February 2014

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By Blood We Live - Glen Duncan ... The Blood Sugar Solution 10-day Detox Diet ... Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension.
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Fiction Highlights The Musem of

The Swan Gondola

The Forever Girl by

Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman

by Timothy Schaffert

Alexander McCall Smith “A stand-alone, bighearted, and often heartbreaking novel about unrequited love and the unexpected places it takes us.”

“The story of an electric and impassioned love between two vastly different souls in New York during the volatile th first decades of 20 century society."

" A lush and thrilling romantic fable about two lovers set against the scandalous burlesques and aerial battles of the 1898 Omaha World's Fair.”

More Fiction Titles… Ripper - Isabel Allende One More Thing - B.J. Novak Miss Dimple Picks a Peck of Trouble - Mignon Ballard Death of a Policeman - M.C. Beaton The Counterfeit Agent - Alex Berenson While Beauty Slept - Elizabeth Blackwell Do or Die - Suzanne Brockmann The Bear - Claire Cameron I Am Abraham - Jerome Charyn Confessions of a Wild Child - Jackie Collins Conquest - John Connolly Cell - Robin Cook Tiger Shrimp Tango - Tim Dorsey By Blood We Live - Glen Duncan Under Your Skin - Sabine Durrant The Chase - Janet Evanovich The Drowning Spool - Monica Ferris Blackberry Pie Murder - Joanne Fluke Hopeful - Shelley Shepard Gray The Orphan Choir - Sophie Hannah The Undead Pool - Kim Harrison Hard Going - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles Moving Target - Judith A. Jance Killer - Jonathan Kellerman Runner - Patrick Lee After I'm Gone - Laura Lippman Evening Stars - Susan Mallery The Winter People - Jennifer McMahon Somerset - Leila Meacham Kiss and Tell - Fern Michaels The Red Road - Denise Mina

Thirty Girls - Susan Minot Doing Harm - Kelly Parsons Private L.A. - James Patterson The Good Luck of Right Now - Matthew Quick The Widow's Guide to Sex and Dating - Carole Radziwill Concealed in Death - J.D. Robb The Dealer and the Dead - Gerald Seymour My Name Is Resolute - Nancy E. Turner The Secret of Raven Point - Jennifer Vanderbes

Author Spotlight: Fern Michaels This bestselling author writes romance novels, mysteries, and thrillers which tend to focus on women and relationships. Her fiction series include: The Godmothers (begins with The Scoop)

Sisterhood (begins with Weekend Warriors)

Texas (begins with Texas Rich)

You can find out more about the author and her books her official website: www.fernmichaels.com _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Looking for Nonfiction? Please see the back page.

Nonfiction Highlights The Future of the Mind

Lincoln’s Boys

by Aram Goudsouzian

by Michio Kaku

“The engrossing story of a march that became the key turning point in the history of the civil rights movement.”

“A grand tour of what the future might hold… not only a solid sense of how the brain functions but also how these technologies will change our daily lives.”

“A timely and intimate look into Abraham Lincoln's White House through the lives of his two closest aides and confidants.”

Down to the Crossroads

by Joshua Zeitz

More Nonfiction Titles HRC - Jonathan Allen Glitter and Glue - Kelly Corrigan Where Nobody Knows Your Name - John Feinstein The Blood Sugar Solution 10-day Detox Diet - Mark Hyman Dear Abigail - Diane Jacobs Operation Paperclip - Annie Jacobsen Blood Royal - Eric Jager The Pope and Mussolini - David Kertzer

Little Demon in the City of Light - Steven Levingston One Way Out - Alan Paul Handbook for an Unpredictable Life - Rosie Perez Eliot Ness - Douglas Perry Trapped Under the Sea - Neil Swidey Defiant - Alvin Townley The Virgin Diet Cookbook - J. J. Virgin Code Name: Johnny Walker - Johnny Walker The Queen's Bed - Anna Whitelock

Nonfiction Author Spotlight: Michio Kaku This bestselling author is a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, futurist, a co-founder of “string field theory,” and a self-described “popularizer of science” who has also appeared prominently on various television series (Futurescape, Sci Fi Science, Through the Wormhole). His most popular books include: Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos Physics of the Future Physics of the Impossible Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century

You can learn more about him and his works through his official website: www.mkaku.org

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