed. If you have any questions regarding these projects or others in the Village, please call the Public Works Department at 305-795-2210. -3-