Feb 6, 2014 - awareness sessions on GBV basics, risk identification and mitigation, and referral services. Who? IRC/UNFP
Key events in Zaatari camp: February 2014 Regular meetings in February 1. WASH, every Sunday @ 11:00. Chair: UNICEF. Contact: Habib Ur-Rahman,
[email protected] 2. Hygiene, every Sunday @ 13:00. Chair: UNICEF. Contact: Rana Harbawi,
[email protected] 1. Child protection, every 2 weeks on Thursday @ 12:00. Chair: Save the Children/UNHCR. Contact: Hamida Jahamah,
[email protected]
What? Development of shading area, disabled ramps, caravans, wash blocks and base course Who? UNHCR Where? Buffer zone, Base camp When? 6 February onwards
What? Verification exercise Who? UNHCR Where? Registration office When? February, on-going
What? GBV case management and individual/ group counselling support Who? IRC/UNFPA Where? Women & Girls Centre in districts 2, 3, 5, & 8 When? February, on-going. Everyday 09:00-16:00,
What? IOM reception area Who? UNHCR Where? IOM reception area When? February, on-going
What? Mental health services Who? IMC Where? Clinics in districts 4 & 5 When? February, on-going
What? NFI distribution Who? NRC Where? NRC distribution centre When? February, on-going (SatThurs)
2. SGBV, every 2 weeks on Thursday @ 12:00. Chair: IRC, Contact: Elena de Fabbro,
[email protected]
What? Water trucking and garbage removal Who? ACTED Where? All districts When? February, on-going
What? Kitchen gas distribution, cleaning and maintenance Who? IRD Where? Kitchens in all districts When? February, on-going What? Primary health care Who? MdM Where? Primary healthcare centres in districts 4 & 5 When? February, on-going. 0900-16:00, Sat-Thurs
3. Protection, every 2 weeks on Thursday @ 13:00. Chair: UNHCR, Contact: Sandrine Peillon,
[email protected] 4. Youth taskforce, every Tuesday @ 10:30. Chair: UNFPA/NRC. Contact: Emma Bonar,
[email protected]
What? School term starts Who? UNICEF Where? Schools in districts 3, 5 & 8 When? 9 Feb onwards
1. NFI-Shelter, every Tuesday @ 10:00. Chair: UNHCR. Contact: Sobia Öberg,
[email protected]
1. Camp Coordination, every Tuesday @ 14:00. Chair: UNHCR. Contact: Killian Klienschmidt,
[email protected]
What? Protection and psychological services for adolescents (12-18 yrs). Who? IMC Where? Youth friendly spaces in districts 4, 6, 10 & 12 When? February, on-going, (09:00-16:00)
2. Community mobilization, every Tuesday @ 12:30. Chair: IRD. Contact: Faiza Alaraji,
[email protected] 3. Security, every Tuesday @ 11:00. Chair: UNHCR. Contact: Ammar Samain,
[email protected] 4. Strategic Advisory Group, every Tuesday @ 12:00. Chair: UNHCR. Contact: Killian Klienschmidt,
What? Bread distribution (2,000kg/day) Who? WFP Where? WFP distribution centres When? Daily. February, on-going
1. Health, every Monday and Thursday @ 10:30. Chair: MoH/UNHCR. Contact: Brendan Dineen,
[email protected] 2. Reproductive health, every 2 weeks on Wednesday @ 12:30. Chair: UNFPA. Contact: Maysa Al-Khateeb,
[email protected]
What? Hygiene promotion activities Who? Oxfam/JEN/Acted Where? All districts When? February, on-going (Sun-Thurs)
3. Mental health, every 2 weeks on Tuesday @ 13:00, Chair: IMC/WHO, Contact: Ahmad Jaran,
[email protected] 1. Education, every Tuesday @ 11:00. Chair: UNICEF. Contact: Maria Paradies,
[email protected]
1. Food, every Sunday @ 14:00. Chair: WFP. Contact: Elrashid Hammad,
[email protected]
Thank you to all partners who contributed:
Issue 3, Version1, 6/2/2014 Colours correspond with sector activities, e.g. light blue is WASH. Black arrows correspond to cross-district or camp-wide activities.
What? Construction of district roads Who? World Vision International Where? Districts 1-4 & 12 When? February, on-going
What? General food distribution Who? WFP/Save the Children Where? WFP/Save the Children distribution centre st When? 1 cycle: 1-10 Feb
What? Community discussion and awareness sessions on GBV basics, risk identification and mitigation, and referral services Who? IRC/UNFPA Where? Districts 2, 3 & 5 When? February, on-going
What? World’s longest painting Who? UNICEF/IRD/Oxfam/Save the Children Where? IRD tent, district 10 When? February, on-going
What? Informal education sessions Who? Save the Children International Where? Child & Family centres, districts 2, 3, 5-12 When? February, on-going. Shift 1 (boys 4-17 Years): 09:30-11:30. Shift 2 (girls 5-17 years): 12:20-15:30
What? De-sludging of wastewater Who? UNICEF Where? All districts When? February, on-going
What? Taekwondo and music lessons for boys and girls with Syrian coaches Who? IRD Where? IRD tent, district 10 When? February, on-going
What? Construction of NRC youth centre Who? NRC Where? District 8 When? February, on-going
What? Continuation of rat control campaign Who? UNHCR/ NRC Where? All districts When? 2 February, on-going