February 2016 - London District Catholic School Board

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Bus System: https://www.mybigyellowbus.ca/. Feb. .... Sign up for “Remind”- Text @mrsmarent to (226)271-2116 or to r
Our St Anthony motto:


Be kind, be safe, take care of each other. Soyez gentil, poli et bonne journée!


Upcoming Dates: Feb. 8—12 Book Fair Week in library Feb. 3– Global School Play Day Feb. 4: Parent-Teacher Conferences Feb. 8-11: Dental Screening Feb. 10: Mass at 10:45 Feb. 11: PJ Day $1.00 for Readathon Feb. 16: Carnaval for FDK students School Council Meeting Feb. 18: Living Rosary Feb. 19: FDK Winter Carnaval Feb. 26: Additional PA Day Feb. 29: Non-uniform day (patterns) Feb. 26: Additional PA Day PLEASE NOTE: there will be an additional Professional Activity (PA) Day for all LDCSB schools this year: Friday, February 26. This means there will be no classes for students (elementary and secondary) on that day. Why wasn’t this on the original calendar? As part of the recent settlements the teachers’ federations, there was a provision of an additional PA Day each school year beginning with the current 20152016 school year. We’ve already incorporated the additional day into the draft of next year’s calendar.

School Council: Council Twitter Account is: @stanthonycfis Our next school council meeting is February 16th at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.

Inspired by Christ.

February 2016

Learning together.

Serving together.

Full Day Kindergarten Registration Registration is well under way for the school year 2016-2017. If you know of anyone who is considering a Catholic French Immersion experience, please encourage them to contact our secretary for more information. In order to help us plan effectively for next year, we need to complete registrations as soon as possible. There will be an information night for all parents on June 1. More information to come! Dental Screening is done by the Middlesex Health Unit each year. Screening is critical in identifying children who have dental problems, and monitoring the oral health status of the community. A registered dental hygienist will conduct a brief visual screening of the child’s teeth. Children found to have urgent dental needs or require preventive care may be eligible for financial assistance though the Government programs. Parents of eligible children will receive informational materials via our Dental Report Cards and follow-up correspondence. Gr. 2 students will be screened on Feb. 8 in the morning JK/SK students will be screened in the afternoon of Feb. 8 and morning of Feb. 9 Gr. 8 students will be screened Feb. 9 in the afternoon or Feb. 11 in the morning The school driveway/fire lane is to be used for drop off and pick up only. Parents need to park elsewhere to walk their child into the school or enclosure. We are not allowed to have cars parked in the fire lane. We want to keep the traffic moving and protect our children. The alternative will be to close the parking lot completely during these times. Please also be considerate of neighbours, particularly on Lacy Crescent, during entry and dismissal times. Do not block driveways or tie up traffic on the street. The bus area is for buses only.

St. Justin’s Church: 519-685-2795, www.stjustinsparish.ca

Bus System: https://www.mybigyellowbus.ca/


Our school day begins at 8:55. Please ensure your child is here before the bell rings.

Additional PA Day: February 26 PLEASE NOTE: there will be an additional Professional Activity (PA) Day for all LDCSB schools this year: Friday, February 26. This means there will be no classes for students (elementary and secondary) on that day. Why wasn’t this on the original calendar? As part of the recent settlements the teachers’ federations, there was a provision of an additional PA Day each school year beginning with the current 2015-2016 school year. We’ve already incorporated the additional day into the draft of next year’s calendar. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s Catholic education.

St. Anthony’s 3rd Annual Readathon Read-a-thon will take place again this year, running from March 7 to March 25. Please encourage your children to participate in this event. We will have a read in your PJ’s day on Friday March 11. For $1.00 all students can wear their pyjamas and have a ½ hour set aside during class time for some quiet reading. There will be prizes for the classes in each division who have the most minutes read, as well as the one student who raises the most money. More information will come near the end of February. Piano Lessons available at school. For more information, please contact: Iole Pullara at 519-657-4187 or email at [email protected] Iole Pullara, A.R.C.T., J.B. Mus. Performance

February 3 is Global Play Day Students will be encouraged to participate in unstructured play for 1/2 the day! This means no screens and no teacherled lessons for half the day. There is research to suggest that the fact that children do not grow up playing has negatively impacted them in many ways. For more information please go to globalschoolplayday.com. Students are encouraged to bring non-electronic toys and building materials.


When is it too Cold? In determining whether or not to send students outdoors for recess, anytime the wind chill is –25 or greater, students will remain indoors. The following website is used for reference prior to determining whether or not students will go outdoors: http://www.weatheroffice.gc.

Moving? If you are moving, please check to verify that you will still be living within the St. Anthony boundary. You may refer to the board’s website school locator for this purpose. https:// www.ldcsb.on.ca/School/Pages/School-Locator.aspx Please ensure that you notify the school if you have a change of address and/or phone number. It is critical that we are able to reach you in case of an emergency.

Extra Clothing, Please Please send a bag of extra clothing with your child. Often, children slip in mud or decide to play in it, regardless of parental and teacher advice. It would be very helpful to have extra pants and socks on hand. In a pinch, we can sometimes find extra items but most students would prefer to wear their own clothing. Thank you.

Follow us on Twitter Get up-to-date information on a regular basis by following us on twitter. @StAnthonyLondon Sign up for “Remind”- Text @mrsmarent to (226)271-2116 or to receive messages via email, send an email to [email protected]

Monthly Virtues:

During January, students focused on the virtue of WISDOM. The following students were celebrated with a certificate for exhibiting this virtue at St. Anthony School: Mme Barry: Victoria, Jacob

Mme Smith: Delia, Charlie

Mme Wright:

Mme Bartlett:: Alyssa, Tony, Myah

Mme Bodnar:

Mme Weaver: Ethan, Sophia

M. Serrano:

Mme Loureiro: Aliyah, Matteo

Mme Byers: Jacob, Lauren

Mme Tiemessen: Marin, Aleksandra

Mme MacDonald:

Mme Brown:

Mme Bloor: Sarah P., Sarah T.

Mme McMahon: Paige, Daniela, & Johnny

Mme Rodrigues:

Mme Bates: Grace, Bradley

Mme Patterson: Bella, Emmitt

Mme Caputo: David, Jacob

Mme Mirkowski:

Mme Sirie: Vanessa, Owen

Mme Butler: Liam, Ryleigh

Mme Bilodeau: Michal, Sarah

Mme Buren: Aidan, Sammy

Mme Speiran: Madi, Brock

The virtue for February is reverence (respect). You can show respect by treating others the way you want them to treat you.

Chess Club On Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, many of our students are participating in our chess club. Chess is a great way to develop problem solving skills, and these skills are transferable to many subject areas in school and in life! This is a great opportunity for our students, and we thank all the staff who have been supervising the students at lunch time. If you don’t know how to play, encourage your child to teach you.

Renovation Update: Our school renovation is on schedule. We are hoping to have access to the gym sometime in March, with the rest of the school to be completed by September. In the meantime, students continue to have a variety of Phys. Ed. experiences both at school and at our community facilities. These activities include DrumFit, swimming, skating, and zumba in addition to regular gym activities.

During the month of January, St. Anthony staff hosted a series of 3 Parent Engagement Evenings with a focus on Mathematics. During each session, parents participated in a variety of activities to support math learning from home. We also looked at ways to help children to develop a growth mindset which can help them to persevere, try challenging problems with success, and learn from mistakes.

The Power of ‘Yet’ 

Praise what your child does, not who he or she is. Instead of saying, “you are so smart,” say “I can see you really worked hard.” Praise perseverance and resiliency when you see your child struggle or face challenge. Avoid praising grades. Focus on praising work ethic and effort — not achievement.

Adopt the word “yet” into your vocabulary. If your child proclaims that he doesn’t understand something, can’t dribble a basketball, or can’t play a song on his guitar, remind him that he can’t “yet” but with hard work he will have success.

Avoid comparing your child’s success with siblings or friends — achievement is not a competition. There is enough success for everyone.

One of the most frequently used words in your vocabulary should be the word yet, such as, ‘You are not quite getting it yet, but with practice, you will.’ The following are links about the importance of the word yet: Carol Dweck on the Power of Yet (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-swZaKN2Ic): This video contains a summary of the importance of the word ‘het’ in about 1 minute. Sesame Street: Janelle Monae — Power of Yet (https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=XLeUvZvuvAs): This is an engaging video with the Sesame Street friends learning about the power of ‘yet‘ through a song sung by R&B singer Janelle Monae.

February 2016 Sun











Play Day












FDK Carnaval d’hiver

Conferences 4-8 p.m.







Liturgy at 10:45 @ church



10 Ash






Day 21





26 P.A. Day-

No classes


29 Off uniform day